Most of us are born into families who love us---care for us---provide our needs---keep us warm---watch over us. It is the best of worlds wrapped in a cocoon of love
We begin to grow to become more independent and grow strong as we inch our way into the world. We discover friends---those who are our buddies on the play ground--those who giggle and laugh with us---those who teach us how to "play nice"---those who love us without being family
We discover the opposite sex can be more than our playmates on the playground---we get butterflies in our stomachs in the presence of a special someone---we hold the hand of another and discover the warmth of those first glimmers of a special love---we learn the thrill of romance and the heartbreak of break-ups---we begin to slowly transition into the pre-adult world where we remain camped until we are officially launched
We are in the midst of preparation for independence---college degrees or career training---we make friends some of which will be life long friendships---we meet that special someone who seems to complete us---we learn to love another in an entirely different way---and often we commit our lives to live happily ever after
We then took two and made one and then begin to add others who are a combination of the two---we learn the truest sense of selflessness--we learn to love without a thought for personal needs and wants---we learn to always put others first---we learn how to be a family--we continue the cycle of life with a family of our own
We watch all of the same as we have learned and lived unfold before us with our own---we experience their highs and lows--the pains of adulting---and the final goal of launching them into the word---all the while still loving them-worrying about them-and loving them deeply--completely
We then see the next generation begin---we learn the true extent of how deeply we can love when we first hold our grandchildren in our arms---love without requirement---love for the joy of it---love without effort---we cannot get enough of it
We learn the love we have experienced---the deep-true love beyond ourselves--the love which will never leave us---seems to complete us---is our life breath---the love which seems endless, timeless, complete and perfect---is only a glimpse of the depth of The Father's love for us.
"But God, being rich in mercy,
because of the intense love which He bestowed on us,
caused us,
death though we were through our offences,
to live with Christ"
Ephesians 2:4-5