Showing posts with label We Here Now. Show all posts
Showing posts with label We Here Now. Show all posts

~Heavy Dalga~ show #317 (2021-06-03) [S09E24]

Show #317 [S09E24] was broadcasted live: 3rd June 2021
photo by Ryan McGinley
The show goes live on air on Downtuned Radio every Thursday.

01. Karkara - Falling Gods
02. Turtle Skull - Who Cares What You Think?
03. Banshee - Dawn of Man
04. The Legendary Flower Punk - Initiation
05. The Legendary Flower Punk - Wabi Wu
06. Emel - Aerials
07. Emel Mathlouthi - Ma Lkit (Not Found)
08. Homayoun Shajarian - Ba Man Sanama
09. Red Fiction - Selket
10. We Here Now - Frontiers and Determinations
11. We Here Now - Dukkha
12. The Mad Geezers - The donkey
13. Tash Sultana - Jungle (Live bedroom recording)
14. Songhoy Blues - Worry
15. Naxatras - Prophet

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[Suggestion] We Here Now - The Chikipunk Years

We Here Now - The Chikipunk Years
In a peculiar mix of world music, garage, prog, psychedelic folk, and a punk attitude We Here Now's debut is a release that is going to make you turn your head and stop what you are currently doing. Despite its small duration (21 minutes) this is a godamn tasty and groovy debut that's going to blow your mind away and make you ask for more.