Showing posts with label tea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tea. Show all posts

24 November 2024

Sipping Sunday

Hot spiced wine, hot chocolate, mint tea, coffees and fresh orange juice stand in the courtyard of Église Saint-Pierre de Montmartre.


19 November 2024

Tuesday Tea


Warm colors, hot tea, a chilly November day.


What's in the bag?

When ordering tea at most traditional Paris cafés, as opposed to tea rooms, a selection of tea bags to choose from will be brought to the table. The teas will usually range from classical blends to herbal infusions a.k.a. tisanes which usually include tilleul and chamomile. Popular brands: Mariage Frères, Dammann Frères, Thé du Hammam, Kusmi Tea, TWG Tea (Ritz Hotel boutique) - BPJ


1 May 2023

Mocha Monday


Espressos, tea and a neighborhood flea market on a weekend morning.


 - Happy Fête du Travail -





30 July 2020

Social distance

Parisians' reputation for being distant, even rude (the latter usually the conclusion of outsiders who've not mastered basic niceties) has been noticeably put on hold thanks to the virus. As soon as the confinement was lifted there was a distinct shift in our quartier: familiar eyes and voices behind masks stopping to engage in long conversations, neighbors suggesting a coffee or drink together and, as everyone knows someone, terrace tables fill up quickly and suddenly, it's lunch time. - BPJ

Above: get-togethers at different spots almost every day; coffee / tea for 8; tables pushed together for a spontaneous lunch

Below: an elderly couple who rarely venture out enjoy a long lunch  

10 April 2020

Ça va passer

Yesterday's headline: "Liberty Confined"


The other day a very old lady, hunched over, maskless and pulling a shopping caddy behind her, mumbled a French version of "Bah humbug!" as she passed the line at a local organic foodstore. Everyone was wearing masks and, in silence, keeping prescribed distances when she burst out, "Ça va passer!" - this will pass - waving her free hand in disdain. A welcome gesture, it broke the ice and we laughed and agreed that we need to put this into perspective - as well as treasure this precious disappearing generation, sadly, today's most susceptible, who've seen it all: wars, holocausts, depressions, recessions, pandemics, natural disasters. - BPJ

10 March 2020

Tea and tajine

Steaming hot mint tea poured tableside and savory lamb tajines brighten a rainy day.

Tea Room
La Grande Mosquée
39 rue Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire 75005 

28 January 2020

Hot chai

Sometimes there's nothing's more warming on a cold day than a chai latte with someone who loves to laugh as much as you do.

18 December 2018

Pierre-y Christmas

Pierre Hermé's second tea room / café is tucked away in a foodie passageway.

Café Pierre Hermé - Beaupassage
53 rue de Grenelle 75007

17 December 2018

Au coin du feu

A spot of tea, a cozy fire and good conversation warm up long winter evenings... along with holiday baking.

Below: fresh-from-oven pecan brownies; Vanillekipferl, Austrian butter crescents (mom's version w/crushed hazelnuts instead of almonds)

30 March 2018

Tea and garden

View from café looking onto the resplendent interior courtyard of the Petit Palais art museum.

30 November 2017

Warming up

With the holidays closing in, chocolat chaud, hot spiced wine and tea stalls are popping up on squares such as this one at l'Église Saint-Pierre. 

25 August 2017


A poster on the wall of a shop that sells coffees and teas.

“Art has something to do with an arrest of attention in the midst of distraction.”
Saul Bellow

26 June 2017

A baker's dozen

 A courtyard conceals beautiful home-made brunches, lunches, buttermilk biscuits (a specialty), pies, nibbles, coffees, teas and creative summer drinks. And it's run by a lovely American.

16 rue des Saints-Pères 75007

8 April 2015

Tea-totaler's lamp

A lamp inside a vintage clothing shop reminds me of something out of the "Mad Hatter Tea Party."