We are in our first heat wave of the summer down here in Texas. For days, we have had temperatures around 100 and just hot sun (no clouds, no rain, little breeze). Texans have three favorite ways to cool off...go to the lake or pool, drink iced tea or make lemonade. (okay, we have other ways too...crank up the AC, turn up the ceiling fans to hurricane force winds, run through the sprinklers, go shopping at indoor places, crunch on a cup of ice, eat snowcones, I could go on and on...). My son loves lemonade so I made some in my favorite vintage pitcher.
I remember as a little girl seeing this pitcher in my grandmother's fridge. She always kept it full of ice water.
I love the top and haven't seen one of these anywhere else (or I would have bought it!) It has a little galvanized metal top. The thin little lid is loose so it allows liquid to come out but not the lemons or whatever else you might put in that is chunky.
Lemonade with strawberries. Yum!
When we recently cleaned out my mother-in-law's home we found a stash of these old jelly jars. They make the perfect juice glasses or glasses for small drinks.
The only problem...I don't want anyone to touch it. I'm afraid of it being dropped and broken. Not very practical, huh? I guess I'll be pouring all of the lemonade around here.
I may be linking this little treasure up to a couple of my favorite link parties listed above in the party list or below on the right.