Showing posts with label Naxatras. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Naxatras. Show all posts

~Heavy Dalga~ show #317 (2021-06-03) [S09E24]

Show #317 [S09E24] was broadcasted live: 3rd June 2021
photo by Ryan McGinley
The show goes live on air on Downtuned Radio every Thursday.

01. Karkara - Falling Gods
02. Turtle Skull - Who Cares What You Think?
03. Banshee - Dawn of Man
04. The Legendary Flower Punk - Initiation
05. The Legendary Flower Punk - Wabi Wu
06. Emel - Aerials
07. Emel Mathlouthi - Ma Lkit (Not Found)
08. Homayoun Shajarian - Ba Man Sanama
09. Red Fiction - Selket
10. We Here Now - Frontiers and Determinations
11. We Here Now - Dukkha
12. The Mad Geezers - The donkey
13. Tash Sultana - Jungle (Live bedroom recording)
14. Songhoy Blues - Worry
15. Naxatras - Prophet

✭ see all the shows on Downtuned Radio ✭

[News] Naxatras Greek tour [spring.2019]

Naxatras Greek tour [April.2019]

Naxatras hit the road once more and they've already scheduled six apperances on Greek soil for this spring and will be visiting Katerini, Thessaloniki, Kastoria, Ioannina, Patra and Athens. See the full schedule and additional info below.

22 March - Katerini @ Factory
30 March - Thessaloniki @ WE (with Walking Stone Giants)
3 April - Kastoria @ Prague Draft
4 April - Ioannina @ Agora (with Sliver and Spellbound)
5 April - Patra @ Ghetto Bar (with The Noise Figures)
6 April - Athens @ Gagarin (with The Steams)

Naxatras band photo Naxatras band photo Naxatras band photo Naxatras band photo

'Greek Rock Revolution' documentary trailer

'Greek Rock Revolution' documentary
The official trailer for the upcoming Greek Rock Revolution movie is now live!

The documentary film will have a length of 95 minutes, featuring 1000mods, Tuber, Naxatras, Puta Volcano, Villagers of Ioannina City, Planet of Zeus & Nightstalker. In the recent years these bands have gained a massive support in Greece and global recognition elsewhere, with circles in Europe and North America starting to speak very seriously about the Greek Rock Scene.
'Greek Rock Revolution' documentary

Last September, Spanish Film Director Miguel Cano interviewed all bands and filmed their live concerts and rehearsals in Thessaloniki, Chania, Serres, Athens, Patras, Chiliomodi and Ioannina. The Filmmaker sees in Greece resemblances with historical cultural momentums in Mississippi back when the blues was born or in Seattle when the grunge flourished: a long-lasting unstable social situation boosting artistic expression through a common feeling of non-conformity.
As the Director of Metal Hammer Greece, Kostas Chronopoulos states in the film, “it’s not easy to fight all for your own, you need to feel part of something which is there for you. And rock ‘n roll is here for us.”
Greek Rock Revolution is now on its last phases of post-production and it is expected to be released in March of this year. The goal is set first on screening the film in International Film Festivals, and then bring it to the wide audience in TV, cinemas and online platforms.

Contact [EN]: Miguel Angel Cano Santizo

Contact [GR]: Mihalis Kaloudis

[News] NAXATRAS European tour 2017

NAXATRAS European tour 2017
NAXATRAS from Greece have just announced their European Tour for this autumn, organized by Total Volume.

36 days on the road, 30 live gigs, 12 different countries... sounds great doesn't it?

With 3 releases (2 full albums and 1 EP) already in their 'roster' and a third album currently 'under construction'

[News] Pre/Post Festival Vol.7

PRE/POST Festival Vol.7 [2017]
'PRE/POST' Festival Vol.7
For 7th consecutive year the PRE/POST will take place in Preveza, Greece.  Featuring some of the 'hottest' bands at the moment and some of the most promising bands of the Greek Heavy Underground.

2016: from Greece to Hell

2016: from Greece to Hell (Downtuned Magazine)
2016 has been a very productive year for the Greek heavy Underground Scene. Through Downtuned Radio we've been promoting all those releases continuously and now the time has arrived to choose some of the best releases and present them to you.

[News] Defcon Fest 8 (Athens)

Και φέτος το Defcon Fest δίνει το παρόν με ένα καυτό τριήμερο στις 30 Σεπτεμβρίου, 1 &2 Οκτωβρίου  στο υπόγειο του An club. Ένα φεστιβάλ το οποίο χρόνο με το χρόνο μεγαλώνει  έχοντας καταφέρει να γίνει ένα σημαντικό συναυλιακό γεγονός για την ελληνική underground σκηνή. 

[News] Naxatras New Album & Tour

Οι Naxatras μόλις ένα χρόνο μετά την κυκλοφορία του πρώτου τους ομώνυμου δίσκου επιστρέφουν, και απ' ότι φαίνεται έχουν πιάσει για τα καλά τον ταύρο απο τα κέρατα. Στις αρχές Απριλίου μας δώσανε ένα ep δύο τραγουδιών συν ένα bonus σε digital μορφή, προς το παρόν. Και πριν καλά καλά χωνέψουμε αυτά τα τραγούδια το "Naxatras II" σκάει σαν βόμβα στις 29 Απριλίου.

[Quick Fixes] Made In Greece 2015

Το 2015 ήταν μια χρονιά με μια ποικιλία εγχώριων κυκλοφοριών. Ακούστηκαν σκληροί, μονολιθικοί αλλά και σέξυ ήχοι. Μιας και το έτος είναι ένα βήμα πριν το τέλος του, αποφασίστηκε να γίνουν κατάλογοι, αλλά και επιλεγμένες λίστες με τους δίσκους που ξεχώρισαν στα διάφορα αυτιά του DownTuned.

[Quick Fixes] Naxatras - Naxatras

Naxatras debut album artwork
Ξέρω οι περισσότεροι θα το έχετε ήδη ακούσει το άλμπουμ αλλά λόγω έλλειψης χρόνου δεν υπήρχε δυνατότητα να γράψω κάτι νωρίτερα. Επειδή όμως δεν πρέπει να περάσει απαρατήρητη μια τέτοια κυκλοφορία και δε θα θέλαμε να λείπει από το downtuned μια καταχώρηση γι' αυτό το άλμπουμ είπα να πω δυο λόγια στα πεταχτά. Naxatras λοιπόν... συγκρότημα που μετράει 3 χρόνια ζωής και μόλις τον Απρίλιο που μας πέρασε κυκλοφόρησαν το πρώτο τους ολοκληρωμένο άλμπουμ.