Showing posts with label wynonna earp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wynonna earp. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Wynonna Earp, Season 3, Episode 12: War Paint

Season finale time - and time for a whole lot of epic! And yes it certainly brings the epic.

Beginning with an epic speech from Wynonna to her army of Revenants. And it’s a really excellent speech acknowledging her murdering past how she’s loved killing them all, how she’s really good at it and how she’s really giving up a lot by putting down her gun. Without it she’s a woman with “stellar hair, loaded last name and tired liver”. And as they’ve shared a curse she’s willing to share her land - removing the wards on the homestead which kept them out. She constantly refers to “us”

It really is an excellent scene

This is when she also reunites with Waverley where they both blow each others’ minds with all the revelations of what has been happening. There’s a lot to digest. Angels, sleeping with Waverley’s dad, Doc eating Charlie, revenant armies et al.

Wynonna and Julian have a moment which is rather awkward - he tells how much he loved Michelle and how she was the one who lured him from Eden. He’d never left or even endered Eden before. He does explain that they choose Wyatt to be their champion and gave him the flaming sword

But Bulshar has his own plans -he needs to be mortal to get into Eden and for that he needs Wynonna’s blood. But first he sends out his minions to cause some damage

They attack Nicole and Kate - and Nicole is still there telling Kate she needs to dump Doc because these two could be such fun together. Especially with them gunning down lots of minions - which they do. But Nicole is injured. Mercedes shows up, is utterly blase about everything including the vampire living in her house, but she agrees to stay with the injured Kate while Nicole goes to Waverley

Except Nicole is much worse hurt than first appeared and instead passes out on the road - only to be saved by Doc and taken to the Homestead. Which is crowded and complicated. Bobo has briefly visited for a heart to heart with Waverley who is not amused by him and he and Julian have a tense moment. What is awesome is how both of them make clear that Waverley is a wonderful, awesome person who owes that to herself and her mother - not her angelness.

This episode just has lots of awesome moments like that.

Doc does have a sword he found in the greenhouse he gives to Julian - a special sword (Wyatt’s champion sword?) which Julian notes Doc couldn’t even touch if there wasn’t some hope for his sword. And Wynonna appeals to Julian to heal Nicole - the love of his daughter’s life. And yes, appealing to an angel to heal a woman on the bases of her same-sex romance is another awesome moment. Even if it does leave Julian so weak in the aftermath he gives up his ring to Waverley.

While this is happening Jeremy and Robin are being super cute together and trying to research which isn’t going so well - Jeremy also has one of his unexplained psychic buzzes that Doc is not ok.

They are attacked by the beekeeper minions and Nedry arrives with guns. Nedry is always awesome - and I even kind of like the biplay about Ru Paul’s drag race.

At the Homestead, Bulshar and his army attack. There is a lot of shooting, big guns, small guns, sacrificing revenants and lots and lots of shooting and fighting

And then wynonna is captured by Bobo and cut so her blood can be claimed by Bulsharr for his ritual. There then follows a queue of people to try and kill her - Julian saves her first but he’s too weak to face Bulshar and Bobo Kills him. Then Doc arrives to fight Bobo who reminds everyone that mortal weapons can’t kill him. So Waverley melts his brain. Killing her dad doesn’t make her a happy person but she faces him with epic disappointment more than anger which is somehow so much more painful

Who wants Waverley to be disappointed in them

Wynonna gathers her army to face Bulshar and be ready to defeat him with her curse breaking touch - but he beats her too it and breaks the curse. The Revenants disappear, their undead lives ended now they’re no longer cursed. Without the curse Bulshar is mortal and can enter Eden. Technically he can be killed - but he vanishes.

Wynonna Earp, Season 3, Episode 11: Daddy Lessons

That was rather unexpected - did not see a lot of that coming - well done Wynonna Earp for being most unpredictable

So, Nicole and Waverly are dealing with the super awfulness of Charlie being dead by Doc’s fangs and wondering how they tell Wynonna. Nicole has to leave because as a precaution she’s having the town evacuated in case Bulshar causes badness to happen (and can I say how much I love Nedry calling her Sheriff?). Alone, a very upset Waverley touches Charlie

And he comes back from the dead.

