Showing posts with label education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label education. Show all posts

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Ten new words that cantt leave you defriendless

See number 10. (Photo from Global). 

1. Ad verb - Action words you only see or hear in ads, like "gangbusters."

2. Cantt Chart - A bar graph showing everything you won't accomplish by the deadline.

3. Crappens - Unplanned shit that comes into being.

4. Defriendless - Feeling vulnerable when a non-friend insults you and your friends do nothing.

5. Forbodinner - The creepy feeling that something bad is going to happen after a meal.

6. Phonbia - An irrational fear of any phone number you don't recognize on call display.

7. Pornmotions - Publicizing a film or video with "adult situations."

8. Premembrance Day - Remembering war veterans before Remembrance Day, to justify shopping on the day off.

9. Presearch - Procrastinating about undertaking a systematic investigation into something.

10. Saskatchcicles - The ice hanging from football players' Sasktesticles during the last Grey Cup.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Igniting the Burning Schoolhouse of love

Burn, baby, burn!

When I was a kid, one truth was self-evident: every kid wished the school would burn down.

We weren't exactly roving bands of bloodthirsty teens; it was more that we viewed the building itself as a symbol of math, grammar, history, and other terrible things we'd no longer have to do if the place just went away.

Since it never did, we lived out our dreams every Victoria Day by begging our parents to buy us the Burning Schoolhouse: a piddly Roman candle placed in a cardboard, faux-brick schoolhouse. You'd light the candle ("the fireplace"), and it burst into flame as smoke poured out of the schoolhouse windows and the thing burned to the ground. What's not to love?

The whole presentation was pretty lame, so as kids watched it burn, they'd have to use their imaginations to fill in the blanks: "There goes the science lab! Better jump out the window, Mr. (teacher's name)! Guess we won't be having gym class on Monday!" As far as I know, no one ever said, "Oh, the humanity!"

Even better, it turns out that the Burning Schoolhouse is a Canadian invention and almost unknown outside of the country. According to the book, 1000 Questions About Canada, the Burning Schoolhouse was "devised and manufactured in the 1930s by Hands Fireworks Inc."

Sadly, the Burning Schoolhouse is no longer listed in the company's catalogue. Too bad, because now that I'm an adult teacher, one truth is self-evident...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Using Dropbox in education: 50-million users can’t be wrong

Beware the Dropbox bogeyman.

Dropbox is an awesome technology tool that a number of teachers, support staff, and students are already using at my college, but that has not been officially introduced into the classroom or endorsed by the institution.

It's one of the reasons I believe that "work-approved" might be the most-dangerous two words in any workplace, including the educational environment.

My theory is that if “opinion leaders” (or “trust agents” in online parlance) adopt and use a piece of technology at work without being prompted, there’s probably something pretty useful going on there, in addition to a strong argument for considering a carefully planned approach to workplace (in my case: "classroom") integration.

In my discussions with staff, Dropbox comes up a lot. I use the app every day, love it, and have integrated it into my life so I can’t live without it. However, what intrigues me most about this innovation is that schools and other workplaces have been so slow to adopt it.

What is Dropbox?

Dropbox is a free web and mobile app tool that stores and syncs files, so you can access, update, and share them from home, work, or virtually anywhere using your laptop, desktop, smartphone, and tablet.

When you update documents, they sync across these devices, and Dropbox saves a copy to your laptop’s hard drive for backup. It has deeper implications in the classroom as a learning tool.

Writer Chris Murphy says:
“Dropbox is the embodiment of the consumerization of IT. It makes saving files online mindlessly simple. Want to give a bunch of people access to your 12-MB PowerPoint presentation without crushing their inboxes? Save it to Dropbox and give them access.”
Dropbox is part of the migration to cloud computing through services like Apple’s iCloud, Microsofts’s SkyDrive, and Box. What makes Dropbox special is its simple design, ease of use, famous investors (U2’s Bono and The Edge) and 50-million users (by its own estimate).
What’s the controversy?

Can 50 million users be wrong?

Many workplaces have a pathological fear of technology "housed on off-site servers" for reasons of privacy, performance, and security. The concern about online security isn’t without merit, as evidenced by recent cyber attacks against Twitter and the New York Times.

Murphy acknowledges this common fear and adds another issue to the pile: “transfer(ing) limits trying to upload from my iPad an enormous file containing video of an entire half of my daughter's soccer game.”

So, Dropbox isn’t perfect. However, the alternative – using an internal Dropbox system – is no walk in the park. At my college, students and instructors have a public “shared folder” and a private “secure folder,” which require separate passwords to access.

As anyone who’s worked with an internal IT system knows, this system is equally vulnerable to blackouts and security issues. As well, it’s impossible to access the internal system using mobile devices.

I, and Murphy, argue that the answer can’t be to provide “something inferior” or, even worse, “nothing at all” out of a fear of the worst-case scenario.
“IT needs to get excited about this trend,” says Murphy. “In the not-so-distant future, if not now, your employees will expect a "bring your own cloud"- BYOC - policy that mimics their consumer experience.” 
“Mobile devices will increase pressure to provide an easy way to move things created on a PC to a smartphone or tablet, and to share huge files without exceeding corporate inbox limits (or resorting to Gmail).”
Downloading and setting up Dropbox for yourself
  1. Visit
  2. Start a free account (you get two gigs to start, but you can quickly increase that amount by suggesting Dropbox to your friends).
  3. Run the installer.
  4. Double-click on the Dropbox icon in the pop-up box.
  5. A Dropbox widget appears on the top of your laptop’s menu screen. You can create folders in your Dropbox, and simply drag and drop files into the widget to save them.
  6. Download the Dropbox app to your smartphone or tablet. Sign in with the same account and – presto – you can access your files.

Downloading and setting up Dropbox in the classroom
  1. Visit
  2. Sign in using the account you created, above.
  3. Create folders for each of your classes or subjects.
  4. Click on any folder in the Dropbox and “invite to folder” using students’ emails. Once you’ve invited everyone, the folder is “shared.” Everyone can add, edit, and delete content. However, Dropbox has a “save” for folders deleted accidentally – you, the Dropbox owner, can “show deleted files” and restore them. If you don’t want students to be able to edit the files, you can upload PDFs.
  5. Finally, encourage students to download the Dropbox app on their smartphones and tablets.

In addition, you could provide each student with a Dropbox folder inside each class, so only you and that individual student could see it.

Integrating Dropbox into the classroom

Now that you’ve got it all set up, this is where the fun begins. You can use Dropbox to:

1. Share assignments and readings. 

Using Dropbox eliminates the need for you and your students to use external storage devices and easily share and collaborate on documents. This includes documents that are too large to send by email.

