Showing posts with label Red River College. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Red River College. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

RRC student launches new Winnipeg podcast

Got a major jones for podcasts? Then watch a major podcast by Jones.

I give you CreComm student Tristan Field-Jones' first-ever On the 'Peg podcast:

Tristan is working on this podcast as part of his Independent Professional project, a year-long CreComm course in which students develop an original and meaningful project that they propose, complete, and market independently.

You can like On the 'Peg on Facebook; the next episode will be available in the New Year on iTunes. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Who says writers can't draw?


Who says a writer can't draw? Certainly not me, after marking some pretty awesome storyboards from my first-year advertising class.

A small sample of the artistic genius (each frame is from a separate storyboard):

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

All hail the king and queen of CreCommedy Night '11

Hi Ho Cherry-O! Brea Perrelli tears up the room. 


CreCommedy Night '11 at Rumor's was a raging success this year, as 28 of Red River College's funniest and bravest students took to the stage to perform stand-up comedy for the first time.

That was my cue to look into the camera with a serious face and say, "Funny." 

Special thanks to Cara Lytwyn who tore up the room as our host and emcee, to all of the CreComm grads and friends who stopped by to watch and judge the big show, and to Rumor's for allowing us to crash the place.

People's choice awards

Our panel of 10 judges has spoken and selected these comics as our top five of the night: 

1. Dylan Hughes
2. Mike Tanasychuk
3. Adam Campbell
4. Brea Perrelli
5. Andrew Parker. 

Pale, gangly, specter Dylan Hughes.

Forgive my snorts and guffaws into the camera. I know it's bad. I'm working on it. Snort.

Well done all. Incidentally, the point spread is less than six marks out of 20, from highest to lowest. A squeaker that attests to the quality of the show.

A DVD of the evening's festivities will be available shortly. Watch this blog for more details. 

See you next year.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Last chance to buy advance CreCommedy Night tix

Former comedy-writing student, current big-time comic Dan Verville. 

The time is running out to buy advance CreCommedy Night tickets. The big event takes place at Rumor's on Monday, Nov. 7, 2011.

Advance tickets are available until Thursday morning from me, Kenton Larsen, comedy promoter, esq. After that, all tickets must be purchased at the door on the night of the performance.

The night features 28 of Red River College's funniest Creative Communications students making their stand-up comedy debut - three hilarious minutes of material each.

Doors open at 6:45 p.m., show starts at 8 p.m.

Buy early. Buy often.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Haunt your Halloween with sound drama for unsound minds

Tree of Death: "I give Tree of Life but one star. Bwah-ha-ha!"

Hallo, weenie.

I have the deathly duty to bring you spooky Halloween vignettes from the demented minds of the ad majors, who do the audio voodoo they do in Cathy Hanson's scary-cauldron-o-audio-production class (all rights reserved).

Approach with caution, good readers, for these horrors may haunt your heart, mind, and social-media sites for year to come. You have been warned:

1. Vignette one

2. Vignette two

3. Vignette three

4. Vignette four

5. Vignette five

6. Vignette six

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

CreCommedy Night hits Rumor's on Monday, Nov. 7

Don't let the spelling fool you. 

CreCommedy Night (correct spelling!) is coming to Rumor's on Monday, Nov. 7, 2011 (not 2012, though that's futuristic and cool). 

The night features 28 of Red River College's funniest Creative Communications students making their stand-up comedy debut - three hilarious minutes of material each.

Doors open at 6:45 p.m., show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $10 and available at the door on the night of the performance and in advance from me. Don't forget to tip your teacher. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

CreCommedy Night hits Rumor's on Nov. 7

 Telling some jokes, just like Gilbert Gottfried did. 

The heart pounds, the palms sweat, the knees knock. You gasp for air. Finally, you walk toward the light.

Death is easy, stand-up comedy is hard.

But you don't have to tell that to Red River College's funniest Creative Communications students, who will be making their stand-up comedy debut at CreCommedy Night on Monday, Nov. 7 at Rumor's.
    The big night features 28 of my comedy writing students doing three minutes of material each, bookended by host Cara Lytwyn and headliner Dan Verville, two successful comedy-writing grads in their own right.

    Doors open at 7 p.m., show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets cost $10 and will be available at the door and in advance (info TBA).

    A splendid time is guaranteed for all. 

    Wednesday, October 5, 2011

    Ad majors tower over the Marshmallow Challenge

    The winners and world champions.

    How do you build the tallest freestanding structure you can using 20 sticks of spaghetti, a yard of tape and string, and a marshmallow?

    Through collaboration and teamwork. Or not.

    The Marshmallow Challenge is a design and collaboration exercise that encourages teams to experience simple - or is that profound? - lessons in innovation and creativity by building the aforementioned structure in 18 minutes.

    The marshmallow needs to be on top. Wah, wah, wah!

    As the man in the Ted video (below) says, part of the fun is that business students and grads tend to perform the worst at the challenge, and kindergarten students produce the tallest and most-interesting structures.

