Last week was a
great one until it took a turn late Saturday night… I ended up sick – boooo –
so that put a damper on the rest of the weekend. But let’s recap the rest of the good stuff!
Monday, December 2
Monday morning, the kids had to go back to school after nine glorious days off… BOOOO. We were up early and out the door into the freezing cold, and I had to bring Maui along because she had a follow-up appointment at the veterinary clinic. The doc told us that she hasn’t gained any of her weight back since she started her wet food (she is still sitting at 3 lbs. on the dot), but she said that her blood pressure looked good. They had to send the urine and fecal samples off to a lab, so we had to wait for results on that. I was pretty disappointed at her lack of weight gain because I thought for sure that she had gained some of it back, but I guess I was wrong.
After that, we headed home, and I worked all day long, trying to get caught up on blog stuff. I had gotten way ahead before Thanksgiving, and then during Thanksgiving break, I barely looked at blog stuff, so there was a LOT to do to get caught up. And now, of course, I’m trying to get ahead for Christmas break, but it’s just HARD. I also tackled the mountains of laundry.
At 3, I grabbed the kids from school, and we headed straight home. We had nowhere to be (praise!), and the kids had no homework or tests to study for, so they played outside on their scooters for a long time while I got my Bible study done and then went for a run. Since the sun is setting early these days, I try to get in at least one early run per week, but it’s hard when the kids are in so many after school activities.
Once the kids were showered and ready for bed, we all sat down to watch an episode of Is It Cake? Holiday.
After the kids went to bed, Brian and I finished the JonBenet Ramsey documentary on Netflix.
Tuesday morning, I worked on the blog and laundry, and then, mid-morning, I headed out for an appointment with my therapist. After I was done there, I met Brian at a local appliance store to pick out a dishwasher as ours is on its last leg. They weren’t able to get the dishwasher in stock until sometime in January, so Brian headed to Lowe’s afterward to see if they had it in stock and I headed home to get back to work.
At 3, I grabbed Olivia from school and brought her home, and then Brian was kind enough to grab Jacob from Velocity so Olivia and I didn’t have to go back out. He was off Tuesday, and he was out running errands anyway, so that was convenient because Olivia and I always have this weird, annoying window on Tuesdays where we really need to be home letting her get homework done, but we only have 15 minutes there before we have to leave again to get Jacob.
Instead, she was able to get everything done that she needed to, and she got ready for dance while I did my Bible study. Right after the boys got home, she and I took off for dance, listening to the Wicked soundtrack all the way, and then when I got home, I got in a strength workout.
I’ve been trying to keep my strength workouts extremely light as they definitely anger my neck and shoulder tension, so I didn’t burn many calories, but at least I got something done. In between reps, I also worked on putting some of the laundry away, although, I didn’t finish.
Olivia decided to add Musical Theatre and Hip Hop back into her repertoire after taking a few months off, so she’s now officially taking SEVEN dance classes this year, which means seven recital numbers and seven recital costumes. Whew. That also means that our Tuesday nights just went from her getting home at 6 to her getting home at 7:30, so we’re back to late dinners on Tuesdays for the rest of the school year.
When she got home, she was just bursting with excitement because she loves her Musical Theatre teacher so much, and while that was her least favorite class last year, she said that it may be her favorite this year. I guess it’s a good thing she decided to pick it back up!
When Brian and Olivia got home, I had dinner on the table – beef and parmesan pasta with zucchini and garlic cheesy bread – and we all sat down to eat together.
After dinner, we cleaned the kitchen, and then Olivia got showered. Jacob had already showered while she was gone, so they were both ready for bed by the time she was done. It was freezing here last week, so I also dried her hair which is something we rarely do – she usually just lets it air dry – but I didn’t want her going to bed with a wet head.
After they were in bed, Brian and I watched an old episode of Shark Tank and he placed our order for our dishwasher, and then we headed to bed.
