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Showing posts with label feathers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label feathers. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2019

Feather Coloring Page- intricate!

Feathers coloring page for adults #coloring #mandala

I haven't done anything this intricate in a while. I hope you all enjoy it!! I'll be posting a less complex variation in the next few days.

This is inspired by those amazing beadwork wings that Billy Porter wore to the Met Gala event.

Click the images below for larger versions to print and color and sharpen your pencils!!

Small jpg version of feathers coloring page:
Feathers coloring page for adults- blank available in jpg and transparent png #coloring #mandala

Large transparent png version of feathers coloring page:
Feathers coloring page for adults- blank available in jpg and transparent png #coloring #mandala

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Feathers Mandala coloring page

Turkey Feathers Mandala with a blank version to color- click through

I hope you enjoy this feathers inspired mandala to color. Click the images below for larger versions to print and color!

Small jpg:
Feathers mandala coloring page- available in jpg and a larger transparent png version- click through

Large transparent png version:
Feathers mandala coloring page- available in jpg and a larger transparent png version- click through

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Things I'm Loving Right Now

The Illustrated Hassle-Free Make Your Own Clothes Book  -I love this book, and it's currently 1.99 in Kindle format. Don't be fooled by the cover, with it's clean cut young lady from the late 60s- early 70s sewing. This is a non-fussy, completely groovy, peace, love, happiness and a pair of scissors hippie sewing book. It's instructions on how to make caftan patterns and tells you that you can sew yourself outfits completely by hand. The text reminds me a lot of my mother and her friends sitting on big floor pillows, with incense burning and a mix of fondue pots. My daughter loves this book as well. For 1.99, it's worth the risk to see if you'd like a physical copy.

Marian Call's Something Fierce- I woke up this morning with one of the songs from this album stuck in my head. The name of the song is Dear Mr. Darcy, over 1000 words long, it's the song which inspired the title of the album. "If you peel back the polite, there might be something fierce inside." - Marian's music has cross-generational appeal, it's a bit of coffee house, a bit of jazz, a bit of folk, and always intelligent. At times it's laugh out loud funny. She's a favorite singer of my family, and we go to as many all ages shows as we can. Check her website to see if she'll be in your area, she tours extensively.

Jerry Lawson and the Talk of the Town- The Persuasions were part of the soundtrack of my youth, but to be completely honest, I think I like the Talk of the Town better. This is another one of those groups that my whole family likes, a Capella with a  strong gospel influence.
(all of the above are affiliate links)

Garden planning! We are .5 inch away from the snowiest winter on record since Alaska became a state. But it's starting to thaw, and things are showing back up in my yard which gives me hope. I'm planning to put in more perennial herbs that are zone 3 hardy this year. Any suggestions?

Mod Podge!

Apple green with the shade of pink I use for so much of this site. I'm currently making a friendship bracelet using those colors.

Hair toys! The peacock feathers were a gift from a friend. She's considering making more for sale, and I'll let you know if she does. The colored shells on hemp I made, and they click and clack against each other.

AND.. last but not least-
Monday Peeps will be on sale for roasting to make Peep S'mores, and so will Easter egg dye for coloring your natural fibers and feathers.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Peacock Coloring Page

This can be used for embroidery or other crafty purposes as usual. It's a peacock in transparent PNG format. I hope you enjoy it! Click on the image for a larger version to color.

Please check out my Etsy store if you're interested in blank box templates or bead patterns. Extra money that I make right now is going to be applied to a swatch order from Spoonflower. If you click on Collections, you can see the swatches that I plan to order so they can go into the Spoonflower marketplace for sale. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Turnip's hair feathers

Remember when I posted the how to color feathers using food dyes recently? Well, Turnip Girl thought rainbow feathers sounded good. So she used those instructions and cheap food coloring to do these.

This photo was taken after she shampooed with the feathers in her hair once, the color held. 
These were done using the food coloring that comes in little bottles that you can buy very inexpensively at the grocery store. 
The extensions themselves are held in with micro links. I got them on Ebay. It was the first time I bought from a seller in China, and it went very smoothly. I got 1000 micro links which is probably more than I'll ever need, and the confirmation email had a tracking number that I could track using the USPS site. 

