Showing posts with label True Blood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label True Blood. Show all posts

Friday, March 17, 2017

The Selfish Redemption

We have previously talked about how Redemption narratives are so often flawed in the genre by being too easy and too fast. The Redemption Train gets moving and before you know it your wicked evil villain is now team good guy and you’re left wondering when the moral shift happened.

But it’s far from the only flaw we have with Redemption Narratives - because we also see another thread of redemption stories: one that is awe inspiring in their self-centredness. Rather than redeeming a villain to the side of good, these Hero Redemptions usually follow a main character or protagonist who has done terribad things and needs to be “redeemed” (which, I guess, is better than protagonists who do terribad things and everyone just kind of runs with it or ignores it). In theory anyway - in reality the redemption is usually just a way to have them play in another plot line and have our sexy actors practice their soulful gaze in front of the cameras and make something else All About Them.

The most classic of these Self-Centred Redemptions is Martyrdom. How many protagonists are there out there who don their hair shirts and wail their self-loathing to the skies? There can be no greater example of this than Louis de Pointe du Lac from Anne Rice’s Vampire Chronicle series. Louis’s entire character is about his suffering, even though he explicitly chose to become a vampire. He wanders through the years viewing himself as a member of the cursed due to his disconnect from humanity. It harms his senses that in order to live he must take life and so he searches for some greater meaning in his existence or at least a different food source. The fall from grace is the fall of a century causing him to reflect nothing but sadness. Those who do not mirror his depression are thereby judged to be not moral or beyond redemption. It is why he can so easily turn his back on Lestat in Tale of the Body Thief when Lestat turns to him for help in retrieving his immortal body. Humanity, to Louis, is the only form of redemption in existence.

Louis was, of course, the first but he formed a template in which innumerable Musty Vampires followed. From The Vampire Diaries to True Blood to Angel and Buffy (who has medals in this) we have a genre that is positively in love with Evil Vampires Who Did Evil and Now Feel Sad About It. It’s a virtually a religion among vampires and its sacrament is Sexy Brooding.

What connects them is that while all these characters are happy to crawl in a corner and moan about how cursed they are, their pain takes centre stage. Even when these characters are actively trying to do good as well, this seems rarely to be the point. The point is their pain - their pain is beautiful, their angst supposed to pluck our heart-strings. The focusing on their guilt makes these characters sympathetic; not deeply flawed people who have a long road back to being acceptable.

Related to this is the redemption quest - the terribad protagonist decides he simply has to make up for the evil things he has done by partaking of an epic quest. In extreme instances this need for redemption becomes so all encompassing that it literally causes even more problems for the team - including people who were victims of their evil acts in the first place.

Take The 100 where we have Bellamy on a quest to get essential equipment to try and protect people against the oncoming nuclear apocalypse (The Renuking! Even More Nuclear!). Without it their plan can’t possibly work - as he very well knows. But faced with a choice of claiming the device or freeing slaves… he choses to free the slaves, jeopardising a fragile alliance and destroying the equipment. And let’s be clear here, this has nothing to do with any kind of moral outrage over slavery - we’ve already seen Bellamy play some heavy “end-justifies-the-means” games: No this is because Bellamy followed Pike and now has All The Guilt. Bellamy needs redemption. Bellamy needs to be good again - and his need for a redeeming act completely supersedes actually saving everyone - including the people he hurt with his support for Pike in the first place.

The Vampire Diaries in its closing season positively revels in this. Stefan in particular is utterly driven to make up for his many many many many many many oh-so-many massacres. So he demands he be the one who takes various active roles in bringing down Cade and/or Katherine. Despite being human and therefore being slower, weaker, more fragile and with duller senses than his still vampiric brother. In fact, despite them literally fighting desperately to save the entire town and possibly the world from hellfire and damnation, Stefan actively incapacitates Damon not once, but twice. On two occasions he removes one of their most powerful assets and insists on stepping in himself, despite being far less capable - just because his redemption is more important. His Redemption Quest takes precedence over the very survival of the other characters - including his victims.

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Use of Atrocities in Fantasy

We live in a world that has been - and continues to be - blighted by horrific atrocities. From brutal, widescale violence, to vast natural disasters, to horrendous wars to unthinkable abuse and cruelty inflicted over and over again, our world and our history has some terrible scars.

It is only natural that some of those scars will be reflected in the media - indeed, many of our shows and books are set in worlds and settings ravaged by war, evil and atrocity on a grand scale. But there is a difference between depicting a generic, fictional atrocity - and depicting, drawing on or, all too often, appropriating an actual real life atrocity.

When drawing on an actual atrocity, our first question must be “why?” Why is this being depicted? And there are certainly good reasons - many people have lived through these devastating atrocities and it can be insulting and erasing to remove this from their history. Similarly, there are places and times when/where these events happens - to not include them is to disrespectfully edit history, often at the demands of nostalgia.

There are other reasons to depict these atrocities - because they shouldn’t be forgotten, they should be part of our social consciousness, they should be there for us to remember, be affected by, understand and, I naively hope, learn from.

So, yes, we can see, accept and even praise some depictions of these atrocities - and we have done so. Like on Forever we see how Abe, as a Holocaust survivor, has been shaped by that terrible atrocity and how that also touched on Henry and Abigail’s story - but without having to have Henry heroically tackle Goebbels or imply that secret immortals were behind events or anything equally ludicrous.

The Originals had Marcel fight in the First World War, both showing the horrors of war and, specifically, how racism exacerbated the plight of Black American soldiers who were sent over to be little more than cannon fodder. Again, there was no dismissing the importance, the horror or the wrongness of the events, nor any attempt to ascribe them all to supernatural cause. The atrocity was invoked respectfully and with reason.

Even True Blood, for all this genre’s love of romanticising the antebellum south and civil war, had Bill Crompton harshly describe the abject horrors of conflict to an audience of people who were invested in sugar coating the past.

But what singles these examples out for praise is how they have used the atrocities they referenced. They have a reason to be there, they are integral parts of the plot or characterisation and they are treated as respect. They’re not used for entertainment or shock value or dramatic influence or, perhaps most disrespectfully of all, one off references to be discarded at will. Nor is there any attempt to edit history to make woo-woo a driving force or major element of these atrocities. It doesn’t take woo-woo to make an atrocity, alas, quite mundane humanity is more than capable.

Alas, there are many shows that don’t have close to that level of respect

In episode nine, of this season’s Walking Dead, the genocide in Rwanda was invoked. We were told that no matter how ugly the news was, Tyreese never turned off because someone had to bear witness.  The following radio report was read by Andrew Lincoln:

“At least 68 citizens of the republic have been killed in four deadly attacks along the main coastal district. The group has continued their campaign of random violence, moving across the countryside unfettered with the republic’s military forces in disarray … There have been troubling reports of cannibalism having broken out in refugee camps along the republic’s transportation corridor. And despite the string of victories by rebel forces, there are disturbing reports of increasing the brutality of their tactics including the wholesale destruction of villages, burning down local prisons, targeting of civilians, and even the widespread mutilation of children and young mothers.”

Over a period of 4 months in 1994, 70% of the Tutsi population was killed in Rwanada.  Between 500,000–1,000,000 Rwandans were killed.  This world event had long lasting consequences, not only for Rwanda but for surrounding countries.  To be clear, The Walking Dead is pure fiction and while the story is at times horrifying as it portrays human depravity, desperation and death on a mass scale, it’s still fiction.  To invoke something as serious as the Rwandan genocide and then juxtapose that to a fake zombie apocalypse is the height of disrespect for this terrible time in human history.