Wednesday morning, I dropped the kids at school and then settled in all morning to get ahead on blog stuff. I was able to knock out three entire blog posts + work on a couple of others and it was such a productive morning.
After school, the kids and I headed straight home, and everyone got changed and ready, and we hit the road for Atlanta to go see… Pentatonix!!!! And I had the perfect Christmas top for it!
On the way to the show, I posted an Instagram story of Olivia and me all ready for the show, and they shared it in their Instagram story. EEEE!!!! I totally fan-girled over that one and Olivia was excited because “we’re famous.” Hahahaha. And also, this first picture... I posted something on Instagram and Olivia's face in the background and her response – CLASSIC. Haha.
This concert was at a venue in Duluth which was slightly farther than most of the venues, and our GPS ended up telling us that the fastest route was to get off the main highway, so we ended up following it, and it took us on some crazy journey of backroads through neighborhoods only to put us right back on the same highway miles down the road.
The whole time, the traffic was absolutely hideous, and we watched our ETA get later and later and later as the drive went on. When we first got in the car, the ETA said 6:18 which was perfect since the show was at 7:30, but with all of the traffic we ended up walking into the venue at 7:15 and we still had to go to the bathroom, grab dinner, and find our seats. Sigh.
We’d been stalking the details from Pentatonix’s other shows, and they pretty much always start about 10 minutes late, so we knew we’d have a little extra time, but not much. When we got inside the venue, we hauled it to the bathroom, and then we had to wait in the longest line for food and drinks – argh – and we made it to our seats at, like, 7:35.
Thankfully, they ended up starting 25 minutes late for our show (probably because there were so many people arriving late thanks to the wonderful Atlanta traffic), so we ended up being in our seats and done eating by the time they walked on stage. Whew. We sure did cut it close, though. Not by choice, though. Haha.
The next two hours were incredible. They were full of energy, they were entertaining, their voices were INCREDIBLE, and it was just the best night… truly a dream and a massive check on the bucket list for me! And I was able to get amazing pictures because our seats were so close!
At one point, they were putting fans in the audience up on the big screens, and I made it on the screen!!!! Haha. I tried to snap a picture, but I didn’t have time to let the phone focus before I took the picture, so you can barely see the screen, but that’s me in the bottom left corner. Haha.
The girl in the group, Kirstin, is several months pregnant and she looked adorable with her baby bump. I was absolutely amazed at her endurance all night. I was so exhausted during both of my pregnancies I can’t imagine getting on stage every night for two hours on my feet and singing. Haha.
The concert ended a little after 10, and right at the end, the girl in front of us was watching Pentatonix’s Instagram stories, so Olivia’s and my picture showed up. Haha. Olivia gasped and got all wide-eyed because she thought it was so cool to see someone else looking at the stories. Social media is so weird, y’all.
We had to park in a parking garage for the show – Brian and I always DREAD a parking garage because it’s impossible to get out afterward when everyone is leaving at the same time – so we settled in for a very long wait. Fortunately, getting out wasn’t as terrible as we’d thought it would be, and once we were out of the parking garage, traffic was free-flowing the rest of the way home.
We ended up getting home around 12:30 AM, and the kids both slept a little on the way home, but it was still a very, very late night for them. Because we got home so late, we decided to push our alarms back for Thursday morning and let the kids sleep in a little. Brian and I had to sit with Maui for a few minutes before we could go to bed, so we didn’t end up getting to sleep until nearly 1:30.
Thursday, December 5
Thursday morning, I got up at 7:15 and then we got the kids up at 7:45. They both did really well considering they’d gotten less than seven hours of sleep (when they usually get 9-10), and Brian and I got them to school at 8:45, so they only missed 45 minutes of first period. That was the first time in history that I’d ever checked them in late because we always aim to get them there at the beginning of the drop-off window. So even if there’s bad traffic due to a wreck and we have to wait/reroute, we’re still on time.
