Consciously creating a beautiful life.

Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Jackie Sparrow

Today is one of those days that so easily go pear-shaped.

All of the neighborhood dogs were howling at the full moon last night, and both Eva and I are tired.
It is still very hot, and despite some clouds hanging around, it still has not rained. Tempers are high all over town.

To top it, Eva has a LOT of homework.

I forget all mum rules and ask 'What do you want to do first?', instead of cheerily announcing that it is best to start
with math.

Of course she catches me out and counters that she doesn't want to do any of it, what she wants to do is find
something to wear for Halloween. I surprise us both by agreeing to that.

The mood instantly brightens, she gets together my yoga pants, my shirt and some fabric scraps, and transforms
herself into Jackie Sparrow.

And all of a sudden she doesn't look like a 10-year old. She looks like Jack Sparrow's sister.
She looks like a pirate.

I take some pictures of her, then she washes the beard off, becomes my daughter once again, and is now doing her

With her permission, I give you captain Jackie Sparrow:




Lots of love,


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Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Halloween printables

Check out these beautiful printables from Mr Printable.

Aren't they gorgeous! Just follow the link above to download them for free.

I especially love the little bat :-)

Have a wonderful day!

Lots of love,


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Thursday, 12 July 2012

Things to hang from things

For some reason, Eva is adamant that we will bring our family and friends something really African.

Most of them have been here numerous times, and all of them have an assortment of the usual curios one gets here.

I was fresh out of ideas (short of exporting some of the local wildlife, like my very noisy rooster...).
Eva was not impressed and got rather uncharacteristically difficult.

Finally we went for a walk to calm tempers down. We have beautiful camelthorn trees in Namibia, and at the moment they are dropping their seeds.

So we came back with handfuls of the stuff, and decided to make some things to hang from other things (if you are related to us, please use the time until we get there to practice a delighted smile):





Ps: The camlethorn seeds are the kidney-shaped things, the other stuff are shells with holes in them and wood we found on the beach. Drill holes into the seeds and hang from string.
Puppy loved it.

A gorgeous day to you,


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Monday, 9 July 2012

Working through the bucket list

This family time bucket list was a great idea! We are doing a lot more things together and it is really fun.

Here some pictures from our Sunday:

The cat and me doing our Sunday morning thing:

Eva's newest obsession: spying. That unfortunately means that her dad and I have to come up with interesting
things to do, so she can watch us and report back without us seeing her.
I hung up the washing and he ate the only ripe strawberry (why didn't I think of that!):

Then we went to visit the petting zoo:

Tough life in Africa:

Lovely winter sky:


Have a wonderful day my friends!

Lots of love,


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Saturday, 30 June 2012

Holiday Bucket List DIY

15 days to go before we leave for Germany!

Because my man and I have to work and Eva is on holiday, I thought it would be nice to make a special effort to do something as a family every day.

Here are some of the things I came up with:

Movie evening at home with pizza and popcorn
Cook a meal together
Visit an art gallery
Pack a picknic and go to the dam
Paint a picture together on a big canvas
Play a boardgame
Make a family quilt
Watch Ice Age 4 at the movies together
Have breakfast at the farmers market
Go to Namibia's only flea market, which is held tomorrow :-)
Visit a near-by game lodge and look at, photograph, and draw the animals
Make presents for family and friends in Germany

By taking the things off we have already done, we can use it at the same time as a count-down for our trip.

To make the bucket list I glued clothes pegs onto an old plank, stamped a frame on index cards, and added the activities:

I left some of the little cards empty, so Eva and her dad can add their own ideas.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Lots of love,


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