    The ad majors made a great go at it, and the winners (pictured at the top of this post) made a structure of 26 inches, well above the height of the average structure. Their prize? Oh yeah: there wasn't one.

    Next semester: we revisit the challenge, and the prize will be...more wealth than you can imagine! 

    Thursday, September 8, 2011

    My favorite blogs appear in human form at RRC

    Alyson, Liz, Erica, James. Photo by John Pura. 

    If you blog it, they will come.

    Big thanks to Alyson Shane, Liz Hover, Erica Glasier, and James Hope Howard for coming to RRC today to be part of our annual bloggers roundtable.

    Good news: they'll be following first-year students' blogs, and coming back to RRC toward the end of this semester for a bloggers state of the union.

    Follow them on Twitter here:


    And visit their blogs here:

    Diary of a Web Gal
    Sadie Shihtzu
    Slurpees and Murder

    Some of their recommended links (aka - the ones I wrote down!):

    ProBlogger: 31 Days to Build a Better Blog
    Jeff Jarvis
    Chuck Jones Conversations
    Kyla Roma
    How to Blog
    The Anti-Social Media
    State of the City
    Zach Bussey
    Don't Make Me Think
    Tony Pierce

    Monday, June 20, 2011

    Where have all the (prolific) bloggers gone?

    They went thatta way.

    Blogging is a lot like going to the gym: you'd rather not be doing it, but you know that in the long run it's good for you.

    And, at the gym and online, I can say with certitude that there's a very real danger you'll run into Weiner in his gitch. But that's another blog.

    The great blogging experiment

    It's been two years since Creative Communications students at Red River College have been blogging as part of their coursework and professional portfolio, so they can post their assignments, thoughts, hopes, dreams, and porn. Just kidding: porn isn't professional.

    What makes the blog assignment a “professional” endeavor is that it gives potential employers a sense of how well a person can write, how often, “voice,” style, interests, sense of humor, anxieties, etc.

    I continue to believe that having a blog is key to being awesome in general and getting a job in the communications industry in particular; my ad major co-instructor Audra Lesosky says that her agency, McKim Cringan George, likes to see a blogging and social-media presence from any candidate fresh out of school. Of course, that's in addition to the standard portfolio, which still has a place too.

    At the same time, the right column of the CreComm Blog Network tells a tale: of the 60-some students who graduated this spring, seven bloggers remain active (grads drop off the list when the blog shows no activity for a month).

    Of the students who are returning to school in the fall, about one-third continue to blog, though some spend more time "writing" blog posts than others, who may just post a video or photo without comment (OK for what it is, but it wears thin if that's all you ever give your readers).

    I sometimes wonder if I've helped students hate blogging by making it an assignment. I also sometimes wonder whether people who love writing so much that they register for a full-time writing class aren't hungrier to get their morsels of wisdom out to their adoring publics.

    Why, when I was a whippersnapper, I had to navigate a "gatekeeper" at a "media outlet" to get my "writing" "read" by "my audience." No more quotation marks ever - promise.

    Frequency = authority

    Brian Solis' blog post - "Rumors of the Death of Blogs are Greatly Exaggerated" - summarizes a 2009 Technorati survey/report on blogging. According to the report, there's a simple reason why people should blog as often as possible: frequency = authority.

    Among the report's findings: 
    • "One of the primary reasons more is because they feed off the greater interaction that results from their commitment to quality and frequency of content. More importantly, self-employed bloggers claim that blogging has proven valuable for promoting business services and capabilities."
    In other words, start building your audience now, because your business may depend on it later. 
    • "Authority is tied to investment of time, energy, and activity. The most-read and highest-ranking blogs publish more posts than the average blogger. The distance between elite bloggers and those who aspire to join them is tied directly to prolificness. Bloggers who rank among the highest post 300 times more than the lower-ranked bloggers."
    So, you don't stop blogging because "nobody reads my blog." You blog more, so that more people eventually do.

    See you at the gym, Weiners!

    Thursday, June 9, 2011

    It's an honor to be honored with these honors

    I'd like to thank God, my agent, colleagues, Steve Jobs, students, Mel Gibson, and anyone else I'm forgetting for this honor.

    Big thanks to the School of Learning Innovation for recognizing Graphic Design instructor Diane Livingston and I with a Learning Innovation Award for our iPad ePub project, embarked upon by the CreComm Advertising majors and second-year graphic-design students.

    The recognition includes the above video - put together by Michael Farris, manager of learning technologies and his team at Red River College - lunch with RRC President Stephanie Forsyth (so, no forthcoming blog about how I never get to eat lunch with the president), and these lovely, giant-sized framed awards, which crushed me to death yesterday as I carried them to my car:

    It's just, plain nice to work for an employer that recognizes staff. Thanks for the thanks!

    Wednesday, June 1, 2011

    Congratulations to CreComm class of 2011

    Just a handful of this year's best and brightest CreComm students.

    The tassel is worth the hassle. 

    Congratulations to the brand-new communication professionals who graduated today from Red River College's Creative Communications program.