Now I thought Charlie as rival love interest and all was perfectly placed to be a sacrificial pathos character. Did not expect resurrection.

This throws another spanner in the works because Waverly is rethinking the whole sacrifice thing. I mean it’s one thing to think you have a magic ring doing weird stuff and kind of dodging the whole specialness of that. But when you start bringing the dead back to life it kind of makes your reassess things. Wynonna catches on to this and, after walking past Charlie walking around in a daze (which nearly pole axes Nicole) she goes and tracks Waverly down by the Eden stairs that Wynonna can’t see. Waverly is determined to sacrifice herself and Wynonna can’t stop her

So Wynonna knocks her out. And plans to have someone drive her out of Purgatory. She can’t do it, she has Bulshar to fight. Nicole can’t do it because she’s sheriff and also she can’t tell Waverly no because awwwwwwwww. So they enlist an extremely confused Charlie to do it. While Nicole continues to be dumbstruck by the whole being alive thing

Waverley and Charlie have a few sacrificial conversations, she doesn’t want to die but she will sacrifice herself as a last resort. And he takes her to her mother’s greenhouse… which he shouldn’t know about. More on this later

Because Wynonna has another problem - without Peacemaker she is vulnerable and is kidnapped by some Revenants who want to offer her to Bulshar as tribute as one of his bridges. This comes with witty banter, creepy guy making her wear his dead wife’s dress and gay Revanant doing her hair (Wynonna Earp, look Nicole and Waverly are awesome but you’ve still only just started treating Jeremy as a character and he and Robin are still largely comic relief. Basically you don’t have nearly enough banked to get away with this throwaway stereotyped bullshit).

She’s presented to Bulshar to find that Mercedes is already there. Voluntarily. And she makes a passionate defence of cowardice, survival and how she’s totally going to survive this and if this means being team Bulshar then so be it. And I kind of applaud Mercedes for this - sorry, I love her and I love her unabashed, unashamed willingness to look after herself, to protect herself, to resist her martyrdom without the slightest hint of shame.

Also her take on the Titanic is absolutely awesome. I worship Mercedes

Oooh oooh, who wants a tv show that somehow manages to connect Delle Sayah from Killjoys and Mercedes just going out there and being gloriously terrible people together? You’d watch it. You’d know you would.

Bulshar wants a lieutenant - and Wynonna seems to listen to Mercedes because she offers herself. She wants her family to live. She wants Waverley to live. And to do that she will serve Bulshar, she even offers to beg, she even kneels before him offering service… until she nearly touches him and he recoils in actual terror from her touch and has her locked in a cage

Monday, October 1, 2018

Wynonna Earp: Season 3, Episode 10 The Other Woman

Flashback! Basically to remind us that way back in the day (1887) when Bulshar was first defeated with an alliance of Juan Carlos (a priest and angel), Bobo and Constance. But there was also another woman present recording Juan Carlos’s memories. This will be relevant soon. They also refer to a Champion

In the present Bobo is imprisoned and so broken than even he doesn’t want to be released. He is barely making sense but bringing extra levels of bleakness for Wynonna who is very very very hopeless. And research isn’t Wynonna’s thing either so she leaves it to Jeremy and Waverley (who are despairing and recapping everything because it’s all getting a bit conmplicated) and takes her Quintiple shot latte to go spend some time with Charlie

Charlie’s kind of sad at being kind of sidelines and hot firemen are not used to being sidelined. While he has a point, Wynonna has way way more going on than Charlie’s feelings or their relationship. She pretty much tells him that they’ll pick this up in Spring and he slopes off in a huff. Look it’s not like he’s not informed here, he knows about the supernatural, he knows about the woo-woo, he knows what’s at stake - he needs some perspective here.

