My Latest Recipes 16
  • Best Meatballs Ever from kel888 in Iowa City, IA.
    These are the best meatballs EVER! My roommate in college taught me how to make these. They were a house favorite. His family i...
  • Peanut Butter Surprise Cookies from kel888 in Iowa City, IA.
    These cookies are awesome!...
  • Quinoa Salad w Black Beans and Cilantro from kel888 in Iowa City, IA.
    This is the best salad ever! It would be great to take to a cook out and show off to your friends--I know I am going to. It is h...
  • Cashew Jalepeno Spread from kel888 in Iowa City, IA.
    This spread is on one of my favorite sandwiches at an organic food store in town. It is sooo good I had to figure out how to mak...
  • Buffalo Chicken Pizza Easy from kel888 in Iowa City, IA.
    This pizza is yummy and sooo easy to make!...
  • Chicken And Tomatillo Soup from kel888 in Iowa City, IA.
    This soup is from the Kayln's Kitchen Website...I have added a few ingredients to it (lime, garlic, cumin, and crushed red). It i...
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