My dining room is finished! Or is it? Let's say it's finished for now. I will also add here that this post is chock full of pictures so grab some sweet iced tea, kick your feet up and have a look.
Remember the before?
Here's the after!
Not a drastic "OH MY GOSH and gasp" kind of change but rather "oh, how pretty" kind of change. All free with stuff I had except the fresh flowers on the table (thanks Jeff!)
This victorola (however you spell it), the jar of salt/pepper shakers and the print have been in the dining room since day one. I just moved the print to this wall and put them together. (Yep, this picture is leaning. I tried to fix it but it just kept leaning. Tilt your head slightly and it might help.)
This English pine pie rack has been in an entry way for most of it's time at my house (it's travelled around several rooms). At Jennie's suggestion, I moved it in the dining room and filled it up with stuff I had all over the place.
Let me tell you about this little thing. There are two that are almost identical. They were pulled out of a hand built large shed on my husband's family's property. They were old weathered wood when we got them. However, we got them in the mid-90s and I put that little stencil on both. I now despise that little stencil so I painted these babies. I didn't sand or prep or prime but just painted over it so it will look like it has ages of paint under one fresh coat. You can see them on either side of the pine rack above the chairs. The actual makeover of these will be a future post.
cute, huh?
I put some vintage kitchen utensils in them.
Love this jar with it's bubble/hobnail like glass.
It's not old. I think I got it at HL or Target or some place a few years ago.
I know they are hung a little asymmetrical which is challenging my very mild autism spectrum tendencies but I can always add more. In fact, I've got my eye on some tin butter pats that would look great added here.
The dining room looks out onto the front porch.
So, why am I not declaring it 100% finished? I like those white painted wood shed things so much and I think they would look lovely in a bathroom with rolled up towels in them or in my craft/project room to be as storage. My husband thinks we can recreate them so we may give that a try. If we're successful, then this room is finished. What do you think?
I may link it up to my favorite blog parties listed below on the right or above in my list.
Next up: Entry room part A&B (you'll see what I mean). I'm starting tomorrow but it won't be finished for awhile. I have a lot of little projects to do for that area. I'm sure I'll post about the little projects.
Memorial Day.
I'm so thankful for their service.