Anyway relationship drama aside, Wynonna has a visit from Kevin, a woman and heir to basically the Powers That Be who watch but don’t interfere. Except they totally interfere because THEY ALWAYS DO. This is a genre rule. People who can’t interfere constantly interfere but then have weirdly arbitrary limits so they can’t use their super powers to make things easy.

Oh and Kevin is played by Anna Silk. And one of her reasons for helping is that she’s sick of the powers that be boy’s club.

Not that Kevin is especially confident with Wynonna Earp and Wynonna isn’t arguing at all about being clueless, under trained or an alcoholic. But she has a lead on a weapon that can kill Bulshar - his arm. His arm which he lost when he was entombed in a dangerous rickety mine (he got a new one). So that’s Waverley and Wynonna off on a road trip.

They arrive at the mine to find a revenant that Waverley remembers from her research - he’s a one armed Revenant who was trapped in the mine long ago. But he also has both arms - because apparently Revenants and Bulshar can share body parts. So they need to take his arm back … except this mine is a uranium mine. And the Revenant is radioactive. When Wynonna touches him she’s burned and staggers back sick and ill

Wynonna Earp: Season 3, Episode 9: Undo It

Waverley and Nicole are still having issues about the powerful ring that is now glued to Wavelery’s finger. Since it has a habit of killing people, they’re concerned about the fact they can’t get it off. They even call in a creepily obsessive jeweller, Dexter who is definitely a demon. He also can’t get it off, even with a saw.

And we have the return of Mercedes!

Yes I’m taking a moment to celebrate this - because Mercedes was awesome. I have a complete soft spot in my heart for unrepentant, terrible characters who run through the show being completely awful in glorious ways. Mercedes is the poster child for this wonderful awfulness

She’s not doing incredible well since last we saw her she had her face melted off. She still has scars and is in a lot of pain - and has been travelling the world getting a series of operations to put her face back together again. She’s troubled but more concerned with getting her money out of the safe and snarking about how very very very good (or very very awful) the magical ring could be.

When Dexter arrives tries to take the ring by force and Waverley melts off his face. This is not reassuring for anyone.

Wynonna and Doc awake in the barn having sex - and Bulshar arrives with a band of demonic beekeepers to cast some delusion magic on them both.

There follows a truly awful and powerful scene in which Doc is trapped under the floorboards being slowly buried alive while Wynonna tries to find a way to free him. But every time she dies - often horribly, in great agony including acid and red hot metal, only to groundhog day back at the beginning. Each time with Doc buried a little more. Wynonna starts our snarking and wisecracking but her slow, terrible grind down is really powerfully portrayed as she dies again and again.

Eventually she finds Bobo - and she starts killing him. Each death, again, setting back the clock. In desperation Wynonna, as they both die yet again, appeals to Bobo to work together to defeat Bulshar: but he’s broken. Completely broken by the despair of repeated deaths he has given up.

Luckily for him that Jeremy calls Waverley and Nicole and they find where Bobo is trapped, wrapped in roots (since plants and trees seem to be Bulshar’s thing) and manage to rescue and wake him up. He then tells them about what Wynonna and Doc are facing

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Wynonna Earp: Season 3, Episode 8: Waiting Forever for You

We actually have Wynonna and Jeremy spending social time! Playing pool and Wynonna being very very distracting by describing how she once gave birth on that pool table. Which was likely messy

As Jeremy says, this is probably why no-one plays with them. They also talk love life with Jeremy worried about getting close to Robin with all the death in their lives with Wynonna advising him to just embrace it while he has it. But in comes Charlie and Wynonna tries to avoid him because she’s been ghosting him - Jeremy throws her to the wolves and attracts his attention before running away.