The great thing is that you can share the documents from “anywhere.” I’ve been known to remember to send my class an assignment or article on the bus ride home from school and – presto – off it goes from Dropbox and the comfort of Winnipeg Transit.

2. Backup important files.

Writer Julie Meloni says:
“If Blackboard or your Web-hosting provider goes down, where would your students turn? How long would it take you to recreate those systems? If your documents were also stored in a public folder in your (Dropbox) account, anyone could access them from any device (including mobile devices), and you would have a backup ready to transfer to another system.”
In addition, Dropbox saves your files to your computer’s hard drive, so even if the worst-case scenario happens (the app gets hacked or goes away) you’ll always have them.

3. Collect homework.

Dropbox provides each file with a time stamp, so you can tell what date and time it was delivered.

4. Evaluate students’ homework and portfolios.

As I mention earlier, teachers can create shared folders for each student, allowing them to submit private assignments and save collections of items, like portfolio pieces, without anyone but you and them seeing it. The teacher can open the assignments and make changes or comments.

5. Get students to have discussions and work collaboratively.

“Shared” and “public” folders allow you to get students to work in groups or publicly, as you require. You can also use Dropbox as a substitute for Google Docs and wikis: one student saves a document in the file folder, and another opens it and adds or amends content.

6. Be creative.

Teachers shouldn’t be limited by what they believe they can use this tool to do; by using it and being open to student suggestions, more uses will inevitably arise.

How Dropbox increases student motivation and achievement

I’ve recommended Dropbox to individual students who’ve asked about it. The great thing is that it takes very little training (if any) to figure out, and is so useful that students generally start using it by default and coming up with new ways to incorporate it into their day-to-day routines.

In addition, using Dropbox encourages students to use other great mobile apps – like Evernote, Documents (formerly Readdle Docs), GoodReader, Documents to Go, and hundreds more, which are compatible with the app.

I also believe that integrating Dropbox into the school environment goes hand in hand with starting an iPad school program and effectively using it in the classroom; consider Dropbox as the gateway to a larger world of iPad apps, cloud computing, and mobile technology.

Justo de Jorge Moreno (2012) of the University of Alcala in Madrid studied using “networking and Dropbox in blended learning by university students.”

The study (which suffers from a rocky translation to English) aimed to measure the “autonomous, collaborative, and proactive learning of students” as they correlate to online and face-to-face learning when these students use social networking and Dropbox.

The findings:
  • “The implementation of blended learning has a positive effect on in learning outcomes.” 
  • “Students with higher levels of learning are related to the increased use of resources…and more proactive in blended learning.”
  • “The implementation of blended learning has a positive effect on in learning outcomes (raising exam and work pass rates) in the subject.”
  • “The use of ICTs (information and communication technology standards) can help by allowing more interaction between students and the teacher and ultimately improve the necessary process of student learning.”
In another study, Eugene Geist (2011) examined “the practicality and efficacy of using tablet computers in the higher education classroom.”

The research involved supplying iPads to “students in a senior-level teacher preparation class” for 10 weeks and encouraging students “to use them in the way that felt the most natural and beneficial.”

Of note is that the students not only found tablets useful for themselves, but also “beneficial in their clinical work in elementary school classrooms.” Among the reasons why:
  • “They allow children to explore independently. The intuitive interface allows children to manipulate objects in a natural way with little adult intervention.”
  • “They give children choice of the games and experiences. On a traditional laptop, an adult is often required to change programs or experiences.”
  • “They give the child control over their computer experience.”
  • “The experience is an active rather than passive experience. The touch screen interface allows for active interaction with the programs at a level not possible for young children on traditional computers.”
Geist’s conclusion is a call to arms for mobile technology and the app:
“The "app" will become the new way to deliver information quickly and efficiently. It is no longer just sufficient to have a webpage or to use a course management system such as Blackboard or Moodle. Students want to do everything on their phone or pad device rather than on a laptop or desktop computer. By 2025, we will have children that have grown up never knowing a time when they did not have mobile devices with instant access to information. We must be prepared.”
Dropbox is not just the tip of the iceberg for tablets and apps, but perhaps also the canary in the coalmine for traditional IT departments. While your IT department may be well-intentioned it’s, as Geist says, “fighting a losing battle” and missing the larger point: the technology is not only about “apps and mobile,” but changing one’s mindset about education altogether.

The reality is that there will always be privacy and security concerns around technology. While anyone is well advised to be vigilant when using online resources, there is little evidence to suggest that Dropbox is any worse than, say, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Amazon – websites and apps that hundreds of millions of people use every day.

As Geist says, “Mobile technology is moving speedily forward whether teachers and university faculty like it or not.”

Schools not only need to keep up with this shift, but lead the way. Getting left behind is not an option.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

14 new words to help you be more like Anthony Weiner

See numbers 10, 11, 12 (photo from the Telegraph).

1. Anxiet - Stress-related weight loss.

2. Cheaple - Thrifty human beings.

3. Fatio - A paved, outdoor eating area.

4. Hacktics - Actions or strategies designed to cause chaos.

5. Hughway - The acting technique in which actors work out and grow sideburns.

6. Lakred - A large volume of holy water.

7. Lambinal - A mild person with a bad temper.

8. Massagony - The organized hatred of massage therapists.

9. Mentorly Ill - Getting a headache from having too many mentors.

10. Perpetweeter - A person who regularly commits wrongdoing on Twitter - like, oh, the guy pictured at the top of this post.

11. Perversevere - Continuing to behave in an objectionable way with no indication of success - like, oh, the guy pictured at the top of this post.

12. Selfishies - People who only share photographs of themselves online. Like, oh, aww, forget it.

13. Unitasker - A person who can only listen to music, talk on the phone, drive a car, OR do his or her homework.

14. Zooters - Generic name for any restaurant serving chicken wings within an establishment that also houses animals.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Eleven new words to burn into your mind like a pair of cheek-a-boo shorts

See number three, below. 

1. Anticipointment - Getting ready to feel displeasure.

2. Attractual - Good looking as verified by science.

3. Cheek-a-boo - The hot, new shorts that were sweeping Coachella, if by "sweeping" you mean one person.

4. Nap Trap - The ongoing act of intending to "take a short snooze" before embarking on work, then waking up fully clothed, confused, and still sleepy the next day.

5. Nerdistry - The art of being boringly studious and up to date on all matters related to science fiction.

6. Refreshtivities - The vigorous consumption of beverages.

7. Someone-elsie - A photo of someone other than yourself.

8. Printernet - The stack of papers on your seasoned colleague's desk consisting of the entire Web in printed form.

9. Twerk - Person who tweets on behalf of his or her employer.

10. Writers' Blog - The inability to update your blog, because you're too busy writing other stuff.

11. Youngcle - Your father or mother's brother who is younger than you.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Implementing two kinds of e-portfolios in advertising class (and where the blog posts have gone)

Where have all the blogposts gone? Good question, mom.