On Constantine, a man possessed by a hunger demon is linked to a famine in Sudan, not some generic famine or mentioning that this demon caused starvation; but actually a specific atrocity (or series of devastating acts, sadly, since Sudan is still at risk of famine). The 1998 famine in Sudan, alone, caused the death of over 70,000 people and the displacement of many more. Yet this devastating loss of life is used as nothing more than a prologue for this week’s demon; worse, this human-exacerbated disaster is implied to be of supernatural origin.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

True Blood, Season 7, Episode 10: Thank You

Bill has called on Sookie to explain why he needs to die – for her. “You’re choosing to die because I have no self-respect?” yes, Sookie’s tone says it all. When Sookie presses he tells her that the disease makes him feel more human, the creeping mortality makes him feel human and he references his family’s graves and his own, empty. Which actually would be an excellent and deep reason why Bill has chosen to end his life – to embrace mortality. But then he quickly turns it to Sookie and how wonderful she is with kids which she could never have with him (because kids are everything and kids can only ever be part of your family if both you and your partner can have kids together. It is known). Also, just in case she won’t have enough angst, he wants her to use up her light killing him and therefore not being a super tasty fae any more

Sookie is not a fan of this plan. Bill’s plan to ensure Sookie gets over him seems to be to ensure the guilts will haunt her for the rest of her life.

At Fangtasia Eric continues to make random decisions – he decides to let Sarah go. He also intends to kill Gus and steal Nublood. All this trusting and sharing thing just doesn’t work for him any more. Pam loves this idea. They give Sarah Pam’s blood (why not Eric’s?) so Pam can always find her.

Once Sarah has escaped, Pam and Eric show Gus and the Yakuza what vampires can do in a confined space (about damn time!) Gus tries to run down the tunnel – as Eric puts it “humans are slow”, giving them ample time to burn him to death.

Other Yakuza have made their way to silence Sookie. Eric goes to meet them and has a happy little slaughterfest. He loads them up in his car and drives off quite merrily (I love the little head dancing to the radio – perfect touch).

Pam goes to collect Sarah. They talk about Bill’s book (Pam only skimmed it to read the parts about her. Heh, which is so perfectly Pam). Sarah decides she’s a horrible person (Pam: “yes dear, you are.”) So that would make her an awesome vampire! Yes she wants to be a vampire, and a lesbian to be the woman behind Pam. Pam is amused by this nonsense – until Sarah mentions Tara’s name then she gets strangled and Pam telling her never to say Tara’s name (I like it, I love it –but toooo little toooo late). Not only would Pam never ever have sex with Sarah, ever – she does take Sarah’s blood to ensure she’s “vaccinated”.

To the Crompton house where Jessica and Hoyt pay a visit and Jessica interrupts all the pleasant small talk to tell Bill she’ll be fine – she doesn’t want him to die, but she does want him to know that if he does die she’ll be ok because she knows that would prey on him. Hah, Jessica I don’t think Bill has thought of anyone but Sookie for some time now. Bill then decides to ask Hoyt if he’s going to marry Jessica which pushes Hoyt to say, yes, one day

Jessica drags Bill somewhere private to point out that in all her dreams of getting married didn’t include her dying vampire dad pressuring a guy who has no memories of her into proposing for some nebulous future. Bill explains that beause he didn’t get to give his daughter away, he’s using her to live out his fantasies of a wedding before he dies (though he could, we have to realise, take the cure and walk into the sunlight later rather than putting Jessica’s relationship on his time table) and he wants to know she’s “spoken for” so Jessica decides to change that nebulous future into getting married right now.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

True Blood, Season 7, Episode 9: Love is to Die

Bill’s excuse for not drinking the cure is that he has accepted his fate – even though it now doesn’t have to be his fate and is now a form of chosen suicide as Sookie of all people points out. And when Sookie is the one speaking sense you know how bad things have got. So he chooses – the True death. Jessica curses him and storms off and Bill turns his angsty eyes to Sookie who promptly slaps him. He can’t explain himself so Sookie keeps slapping him until Eric intervenes. Eric tells him to leave but, before he does, Jessica demands Bill release her. He does.

Bill leaves, leaving Jessica and Sookie to cry on Eric and Pam’s shoulders (“cry on my jacket and you’re paying for it sweetheart”. Yes, Pam).

Jessica and Sookie go to Sam’s trailer (for reasons) and, laughably, Jessica checks if it’s safe for Sookie to be out at night alone. Yes, Sookie has spent the whole season running around at night with her fairy blood and throwing away her phone but now we check if it’s safe. Anyway, the trailer is empty – as in completely stripped bare – there’s just a letter from Sam saying he’s off to Chicago with Nicole (and how understanding she is that he writes letters to other women saying how he loves them). Personally I think Sam considered Tara and Alcide, realised he was a loose end and got out of town before he was conveniently killed off.

They go to Bellefleurs (since Sam’s trailer’s in the parking lot which made more sense when he owned the place) which is opening for business despite there being zero customers because Arlene’s putting on her positive face. Sookie realises everyone may actually be having fun so tells them all that Sam is gone. That’ll teach them to be happy in her presence.  She gives Andy his letter from Sam which is basically his resignation.

James takes a moment to say sorry to Jessica who gives him her blessing to be with Lafayette- and leaves her nice and blame free to go pursue Hoyt. Speaking of, he and Bridget are arguing because she’s outraged that he doesn’t want kids. He says he doesn’t want to have kids- at least not yet (or so I interpret the whole “that’s not where I’m at” line). She’s also super jealous because of Jessica which is when Jessica decides to knock on the door.

Jessica is there with her remarkably good timing to tell Hoyt they used to be together. Bridget gives him an ultimatum – stay inside and ignore Jessica or go out to her and then she and him are through. Hoyt chooses option two – speak to a near stranger rather than stay with the woman he’s supposed to love – but the fact SHE gave him the ultimatum will make her the bad guy of the piece.

Bridget decides to call Jason because, why not. He rushes over and Hoyt decides to knock him unconscious for some reason (no, Hoyt hasn’t got his memories back). Bridget decides to pack up the unconscious Jason into his car and take him for a drive (she says to go to the hospital so it’s not quite as creepy as it sounds). They go to his house instead where he gets her a flight back to Alaska using his magic sexiness over the phone. Jason then applies frozen vegetables to his crotch to try and restrain his libido, no, really. And Bridget declares girls like Jason because he’s sweet and kind (uh-huh, the fact he has the body that would make a Greek god weep with envy is totally not part of it). Jason tells Bridget the story of him, Jessica and Hoyt and the memory erasure – and we get a cut of Hoyt and Jessica having sex. Bridget decides to take Jason to bed to teach him how not to have sex with someone.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

True Blood, Season 7, Episode 8: Almost Home

Sarah/Noomi is stll hallucinating away and has been found by Eric, Pam and the Corporate Yakuza Texan (only recapping True Blood would I ever type such a phrase). Sarah embraces death and goes to Eric because… well, very little Sarah did made sense before so she’s hardly going to start any time soon, especially since she now has a messiah complex. Eric would much rather kill Sarah than live and save vampire kind while Pam holds a gun to her chest and is willing to kill herself if Eric kills Sarah.

Everyone here just wants to die.