Once I got them checked in at the school office, Brian and I headed off together for a day date AKA a Christmas shopping date. First up, was Target, of course, and I grabbed a Peppermint Mocha on the way in. We were able to find a few gifts for the kids and get a few teacher gifts, but it wasn’t quite as productive as I’d hoped.
They were both looking chipper for having had less than seven hours of sleep, and they both reported that they’d had a good day even with the lack of sleep.
They both had music lessons after school, so we headed there next, and Jacob worked on three songs in his sheet music book. Olivia’s guitar teacher had decorated his door all cute for Christmas, so of course, we had to snap a picture.
After lessons, we headed home, and Olivia worked on homework while I did my Bible study. Brian and I made breakfast for dinner, and we had mimosas with it since we had champagne leftover from Thanksgiving.
Brian and I ended the night with an old episode of Shark Tank, and then we went to bed early, too.
Friday, December 6
Friday was FREEEEZING, but thankfully, I had nowhere to be, so I got in some sweats and snuggled up at my computer for most of the day, catching up on blog work and looking at our Christmas gift situation.
At 3, I grabbed the kids from school and then we headed home, with no place to be for the rest of the evening. That was a nice little treat after the long week we’d had.
When we got home from school, the kids cleaned out their backpacks, loaded their water bottles in the dishwasher, and tidied up, and then I let them have some screen time for a couple of hours. It’s been so cold lately we haven’t had much outdoor time. Olivia actually worked on crafting a Taylor Swift banner to hang on her mirror. I think it’s safe to say that she’s obsessed. ;o)
After dinner, the kids got showered, and while they did that, I made cinnamon muffins for my girls brunch the next day. While those were in the oven, I finally got the ribbons on our banisters to complete our Christmas decorations. Hobby Lobby only had three spools left, so I had to make do, which meant that the ribbons had to be shorter than I’d wanted, but I think it still looks good. The ribbon is just not quite as dramatic as I wanted.
After the movie was over, the kids proceeded to dress up in every single one of our Christmas props and dance around the house all goofily. There is never a dull moment with these two. I just love them so much.
Saturday morning, we slept in, and I made homemade waffles for breakfast. After breakfast, I sat down with Maui and my hot tea and watched ESPN College GameDay which was live from yet another one of our Georgia games. It was SEC Championship game day in Atlanta, and we had another matchup with Texas.
I had really wanted to go run, but it was freezing all morning, so that was out, and since I had a girl’s brunch to get to, I ended up not working out at all. I’ve been lazy the last few weeks.
I got all dressed up in my bow shirt and my bow shoes – any excuse to wear the shoes! – and then I headed to my friend, Jessica’s house with my cinnamon muffins and a wrapped ornament in tow.
Our entire group was finally able to make it on Saturday (we usually have one or two missing since we’re all so busy), so it was a real treat. My friend, Jessica, is the hostess with the mostest, and she had the most beautiful charcuterie board along with a cocktail (my Winter White Cosmo Bonefish copycat recipe!) and a non-alcoholic cocktail. Her house was decorated beautifully, and she had done an amazing tablescape. We always love when she hosts because everything is so festive!
After lunch, we all sat down to do our ornament exchange, and we did the “Dirty Santa” thing – where everyone draws a number and then you go around selecting a wrapped ornament or stealing from others. I ended up stealing the cutest ugly sweater ornament with a mirror ball ornament on it and it is just the cutest thing!
Maui was a little “off” on Saturday and all she wanted to do was lay in my lap, so I ended up sitting down on the couch for the entire game with her sleeping in my lap. And she was laying really weird… she always lays in my lap facing to the left, but Saturday she was laying face down with her front legs both out, so I was wondering if her right leg was bothering her and she didn’t want to lay on it? It was so strange and it made me wildly unproductive, but I just wanted my girl to be comfy. I did get the Christmas cards stuffed in envelopes but that was about as far as I got.
