Showing posts with label Self Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self Care. Show all posts

Friday, January 06, 2023

Looking Back At 2022 & Ahead To 2023


~Above photo shows Logan the Cavapoo on the back of the sofa, and was taken on December 30th 2022.


I know we're already almost a week in to January, but I wanted to post about my holiday celebrations first.  Now though, it's time to take a look back at 2022, and start thinking about the coming year.


I kept my goal list for 2022 practically non-existent.  Other than my plan to read 52 books as part of the Goodreads reading challenge, my plan for 2022 was to see where the year took me, and enjoy as many hygge moments throughout the year as possible; hygge being my word for 2022.

So, how did that work out?? 

2022 was an eventful year, and I never could have predicted how it turned out.  I think though, other than us losing the last of the rodent gang, Mollie the chinchilla, during the first half of the year (in April, to be exact) and some rough times healthwise (in particular dental disasters with infections that had me with mouth pain for a couple of months) it was a pretty good year.  I mean, there were definitely some rather stressful parts of it I'd like to forget, but there was enough of the good to stop me dwelling on those things, and to make me feel like 2022 wasn't too bad of a year.  Certainly not one of the best I've had, but most definitely not one of the worst either.

Unfortunately, though my website is now more up to date, writing took a bit of a backseat, with my only publications for this year being the "Poetry Treasures" and "Stand Together" anthologies I was involved with.  And I have yet to finish getting "Pawfect Pet Poems" and "Jelena" made available in audio (though both are listed on ACX in various stages of production).  I've been slowly working on writing things I plan to publish in the future, but writing sessions have been few and far between, and none of my works in progress ended up being finished in 2022, let alone published.  I'd hoped to have at least published one of them at some point during 2022, but I won't publish anything until it's ready and, as it stands at the moment, nothing new is even finished being written, let alone ready for publication.

However, that doesn't mean I didn't have a busy year.


I started getting involved with ACB (American Council of the Blind) Zoom calls in 2021, but ended up more involved than I ever could have imagined even wanting to be.  I'm now a trained Zoom host and Clubhouse moderator, and do both things regularly for ACB calls.  I've hosted for conventions and community-a-thons, helped teach skills with cooking and crafting, and am finishing up the year not only as an active participant and host, but also an ACB member at large, as well as a member of the ACB Crafters admin team, and part of the ACB Presents The Daily Schedule morning crew.  Not to mention, I've gotten to know some people through my work with the ACB who I now consider good friends.  I'm not a big fan of socializing usually, but apparently my reluctance to socialize doesn't extend to people who live inside my computer and phone.

Did I embrace my word of "Hygge" in 2022?Well, there were definitely times when I did.  Times when I put self care first, enjoyed a hygge moment by myself, with the petkids, or even with another person.  But I feel like I didn't embrace the concept as fully as I planned to.  I feel like I could have done more to make 2022 a hygge year for me.  Maybe I'd feel like that no matter how many hygge moments I enjoyed? Maybe I really could have done more? Who knows.  Either way, I feel like I was only partially successful in embracing my word for the year.  But a partial success is still a success, right? And I'll take what I can get when it comes to successes.

As for my reading goal: it was a slow reading year for me, but I did manage to read 52 books in 2022.  If you want to see what I read, you can see my year in books here.  Yes, it does take you to Goodreads, but you don't have to be a member to check it out.  It's just the easiest way for me to share all the information about what I read, which books I enjoyed and which I didn't, etc, since I record those things on Goodreads throughout the year when it's fresher in my mind.  So, for those who want to know what I read, and what I thought of those books, please check out that link to my year in books.


Now it's the start of another year.  We're starting 2023, and most people are setting goals and resolutions.  Or maybe picking words for the year.  But after some serious thought, I decided I didn't want to be among them.


So, that's why, other than setting my reading goal on Goodreads to 52 books again, I’m not making any any goals or plans for the coming year.  I’m not even picking a word for 2023.  There were some goals and words I considered, and there are some things I hope will happen in 2023.  But I ultimately decided I’m just going to forget about trying to make goals I may or may not be able to achieve, not worry about deciding on which of the words is right for me, and just see where the year takes me.


It just feels like the right way forward for me.


If you want to see where 2023 takes me, make sure you check back here each Friday for my weekly blog posts.



How about you? How was your 2022? Did you have any goals or resolutions? Did you have a word for the year? Do you have any of those things for 2023? Whatever the case, I'd love to hear about it in the comments, so please share.

