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 I have spoken many times over the years of the group I ran with for decades.  Sadly, my "parts" do not allow me to run anymore---I REALLY miss those days.  I am still vertical, but walking these days.  With the march of time and changing circumstance, our group has drifted apart.  Nothing more than life happened to create this chasm between us.  I have wonderful fond memories of all those miles together as we raised families and solved the world's problems along the way.

I sometimes feel a huge gap between my generation and  the generation of my children, much less my grandchildren.  We have different aspirations, different likes and dislikes, and different ways of looking at life.  Why it even shows up in church with the pronounced variance of styles of worship.  Many churches have a traditional and a contemporary service to satisfy the factions.  I find I have turned into a hybrid of my mother when it comes to dress. (Dress like an old lady)   The one big difference is I always seek comfort over style.  I look at how the younger generations dress and groan with discomfort.

This past weekend,  we had our annual "Hello Kitty Walk" in memory of a sweet daughter of the group whom we  lost ten years ago.  That day and the days to follow are forever seared into my mind.  Every year Anna-Claire's mother and daddy sponsor our walk and the generations are all drawn together in common remembrance of the sweet girl we lost.  The friends of her parents  and her friends all gather to remember and raise money for a worthy cause.  This year the collection will be sent to the World Central Kitchen to help feed the Ukrainian refuges.  Every year we all draw together and slowly walk and talk ~ catching up and remembering.  Our shared grief is the common denominator of those gathered and that grief has slowly morphed into sweet memories of our common love which comforts us all.  She was a jewel and would love to see us all together laughing, talking & remembering.  The generation gap has been closed by shared love for one special young woman-a commonality.   AND the really wonderful news-- 

"Love never ends"

I Corinthians 13:8 *ESV

If you step back from yourself, you will realize we have much in common in this diverse world.  Our love for others is the all powerful magnet that draws us together.  I am thankful for the brief but inspiring life of this beautiful daughter which draws us all together as a reminder of  our commonality.  

"Put ME like a seal over your heart,

Like a seal on your arm.

For love is as strong as death."

Song of Solomon 8:6