I knew I'd been busy with a mountain of freelance work, marking, class preparation and the master's degree when my mom asked me how come "the place she used to go to read my stories" now no longer has any stories. You know how moms love their stories!

Unable to post top-secret client work, or lame representations of marking and class preparation, I'm instead posting this screencast I just did for one of my master's classes. It talks about implementing two different kinds of e-portfolios - original and curation - in the ad major, which is something we'll actually do next year in a more meaningful way than we did this year.

Enjoy, mom. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Eleven new words to fill your muggle

See number 7. Has nothing to do with Harry Potter. 

1. Appservescence - The tendency of awesome apps to rise to the top of the app store.

2. Cinnamom - Mothers who know the secret ingredient to every great dessert.

3. Deeprest - The way to overcome depression.

4. Diss Stress - The way to overcome stress.

5. Fulfilling Station - A self-actualization facility.

6. Hamnesia - Eating a great pork roast and forgetting about it.

7. Muggle - See photo, above.

8. Obamatoba - What we'd call our province if Obama had bought it, as suggested in the New York Times (see paragraph 12).

9. Strawb - A straw for smoothies.

10. TOFT - Too Obscure For Twitter. Example: "What's this about Carole Pope stepping down?"

11. Twaffic - Twitter traffic reports.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The 69 important online articles I read later on Instapaper in 2012

It's easy to tell the best or most-important online articles of the year: they're the ones I saved on Instapaper

Do yourself a favor and join the site, download the app, and start reading stuff later like Larsen does. Soon you too will be referring to yourself in the third person, losing your hair, and compiling your favorite online reads list on a year-end blog post. It's just that damn addictive. 

Education and teaching

Advertising and PR



Monday, November 12, 2012

14 new words to put in your ladybinders

See number 6. 

1. Cleanspiracy - The alleged plot to clean one's house, as perceived by a hoarder. 

2. Croperly - To suitably improve framing. 

3. Documockumentary - Shooting a nonfictional motion picture about a satirical work presented in the style of a nonfictional motion picture. See number eight. 

4. Ficture - A photoshopped photo.

5. GingerPrince - Entitled, redheaded manchild. 

6. Ladybinders - Mitt's cover for holding loose ladypapers. 

7. Menote Address - An address ostensibly of great importance to everyone, but - in reality - only of importance to the person delivering it. Example: "In 1985, who could have foreseen that the world would change forever...for me?"

8. Mockudocumockumentary - Shooting a satirical work presented in the style of a nonfiction motion picture of a nonfictional motion picture about a satirical work presented in the style of a nonfictional motion picture. See number three. 

9. Refirement - The point where you stop employment to "spend more time with your family" to avoid being fired to do the same. 

10. Rememberies - A person's power to remember memories.  

11. Romoney - Lot's of money. Example: "I'm doing well, but I don't make Romoney."

12. Snarkasm - An especially bitter remark. 

13. Spincompetence - Having only the skills to make others believe that you have the necessary skills.

14. Thrilogy - A set of three, new Star Wars films that no one expected, for example.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

How U.S. schools can and should curb violence

Note: I recently wrote this research paper for my Master's in Education program at Central Michigan University, which is why I focus on U.S. schools. However, many of the conclusions I draw are equally applicable to schools in Canada.

Given the shocking and recurring outbursts of violence committed by students inside U.S. schools and classrooms, is there anything that schools can do to identify and deal with serious threats?

In its documentary, “Cry For Help,” PBS Frontline (2009) estimates “the odds that a U.S. high school student will die in high school violence is one in a million.” The National Center For Education Statistics (2009) says that eight per cent of schools reported a student threatening physical attack during the 2009-10 school year. (P. 3)

As infrequent as these violent acts may be, they garner extensive media coverage in which we grapple with seemingly unanswerable questions: Why did it happen? Why didn't anyone see the warning signs? What can we do to stop it from happening again?

These questioned are echoed by the FBI in The School Shooter: A Threat Assessment Perspective (2000): “Why would a student bring a weapon to school and without any explicable reason open fire on fellow students and teachers? Are school shooters angry? Are they crazy? Is their motive revenge? Hatred for the victims? A hunger for attention?” (P. 1)

Those who try to answer these questions offer confusing or conflicting views. In his Oscar-winning film Bowling For Columbine (2002), Michael Moore reminds us of the possibilities set forth after the tragic killings at the school in Littleton, including heavy-metal music, movies, South Park, Satan, Marilyn Manson, the breakup of the family unit, and bowling (a tongue-in-cheek suggestion, given that the killers in the Columbine attack apparently went bowling the morning of the attacks).

Other films, like Elephant, We Need to Talk About Kevin, and The Class have grappled with the issue of school violence, and even pop songs, like the Boomtown Rats’ “I Don’t Like Mondays,” Pearl Jam’s “Jeremy,” and Foster the People’s “Pumped Up Kicks” (posted at the top of this post) chronicle possible motives.

As the media reports fade, we stop asking the questions, and the cycle continues amidst the fear that the same thing could happen again in any school, maybe one in our neighborhood. “How,” asks the Secret Service in its Threat Assessments in Schools guide (2002), “should school officials and other responsible adults respond?” (P. 4)

In the book Critical Issues in Education (2012), the authors don’t ask “how,” but "can schools deal effectively with violent or potentially violent students?" (Nelson, P. 334) One of the viewpoints outlined in the book is “the problem of school violence is beyond school control.” (Nelson, P. 340)
Indeed, the first thing one learns when embarking on research about this topic is, “there is no accurate or useful profile of attackers.” (Cullen, 2009, P. 322)

According to the Chicago Sun-Times (2000), “Some (attackers) lived with both parents in “an ideal, All-American family.” Some were children of divorce, or lived in foster homes. A few were loners, but most had close friends. Few had disciplinary records. Some had honor roll grades and were in Advanced Placement courses; some were failing. Few showed a change in friendships or interest in school.” (Dedman, P. 6)

Given this reality, how can any school predict, mitigate, or prevent violence in classrooms and schools?

That is what this blog post aims to find out.

The research

There’s an abundance of literature available on the topic of school violence. In an attempt to get to the heart of this issue and answer the question posed in my introduction, I’ve researched books, articles, documentaries, and reports from such notable entities as the FBI, the Secret Service, the U.S. Department of Education, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Center For Education Statistics, and the Report of Governor Bill Owens’ Columbine Review Commission.

It’s been a thought-provoking and worthwhile journey. In my research, I’ve found that – despite a belief to the contrary – there is a profile of the high-school attacker. And there is a consensus among government officials, police profilers, and psychologists about how teachers and school administrators can and should deal with this issue. The answers aren’t simple, but they’re there.

