Season finale time -
and time for a whole lot of epic! And yes it certainly brings the epic.
Beginning with an
epic speech from Wynonna to her army of Revenants. And it’s a really excellent
speech acknowledging her murdering past how she’s loved killing them all, how
she’s really good at it and how she’s really giving up a lot by putting down
her gun. Without it she’s a woman with “stellar hair, loaded last name and
tired liver”. And as they’ve shared a curse she’s willing to share her land -
removing the wards on the homestead which kept them out. She constantly refers
to “us”
It really is an
excellent scene
This is when she also
reunites with Waverley where they both blow each others’ minds with all the
revelations of what has been happening. There’s a lot to digest. Angels,
sleeping with Waverley’s dad, Doc eating Charlie, revenant armies et al.
Wynonna and Julian
have a moment which is rather awkward - he tells how much he loved Michelle and
how she was the one who lured him from Eden. He’d never left or even endered
Eden before. He does explain that they choose Wyatt to be their champion and
gave him the flaming sword
But Bulshar has his
own plans -he needs to be mortal to get into Eden and for that he needs
Wynonna’s blood. But first he sends out his minions to cause some damage
They attack Nicole
and Kate - and Nicole is still there telling Kate she needs to dump Doc because
these two could be such fun together. Especially with them gunning down lots of
minions - which they do. But Nicole is injured. Mercedes shows up, is utterly
blase about everything including the vampire living in her house, but she
agrees to stay with the injured Kate while Nicole goes to Waverley
Except Nicole is much
worse hurt than first appeared and instead passes out on the road - only to be
saved by Doc and taken to the Homestead. Which is crowded and complicated. Bobo
has briefly visited for a heart to heart with Waverley who is not amused by him
and he and Julian have a tense moment. What is awesome is how both of them make
clear that Waverley is a wonderful, awesome person who owes that to herself and
her mother - not her angelness.
This episode just has lots of awesome moments like that.
Doc does have a sword
he found in the greenhouse he gives to Julian - a special sword (Wyatt’s
champion sword?) which Julian notes Doc couldn’t even touch if there wasn’t
some hope for his sword. And Wynonna appeals to Julian to heal Nicole - the
love of his daughter’s life. And yes, appealing to an angel to heal a woman on
the bases of her same-sex romance is another awesome moment. Even if it does
leave Julian so weak in the aftermath he gives up his ring to Waverley.
While this is
happening Jeremy and Robin are being super cute together and trying to research
which isn’t going so well - Jeremy also has one of his unexplained psychic
buzzes that Doc is not ok.
They are attacked by
the beekeeper minions and Nedry arrives with guns. Nedry is always awesome -
and I even kind of like the biplay about Ru Paul’s drag race.
At the Homestead,
Bulshar and his army attack. There is a lot of shooting, big guns, small guns,
sacrificing revenants and lots and lots of shooting and fighting
And then wynonna is
captured by Bobo and cut so her blood can be claimed by Bulsharr for his
ritual. There then follows a queue of people to try and kill her - Julian saves
her first but he’s too weak to face Bulshar and Bobo Kills him. Then Doc
arrives to fight Bobo who reminds everyone that mortal weapons can’t kill him.
So Waverley melts his brain. Killing her dad doesn’t make her a happy person
but she faces him with epic disappointment more than anger which is somehow so
much more painful
Who wants Waverley to be disappointed in them
Wynonna gathers her
army to face Bulshar and be ready to defeat him with her curse breaking touch -
but he beats her too it and breaks the curse. The Revenants disappear, their
undead lives ended now they’re no longer cursed. Without the curse Bulshar is
mortal and can enter Eden. Technically he can be killed - but he vanishes.