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  • Erma_E_K_Monie 2 years ago about Jimmys Gnocchi
    TY, for this great recipe. I will be trying to do it. I make no promises, I will probably mess it up.
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago about Pickled Egg Recipes
    Link to LindaLMT's IMI post: Pickled Egg Recipes
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago about Pickled Egg Recipes
    Pickled Eggs as I remember how my mother made them.
    I made the RED beet EGGS version. I took a jar (15oz) of sliced beets and dumped the entire contents into a bigger jar and added everything else. Picture is of a sliced egg on day 3. The longer the eggs pickle, the more "pickled" they become.
    Pickled eggs are an "acquired taste" but one I've come to enjoy.
  • Cosmicmother 8 years ago about Basic Enchilada Sauce
    IMI review by Stellasmom, not yet rated?
    Enchilada Sauce
  • rainbowcookin 8 years ago
    Hi there, long time no see! ...... Well I have only 1 subject to go before I finish my course, YAY! I have fully transitioned to vegetarian and my son wants us to all go completely vegan. The cow's milk is easy (never did like it) but not sure how I feel about giving up butter and honey, lol. Keep healthy, happy and well
  • rainbowcookin 8 years ago about Harisa
    This sounds great. I will definitely give this a try sometime soon!
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago
    Hi Elgourmand, I just noticed your post's on Keni's page. Not sure if you know but she passed away 2 years ago. I'm so sorry if this is new news to you :( Please message me if you need more info. But for right now all I can do for you is tell you that we do and annual cooking for Keni day....just pick out a recipe of hers and make it then review it in the IMI group. Here is the info I posted for Keni Cooking Day 2016 Keni Cooking Day it's a fantastic way to remember and appreciate she would love it :) Get with me if you need to.
    ♥Michelle♥ aka mommyluvs2cook
  • twill10 8 years ago
    you can leave out the tomatoes, my Dad had reactions to tomatoes and I usually made his without tomatoes.
  • twill10 8 years ago
    being from Louisiana you have to eat rice, the culture almost demands it. I have made rice so many ways , you might find one you like....:)
  • hollyeats 8 years ago
    You're back!! Missed you.
  • lobster 8 years ago
    Hi Elgourmand! Are you from AR?? What is your profile name over there??
  • twill10 8 years ago
    thanks, I hope you like it
  • DonSpain 9 years ago
    Hi, I've used Cottage Cheese which worked -- A bit lower in fat!!! Hope helps. cheers
  • DonSpain 9 years ago
    HI Thank you for your great positive comments - I hope you enjoy the récipes. Cheers
  • NPMarie 9 years ago
    RJ, just curious, what kind of cheese do you suggest using in Macaroni And Cheese? I usually use sharp cheddar or Gruyere:)