“These terrible shootings do not have to happen. They are not random. There are plenty of warning signs. In my opinion, every one of these occurrences which has happened could have been prevented,” says Frank Roberts, co-founder of the Institute for Violence Prevention and Applied Criminology, in “Cry For Help” (2009).

What would you do?

Perhaps most teachers have had a student in their class who has raised alarm bells, but none wants to respond with undue judgment or regret not responding to signals after it's too late.

The U.S. Secret Service has produced a number of reports on school violence. In its Threat Assessments in Schools report (2002), it asks, “What should happen when a student comes to attention for saying something or behaving in a manner that causes concern, as in the following instances?” (P. 3)

The list that follows should give any instructor pause:
  • "The kids are saying that Johnny told his friends not to go to the cafeteria at noon on Tuesday because something big and bad is going to happen.
  • “Marty, who has appeared withdrawn and irritable the past few weeks, handed in a story about a student putting a bomb in an empty school.
  • “Sandy brought bullets to school to show friends.
  • “Rafael, who got pushed around again after gym class, stormed out in tears, shouting "You’re all going to pay!"
  • “Casey, who was suspended last year for bringing a knife to school, left a "hit list" on his desk.
  • “Terry submitted an essay in which an assassin blew up the school, attacked the governor, and then killed himself.” (P. 3 to 4)
As a teacher, how would I respond to each of these instances? I have a responsibility to ensure my students are safe in the classroom, but also to avoid demonizing students who may be struggling for a variety of reasons.

What not to do

After most school shootings, school administrators across the U.S. customarily respond with so-called zero-tolerance policies – “meaning every idle threat (is) treated like a cocked gun.” (Cullen, 2009, P. 322) This approach doesn’t work.

“After Columbine, it really sucked beings a student in America,” says Michael Moore in Bowling For Columbine (2002), before recounting a long list of infractions for which students have been suspended, including: carrying nail clippers, pointing a chicken finger at a teacher, folding a piece of paper into the shape of a gun, having dyed hair, and not following the school dress code.

In the past, some students have been singled out for being loners or having eccentric character traits. However, “identifying outcasts as threats is not healthy. It demonizes innocent kids who are already struggling. Oddballs are not the problem. They do not fit the profile.” (Cullen, 2009, P. 322)

According to the FBI (2000), neither do “unusual or aberrant behaviors, interests, or hobbies.” (P. 4)
The biggest myth: shooters are normal people who just “snap.” In fact, “a staggering 93 per cent planned their attack in advance.” (Cullen, 2009, P. 323)

That attacks are planned means there is an opportunity for adults to intervene. “Schools and other community institutions do have the capacity - and the responsibility - to keep that potential from turning real.” (FBI, 2000, P. 4)

The FBI’s four-pronged assessment model

“The path toward violence is an evolutionary one, with signposts along the way.” (FBI, 2000, P. 7) But what are the signposts?

Here’s where it gets complicated. The FBI’s profile of a likely perpetrator of school violence includes a vast list of traits and behaviors, including: depression, manipulation, alienation, dehumanization, rigidity, low self-esteem, dehumanization of others, lack of empathy, an exaggerated sense of entitlement and need for attention, externalization of blame, anger-management problems, inappropriate humor, intolerance, threatening words and behaviors, a closed social group, and negative role models. (FBI, 2000, P. 16)

The only trait that’s a given: “100 per cent male.” (Cullen, 2009, P. 322)

It’s unlikely that any teacher could remember or identify these traits and the FBI recommends against even trying. A student who shows these signs is statistically most likely experiencing depression or mental illness with no plans to attack or hurt anyone.

“Moreover, the use of profiles carries a risk of over-identification,” the Secret Service says. “The great majority of students who fit any given profile will not actually pose a risk of targeted violence.” (2004, P. 34)

Instead, the FBI recommends a four-pronged assessment model based on:
  1. The student’s personality
  2. Family dynamics
  3. School dynamics and the student’s role within them
  4. Social dynamics.
Prong one – the student’s personality – involves all of the traits and behaviors listed above, and the best opportunity for intervention: advance confessions, or as the FBI calls them, “leakage.” (2000, P. 16)

“Eighty one per cent of shooters confided their intentions. More than half told at least two people (in advance).” (Cullen, 2009, P. 323)

The attackers usually tell other students and rarely adults, but – perhaps most shocking – these students do nothing to intervene in a misplaced code of silence, and occasionally egg on the would-be attacker into actually committing the crime.

“I told everyone what I was going to do,” said Evan Ramsey to the Chicago Sun-Times. (Dedman, 2004, P. 4). In 1997, Ramsey killed his principal and a student in Bethel, Alaska. He’d told so many students about what he’d planned to do, a crowd showed up to watch the attacks, one student with a camera.

Sometimes, the would-be attacker expresses his intent more subtly – in written work or art. Again, the FBI warns against overreacting to one such instance, which is often typical of teenage boys’ normal fascination with death and violence.

However, if the writing features “malice, brutality, and an unrepentant hero…concern should rise.” In addition, students who work the theme of violence into every assignment may be indicative of “repetition leading to obsession.” (Cullen, 2009, P. 323)

Most threats uttered by students are “melodramatic, vague, implied, implausible” and, therefore, idle. However, when threats are “direct and specific, identify a motive, and indicate work performed to carry it out,” the likelihood of an attack increases dramatically. (Cullen, 2009, P. 323)

In 98 per cent of school attacks, the Secret Services (2004) says, “the attackers had experienced or perceived some major loss prior to the attack, including a perceived failure or loss of status, loss of a loved one or of a significant relationship, including a romantic relationship.” In three-quarters of the attacks, “attackers felt bullied, persecuted, or injured” by others beforehand. (P. 23)

Although this pattern of planning while leaking information may be something teachers and parents would rather not think about or outright ignore, perhaps the greatest opportunity to stop violent acts is to look for warning signs along the way, listen to what students are talking about, and taking measures to breach the informal code of silence that pervades student culture.

Prong two – family life – is more problematic, as a teacher rarely has opportunity to see into the home life of his or her students. However, the most telling characteristics of a potentially violent student include a turbulent relationship with one’s family, an acceptance in the family of what other families would consider to be disturbing behavior, access to weapons, the student “ruling the roost” instead of the parents, and no limits or monitoring of TV or Internet. (FBI, 2000, P. 21)

Prong three – school dynamics – is something over which teachers and administrators have control. If the school tolerates disrespectful behavior, provides unsupervised access to computers, and has a culture of inequitable discipline, inflexibility, and a pecking order and code of silence among students, the odds of a school attack rise. (FBI, 2000, P. 22)

Prong four – social dynamics – relates to a student’s interactions with his peer group. If a student’s peer group shares his fascination with violence, uses drugs or alcohol, and has “easy and unmonitored access” to TV and a computer, the odds again rise. As well, the FBI warns about “the copycat effect,” which is “very common…after a shooting has occurred anywhere in the United States.” It recommends that teachers be more vigilant for as long as several months after a “heavily publicized” incident. (FBI, 2000, P. 23)

If a student demonstrates issues in the four prongs, as outlined above, the FBI recommends that the “threat should be taken more seriously and appropriate intervention by school authorities and/or law enforcement should be initiated as quickly as possible.” (2000, P. 11)

The FBI also warns against judging students based on just one of the above traits in isolation, using the criteria to evaluate a student who is having a “bad day” (as opposed to a pattern of behavior), or using it to diagnose someone suffering from depression or mental illness (if you’re unsure, the FBI recommends an evaluation from a mental health professional).