Eric bites Sarah but doesn’t kill her – Sarah’s blood heals Eric and the black veins disappear.

They go to Fangtasia and Gus reveals his full dastardly plan. Sure they can (and have) created cure blood from Sarah which they could sell – but instead he’d rather produce New Blood that doesn’t cure the disease… but treats it. So vampires would have to keep on buying it – as he tells Sam and Eric to make them agree not to tell anyone about the cure.

To Bill and Sookeh who are all post-sexy glowy and talking about how Queen Sophie-Anne (remember her?) wanted to use Sookie to breed a legion of tasty tasty fae snacks and that was why she sent Bill to go get her. He didn’t because Sookie was so special and lots of love and gooeyness and how unworthy Bill is of her.

Elsewhere the Reverend Daniels is called in by a family rather bemused to have Lafayette and Lettie Mae digging up their lawn. James shows up to be their blood dispenser while Lettie Mae begs Reverend Daniels to believe in her. Watching Lettie Mae take the blood, the Reverend Daniels does the same (with some awesome acting). The bemused family is rather shocked. They all see Tara and follow her into the past to a flashback of the past, with Tara, Lafayette and Sookie as kids at Tara’s birthday which was going well – until Tara’s abusive father returned home and hit Lettie Mae.

As he abuses and beats Lettie Mae, young Tara finds her father’s gun – she considers shooting her dad  before deciding to bury it in the garden – just because her dad comes out and leaves with Lettie Mae begging him not to. When he’s gone she despairs of continuing alone.

In the present, Reverend Daniels finds the gun Tara buried. Tara, now coherent, tells Lettie Mae how she’s sorry that she couldn’t pull the trigger, that she should have; while Lettie Mae says it wasn’t Tara’s job to save her. Tara praises her as a good mother and she wasn’t weak – bad stuff happened to her. She tells Lettie Mae to forgive herself – and let her go. After a hug goodbye, she disappears.

For some bizarre reason (even by True Blood standards) Bridget, Hoyt and Jason decide to hit Hoyt’s baby photo albums which has Hoyt having an angry, grieving rant at Bridget over the idea of having kids. Jason is distracted from the Awkward by a text from Violet of Adilyn all tied up and kidnapped and Jessica. Jason leaves to run to the rescue and Bridget decides to join him because the way to storm out of an argument with your boyfriend is totally to join a policeman on a kidnapping case, right? Then refuse to get out of his car.


They arrive at Violet’s house and Jason gives Bridget a gun (Bridget has just realised following a police officer into a dangerous situation is actually, well, dangerous). Jason enters the house full of elaborate decor and taxidermy (why was Violet living with Jason again?) Violet easily ambushes Jason, has a rant about how she’s the most perfect, irresistible woman in history and how no-one leaves her, before taking him to where all the prisoners are bound. She chains him to a St. Andrew’s cross. She then performs her bad guy epic monologue on torture and rape and torture and how Jason should have just worshipped her before Hoyt shoots her in the back and kills her

Well, that was anti-climactic. I guess vampire ears turn off during ranting

Jason unchains Jessica but she only has eyes for Hoyt then gets all sad eyed when Bridget appears. Nope, I forbid another love triangle/square/dodecahedron! I forbid it! Andy arrives and there’s lots of hugging and reunion. Jessica and Hoyt have a moment. Jason and Bridget have a moment. I have a drink.

Jason and Jessica have a moment outside Jessica’s house – and yes, I have another drink. The next day at Bellefleurs Hoyt talks to Jason about how compelling Jessica is to him because, really, why wouldn’t you have this conversation with a near stranger? Hoyt decides to visit with a care package of a pint of his own blood (since he’s uninfected) awww, isn’t that nice? More people should visit with unrefrigerated bodily fluids! Do you have to write a thank you note for that? Jessica is awake (despite, y’know, that being virtually impossible for a vampire during the day –pfft, who needs canon?)  Yada yada romance romance romance.

To the Sookie household and Eric visits to show Sookie his uninfected healedness. She tells him that Bill is super sick. Eric tries to make excuses and eventually uses the sun rising to leave promising to come back

True Blood, Season 7, Episode 7: May Be the Last Time

Eric, Pam and Gus all question Amber, Sarah’s miraculously cured sister. Sadly, as well as being cured, Amber has fully bought into her sister being a good and wonderful saviour – especially since she IS the cure. Any further questions fail because Eric loses his every-so-fragile temper and kills Amber. Pam and Gus are not impressed.

Holly and Andy are still seeking their lost kids (Andy calling Adilyn’s phone on the assumption that no teenager can ignore a ringing cell phone. Hey he may not have been a dad for long but he picked it up quickly), and find Wade’s dad’s truck at the treehouse and Adilyn’s phone. Andy calls Jessica (interrupting her, Bill and Sookie all wallowing in Bill’s illness because wooooe. No I’m not sold on it because there’s no way Bill will die, especially not with Eric on the track of the cure). She confirms she has had Adliyn’s blood and would sense if she were in danger – and hasn’t sensed it. Holly suggests that the kids have gone to Wade’s father’s lakehouse –in Oklahoma.

They’ve actually gone with violet to her huge impressive mansion (why was she slumming it with Jason again when she owned this?) and her extensive vintage sex toy collection (really? This is ridiculously comic) and sympathetic support for their love and totally understanding because she used to sleep with her brother too. Uh-huh. Wade and Adilyn are all kind of annoyingly cute about how they don’t want to use any of Violet’s toys but think they have to play the other before mind reading solves the whole problem

Andy and Holly find that Wade and Adilyn aren’t at the lake and Andy breaks down – Holly is there with some excellent reassurance.

Interlude in the Sookie/Bill/Jessica angst for Arlene to have a sex dream about vampire Keith because she’s had his blood.

Back to Pam and Eric and Pam being very very impressed with Eric – and Eric being more interested in killing Sarah than using her for the cure. Gus has a plan – NuBlood, synthesised blood from Sarah with the cure which he wants to cut Eric and Pam in. And he’s sure he can find Sarah because the Japanese government is so eager to help businesses they will apparently put spy satellites at their control (and, by extension, control of a yakuza. Oh True Blood).  He needs Eric onside because he’s handsome (yes we have a damn “no homo” moment) and can restore trust in a company which has obviously lost a lot of public confidence with the whole plagued product thing.

Back to the angst fest. Sookie encourages Jessica to get in bed with her father figure and repeats her determined belief that there is a miracle out there for Bill.

Time for a pointless flashback! Bill being forced into marriage so they can have a stable family with lots of money to provide for his mother’s old age. But luckily Bill liked Caroline, his wife

Sookie calls in Dr. Ludwig who could have improved this whole show 8 bazillion times if she had been a regular character). She confirms that Bill’s super-accelerated Hep V is due to Sookie being part fae – and she heads for the hills when she hears that Niall is Sookie’s ancestor.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

True Blood Season Seven, Episode Six: Karma

Eric staggers through the hallways of the Bush library and though his vision isn't clear, he manages to hold his own in a fight against several Yakuza, that is until Pam calls out his name. That's right, you guessed it, Pam has once more been over powered and Eric is forced to stop fighting in order to save Pam from certain death.  I for one am sick of this shit because it turns Pam into a liability rather than a strength. Is someone ever going to get around to explaining how it is that humans manage to always get the upper hand on a vampire who is over 100 years old? The two are draped in silver and dragged into the corporation, where a clock counts down the time until dawn. Eric snarks that this is his first sunrise with Pam.