There is Awkwardness but Charlie and Wynonna are now back on. This includes a date in Purgatory’s fanciest restaurant. A diner. With breadsticks and knives that look like swords (this is Wynonna’s definition of classy and she and Charley are just really cute). Wynonna has a lot of self-depreciation and doubt because of the Earp curse but Charlie is clear he’s ready to run into the fire of her life for her. Even if he isn’t fully aware of the supernatural yet,

Jeremy and Robin are invited to a big gay dinner by Waverley and Nicole which sounds like a very fun night out and Jeremy and Robin are excited talking about it except… Doc

Kate tried to leave Doc a captured human to eat… and Doc angrily refuses because he doesn’t belong to her, isn’t her’s and can do his own hunting. She’s super sad because he was her’s once. She also worried because her tarot woo-woo tells her that Bulshar knows she’s there.

Doc probably should have listened far more to Kate because he goes into the woods and attacks… Robin

Yes, I thought Robin was dead. But no, Doc controls himself and takes the heavily bleeding Robin to Jeremy

Amazingly Jeremy doesn’t see “I bit your boyfriend but managed not to kill him” to be a plus and demands Doc leave. Knowing he’s a vampire, Jeremy understands Wynonna’s break up. Jeremy is not happy. He hasn’t got to bite his boyfriend yet

He goes to interrupt Wynonna’s date to explain what just happened - so she and Charlie decide to shelve dinner in exchange for some staking action while Jeremy and Robin go to the Big Gay Dinner.

Staking action doesn’t mean Doc - oh Charlie uses a holy water soaked whip to trap Doc in his bar, so he won’t interfere while Wynonna goes to see Kate. They argue a lot about who is the most special person to Wynonna when they’re interrupted...

Bulshar has also been up and about - and has raised his wife Constance. She’s a burned, dismembered zombie, but she has been brought back from death and freed from the salt flats.

She now gatecrashes Doc and Charlie. Charlie duly freaks out at the sight of the blackened zombie - and frees Doc so he can use his sudden super strength to knock Constance down (waaaait, I thought vampires in this didn’t have super strength). They plan to drop her in the well where all inconvenient people are abandoned on this show. I hope no-one is drinking from this well. While they bicker, Constance escapes and steals Doc’s car - which was her car originally

They try to follow her on foot but Doc’s bloodlust overwhelms him: Charlie has to knock him out to save himself from being eaten and Doc co-operates

This involves lots of guns pointing at each other because it’s time for a dramatic confrontation with lots of snark and with Kate being super snarky and fun. And Wynonna accusing Kate of magically seducing Doc while Kate retorts that she cannot be blamed for Doc’s choices (and how sexist it is). She decides to explain her past in a series of nifty flashbacks

Monday, September 3, 2018

Wynonna Earp, Season 3, Episode 7: I Fall to Pieces

Wynonna and Charlie are still doing their casual stress release thing in a fire engine (which is just awkward) while Nicole campaigns for support to become the new sheriff.

Nedry is all very very supportive of this, happy to retire and snark (Jeremy’s also there and Waverley makes a quip about whether he lives there and this is just Wynonna Earp kind of lampshading that they’ve done so little with Jeremy he doesn’t even have a home) as he sets Nicole and Wynonna together clearing out his weird cupboard of weirdness. Any potential magical artefacts which he’d have trouble explaining he’s stuffed in the cupboard

Wynonna quickly derides this as make work to try and make them work together because Wynonna and Nicole don’t always get on. This has always been kind of bubbling but this episode lays it out: Nicole likes order and rules. Especially since she’s the sheriff which kind of needs some level of rules and orders and planning. While Wynonna likes to wing it, burn it all down and kind of get through it. They clash a lot and eventually their squabbling breaks some of the artefacts

We know that’s a bad idea.

Nedry also tells Nicole that she needs to get the approval of Bunny Loblaw, who controls the city council. And she is a terrible terrible person.