The FBI does not specifically recommend how to intervene, but suggests that each school should appoint one staff member as threat-assessment coordinator. That person’s job should be to oversee a team of administrators, counseling staff, law enforcement reps, and mental health professionals, who determine how to evaluate threats on a case-by-case basis (and appropriate responses to them).
It also notes that “expulsion” should not be mistaken for “intervention:”

“Expelling or suspending a student for making a threat must not be a substitute for careful threat assessment and a considered, consistent policy of intervention. Disciplinary action alone, unaccompanied by any effort to evaluate the threat or the student's intent, may actually exacerbate the danger - for example, if a student feels unfairly or arbitrarily treated and becomes even angrier and more bent on carrying out a violent act.” (FBI, 2000, P. 25)

What can schools do?

In addition to the FBI’s four-pronged threat-assessment approach discussed earlier, there is a number of other models set forth for how schools should deal with violent threats as an issue (predicting and preparing for the worst-case scenario) and a crisis.

The Safe Communities-Safe Schools Model

This model, as presented to Governor Bill Owen’s Columbine Commission (2000), revolves around the formation of a safe-school planning team made up of representatives from local businesses, the community, law enforcement, teachers, administration, clergy, and student reps (possibly – it depends on their age). (P. 102)
The team:
  • Conducts a site assessment, creates a safe schools plan, and reviews it once a year
  • Writes a school code of behavior for adults and students and communicates it to staff, students, and parents
  • Institutes a school support-team made up of administrators, counselors, mental health workers, and law enforcement. The team oversees a violence prevention program; its job is to AID, not punish students at risk
  • Writes a crisis plan and rehearses it (similar to fire drills). The plan’s job is to predict “the worst-case scenario” and outline roles and responsibilities (for administration, teachers, students, parents, workers, emergency response, and law enforcement) should the unthinkable happen. (P. 103 to 104)
The John Nicoletti Model

Psychologist John Nicoletti is a school-violence expert who testified before Governor Bill Owen’s Columbine Commission (2000) and wrote the book, “Violence Goes to School,” which outlines violence-prevention techniques for schools. (P. 104)

His plan also involves “the establishment of school policies directed at students, faculty, staff, and parents, which warn clearly that school administrators will act immediately in response to threats of violence.” (P. 105)

As in the Safe Communities model, a threat-assessment and/or violence management team oversees the policies, which should include an emergency plan, diagrams of the school, formulations of exit routes, locations of alarms, sprinklers, and utilities, phone numbers, and a school roster.
Nicoletti recommends that each school assemble a number of “emergency kits” and store them in different locations around the school. (P. 105)

The Secret Service Threat Assessment Model

The Secret Service has also written and distributed a Threat Assessment Guide (2002), which outlines a process that administrators, teachers, and law-enforcement officers can follow (investigation, evaluation, and threat management) to reduce threats and violence and maintain a safe school environment. It involves a two-pronged approach in which “threat assessment” coexists with “cultures and climates of safety, respect, and emotional support.” (P. 5)

This means that teachers and administrators pay attention to students and listen to their emotional and educational needs in order to reduce the number of formal threat assessments that need to be conducted. As Luke Woodham, a teen shooter who killed his mother and two classmates in Mississippi, advises in the Chicago Sun-Times (2000): “Pay attention.” (Dedman, P. 5)

The key goals in creating safe climates? Fostering a culture of respect, creating connections between adults and students, and breaking the code of silence. Easier said than done, of course, but the Secret Service guide (2002) provides a helpful checklist:
  • Assessment of the school’s emotional climate;
  • Emphasis on the importance of listening in schools;
  • Adoption of a strong, but caring stance against the code of silence;
  • Prevention of, and intervention in, bullying;
  • Involvement of all members of the school community in planning, creating, and sustaining a school culture of safety and respect;
  • Development of trusting relationships between each student and at least one adult at school; and
  • Creation of mechanisms for developing and sustaining safe school climates. (P. 69 to 72)
The threat management part of this process is to “evaluate knowable information” that comes to the attention of school authorities in (what should be) rare instances in which a student is believed to pose a risk to an individual or group. (Secret Service, 2002, P. 17)

So, how does a teacher deal with students of concern? According to the Secret Service (2002), you would bring the concern to a multidisciplinary threat team controlled by school authorities with law enforcement consultation or participation (the assessment process doesn’t exist to analyze the entire student body, but rather individual cases as they come to authorities’ attention).

The threat assessment team makes inquiries in these areas:
  1. The facts that drew attention to the student and the situation
  2. Information about the student
  3. Information about "attack-related" behaviors
  4. Motives
  5. The presumed target. (P. 48 to 51)
How the situation is managed will vary, though the Secret Service says it requires “substantial time and effort.” The goals are to control or contain the situation, protect potential targets, and provide support and guidance to help (not punish) the student, so he can deal successfully with his problems. (2002, P. 63)

“Threat assessments may be brief and limited, or extensive and complex. The facts of a situation, together with information developed about a student of concern, will determine the scope of the threat assessment process. Many situations can be understood and resolved after initial information gathering and evaluation.” (Secret Service, 2002. P. 43)


After conducting this research, it’s clear that one of the positions put forward in Nelson’s Critical Issues in Education “the problem of school violence is beyond school control” (Nelson, 2012, P. 340) is untenable.

Schools cannot ignore the threat of violence and, in fact, have an obligation to take every threat seriously. This is not in dispute in any of the literature I’ve read and, in fact, the only clear way we have to mitigate the possibility of it occurring in any school.