After discovering his positive status, a shocked Bill sits on the bed. He stands, makes his way to a computer and looks up the number of a lawyer's office.  As he about stresses the urgency of getting his affairs in order, Jessica returns home and overhears the entire conversation. Bill learns that the office is so busy that he  has to come in and wait for his turn.  Bill rushes downstairs to grab his things and Jessica makes her presence known.  Jessica is clearly sad but says nothing about the elephant in the room because Bill asks her about her relationship with James.  Jessica explains that she broke up with James and Bill offers his condolences, adding that he cannot stay but that he is sure that things will be fine.

Lafayette brings Lettie Mae back to his place though she tries to say that she has to get home because her husband will be waiting. Lafayette is not buying this because he knows that Lettie Mae drugged the Reverend and so he will be asleep for a good time to come. When they enter the house, they find James waiting for Lafayette.  James asks to stay and Lafayette says, "sure thing".  Lafayette introduces Lettie Mae to James and warns Lettie Mae not to take a cleaver to James in the middle of the day. Lettie Mae again says that this is not her disease talking and that she knows Tara is trying to communicate with her.  James is instantly sympathetic and offers his blood.  Lafayette agrees to take the trip with Lettie Mae so that he can get to the bottom of this himself, though he believes that this is nothing more that Lettie Mae's addiction talking. Lafayette and Lettie Mae stagger to the couch and James heads off to the cellar, telling them to enjoy the ride.

A nervous Jason sits in his car which is parked in front of his house.  He checks the mirror for traces of makeup on his face. Shouldn't he have been worried about Violet before he slept with Jessica? When Jason walks in, he finds petals strewn across the floor, the room is lit by candlelight and smooth jazz  playing in the background.  Violet appears wearing sexy lingerie and Jason brings up the fact that Violet left without him. Violet claims that she wanted to surprise Jason and Jason wonders if Violet is feeling okay. Violet explains that she is aggressive because she comes from a time when that approach to life was necessary; however, now she is in this time and she wants to show Jason that though he belongs to her, she belongs to him as well. What better way is there for a woman to show how submissive she is by getting on her knees and fellating her partner. Yes, that's snark.

Bill pulls into the parking lot for the lawyers office and when he enters, Bill finds the office full of infected vampires in need of legal advice. The secretary is so disinterested that he reads a book and tells Bill to take a number. When Bill asks how long his expected wait is, he is told seven hours. Bill rightfully points out that it will be daylight then but is told that there will be cabs waiting to ferry him home.

The clock is ticking down and Pam and Eric are still draped in silver. Pam being Pam is not impressed and snarks about meeting the sun in a room with wall to wall carpet. Mr. Gus enters the room and explains that he is the North American president of the corporation which makes True Blood. Mr. Gus is an Asian man with a ten gallon hat and a strong Texas accent.  Mr. Gus wants revenge for the annihilation of his corporation and of course, wants Sarah Newlin. When Mr. Gus asks for information on where Sarah is, Eric and Pam both refuse to comply, under the understanding that when they gives up this information, Mr. Gus has no reason to keep either of them alive.  Pam demands that Mr. Gus give them his word on his honour, (since honour seems to be his motivating factor) that after they give him information on Sarah, they will be allowed to live. Eric adds the right to kill Sarah as part of the deal but Mr. Gus says no.  Eric and Mr. Gus talk about the various ways in which she has harmed them.  Pam tells both men to stop the pissing contest and make a deal.  Finally, they agree that Eric can kill Sarah and Mr. Gus can have the body. Pam reveals that Sarah has a vampire sister in Dallas and with her parents dead, Sarah will have no place to run.  Eric agrees to give the address at night fall so that they can go together.

Sarah breaks into Amber's home and Amber jumps on Sarah's back, so Sarah calls out her identity believing that her sister is unaware of who she is attacking. Amber moves to bite Sarah but then starts coughing and brings up blood all over Sarah's back. When Amber stands, Sarah learns for the first time that he sister has Hep V, so Amber informs Sarah that she did this to her.

A concerned Jessica calls Jason saying that she needs him to bring Sookie over to Bill's. Jason at first believes that Jessica wants to talk about what happened between them but Jessica quickly says no and stresses how much she needs to see Sookie. Though Jessica won't explain why she needs to see Sookie, Jason quickly grabs his things and leaves.  The moment his car door slams, a very unhappy Violet sits up in bed, screams and starts wrecking shit.

Andy is about to head downstairs when he hears what appears to be crying coming from Adilyn's room. Instead of knocking, Andy barges in and finds Adilyn in bed with Wade. Andy immediately loses his shit and Wade smartly takes off running.  Andy chases Wade right out of the house and Holly and Arlene come running.  Holly is upset by the possibility that Andy might have hit Wade, while Arlene is concerned that all of this noise will wake the baby. Adilyn calls out to Wade that she loves him and Andy orders her upstairs promising to deal with her later.  For her part, Holly promises to deal with Andy later. Holly storms off with Wade and in the process, Lauren Bowles manages to cop a feel from Noah Matthews but who can blame her really.

Jason arrives at Sookie's place to find the place still messy from the party.  Jason makes his way upstairs to find Sookie asleep on the bed still wearing Alcide's jacket. Jason wakes Sookie saying that she hasn't been answering her phone and that the mail box is full. Sookie opens one eye long enough to tell Jason to go away. Sookie is clearly hung over and Jason reveals that Jessica has something that she needs to hear in person. Finally, Sookie crawls out of be complaining about a headache and Jason hands her clothing before heading downstairs to make coffee.

Lettie Mae and Lafayette are on their blood trip.  Lettie Mae leads Lafayette to Tara, who is still tied to the cross mumbling unintelligibly.  Lettie Mae and Lafayette both fall to their knees in front of Tara. Lafayette takes the snake off of Tara and Lettie Mae helps her get off the cross. Lettie Mae briefly holds Tara in her arms before Tara disappears. When they see Tara again, she is running and so Lettie Mae and Lafayette decide to follow.

Sam returns home with coffee and donuts for him and Nicole. Nicole gets off the phone with her mother and tells Sam that she is going home.  Sam thinks that it would be good for Nicole to have a visit but Nicole makes it clear that this is permanent because she does not belong there.  Sam tells Nicole that though he cannot understand what she has been through, they both belong in Bon Temps. In frustration, Nicole says that it wasn't until last night that she realized that the town is crazy, making Sam the mayor of crazy. Nicole asks Sam to come with her.  Sam replies that Bon Temps is the only place that he has ever felt safe but Nicole will not be deterred and replies that her mother is coming to get her tomorrow.

Jason, and Sookie show up at Bill's to meet with Jessica, who says that she overheard Bill tell a lawyer's office that he is Hep V positive. Jason suggests that maybe Bill just wanted to get his will done because of how crazy things are with the world. Jessica affirms what she heard, so then Jason turns to cheer up routine and suggests that because Bill is tough, if anyone is likely to beat Hep V it's Bill. Sookie gets a flashback to her ridiculous plan to act as bait in the woods and slash her arm.  Of course that ended up with Sookie being splashed with infected blood and Bill drinking from her to gear up for the fight at Fangtasia at her request. Sookie tells Jason that she has to go and get tested. Jason is shocked and tells Sookie that it's not her and Jessica points out that just a week ago, Sookie was negative.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

True Blood, Season Seven, Episode Five: Return to Oz

Well it's cleanup time in Fangtasia now that the infected vampires have been vanquished.  Eric is still set on revenge but it seems that Nora has absolutely no interest in playing his game.  Pam makes it clear that Nora must obey because Eric is her maker but Nora argues back that Eric abandoned her and it was Tara who taught her how to control her impulses and how to feed. Pam succinctly reduces the issue to Nora having mommy and daddy issues when Nora points out that Pam abandoned Tara.  Finally, to end the conversation, Eric concedes that Nora has a point and reveals that the big plan is to kill the great embracer of religion, Sarah Newlin. Nora agrees to share the information she has only if Eric agrees to release her and surprisingly, he does just that. For her part, Nora reveals that Sarah has a vampire sister named Amber in Dallas, and Eric immediately starts making plans for a trip.