She visits Nicole, is clearly homophobic (and points to the show for knowing that homophobes are often smart enough not to yell slurs but do like their dog whistles: like praising Wynonna for being a “straight shooter”) and equally clearly doesn’t like that Nicole isn’t from Purgatory. She’s also allergic to cats and even thinking of backing Wynonna for Sheriff. She makes one valid complaint - she didn’t like that Nedry lied to her about the supernatural shenanigans in the city and kept her in the dark. She wants to be told

While Wynonna and Nicole bicker away (Wynonna doesn’t actually want to be sheriff but she takes issue with Nicole so passionately insisting how utterly terrible Wynonna would be as a sheriff. I mean, it’s not wrong but it is mean), Bunny sees a gnome and meets Nicole’s cat, Calamity Jane (this is an AWESOME name for a cat and I want to get a cat just so I can call her this!) which is unfortunate as she has a pet allergy and promptly passes out

There follows one of the most hilarious exchanges there has ever been on this show. And this is Wynonna Earp which has some of the biplays ever in the genre. This show is the master of snark and this set a new level

From “Balls, Bunny’s dead”. To Wynonna insisting she knows a dozen places to hide a body, “she’s alive” “fine, I’ll save them for another time.” Nicole insists Wynonna get Bunny’s purse, so which Wynonna relies “yes, cash!” Not medication.

Bunny is actually alive. And doesn’t want to go to hospital because it has too many immigrant doctors - because she is a terrible terrible person.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Wynonna Earp, Season 3, Episode 6: If We Make It Through December

This is a Christmas episode

In August.

What nonsense is this?!
Ok, getting past that, highly reluctantly, we have an episode with lots of cute costumes and preparing for christmas and Michelle wanting to have a perfect christmas for her family now she’s out of the mental institution. Which means she wants a nice perfect angel on the Christmas tree, not the Menstrual angel Waverley made as a child out of tampons despite it being a family tradition.

She also doesn’t want Doc’s christmas tree - the house has just been cleansed of demons, she doesn’t want to add mites. Also Doc’s a little afraid of them. Wynonna and Waverley still have misgivings about Michelle and want to watch her while still loving the runion and watching her kill wild turkeys for them. Oh and telling Wynonna to go get laid because she’s dramatically inappropriate

Wynonna also tells Waverley about her dad being an angel where she freaks out while Michelle and Wynonna are gloriously blase about the whole thing. Waverley is big into finding out about her dad, Michelle focuses on how nice Julian was and how much better than the cruel and alcoholic Ward Earp - but I do like that Wynonna’s focus is that Julian actually abandoned Michelle. I like this because it’s probably easy to just say “Julian good” or even Julian is better than Ward but Wynonna is there cynically pointing out that no-one is perfect and being better than someone else doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to be a saint.

There’s also some complexity around Bobo - who was apparently around when Waverley was born and even when Michelle insults him and calls him awful she suggests inviting him to Christmas dinner and it doesn’t feel like a complete joke

Doc’s rather bedraggled tree is also rejected by Jeremy whose allergies don’t tolerate nature in his space. We do have a really nice scene with Doc empathising with and comforting Jeremy after he feels he has been ghosted by Robin which is really really good. Also he looks good without his moustache.

Time for the monster of the week - it’s Bulshar and he’s kidnapped a kid during the whole Christmas moment (Nedry as Santa of course) and it’s time for the gang to get out there and find him.

Except Nedry. Nicole goes to him but Nedry is broken. He can’t get over the fact that the child was taken virtually in front of him and he did nothing. And he doesn’t even know the point of bringing him back - back to Purgatory where bad things happen. Nedry is burned out completely

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Wynonna Earp, Season 3, Episode 5: Jolene

Jolene continues her campaign of mind controlling baked goods (she’s also played by Zoie Palmer so you know no-one has a chance against such concentrated awesomeness) that convinces everyone that she is the best person ever

They does mean the gang is happy to tie up Michelle in the barn and suspect her, with Jolene excellently twisting the knife (Jolene uses passive aggression and incitement as an ART form here. I am in AWE of her ability to turn people on each other with just a nice little passive aggressive dig) all convinced that Michelle is the worst and wants to kill Waverley

Michelle insists that she doesn’t - but a demon is stalking her all her life until Michelle managed to bind the demon to her in her failed exorcism… which then broke when Waverley touched her.

