The school gang has
decided to lay a trap for the next monster which is triggered - Alaric, Dorian
and Hope respond. Yes Hope because, again, Alaric is a terrible head teacher
Inside the trap is a
unicorn. Which Dorian thinks they should kill on general principles but Hope is
completely against murdering the pretty horse (with the stabby addition we
won’t talk about). They decide that by imprisoning it they are safe because while
it’s the Malivore Monster they won’t have to deal with any more since they come
one at a time
Which is a decent
idea except for the creepy worm that emerges from the shiny horse
So the school is now
having a talent competition. This seems to be Legacies attempt at a
musical episode because all the cool shows are having them. Anyway Alaric hates
the talent show and tries to use the excuse of the unicorn to cancel it - but
the Honour Council overrules him. Since the monster is a magic pony he and Emma
decide to bunk off school and go drinking
While Hope, who nows has a horrible worm in her brain, starts acting all happy and joyful and all lovey dovey with Landon… and how did no-one suspect mind control or possession? She’s a Mikkaelson. They don’t have happy happy joy joy - they have tantrums and brood and practice staring moodily into the middle distance.
Still everyone’s
super happy with Hope being all happy and huggy, especially Landon. But not
Rafael because he’s extra uncomfortable with Hope being all close and
boundariless around him and being so very very extra with Landon.
Josie and Lizzie are
back and Josie continues to avoid Penny while Lizzie has a novel way of trying
not to be the meanest of mean girls - she has a little magically zappy bracelet
that zaps her whenever she is mean so she can moderate her tone. Which she
needs to because she’s super super intense about a very dull routine for the
witches to win the talent contest and Josie, all head-wormed, is totally not
into it, very low key and not willing to stand in the back as usual. She’s also
softening towards Penny
The worm in Kaleb’s
head makes him lead the vampires in a rather cool song and dance number. It’s
kind of irrelevant to everything but, hey, they have it and it’s nifty.
While Hope and Landon have their own talent - cake decorating. Which is going to be super weird on stage but doesn’t get that far as Hope develops glowy green eyes and suddenly think the bestest thing in the world would be to take the Malivore urn. Landon is suspicious - and a burned cake causes and electrical shock (somehow?) well this turns out to be just what you need to de-worm yourself and Hope returns to a rather embarrassed normal. They realise they have a new monster and seek out Dorian - who is guarding the unicorn and has already killed the worm heading for him. To add to the stakes they see the unicorn die - the worm in the brain eventually kills people as well.
They do some research
and Dorian is surprised that no legend talks about monsters like this - but
Landon points out that mind controlling things inside people is pretty much a
staple of sci-fi and maybe it’s a mistake to discount that, sci-fi has to be
inspired by something. Which is another way of saying “make this character
relevant!”. Anyway they decide the worm first lowers your inhibitions before
convincing you to grab the malivore urn and then it kills you
By now most of the
students are possessed including Raphael who decides to recite a spoken word
poem about how torn and jealous he is of Landon which is totally not awkward.
But thankfully everyone gets violent and urn happy so they can be locked up
while everyone searches for a solution.