Ginger immediately gets upset realizing that if Eric leaves, due to his illness, she won't ever see him again.  Ginger demands to travel with Eric and Pam and is most soundly rejected.  In a fit, Ginger argues that she has been Eric's sex slave for fifteen years but since the relationship has never actually been consummated, she has actually been Eric's slave. Ginger demands that Eric either have sex with her, or allow her to travel with them. When Eric points out that he is diseased, Ginger is not deterred and claims to be diseased as well. Finally, we see the coffins being loaded with Ginger clinging desperately to them, only to be dumped unceremoniously to the ground.  I actually felt for Ginger in that moment.

Sookie returns home and gets teary eyed when she spies Alcide's iconic leather jacket hanging over the chair. Not to worry though, Lafayette and James are there to play clean up.  Heaven's knows that if Sookie is upset, everything must stop so that she can be comforted.  Lafayette, in full blown Mammy mode tucks poor Sookie into bed and even promises to be there when she wakes because he couldn't possibly have anything better to do, like mourn for the cousin he just lost.

When Sookie wakes, she find the house lit by candles and a big spread of food on the table. Sookie greats Jackson, who agrees that when Sookie is ready, they will go through Alcide's things. A laughing Jenny, James and Lafayette enter the room with even more food for the already overburdened table. Sookie declares that their efforts have been sweet but points out that she cannot eat all of the food which has been amassed. It seems that the big plan is to throw a party.  Jenny tries to suggest that death doesn't have to be sad but because that is not what Sookie believes, Sookie calls a stop to the party and  starts to take her angsty self upstairs. How dare people think that they can mourn any damn way they want to when Sookie is standing right there to be their example.  Besides, if they have a party, how can they spend their time doting on her? Lafayette stops her and suggests that they are celebrating life and that of course, Alcide wouldn't want her to be alone.

A knock on the door announces the arrival of Bill.  Of course, Sookie is still sulking that people dared to make plans without consulting her.

Eric and Pam show up at Amber's door to find that she is also infected.  After a quick search, Pam says that Sarah is not there, as Amber begins to relate how difficult it was to be the black sheep of the family, while Sarah played the role of little Ms. Perfect. Because Sarah was heavily involved in The Fellowship of the Sun, it seems that she paid Amber to stay away. It's worth noting that True Blood used the phrase, "stay in the coffin," which is yet another instance of them comparing the story they are attempting to tell, to the lives of GLBT people. When Eric reveals that the big plan is to kill Sarah, Amber quickly agrees to participate. It seems that Amber blames herself for the things that Sarah has done. Amber suggests that Sarah is going to rush straight to her parents for protection and since her parents are going to be at a gala for Ted Cruz at the Bush library, that is where they will find Sarah.  Of course, Eric plans to crash the gala.

Lettie Mae argues with her husband to have the right to go to the party which is being organized at Sookie's. Lettie Mae suggests that this will be her only chance to say goodbye Tara and points out that there isn't even enough for her to bury but the Reverend Daniels is adamant that because there are going to be vampires there that Lettie Mae should not attend. Instead the Reverend Daniels suggests that he wants to take care of Lettie Mae tonight.  Under the guise of getting more seasoning for the food, Lettie Mae heads to the cupboard but instead of grabbing cumin, grabs the Benadryl.

The party is in full swing at Sookie's and even Bill is starting to get his groove on a little bit. Jane declares that she is finally going to get her shit together after everything she has been through and promptly takes a drink. Suddenly Bill gets a far off look and it's time for another flashback.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

True Blood, Season Seven, Episode Four: Death Is Not the End

This episode begins with Sookie calling Jackson Herveaux to inform him of Alcide's death.  Jackson of course takes the time to reveal that though he and Alcide weren't close, the one thing he knew for sure is that Alcide loved him some Sookie.  We're less than two minutes in and I am already ready to scream we get it already. In the meantime, Jason is on the phone informing Hoyt that his mother is gone.  Hoyt is so filled with pain and guilt and so Jason tries to comfort him like a best friend should but this causes confusion because of course, Hoyt has had his memory erased. Jason is rightfully upset about the call but can his sister take two minutes to comfort him? Why of course not. If Sookie is not crying, then no one is allowed to cry. This isn't about Sookie after all, so it cannot possibly be important. Instead, Sookie reminds him that Andy is at home with Holly and that the people of the town are looking to Jason because he now represents the law.  I don't know about you, but if I were a citizen of Bon Temps, Jason Stackhouse being in charge would not comfort me one bit. I'd be sure my goose was cooked.

Eric and Pam are on a plane and the stewardess, who also functions as the in-flight meal for Eric, informs him that they are headed for Baton Rouge Louisiana. It seems that Pam believes that if Sarah, (oh great embracer of religion) might reach out to senator Finch. Eric however orders the plane to land in Shreveport to connect with Willa.  Pam points out that Eric abandoned her and he and that she probably hates Eric like Tara hated her. Eric however will not be deterred from reaching out to his progeny. Eric then callously informs the flight attendant Victoria that she is now a carrier of the Hep V virus.  Victoria understandably gets upset because Eric knowingly infected her and now she can no longer perform her job.  Eric being Eric doesn't give a shit though.

Then it's time for a flashback; the device the writers seem to be overly found of this season.  Here we learn that Pam and Eric end up in Shrevport as part of a  punishment issued by the magistrate of the Authority. This is before humans are aware that vampires actually exist, so they end up running video rental store. Obviously, Pam and Eric are not pleased by this turn of events but because of their actions and identity, the Authority has decided that they need watching.  This is how Eric becomes a sheriff.

Sookie, Jason and Sam all arrive at Andy's house and Sookie takes the time to talk to Colby and Lisa, who are Arlene's kids.  Both kids are obviously worried about their mother and tired of being treated like they don't understand what is going on.  Sookie rides in on her white horse and decides to promise these two that she will bring Arlene back safe and sound. This is where Sookie decides that she is going to help Holly get her memory back.

Jason and Sam argue with Andy about questioning Holly, when Sookie barges in claiming that she can make Holly remember. Andy argues to protect Holly but Sookie is on the it's all about me train and tells Andy that he is not going to stop her from delivering on her promise. With Andy out of the way, Sookie starts to question Holly, even though Holly does not want to recover her memories.  What's a little more added trauma right?  Sookie leads Holly backward and she begins to get images of the things that she has seen and lived through. Holly pulls back in horror saying that she cannot do this but Sookie is insistent and forces her to remember. From Holly's descriptions they learn that Kevin didn't make it and that everyone is being held at Fangtasia.  Holly is distraught, so Sookie briefly apologises and tells Andy to hold Holly. Sookie decides that it is time for her to head to Bill's to formulate a plan. Gee I hope it's as brilliant as her least big plan to save the people of Bon Temps.