Waverley has some vague memories of being stalked by something toothy and awful… and Doc tells Wynonna about the demonic voice he heard on Michelle’s taped therapy notes (adding that he’s been to hell which is why he can hear it. They put a pin in that for later).

But between them they realise that maybe Michelle is right and there is a demon - so they let her go. But before she can ask “who the hell is Jolene?” Jolene is quick to stuff baked goods in her mouth and Michelle joins them all in the happy Jolene fantasy world. It’s clear if you go some time without eating Jolene’s baking, the mind control wears off and Jolene is constantly feeding them more tasty mind bending treats

We all have that friend who is a feeder (actually I think I may be that friend…)

Michelle is also introduced to Wynonna’s sorta-boyfriend Doc (and undead relic from the old west) which she seems far more able to deal with than Waverley dating a female cop - but she puts a pin in that as well.

At this point Jolene is running around throwing cakes at people and really really turning the gang against each other - and especially Waverley. She wants Waverley dead but cannot kill her herself… so she needs to set up her death in other ways

She pokes Nicole about how the Earps don’t keep her in the loop and kind of treat her as an afterthought

She pokes Doc with the idea that, as a human bartender with a probably personality disorder, just what real use is he to the gang, really? Her kiss also seems to work like baked goods for turning people against Waverley.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Wynonna Earp, Season 3, Episode 4: No Cure for Crazy

Hunting a Revenant, Doc and Wynonna are helped by rather unexpected moving tree. Which is unusual but helpful. Unhelpful is Peacemaker glitching and not firing

“Don’t embarrass me in front of the bad man.” - Wynonna

This is a bad sign. Another bad sign is that they are running out of money. Dolls gave the legitimacy, funds and some level of authority. Without him they have no funds, no quasi federal status as marshalls and the new City Manager (is this a thing? I mean it kind of sounds like “mayor” got all corporate?) is cutting them off. Which is bad when you’re now searching behind sofa cushions for bullets

The lack of legitimacy is also not helpeful, with Nedry also clearly being utterly worn down by the job and the struggle. Which is super sad because I love him. Wynonna does suggest that he should step down for Nicole. Which will also be good.

We also have Wynonna and Nicole kinda sorta circling about the secrets each kept (about the massacre in Nicole’s youth - and she decides to throw away a ring connected to it this episode? - and Wynonna and her hidden mother in a secure mental institution). Still because this is Wynonna Earp they still respect each other when they still have issues. And Waverley demands a group hug.

We also have a new character, Robin - and he’s gay. And we know this because the show actually, after 2 seasons of playing coy with Jeremy, calls him gay. There are some dubious elements in his introduction - he runs from a tree which has an eye and is literally bleeding, and runs into Waverley and says “hey girl bangs”. Yeah, because even when running from a demonic evil tree, a gay man will notice and comment on a woman’s hair. But after that things get better - sure Waverley (noting that Jeremy is lonely in this very rural, conservative small town and that he kind of thinks Waverley and Nicole got the super rare unicorn relationship there) wants to instantly squish Jeremy and Robin together. But Jeremy is quick to say that that’s not ok or reasonable. Even if she does do it. She also dumps the whole “there’s a bleeding tree with a person inside” on Jeremy which… this could be actually something important rather than an excuse to hook Jeremy up. Waverley should be better than this

This results in Jeremy and Robin trawling through the forest. And getting lost. Robin is a park ranger - unfortunately he’s a park ranger because it’s the only job he could find after coming home to look after his sick father and he actually hates the outdoors, trees et al. These two are not outdoorsmen and woefully unsuitable for the task. They don’t find a bleeding tree but do find a spooky ominous staircase - and then lose that as well. Even the pictures they took just show spooky ominous mist. This does not bode well.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Wynonna Earp, Season 3, Episode 3: Cold Weather

Dolls died this episode and one thing the show is making a major point of this episode is emphasising just how much he meant and how devastating this was. Which, as we’vesaid before, is very very important when actually valuing the death of acharacter, especially a marginalised character. Even the theme tune was changed to make it sadder. I approve.