“A clear, vigorous response is essential for three reasons,” says the FBI. “First and most important, to make sure that students, teachers, and staff are safe; second, to assure that they will feel safe; and third, to assure that the person making the threat will be supervised and given the treatment that is appropriate and necessary to avoid future danger to others or himself. (FBI, 2000, P. 25)

All of these proposed solutions have these things in common:
  1. Working to maintain a culture of safety, respect, and openness at school.
  2. Instituting a violence-prevention program, safe-school guidelines, and an issues-management plan.
  3. Listening to students and being ready to help with emotional and educational issues as they arise.
  4. Community involvement and consultation with trained professionals who have a background in mental health, education, and law enforcement.
  5. Evaluating every threat that comes to the attention of authorities.
  6. Instituting a multidisciplinary team in each school.
  7. Sharing information between school and law-enforcement authorities.
(The issue of guns is beyond the scope of this research, however, more than a few sources say, “Gun control laws are necessary to keep deadly weapons away from emotionally volatile teens.” (Dedman, 2000, P. 17). In Bowling For Columbine (2002), Michael Moore suggests the larger issue is a country and culture that is hypocritical about guns and weapons, citing the proximity of weapons manufacturer Lockheed Martin to Columbine school.)

Given that almost all violent school incidents are planned in advance, virtually every attacker speaks about his plans, and most attackers have already caused some degree of concern in another area of their lives, the implication is that schools can prevent at least some of these situations.

Certainly, every teacher can play his or her role in creating a culture of openness and in which he or she listens – really listens – to students and is ready to respond to their educational and emotional needs, backed by trained professionals.

It may take a lot of time and work, but it’s worth it.

  1. Bowling For Columbine. Dir. Michael Moore. Alliance Atlantis, 2002. DVD.
  2. Cry For Help.” Frontline. PBS. Boston. April 29, 2009. TV.
  3. Cullen, Dave. Columbine. New York: Twelve, 2009.
  4. Dedman, Bill. Deadly Lessons: School Shooters Tell Why. Chicago Sun-Times. October 15, 2000.
  5. FBI, U.S. Department of Justice. Critical Incidence Response Group. National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime. The School Shooter: A Threat Assessment Perspective, by Mary Ellen O’Toole. 2000.
  6. National Center For Education Statistics. Crime, Violence, Discipline, Safety in U.S. Public Schools: 2009 to 10. May 2011.
  7. Nelson, Jack L., Stuart Palonsky, Mary Rose McCarthy. Critical Issues in Education, Eighth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012.
  8. The Report of Governor Bill Owens’ Columbine Review Commission. Hon. William H. Erickson, chairman. May 2001.
  9. U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Department of Education. The Final Report and Findings of the Safe School Initiative: Implications for the Prevention of School Attacks in the United States. July 2004.
  10. U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Department of Education. Threat Assessments in Schools. A Guide to Managing Threatening Situations and to Creating Safe School Climates. May 2002.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Explaining the cover: Ben Folds Five's the Sound of the Life of the Mind

What's up on the cover of Ben Folds Five’s new album, “The Sound of the Life of the Mind?”

The painting by Eric Joyner shows a robot in the depths of an ocean. In a parody of Rodin’s the Thinker, the robot sits on a rock and contemplates life as a school of fish swims by him, unnoticed.

Clearly, this painting is about the corporatization of American schools. The robot is the corporation (let's call him "BP") and the educational system is the ocean. The unnoticed school of fish is the unnoticed school of children, who swim around aimlessly as the corporation tries to figure its way out of an environment in which it has no business being.

"When will “the thinker” spring a leak?" To find out, keep staring at the painting.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Do U.S. teacher unions support or subvert school reform?

What a difference a week makes. 

Last week, asked to choose a stance on teacher unions in the U.S., I wrote piece on the topic for my master's in education. Shortly thereafter, Chicago teachers went on strike. Yes, it must be the power of my writing that made them do it. Cough, cough. 

Here is the paper, edited for brevity, which I wrote in response to a chapter in the book Critical Issues in Education, which asks the question posed in the headline, and outlines the arguments for and against U.S. teacher unions as they relate to school reforms.  

As a member of the Manitoba Government and General Employees’ Union and a resident of the home of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike, I’m predisposed to agree with my pal, Billy Bragg.

Be that as it may, I would be very reluctant to strike knowing that my students’ education and profession's reputation are hanging in the balance. There’s something very disheartening about a teacher walking the picket line while his or her students sit on the sidelines (as happy to have an extended vacation as they may be). Says the PR instructor: it’s bad PR.

The appearance of U.S. teacher unions goes back to the early days of the profession, when teaching was considered less a career than, in sociologist’s Willard Waller’s words, “a failure belt…the refuge of unmarriageable women and unsaleable men.” Like me!

Bad working conditions, detached administrators, and a negative perception of the profession sewed the seeds for early U.S. teacher unions. The National Education Association (NEA) formed in 1857 to advance “the profession of education” but was dominated by men and not as “concerned with the personal welfare of classroom teachers.”

The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) formed in 1916 and “focused on improving economic aspect of teachers’ lives” and the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) of 1935 “changed the status of unions by recognizing that workers in private industry had the right to bargain collectively.” At the same time, some courts still considered unions to be “criminal conspiracies.”

“Collective bargaining changed the relationship between classroom teachers and administrators. It promised teachers more pay, better job security, and an audible voice in education.” Today, the NLRA covers private sector workers, the NEA and AFT are rivals for the same teacher base (together, their membership is comprised of 80 per cent of U.S. teachers), and teachers enjoy the promise (if not practice) of better “pay, job security, and an audible voice in education.”

The two positions:

Position 1: “Teacher unions are champions of teachers and school reform.”

The pro position is that unions “have had a positive effect on teachers’ working conditions” in terms of salaries, collective bargaining, status, job security, and to “prevent a teacher from getting fired solely for disagreeing with administrators.” It also maintains, “unions also have been good for students,” and cites Finland, the shining example of educational reform, as having “the highest student test scores” and “some of the strongest teacher unions in the world.”

 Position 2: “Teacher Unions Stand in the Way of School Reform.”

The against position raises the specter of “bad teachers” and “rubber rooms” and wonders, “why the nation has done almost nothing to get bad teachers out of the classroom?”

It also says that unions “have outlived their usefulness,” are for teachers and not students, are apologists for poor teaching and an obstacle for school reform” and agrees, while unions do lead to higher teacher pay, it’s at the expense of everything else (except maybe union dues). Instead of union representation, this side suggests the solution to school reform is “merit pay and quantifiable data.”

The anti-union position in the book makes much of the idea that unions protect bad teachers and don’t support great teachers. However, the reality is that teacher unions don’t just represent bad teachers, but also good ones.

Presumption of innocence wasn’t invented by a teacher union, nor was due process or right to a speedy trial. As much as we might like to rally behind a simplistic slogan, like “bad teachers should be fired and good teachers rewarded,” it’s sobering to remember that few people agree on what makes a teacher good or bad.

