Showing posts with label blog change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog change. Show all posts

Sunday, September 11, 2011

This is it

I did it.  It's done.
I changed everything.
This is it.
This is my blog.

Why?  Click here.

I changed my blog name, header picture, the little favicon, the blog icon picture and
you will soon notice...even the blog address.  
I'm a little excited about all of the changes.

There is no getting around the fact that I live in a cottage style house
and I love cottage style.  However, I've been adding quite a bit of
vintage industrial stuff to my house and of course 
I still like some farmhouse pieces as well.
Combine that with our family number "3" and my favorite color "red"
and I came up with:


I like how simple it is.  I think the use of the red 3 in place of the
last "E" gives a sort of industrial twist.   It seems to really fit me I think.

I've lived with it for over a week now and love it more each day.
So, I took the huge step of changing everything over.

Over the next day or so you should be automatically redirected
to the new address.  We'll see if that works.   I'm a bit nervous about it.

I feel like "3 Ring Cottage" was a practice blog for the last year and a half
where I learned about blogging and tried to figure out what I wanted my blog 
to be and how I wanted it to look.
Now that I've mastered some of the skills of blogging,  
I am graduating to my permanent blog.

Did you notice I'm approaching 500 followers?
That's 495 more than I thought I would ever have.
If I get to 500, I think we'll need a giveaway to celebrate
that milestone and the transition to the new blog.

So, here we go!
Hope you'll come with me, bring your friends 
and have a good time!

With this change, those following may have lost feeds/updates. 
You may need to "unfollow" and then rejoin or follow again.
Thanks so much!

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