Sam and Jason are driving and Jason tells a worried Sam that he is sure that Nicole and the baby are okay. Sam points out that because they have not actually seen Nicole, there is no way to be sure that she is actually safe. Sam turns the car viciously towards Fangtasia but Jason is adamant that they need to head to Rosie's on official business and reminds Sam of his responsibilities as mayor of Bon Temps. Sam refuses to turn around, so Jason pulls out his gun and points it at Sam saying that he is protecting both Sam and his family. Sam slams on the breaks and tells Jason to drive because he doesn't want to be the one driving away from his family.

Jessica is lying in bed whimpering from the pain of her wounds which aren't healing. James tells Jessica that she is being ridiculous and has to eat.  When Jessica refuses, James hops out of bed to get Bill. That's right, go get daddy. James tells Bill that Jessica hasn't eaten in ten weeks.  Bill is concerned that this is about Jessica eating Adalind's sisters but Jessica assures Bill that she has a good relationship with Adalind now and has even been invited into the home. Bill learns that even though Jessica is providing protection, she is not being fed.

Sookie of course barges right in because when it comes to her ringing the door bell or knocking, are only suggestions. Jessica calls out to Sookie that she is getting an intervention and talks about killing Adalind's sister. Sookie offers herself for food but Jessica points out that Sookie is a fairy.  Finally, Sookie asks James and Bill to leave the room because apparently, she has the answer to soothe Jessica and convince her to eat. At this moment, you might think that Sookie is actually going to listen to someone and make the situation about someone else's feelings but you would be wrong.  This is after all Sookie Stackhouse we are talking about. Sookie tells Jessica that she doesn't give a shit why she isn't eating and that Andy's dead daughters are just the tip of the iceburg. Sookie lists a few of the dead and she includes  Jessica on the list and follows that up by saying, "I just don't give a fuck about you or your problems." Wow, don't you wish that you had a friend as loving as that? Sookie demands that Jessica help because she has been good to her. A cowed Jessica agrees and says that she won't drink Sookie's blood.  Sookie barges out of the room and orders James to call Lafayette and after hearing James's thoughts, suggests that he to needs to have a conversation with Jessica.

It's flashback time and this time we see Ginger entering the video store to rent vampire videos for a paper she is writing for university.  It seems that in her class, the vampire is being set up as the "other". Is that True Blood's way subtly explaining to the viewer what has been obvious since the early episodes of the first season? Eric makes his entrance and Ginger gasps and practically drools.  Ginger notices the help wanted sign and immediately asks for an application.

Jason and Sam arrive at Rosie's house and Rosie immediately questions whether or not she is under arrest due to the little uprising the townsfolk staged.  Sam assures Rosie that this is not going to happen and even adds that they plan on letting it go.  Instead of being magnanimous, Rosie calls Sam a freak and asks why he is being so nice. Jason then informs Rosie that Kevin is dead. Sam and Jason tell Rosie that Bill is going to martial all of the vampires and that together, Kevin will be avenged.

Bill and Sookie chat and he informs her that he will call on as many vampires as he can but they will still be badly outnumbered.  Bill reminds Sookie that the vampires participating tonight have nothing to gain from it and that he is only going along for the ride because he owes Sookie everything. Does your head hurt? I am for one am tired of being hit over the head with whole Bill and Sookie belong together for evah and evah already. Sookie then offers her neck for Bill to feed and when he questions her choice, she informs him that it's just lunch.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

True Blood Season Seven, Episode Three: Fire in the Hole

For some reason this episode opens at what looks to be a yoga retreat.  How it relates to what is going on at this point is beyond me beyond letting us know where Sarah Newlin ended up.

A crying Pam confronts Eric about his illness and he admits that he has known since last month. Pam tells Eric that Tara met the true death and that she felt it.  Well it's nice of the writers to finally getting around to filling that little plot hole though I must admit that Tara's character deserved better than this. When Eric does not respond to the news, this worries Pam because apparently it is out of character for him.

Cue flashback time: Rhone Valley, France 1986 in a beautiful vineyard. Eric seduces Sylvie in a vineyard and they have sex until interrupted by Nan Flanagan. Well I wonder what other cameos we will see in the swan song of True Blood.  Nan later meets with Eric and Pam to share the authority's displeasure that neither registered with the local sheriff or paid their taxes. Nan goes on to tell them the Authority's plans to have vampires mainstream and in classic Northman style is told to go fuck herself.  A concerned Pam believes they need to leave the area immediately despite the fact that she is a fan of French vagina but an infatuated Eric makes it clear that they are not leaving France.

Now out of the shower, Alcide discovers that Sookie is missing. He follows her scent to Bills but the two are already long gone. Bill explains that because he was drained dry in the camp not only can he no longer sense Sookie but he is a completely different vampire now.  Bill does, however admit that he has to live with all of the terrible things he did to Ms. Sookie. Bill offers Sookie his blood so that he can help her on what half hatched plan she has cooked up.  When Sookie begins to drink, Bill has a sexual reaction which causes Sookie to remind him that she does have a boyfriend.

Wade and Adilyn are still locked up in the local jail. Wade is all concerned about whether or not they are going to live or die and Adilyn decides that this is the perfect time to tell him that he has been glamoured out of remembering that they once made out. They start to kiss and Jessica and Andy burst in and free them. Adilyn tells Jessica and Andy about the mob.

A very disturbed Sam sits in the church with Reverend Daniels to discuss what he saw in Saint Alice.  Reverend Daniels tries to encourage Sam to have faith but Sam is not convinced.  Finally, the Reverend says that death is a dark and blinding motherfucker whether you see it coming or not.  Willa bursts in with a freaked out Lettie Mae on her heels.  Willa admits to giving Lettie Mae more blood as Lettie Mae rants about Tara. Daniels grabs Lettie Mae and asks everyone to leave.

Sam drives with Matt, his vampire guard, who is incredibly flamboyant. They are forced to stop driving when they run into a wall of armed townspeople with Maxine taking the center spot. Vince says that they are taking their town back and when someone howls, Sam realises that his secret is out.  When Kenya adds that she knew something was off about him, Sam reasonably points out that he is her mayor and she is a cop. Of course Karen takes the opportunity to bring up race and translates that Sam really means that he is White and Kenya is Black.  Thanks for that True Blood.  For seven seasons this show has avoided the racial implications of its own storylines but suddenly it's fine to throw around angry black woman syndrome and racism.  They claim to be safer than having a "fag vampire" around.  Matt is quickly killed off when he begins to object to the slur.  If you're counting that makes two GLBT characters killed off and it's only episode three. Vince declares himself the mayor and advises Sam to leave Bon Temps for good.  Sam says that he belongs here and quickly shifts into a bird and takes off, as the towns people shoot at him.

Back at home with Violet, Jason proposes that they adopt a child because a man isn't a man without a family. Violet accuses him of turning into a girl because of his reaction to what happened in Saint Alice. Violet suggests that in her day men didn't think anything of coming across a town of dead women and children because they were warriors and didn't think or feel.  Jason pipes up and says that he is a modern man. The fight is interrupted by the arrival of Andy, Adilyn, Wade and Jessica.  They inform Jason about the mob and the potential threat to Sookie.  Andy gets Jason's permission for Wade and Adilyn to wait there and then warns them both not to let anyone in.  Violet and Jessica come to a truce until they can save Sookie.