The article, Building a Better Teacher, from the NY Times Magazine, illustrates the struggle inherent in the pursuit:
"But what makes a good teacher? There have been many quests for the one essential trait, and they have all come up empty-handed. Among the factors that do not predict whether a teacher will succeed: a graduate-school degree, a high score on the SAT, an extroverted personality, politeness, confidence, warmth, enthusiasm and having passed the teacher-certification exam on the first try. When Bill Gates announced recently that his foundation was investing millions in a project to improve teaching quality in the United States, he added a rueful caveat. “Unfortunately, it seems the field doesn’t have a clear view of what characterizes good teaching.”
If the answer is, as the article suggests, “voodoo,” it’s unlikely we’ll be any closer to objectively defining good and bad teachers anytime soon. For the same reason, I also don’t believe that merit pay is a more reasonable way to solve the problem of school reform.

A key problem with merit pay is “teacher quality cannot be measured solely by changes in student test scores.” Student performance can be a function of many things, including family environment. Would parents agree to be judged on their parenting skills based solely on their kids' test scores?

The other side of merit pay is the recent epidemic of teachers being caught raising their students' test scores. Further, it’s proven to be unsuccessful in other countries. "England ended its experiment with performance pay in the 1890s following public outcry over academic dishonesty and the negative effects of exams on students and teachers."

I believe that U.S. teacher unions and school reform aren’t mutually exclusive ideas and agree with the quote attributed to Albert Shanker: “It is as much the duty of the union to preserve public education as it is to negotiate a good contract.”

- All quotes from Nelson, Jack, Stuart Palonsky, and Mary Rose McCarthy, Critical Issues in Education, Eighth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2013. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Is Lore the Facebook for education we've been waiting for?

Lore isn't the first website that's promised to combine Facebook with learning, but it might be the best-looking one.

Last year, I tried to use Edmodo, but after a grand total of two students took me up on my offer to join, I mostly used it to meet other teachers and crowdsource assignments.

Lore could be different: it looks pretty sweet, like Facebook meets Google+, and it promises a world in which it's easy for students to send messages, have conversations, submit assignments, and get back marks. Even better: it's free.

I've monkeyed around with it a bit today, and it seems to work quite well. The only issue is that it appears to take a very long time to upload an assignment or outline. The status bar keeps chugging away, and you never get a message that says, "It's uploaded."

That complaint aside, it would also be great if there was a mobile app to go with the website, but I assume it's on its way.

I'm going to give it a trial run this semester for students who are interested. So far, I've just got the course outlines up, but if enough people use this, we might be able to use it over the longer term. I'll give out "the codes" to join in class, and we'll take it from there.


And while you're at it, have a gander at Learnist, which could very well be the Pinterest of learning (and there's an app too).

The Big Question: where's the Twitter for learning? Oh, yeah, that would just be Twitter.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

How does Richardson's "Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts" hold up six years later?

Will Richardson talks the future of education on YouTube.

Will Richardson's excellent book "Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts (and other powerful Web tools for classrooms)" explains how teachers can integrate online media into their teaching to help students learn and be engaged - no small task, as any teacher knows.

(I recently read the book as part of my master's degree studies at Central Michigan University).

As someone who attempts to keep up with the latest digital media and technology, it's interesting to see where some of Richardson's suggestions have already been replaced by other online tools, and read his predictions in the context of where we're at today. Example: Richardson imagines a tablet, which we now know is called an iPad. And no one giggles when you say it.

That the book came out in 2006 (the third edition was published in 2010) shows how quickly technology has changed and is changing, and how nimble you have to be to incorporate it into the classroom and just know "what the hell is going on online" in everyday life.

Richardson begins the book with a discussion about Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web, who was recently honored at the London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony (and flummoxed the NBC commentators, who suggested - not ironically - that viewers Google his name).

Berners-Lee's vision for technology is the Read-Write Web:
"Berners-Lee saw the potential to construct a vast "web" of linked information, built by people from around the globe, creating the ability to share not just data but personal talents in new and powerful ways." (Richardson, P. 1)
It's a theoretical idea championed by the public relations industry for years (in the industry, we call it "two-way symmetric" communication), but it took the Internet to make it come to life.

Richardson's resources

In the book, Richardson gives examples of how teachers can use the read-write Web to communicate, get and pass along information, create content, and encourage students to create content. Richardson's suggested classroom resources (in his order), and how they hold up:

1. Blogs

I've been a champion of blogging for years, though I admit that I arrived late to the party. But as soon as I started blogging, I made up for lost time.
"I will never forget the first time I posted my opinion, and the first time someone responded to it. There was something really powerful about so easily being able to share resources and ideas with a Web audience that was willing to share back what they thought about those ideas" (Richardson, P. 17). 

In Richardson's chapters on blogging, I particularly like his suggestion that teachers use blogs with other schools - in their neighborhood or around the world - to encourage discussion. It's an idea I hadn't considered.

For my students, the biggest blogging benefit is a chance to practice expressing themselves in writing in a public forum, which is something they'll be expected to do for their potential employers or clients.

I see every chance to write as a chance to get better. I recall Stephen King's advice in his excellent book, "On Writing":
"Practice is invaluable (and should feel good, really not like practice at all) and...honesty is indispensable" (King, P. 195). 
 Blogging checks both boxes.

The biggest downside to blogging, from a teacher's perspective, is that it's difficult to legislate students' blogging and commenting. It's the age-old problem: how do you teach (or encourage) passion?

The other issue: the complaint that "no one reads my blog, so why should I bother updating it?" The answer, of course: "You need to update your blog, so that people will read it."

2. Wikis

I've never used a wiki as a classroom tool, other than for the classes I'm taking myself.

So, I felt a little ashamed when I read Richardson's chapter on wikis and then came across this article on 50 Ways to use wikis for a more collaborative and interactive classroom. Ideas include "virtual field trips," "exam review," "fan clubs," data collection, "adventure story," "school tour," and "teacher collaboration."

Among Richardson's suggestions: creating an online classroom text, lesson plan exchange, or class Wikipedia.

The strengths and limitations of using a class wiki are apparent when you visit a class' shared wiki pages - the variety of fonts, colors, and formats (not to mention coding issues and broken links) can make for a disjointed read. In addition, the ability to edit and be edited can be a help and a hindrance. What if, for example, a well-meaning student edits a classmate's work, but makes an incorrect edit? And what if a student posts weak work, knowing that someone else will likely correct it?

Of course, if Wikipedia founders would have listened to these arguments, we'd be missing one of the key sites on the Web.
"No one person or even small group of people, could produce Wikipedia, as currently edits appear at a rate of around 400,000 a day. The extent to which this happens and to which it is successful is truly inspiring" (Richardson, P. 56 and 57).
3. RSS
"I think it's the one technology that you should start using today, right now, this minute. And tomorrow, you should teach your students to use it" (Richardson, P. 70 and 71).
The difference between what RSS readers used to be and what they are now is stunning. For instance, I now find Google Reader to be a difficult way to enjoy reading my favorite feeds. What's better? My heart goes to the Flipboard and Pulse mobile apps, which turn RSS feeds into very readable social magazines and news tickers, respectively.