Though I’m still not happy with him being dead at all

So Wynonna is raging and drunk and drunk and raging and everyone’s kind of trying to manage her, give her time and space and generally hope she doesn’t explode or commit suicide by Revenant or do something else equally unwise.

We also have a really awesome moment with Doc and Wynonna which is full of grief and Doc’s voice cracking just perfectly with unshed tears and I applaud. I applaud.

That leaves Waverley and Nicole to be both awesome together (as always) and make practical arrangements. Like the funeral (and poking the funeral director who asks after their husbands and, yes, that’s EXACTLY what i would have done) and learning that a) Nicole wants to have a sky funeral and be eaten by vultures. She also learns that there’s no plot for her in the family graveyard which obviously gets Waverley’s feels all up there

They also do practical things like check out Doll’s hotel room for appropriate funeral clothing for personal effects etc - in which Waverley finds a letter from Dolls to Wynonna and Nicole talks about her own connection with Dolls. How she was a survivor of the cult of Bulshar as a child, a massacre Black Badge covered up and she only recently remembered though she had traumatic memories all her life and nightmares. Dolls was helping her with that and I like this in that it’s building the idea that Dolls had other relationships.

Doc is visiting Kate - yes the vampire. She’s still around, playing with tarot cards and getting under Doc’s skin and mentioning their big big history. Which is complex. Kate makes things further complex by stealing Waverley’s bag - with the letter to Wynonna in it which, of course, causes ISSUES., (Though Nicole and Waverley agree on their hotness)

Monday, July 30, 2018

Wynonna Earp, Season 3, Episode 2: When you Call My Name

Waverley has been taken by a Revenant - a cannibal mountain man revenant who likes traps. He also has the ability to steal voices to send a reassuring message to Nicole to stop her looking for them

Wynonna is stuck half way up a cliff with her imaginary mother reminiscing of the time her mother took her camping and taught her how to survive in the wilderness. I don’t know if imaginary mother is anything like her real mother but she’s practical, gives lots of good advice and also is very very sassy and sarcastic

Everyone on this show is sassy and sarcastic. This is why the show is awesome.

This gives us some nice insight into the whole Earp family and relationships which is a nice lens to see through. There’s also some ominous warnings about not relying on other people which is something Wynonna has got past in the last couple of seasons and I really don’t want to see her backtrack here

Wynonna manages to agonisingly climb back up to the road, having to leave Peacemaker behind on the cliff to begin tracking down Waverley.

Waverley may be voiceless and stuck in a cage with a murderous cannibal coming in and out - but thanks to a helpless hunter walking into one of those traps she’s able to non-verbally communicate to Wynonna where the traps are. With charades. And the path to booby traps that way is just hilarious

Revenant who was super scary ends up rather casually murdered in one of his own traps by Wynonna luring him -guess she doesn’t always need Peacemaker to get stuff done.

The rest of the gang are doing some demon research - the demon doing sacrifices to Balshure may have super duper speed - and dealing with issues. Doc is angsting because his recent brush with death sent him to hell - which he thinks is kind of unfair because of all the heroing he’s done. He angrily talks about it with Dolls who seems to think the key here is redemption - but Doc doesn’t buy that because all this heroing is just having them kill more people. Dolls rejects the comparison between them - but does reassure Doc they’re going to be ok. There’s definitely a mixed but positive relationship between the two.

Dolls himself is having issues with his medication which Jeremy wants to tell the others about - if nothing else then because having an unstable dragon around is just not a great idea. Dolls nixes the idea.

When Nicole finds a lost hunter (whose son walked into the cannibal’s trap) she gets to follow a trail leading the others to Wynonna and Waverley (though I do like Doc’s “I trust Wynonna’s judgement” and Nicole’s answering “I helped her kill a revenant she was sleeping with”. They may all love Wynonna but they have no illusions about her) and everyone is reunited - they just need Nicole with the climbing experience to go down and retrieve Peacemaker.