Lafayette is busy getting his groove on and is interrupted by a knock on the door. It's James who is looking for weed.  Lafayette asks what James is escaping from and he says that he is not so sure Jessica really knows he's there despite the fact that they live together and occasionally have sex. They share some innuendo about swallowing as Lafayette pops some pills.

At Fangtasia, after counting up the humans left alive, the infected vampires realise that they are running out of food and make a plan to go and get more. To make sure no one goes hungry they decide to take a human along on the hunt.  In the basement, Holly leads some sort of prayer session, a spell, given her past witch history, asking spirits to watch over the women. Of course, Holly is the one selected to be the human trail mix by the infected vamps.

In the meantime, Ms. Sookie sits in the woods having decided to become vampire bait as Bill sits in a tree above her.  Sookie says that she is fulfilling her purpose. They discuss Sookie's relationship with Alcide and Sookie says that Alcide wants kids.  Bill questions if this is what Sookie wants and points out that when they were together, she wanted a family with him. Sookie finally admits to loving Alcide but worries that she doesn't love Alcide as much as he loves her. Poor Sookie doesn't know if she can take it because she can hear in Alcide's voice just how much he loves her. ANGST.

Jason, calls Sookie on the phone and of course gets the answering machine because Sookie wisely threw her cell phone away.  Andy stops driving when he comes across Sam's truck abandoned in the road.  They are quickly confronted by the armed townsfolk.  Jason demands that they get out of the way but the people have other idea.  Maxine sets her sights on Jessica and declares that it was Jessica who made Hoyt leave her. In a fit of rage, Maxine shoots Jessica in the shoulder and in revenge, Violet rips out her heart.  Yeah, I'm not going to miss that woman. The terrified townspeople wisely decide to scatter.  So much for guns protecting the American way of life.  Jason notices that Jessica is not healing.

A now high James after feeding on Lafayette's drug filled blood is grooving to music on the couch with Lafayette.

Sam comes across Alcide and the two join forces to look for Sookie.

A frustrated Sookie wonders where the vampires are. Sookie and Bill both agree that they are at war.  Cue flashback: Bill talking his daughter into posing for a picture so that he will have something to remember her by while he is away at war. While Bill is lost in his memories, Sookie slashes her arm open and calls for the vampires to come and get her.

The Reverend has finally gotten Lettie Mae to bed and Willa apologises for what happened.  The reverend offers his arm to Willa and while she feeds, he explains how he came to live in Bon Temps at the lowest point in his life and that Lettie Mae saved him.  The reverend then goes on to say that Lettie Mae has a disease and that to her, Willa looks like a bottle of Captain Morgan.  While being understanding of everything that Willa has been through, the reverend asks her to leave. When Willa asks who is going to protect them, the Reverend says that God will and then rescinds her invitation to the house.

James wakes from his drug stupor and panics at first when he cannot immediately wake Lafayette. As James uses his blood to heal Lafayette`s neck, the chemistry heightens between the two, causing Lafayette to questions if James is grooving on him. When James pauses, Lafayette asks if he got the signals wrong. James confirms Lafayette's suggestions but says that he is with Jessica right now.

Back to France 1986, and Pam is going down on some woman and we see a mass of people gather outside. Eric is busy having sex with Sylvie when they are interrupted by Pam.  When Eric turns he finds Hiroki and several Japanese men with swords who warns him that he is even more outnumbered than it appears. Hiroki demands that Sylvie be taken but when Eric tries to resist, Hiroki draws Eric's attention to a silvered Pam with a sword to her throat. Eric is informed that either Sylvie or Pam has to die and that if he does not choose, both will be killed. Eric tries to buy his way out of the situation but Hiroki informs him that despite his wealth, he is not as wealthy as a corporation and again orders him to choose. Eric offers himself but is informed that The Authority wants him alive.  Eric chooses Pam and watches as Sylvie is stabbed through the back.  Eric is then silvered and dragged away.

In the present, Pam questions if Eric contracted the virus on purpose and Eric says no but admits to not being careful. Pam begs Eric not to give up saying that with enough blood vampires are living longer and longer with the disease and that they are working on a cure. Pam promises to keep him well and asks if he regrets the choice he made that night.  Eric says that he did what he had to do and Pam begs him not to force her to watch her die. Eric asks Pam to go and adds that he has lost his taste for life. Pam then tells Eric that Jason allowed Sarah Newlin to live and Eric rises to his feet and suggests that they go find her.  It seems that Pam's pleading was not enough to stir Eric but a little revenge is just what the doctor ordered.

Proving that Sarah just loves embracing religion, we find her riding Guru Sanbir Dutta for all she's worth.  Of course the orgasm causes her to say namaste. Sarah heads to the cellar to pick out a bottle of wine but has no idea that armed men are breaking into the house, the same Japanese men who once threatened Eric. When confronted with a picture of Sarah, Sanbir admits to knowing her but refuses to give her location. For his trouble, Sanbir is beheaded.  If you're keeping count that's two people of colour, two GLBT people and one angry White lady for the death toll. The men call out for Sarah and she hides. Perhaps it is a blessing that Sanbir was killed off quickly because I don't trust this show to deal fairly with Hinduism.

A bitten and addled Holly makes her way through the woods and comes across Sookie and Bill.  The infected suddenly appear and over power Bill and grab Sookie.  Before they can kill Bill, Sam and Alcide come to the rescue. Jason and Andy show up and start shooting. Alcide turns human and demands to know what Sookie was thinking. Violet takes Sookie to the river to wash off the vampire blood and Alcide and Bill get into the argument about the stupidity of their plan.  Alcide is suddenly shot in the head and the chest so Andy and Jason shoot into the bushes where the shots came from.  A distraught Sookie rushes to Alcide's side to find him barely breathing.  Jessica offers to turn Alcide into a vampire for Sookie says no and that she has been down that road before. Okay for the death count that makes, two people of colour, two members of the GLBT community, one pissed off White lady, and one testosterone bloated werewolf.

I suppose we should have seen that coming given that all Alcide wanted to do in episode two was run away from all of their problems.  Once again, one of Sookies brilliant plans backfires and of course someone else has to pay the price for her stupidity.  I cannot say that I am sorry that Alcide died because I was never overly found of his character and it really didn't make sense to me that he suddenly was in a relationship with Sookie.  I do think that it was fitting that the characters took a moment to mourn over his passing but it highlights just how little Tara got when she finally met the true death. Pam used Tara's death to try and motivate Eric and Sookie and Lafayette quickly wrote it off.

Speaking of Lafayette, it looks like things are heating up between him and James.  I hope that True Blood actually goes all out on this one because of how things ended between Lafayette and Jesus.  We did get to some graphic interaction between Pam and lover tonight but it is worth pointing out that once again it was short lived.  I was disgusted by the death of Matt.  Really True Blood?  Have Matt called a nasty slur and then killed.  It was callous and cruel.

I don't like the way that True Blood is linking AIDS to the disease that is killing vampires.  It is a very problematic analogy especially given the strong degree of serophobia which runs rampant.  A hungry vampire is actually a threat to humanity whereas someone who has AIDS is not given the right precautions.