Micro links are crimp beads for hair. These are aluminum lined with silicone. I combed the parting line she wanted the extensions in, then put the beads on a small steel crochet hook and picked up small sections of hair and pulled them through a link. I kept the links about a pinky nail width from her scalp, and put the tops of the feathers into the link, then used pliers to flatten the link to grip her hair and the feather.
According to a lot of websites, you should be able to remove these with pliers. I tried but couldn't get a good grip on the link to remove them. Most of my pliers are for jewelry making and have smooth jaws. So instead, I use my wire snips carefully on one side of the bead to open it up and remove the links. She can wear these for a couple weeks at a time. She just shampoos normally and uses a wide tooth comb when she's combing her hair. 
She loves having this as an option for temporary color, and gets compliments on her hair feathers. I'm loving the price of being able to do it ourselves. At the salon locally that does micro link feather extensions, the feathers are 7 dollars each, and each "placement" (micro link put in) is 5 dollars. The above style has 2 feathers each in 6 placements which would be 114 dollars! 
The seller I got the micro links from on Ebay is human-hair, and the links were 15 dollars for 1000, free shipping. So one and half cents each. I keep thinking of all the things that could go in these. Pretty yarns, different kinds of feathers, strands of beads etc. 
This picture with the way her hair is blowing shows the dark brown micro link beads. They are 5mm outside diameter, and 3mm inside diameter. When I snip them out, I cut carefully on the edge of the bead with wire snips, and so far they haven't damaged her hair at all. Click the image to see full size for a better look at the links in her hair.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Dying feathers with Easter Egg dye

I can't be the only one who buys up 10¢ packages of Easter egg dye after the holiday right? I get it mostly because we use it on tissue paper. We fold it and dip dye it to create soft geometric patterns.
I had some feathers I wanted to dye, and noticed the Easter egg dye package. So I decided to try that first before getting into more serious dyes.
This method will also work with Kool-aid and food coloring. So if you don't have Easter egg dye, you can use those.
You'll need:
Feathers with light colors. The not pink ones in my photo are the natural feathers. These are not super long feathers, but it will work with those as well. These are from my stash of feathers. 
Coloring- Easter egg dye, food coloring (the little dropper bottles are fine) or unsweetened Kool-Aid
A microwave safe bowl, cup or casserole- more on that in a minute
dish soap

For your feathers, you'll want a dish they won't get the shaft broken in. These little feathers are quite flexible so I just used a coffee mug. If your feathers are too long for your microwave, well.. I want pictures when you're done! And I suggest a baking dish and heating it in your oven at 250 degrees F for 20 minutes instead of zapping it for 2. Most feathers can curve some without breaking the shaft, so if they aren't expensive feathers, try a casserole dish first.

Wash your feathers. This gets any oil off of them and off your fingers so the oil won't block the dye. I used a few drops of dish soap and warm water. I agitated them just a bit with my fingers and let them soak for 5 minutes, then rinsed them well.

Now, put your feathers, which will look limp and awful into your dish. If your feathers are small like mine, you can use 1/2 cup water and 3 Tablespoons of vinegar which is just what my Easter egg tablet instructions called for. If you're using Kool-aid or food coloring, you want to use a ratio of 2 parts water to 1 part vinegar to cover. So if it takes a cup of water in the bottom of a casserole to cover your feathers, add a 1/2 cup of vinegar. Then add your coloring. A half package of Kool-aid, 5 or 6 drops of food coloring. You don't need much unless you're doing a whole bunch of feathers. Cover the dish with plastic wrap with a couple holes in it if it's shallow so it won't boil over. I didn't because the coffee cup was deep and I'm out of plastic wrap and wanted to try it right that minute.
Take it out of the microwave and let it cool. Then pull out the sorry, sad looking wet feathers and rinse them well. I used a couple more drops of dish soap to make sure the colors took well. 
Now, dry the feathers. If you're only doing a few like I did, they will dry while you fluff them back out with your fingers. If you did a bunch put them in a box and use a hair dryer on low. They will dry pretty quick and the box will help keep them from winding up everywhere. Re-align the feathers if it's necessary.
So that's a fast, safe way to color feathers for hats, hair clips, earrings and even feather extensions. 
The feathers in Turnip Girl's hair were colored with food coloring. This photo was taken after she shampooed her hair with the feathers in it.

A word on feather extensions- I live in an area with a lot of fisherman, and a lot of them are fairly annoyed that suddenly some of their favorite feathers are a lot pricier because of the trend. But at the same time, if you have a few friends who fish, and you just want a few long feathers, you might be able to ask them rather than buying more than you need at a place that specializes in fly-tying equipment and supplies. You can also ask friends who have turkeys or roosters for feathers that are shed naturally. If you have shorter hair, then you can use shorter feathers. I plan to put feather extensions in my daughter's hair, but instead of using the very popular grizzly feathers, I'm going to make them with peacock herl. Her hair is just at shoulder length at it's longest part and shorter most other places. For myself, well.. I'm not sure I can find feathers long enough, and planned to use ribbons and beads, possibly with the short feathers above on the ends of the ribbons.