    It has been my pleasure to know you for the past two years, and I wish you all of the best as you embark upon the exciting life and career that awaits you.

    Go forth and communicate!

    CreComm Gold Medalist Kimberlee Lawson.

    A well-deserved standing O for this year's grads.

    Saturday, May 21, 2011

    Updated tech requirements for first-year CreComm students

    Message going out to next year's first-year CreComm students - in light of (we're told and hope) a new-and-improved RRC Wi-Fi system and global domination of tablet devices:

    You are required to have ONE of the following mobile devices for your coursework:

    1. iPod touch (8GB, 32GB, or 64GB)


    2. iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, or other mobile phone offering access to 3G wireless, apps, the Web, email, photography, and video.


    3. iPad, iPad 2, BlackBerry PlayBook, Motorola Xoom, or other tablet device offering access to Wi-Fi or 3G, apps, the Web, and email.

    The iPod touch is the least-expensive option, good for mobile email, watching and taking video, playing music, reading news apps, mobile blogging, recording podcasts, tweeting, monitoring RSS feeds (like your classmates’ blogs), and understanding the app landscape.

    With the iPod touch and Wi-Fi tablet devices, you require no contract with a service provider, as you can use Red River College’s Wi-Fi network for free.

    Smartphones and 3G-enabled tablets allow you to do the same, in addition to having access to a 3G network wherever you are and – in most cases – make phone calls. However, they also require 3G cell service bought through a 3G service provider, which can be costly.

    If you have any questions about these devices, we will be happy to answer them at registration on Monday, Aug. 29 at 11 a.m. in P107. You will be required to have these devices by the second week in September.

    Monday, May 9, 2011

    GolinHarris' checklist for potential employees and interns

    One of the best things we did on the CreComm Chicago trip was visit global PR agency GolinHarris.

    On our visit, recent hires Alyssa Bronikowski and Alexandra Kassel (pictured above) gave us the grand tour and a seminar about all things GolinHarris, including this list of the character traits that the firm looks for in new hires:
    • Passionate
    • Organized
    • The ability to research
    • A desire to "jump onboard" and "make things happen"
    • A person who can really write, as evidenced in his or her blog or journal
    • A person active in the industry with an awareness of how it works
    Simple! And Canadian interns are welcome.

    Thanks to GolinHarris for having us and to Alyssa and Alexandra for the great seminar - and my brand-spankin' new McDonald's shirt, which I haven't removed since last week, even to shower.

    Friday, May 6, 2011

    CreComm trip Chicago pix - Day 4

    Just as it does every year, the CreComm Chicago trip feels like it's over before it even began.

    Tomorrow, we begin our long journey back to a horrible place called, "The Mall of America." Shudder.

    Highlights of the last day:

    Your Wrigley Building (left) is in my Chicago Tribune (right). Your Chicago Tribune (right) is in my Wrigley Building (left). Hey, they taste great together!

    We visited PR firm Golin Harris and its staff impressed us with their awesomeness. Watch this space for a future blog post, re: what the firm looks for when it's hiring staff and interns.

    I won this kick-ass T-shirt at Golin Harris for knowing who Ray Kroc is. Tomorrow: I will begin wearing it wherever I go and bragging even more than I already do.

    A lovely walk through the ruins of the American financial system.

    Lunch at Petterino's, dessert at Mario's Italian Lemonade (above), dinner at Timothy O'Toole's. I'm not hungry anymore.

    Went into NBC's Education Nation mobile home and came out all edumacated.

    Around the bend, beside yourself, Next to Normal. A musical about me!

    Goodbye, Chicago, we hardly knew ye.

    Thursday, May 5, 2011

    CreComm Chicago trip pix - Day 3

    And on the third day in Chicago: our feet bled.

    The Field Museum, Shedd Aquarium, and Adler Planetarium are all great places, but after seven hours of straight museuming, I'm too tired to even look up the word "museuming" or care that it's probably not a word.

    The day's highlights:

    Aggie Semeniuk's new Scott Pilgrim tattoo. I got a matching one on my forehead.

    Yeah, it's a good thing they stopped him before he did something crazy.

    Al Bundy wuz here.

    This Field Museum banner is hung like a horse.

    I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky...hey, who stole my wallet?

    Are you ready for your close-up, Ms. Kidman?

    Chicago, 1959. Or, like, even earlier.

    You say educational, I say gross.

    Dude sleeps with the fishes.

    What a lovely water ballet of graceful - arrghhh!

    I find your lack of fish disturbing. 

    I, Copernicus, hereby proclaim that I can see my hotel from here.

    Casey Kasem: feet not on the ground, but still reaching for the stars. 

    I walked in, said, "Domo arigato," and was banned from the store for life.

    Mi Tierra, Su Tierra. Fine dining on Cinco de Mayo to celebrate the Mexican army's great victory over the French, which resulted in tortilla chips replacing French fries as the official snack food of planet Earth.

    Of Montreal. In Chicago. On stage.