The upside of this technology is enormous: the ability to "read more content from more sources in less time" (Richardson, P. 72). In this age of "too much information" that's the real trick. The downside of this technology is that you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make 'er drink; you may subscribe to the prescribed RSS feeds, but that doesn't mean you'll read them.

4. Twitter and social bookmarking

I tweet, therefore I am. And I hope that it makes up for my lack of work in the wiki world, because with Twitter, I'm all in.

The upside of using Twitter is enormous: I've used it for class discussions and networking (#journchat on Monday evenings is particularly good), for generating and testing comedy material, and to see what students are saying when I'm not around (har, har!).

I haven't yet used a social bookmarking tool in class, but I plan on introducing (website and app) this semester. Similar to Delicious and Instapaper ("read it later"), lets you publish online magazines by curating content (social bookmarking) on the topic of your choice.

The benefits, again, are collaboration and the ability to collect, curate, and share.

5. Flickr

Generally speaking, photo-sharing is easy and part and parcel of running a blog. Apart from reminding students to "post a photo with every blog post," I've never needed to make photo-sharing a separate assignment - it's happened organically.
"The easiest place for teachers and students to begin experimenting with creating and publishing content other than text is with digital photography, a technology that is becoming more and more accessible every day" (Richardson, P. 101).
Flickr is where Richardson and I part ways, although it's only fair to point out that his book came out before there was an Instagram and pretty great digital-phone photography led by the iPhone.

Instagram, of course, is the photo-sharing website that Facebook recently bought for a cool billion dollars. It has some advantages over Flickr: the ability from your mobile phone to very easily take and filter your photos, post them online instantly, and instantly share them with your friends on Instagram or other social networks.

At its heart, Instagram is easier, more flexible, and faster than Flickr. Its biggest advantage, however, might be its "fun factor." Where Flickr is a photo storage site with sharing options, Instagram is all about sharing, liking, and commenting with storage as an afterthought.

The other big advantage is that Instagram is free with no maximum number of uploads (though it's not currently possible to upload whole photo albums). Flickr caps users at 200 photos and then asks them to upgrade to a premium account. Knowing that I could upload the same photos to Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook without charge, I decline to pay for Flickr's premium service.

6. Podcasting/screencasting/streaming
"The simple fact is that it has become much easier to create and consume multimedia as well as text and digital images" (Richardson, P. 112).
I'm grateful I had the chance to learn GarageBand this summer and to find out how easy it is to record a podcast. I'm at three and counting - and I'm looking forward to submitting it to iTunes in the near future, alongside my podcasting comedy heroes Adam Carolla, Bill Burr, Greg Proops, Marc Maron, and Joe Rogan.

I will put this knowledge to good use at school: my college's radio station recently discontinued its broadcast license, which means that podcasting is among the best options to replace it. It's unfortunate that students are no longer able to broadcast on traditional radio frequencies, but I'm optimistic that podcasting skills are more forward-looking, since you can no longer imagine an invisible audience listening; instead you've got download and streaming stats and "marketing" becomes the much-needed partner in crime.

The good news:
"About $100 and an Internet connection is all you need to start doing regular radio shows with your students" (Richardson, P. 115). 
It's probably cheaper now. I've recently downloaded the Ustream, viddy, and Bambuser apps, which allow anyone with a smartphone to live stream video.

Also underrepresented in the curriculum: screencasting. The downside of much of this technology is that it's becoming more and more necessary for everyone to own an iPhone and iPad. On a student budget, that is not always a possibility. I can't help but consider how great it would be if our program could provide each student with an iPad on the first day of school.
"Our ability to create and share multimedia in more and more transparent ways is only going to continue to expand...publishing to an audience can be a great motivator for students. Podcasting, videocasting, screencasting, TV are all great ways to get student content online" (Richardson, P. 129).
7. Facebook/Ning

My school is far from the only one that's afraid of Facebook. Be that as it may, I believe it's a teacher's duty to show "appropriate use," especially in a communications program.
"The key to...these sites for educators is to move beyond the friendship-based connections and really explore the potentials of the networked, interest-based learning that's possible within these frames" (Richardson, P. 132).
Among the benefits of Facebook are creating a strong online community, sharing information, and collaborating. However, if one's school doesn't allow it, what's the solution? Could it be Ning?

Before my class, I'd never heard of Ning. I was looking forward to experimenting with it, but you begin to be charged for using it after a 30-day trial. I'll pass: Edmodo is available for free. Like a Facebook for the classroom, I've found Edmodo do be very easy to use and a great way to meet other teachers. The issue is getting students used to using a site other than Facebook - Edmodo is even more of a ghost town than Google+.

Facebook is also good for classroom discussion purposes: What is Facebook's responsibility toward its users? Personal data? Is freedom of speech on Facebook a right? Should you buy when Facebook stocks finally drop to $6?

The ongoing multimedia revolution is mind-boggling and ubiquitous at once. To ignore this revolution in school is to miss out on an incredibly powerful range of communication tools that allow us to publish, consume, discuss, comment, and collaborate.

Students will be using "the new media" in the workplace when they graduate, and it may look very different than it does today. We owe it to ourselves and them to show them how to not only learn about the tools Richardson talks about in his book, but to be on the cusp of whatever replaces them.

Richardson's book is a good reality check for teachers considering incorporating online media into their classes and road map for how far we've already come.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Client-Agency Relationship on Educreations

Have you told your ad agency lately that you love it?

Today I tested the Educreations' screencasting app on iPad with the client-agency relationship (oops, sorry, I called it "Educreation" in the lesson).

Like ShowMe, this app lets you make and watch lessons to teach, inspire, and entertain. The two apps are very similar, but I'd give ShowMe a slight edge for its eraser icon (a bit easier to understand than the squiggly undo line on Educreations).

The source material (the stages of the client-agency relationship) are as they're defined by: Arens, William, Contemporary Advertising Ninth Edition, McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2004.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

How to improve bad customer service - on ShowMe

I'll ShowYou, bad customer service!

I've been testing ShowMe - an awesome iPad app and website that lets you screencast (teach!) or watch screencasting (learn) for educational, entertaining, and inspiring presentations. Like mine!

In this ShowMe presentation, I come back to one of my favorite topics - how to improve bad customer service at the drugstore and beyond.

I've somehow resisted the urge to name the worst offender in the screencast, but you and I both know it's _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _. Hint: the customer service is the minus in the plus.

I'm quite certain that this isn't what Bob Dylan had in mind when he sang, "The first one now will later be last..." but you can ask him when he plays Winnipeg in the fall.