True Blood once again failed when it comes to race.  I'm gonna need Karen to sit down and have a seat now. What has happened to Kenya over the years clearly is a reflection of her race and gender but I don't appreciate that it is not being used as a tool to defend stupidity. True Blood didn't care about race when they had Sookie calling Tara a racist for her anger and rightful fear of vampires. It certainly didn't care about race when they had Tara run away from Russell Edgington's plantation looking for all the world like a run away slave.  And finally, they certainly didn't care about race when it comes to all of the POC who have been on the show for the last seven years.  This is what makes it so offensive that they are now supposedly confronting race with Karen.

True Blood did however do an excellent job talking about addiction.  I liked the fact that Daniels made it clear that it can happen to anyone and that it is an illness.  It portrayed Lettie Mae in a sympathetic light for the very first time.  None of this excuses what she did to Tara during childhood but it does explain that people who do have issues with addiction should receive some sort of social support and sympathy.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

True Blood, Season Seven, Episode Two: I Found You

This episode opens with Jason finally discovering the whereabouts of a now long lost Eric. Immediately. there is tension between the two men.  Jason confesses that he simply cannot get Eric out of his mind but for the thousand plus year old vampire, this is of course old hat.  Eric admits that only twice in a thousand years has he returned that feeling for another being.  Eric tries to walk away and Jason actually pushes him. Who decides that it's a good idea to push a thousand year old vampire?  This leads to a sort of tackling football style seduction and shortly the two men are in bed.  From the minute I saw this, I knew it had to be slashbait. There was a lot of heavy breathing, some caressing and the shortest kisses you have ever seen. At times, it felt as though both men were really reluctant to commit to this scene. I must admit that they did a much better job than Sam and Bill in the now infamous, "the water is hard in Arkansas scene." Just at the moment Eric begins to simulate fellatio, (all off screen of course), Jason startles awake and finds himself sitting in a church pew.

It seems now that the writers have remembered that Sookie can hear the thoughts of others, they are going to allow her to keep this little talent.  Sookie listens in as the towns folk express disbelief that she is going to save them, as Andy and Sam debate how best to track the vampires who attacked Bon Temps.  Sookie has a light bulb moment and shares that she couldn't identify the body she found on her little stomp home the night before, nor could she identify the vampires who attacked at the bbq. Andy realises that if they track the girl, they might be able to discover where the attacking vampires came from. Andy hands out assignments and of course, Kenya quickly gets benched. It seems that someone has to stay at the station and so logically, it should be the WOC character they really haven't bothered to develop in the last seven years.

Sam is pulled aside by the reverend, where he learns that the people are concerned and don't know what to do with themselves right now.  Sam puts on his mayoral hat and tells people that should just keep busy and be of service.  Sam suggests that when Arlene returns, she is not going to be pleased with the state of Bellefleur's and so it would be a nice gesture to clean it up. That's right folks, don't mourn over the people you lost, because cleaning up Arlene's place will rid you of the sadness and wipe your mind from the violence you experienced. Sam does however remind them to make sure that they are indoors by night fall unless they are accompanied by a vampire.

Lettie Mae decides that it is time to go and check in on Lafayette since he didn't make an appearance this morning and people on his side of the family "have a tendency to go dark." I suppose that this is a reference to the fact that Lafayette's mother had a mental illness. It seems that Lettie Mae has decided since that she and Lafayette are all the family each has, they have to stick together.  It's worth noting that Lettie Mae seems to have gotten over the death of Tara rather rapidly.  I hope that this is a sign that Tara isn't really dead.

Adilyn manages to cajole Andy into allowing her to stay with Rocky and Wade because family is supposed to stick together at a time like this.  Andy admonishes her to be home an hour before dark and not to let Jessica in the house, which Adilyn promises not to do.  I suppose it's not really a promise since Jessica already has an invite, at least until Adilyn gets smart enough to rescind it.

Move to Fangtasia where, a very pregnant Nicole, Arlene and Holly are chained up in the basement, while upstairs, the vampires bicker about their food resources.  It seems that when there isn't a lot of clean blood to be had, it's not a smart idea to just kill someone in a fit of hunger. Jerome announces that they are going to go out hunting again because not only did last night's hunt not bring in enough bodies, one was killed.  Betty is sent to get another person from the basement because being a teacher, it's assumed that she has self control.  When Betty and Arlene make eye contact, it's clear they know each other.  Betty is quick to select another woman and take her upstairs. Arlene and Holly discuss the reaper and between the two of them manage to figure out Betty's identity. Arlene points out that Betty spared her and suggests that Betty could be their way out of there. When her fellow captives express doubt, Arelene rallies the troops, declaring that she is not going to die in the basement of a vampire bar after all that she has been through.

Sookie leads Andy, Jason and Alcide to the location of the body.  After a quick search of the body, they discover her identity and learn she was Mary Beth Grant from the near by town of Saint Alice. After not getting an answer from the Saint Alice police station or mayor's office, Sookie declares that it's time for a road trip.

Lafayette opens the door to find Lettie Mae. Lettie Mae admits that though she lost Tara a long time ago, the Lord had the grace to allow her to make peace with Tara before she died.  This however, is not enough for Lettie Mae. Lafayette suggests that Lettie Mae let go of Tara but Lettie Mae is convinced that she was visited by Tara's spirit and that Tara needs her help before heading up to heaven. Lafayette is convinced that this is a side effect of the V and that Tara is gone. Lettie Mae storms out calling Lafayette a sinner and adding that he is going to hell.

The townfolk are cleaning up like Sam asked them to do when Vince walks into the bar with other ideas. Maxine finds that the freezer is full of bodies and Vince tells the people that the vampires are keeping the bodies fresh for when they return tonight. Vince reveals Sam's shifter nature to the townsfolk and it's not long before they are in a frenzy destroying furniture to make stakes.  Adilyn listens in on the thoughts of one of the women and learns where a stash of guns is hidden and so quickly grabs Wade and leaves.

Betty is back to reap another person and this time Holly and Arlene call out to her, reminding Betty that she knows them.  Betty says that she cannot be caught showing them mercy, or she will be killed and besides, she has no idea how to save them.  Arlene reminds Betty that as an infected vampire, she is going to die anyway. Arlene and Holly try flattery by pointing how good Betty was to their children and when that doesn't work, Arlene suggests that all Betty has left is her legacy. Arlene begs and this time Betty promises to help before dragging yet another person up the stairs.

The road trip crew arrives in St. Alice to find the streets absolutely deserted and written messages calling out for help.  Sookie stumbles across a mass grave which indicates that the vampires killed everyone.

Back in Bon Temps, Adilyn reports to Kenya that she sort of over heard Rosie talking about attacking the station.  Kenya is not quick to believe Adilyn, so Adilyn adds that there is a mob forming over at Bellefleur's. Adilyn is sure that the mob will come to the station because it is the only place that still has guns in town. Kenya rushes to the supply cupboard and grabs three rifles but before Adilyn, Wade and Kenya can leave, the mob rushes in demanding the guns. Vince suggests that if they had been armed last night, that no one would have died but Kenya calls this "NRA, hillbilly bullshit." Karen takes a different approach and points out that Kenya didn't get the promotion she was promised after Bud left and that Jason, who has half of her experience gets assigned the lion share of the work. This approach works and Kenya attempts to handcuff Adilyn, causing Adilyn to use her fairy burst of light, which in return wakes a sleeping Jessica. The townsfolk quickly surround and overpower Adilyn and Wade, while a frantic Jessica calls the police station only to not get an answer. Jessica then tries Sookie but of course, in a moment of typical Sookie style brilliance, Sookie threw her phone away the night before.