How to make it

  • preheat the oven to 350 degees.
  • lightly grease a baking sheet.
  • Cream butter, add sugar, then the egg yolks and vanilla.
  • Add flour.
  • Process until a dough forms.
  • Cut dough into squares half just a square and the other half cut a little square inside, you can use whatever form you like.
  • Bake for aprox 25 to 35 min.
  • Let them stand for 1/2 hour.
  • With a pipe draw a square inside the cookie and fill it.
  • Frost with powder sugar the cookies that have a little square and put them over the bases that have the dulce de leche.
  • You're done! enjoy!!!
cookie bases   Close
Frost tops   Close
pipe the filling   Close
put the tops   Close
you're done!   Close

Reviews & Comments 21

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    " It was excellent "
    trigger ate it and said...
    This is really nice magali.
    Five forks from me.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    vivian ate it and said...
    How did I miss these? they look amazing must try soon!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • lilliancooks 16 years ago
    Sounds delicious!!! Great job with the photos also!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • falafel_fanatic 16 years ago
    Wow! This sounds absolutely amazing!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    pinkpasta ate it and said...
    Wish I had some of these to go with my coffee in the morning! They look absolutely delicious! They are just gorgeous!
    Thanks for sharing them!
    Debbie~ pinkpasta
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    pelo2000 ate it and said...
    I could not resist.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    lunasea ate it and said...
    I just wanted to say that these came out so pretty and delicious. I used both dulce de leche and fruit preserves for filling and loved both of them. Wonderful - a real keeper, hon - thanks so much! I wish I could give you a 15...
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    shirleyoma ate it and said...
    How did I miss this one.. looks fantastic, love your photo's etc... got my 5 many hugssssssss
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    zena824 ate it and said...
    These look fabulous..... WOW... thanks for a great post...
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • ruskingirl 16 years ago
    Wow!!! These cookies sound amazing...they will go over great at my in-laws. Thanks
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    henrie ate it and said...
    These look so wonderful, I know I would love these, great post GF You get my 5 and also taging this as beautiful
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    grandmommy ate it and said...
    Oh! Magali what have I been missing? This make me want to eat them right off the screen!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • krumkake 16 years ago
    Fantastic - and you're so right about all the variations that are possible...that's what so great about recipes like this - it can be different every time. Thank you for sharing it!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    berry ate it and said...
    Mmm... qué ricas... son similares a los alfajores?? me encanta el dulce de leche, cajeta para ustedes y arequipe para nosotros!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • grandmacooks 16 years ago
    These are beautiful!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • annieamie 16 years ago
    What a great idea to fill the cookies with caramel. I've never made a cookie like this before and look forward to trying this recipe. Thank you for sharing your recipe.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    ahmed1 ate it and said...
    OMG!!! A winner my friend..Must try sooon!!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • coolnatty 17 years ago
    These cookies look yummy and look so perfect!!
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • rosemaryblue 17 years ago
    Magali, these sound fabulous, especially with the dulce de leche!! And they are also beautiful! Wonderful recipe. :)
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • bakermel 17 years ago
    WOW---These cookies not only look pretty, but sounds phenomenal! :)
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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