It was an INCREDIBLE finish – another instant classic – and we were all in disbelief that we’d won after all of the craziness that had happened to our quarterbacks. Thank goodness we are ranked high enough to be one of the lucky few to have a bye in the first round of the playoffs because both of our quarterbacks have some serious healing to do.
After that, the kids went to bed, and Brian and I flipped back and forth between two of the other conference championships.
My throat had started feeling itchy late in the evening, so I made a hot toddy, and by bedtime, I felt like I was coming down with something.
Sunday, December 8
Sunday morning, I felt yucky when I woke up. I had a decent amount of congestion in my throat, and I had a little cough, but I also had mild body aches and a dull headache. Sigh.
I got up a little earlier than usual because I couldn’t sleep anymore from the headache, and then I headed downstairs to start the cinnamon rolls, unload the dishwasher, and hand wash a few things. By the end of breakfast, I really wasn’t feeling well – mostly just from the mild aches – but my body also felt really tired.
I took some Ibuprofen for the body aches and headed to my office to try to get some stuff done, but it was tough to stay upright because all I wanted to do was lay down. I also started getting mild chills before the Ibuprofen kicked in, and my forehead thermometer gave a reading of 100.1 which is very high for me since I usually run around 97.6. The forehead thermometer is finicky, though, so I always take it with a grain of salt. I wasn’t able to use an oral thermometer, though, because I’d been drinking hot tea and ice-cold water, so there’s no way it would have given an accurate reading.
Anyhoo, something was clearly not right, so I watched my Sunday morning sermon online, I got my planner ready for the week ahead, and then I went and crawled right back into bed because I couldn’t sit up anymore.
I stayed in bed for about 45 minutes, and I think I dozed for a few minutes, and then I woke up when Brian came in the room to get ready to go to his mom’s for lunch. We had my nephew’s birthday to celebrate there and then we were supposed to go to my friend’s kids’ play, but since I was feeling so bad, I didn’t want to risk bringing my germs to anyone, so I canceled it all. And it’s a good thing I did, because Monday I tested positive for Covid. Yuck.
Brian still took the kids to his mom’s and I stayed home in my PJs with Maui and *tried* to get some stuff done, but it didn’t go well. I ended up talking to my mom on the phone for, like, 30 minutes, and she still sounded terrible, too. She’d been sick for almost 14 days at that point and was still struggling to get rid of her cough. It had been 11 days since I’d seen her at that point, though, so I know whatever I got didn’t come from her!
While Brian and the kids were gone, I did work on a blog post, and I managed to transfer my photos from my phone to the computer, but that was about it. I had to take lots of breaks since I wasn’t feeling great, but honestly, it could’ve been worse… that Ibuprofen really helped!
I watched Serendipity, drank TONS of fluids, ate a very healthy lunch, took my vitamins, and did every single thing possible to flush the sickness out of me as quickly as possible.
Brian and the kids got home late in the afternoon and the kids got everything tidied and ready for Monday, and then they played video games for a bit. They’d had a good lunch and played badminton at Nana and Poppie’s with their cousins. I was glad they were able to get some good outdoor time because it’s been really cold here and they haven’t gotten out much lately.
I stayed in my office the rest of the afternoon and worked on my Bible study, and then Brian picked up sandwiches from Jersey Mike’s since we had no food in the house. I was due to go grocery shopping on Monday, so we were down to nothing!
While he was gone, I got a bit of a second wind (or a first wind, maybe? Haha) and I was able to get some dishes done, get the downstairs tidied, and put away a few things that had been sitting out all weekend.
When Brian got home, we all ate dinner together and then the kids got showered and ready for bed. We watched some of the Rockefeller Christmas Tree Lighting that we’d recorded and then the kids headed to bed.
Brian made me a hot toddy while we watched some of an old Shark Tank episode, and then we headed to bed early.
Happy Wednesday, y’all!