Friday, January 07, 2022

Looking Back At 2021 And Ahead To A #Hygge 2022 - #AmReading #Blogging #AmWriting #PersonalGoals

WOW! We're already a week in to the new year.  Can you believe it?


Since this is my first post for 2022: Happy New Year!




I actually did something to ring in the new year this time, since I participated in the ACB community athon, which ran from 3:00pm EST on December 31st 2021 to 3:00am EST on January 1st 2022.  I stayed up for almost all of it too (apart from a quick power nap during one of the hours I knew I'd have nothing to contribute) despite me being five hours ahead of that timezone.  And I'm glad I did, because it was awesome! They did it the year before too, and I hope will do it this year as well, because I'm already looking forward to it.  That's right.  Me.  The person who doesn't usually care about staying up to see in the new year.  Not only did I see in the new year properly awake, but I did so twice.




Anyway, now it's 2022, and I hope the year is treating you well so far.


But, before we get too carried away with looking ahead, let's take a look back at 2021 though, shall we? And then we can start looking ahead to 2022, and hoping it will be a good year for us all.




First of all, let me just say: I'm not going in to the way the year was for the country or world as a whole.  We all know there have been, and still are, a lot of awful things going on in this world - including, but not limited to, the continuing threat of Covid - so you don't need me to talk about them, and I don't really want to.  So I'm just going to focus on how 2021 was for me on a personal level.


It was a year of ups and downs.  For me 2021 was better than 2020 in some ways.  We didn't have to move, which was a nice thing for a start.  However, the year certainly wasn't one of the best I can remember either, and in many ways 2021 was worse and harder to deal with than 2020 - perhaps not helped by the fact we'd just gone through the mess that was 2020.  I know I'm not the only one who felt that way, because several people mentioned it to me throughout the year.  Of course, all  years have their ups and downs - that's just how life goes.  But I spent 2021 trying to deal with mentally processing the things I hadn't had time to process with all that 2020 had thrown at me, while at the same time dealing with constant health issues, along with a few other things the year decided to throw at me, and let me tell you it's been an uphill struggle.  Some days more so than others.  And, quite frankly, I'm incredibly glad 2021 is over, despite the positive aspects of it.


And there were positives, even if they felt like they were overshadowed by the negatives.  So, let's leve the bad stuff from 2021 alone for now, and focus on the good points of the year, like how we're glad to be living back in Wales (I am especially) and how I finally got to visit Dan Yr Ogof National Showcaves, which I've wanted to visit since I was a child.  Not to mention all the awesome things I've been doing with the ACB (American Council of the Blind) and the friendships I've formed via the calls I've attended with them- getting involved with the ACB community was definitely the highlight of my year, even though it's something I wouldn't have imagined this time last year I'd even want to be a part of, let alone enjoy as much as I am.


Anyway, I had six goals for 2021.  You can read full details of my 2021 goals here, but I'll give you the short version, and tell you how I did with them, in this post.  So, let's take a look, shall we?


  • Reading:

I had just one reading goal for 2021, which was to read at least 104 books.  But I only ended up reading 75 books - you can see my year in books ohre on Goodreads by clicking here (you don't need to be a Goodreads member to check out my year in books).  But, as you're likely thinking when seeing that number, that's a lot of books anyhow,, so that's OK.  I mean, sure, I didn't quite make my reading goal this year, but I did enjoy most of what I read, and that's the main thing.  As I always say: it's not about how many books you read, but about whether you enjoy the process of reading them.


  • Blogging:

My blogging goal was to blog once a week (on Fridays).  Not only did I do this, but I also ended up blogging on a few other days too sometimes due to having a lot of things I wanted to get posted at times.  So this one was a definite success.


  • Writing:

My writing goals were to publish the poetry collection I've been working on, as well as to finish writing, and then publish, a story.  Well, I ended up doing that and more.  I published two poetry collections ("Pawfect Pet Poems" and "Born From Stardust And Other Poems") as well as having three of my poems appear in an anthology ("Poetry Treasures").  I also finished and published two stories ("Tedi And The Soothing Snow" and "Jelena").  So another definitely successful completion of a goal, despite health issues, life, and procrastination - because I do admit there was some of that too - trying to get in the way.  I even have two of the books I published this year available in all formats I publish my books in (eBook, paperback, and audio).  It would have been three, but there have been production issues with the audio version of one of the poetry collections, so that one still isn't available yet.


  • Personal:

The first of my two personal goals was to finish unpacking, and settle in to our new home.  Besides some books and DVDs that still need organizing properly on their shelves, I can say with confidence that we achieved this.  It took much more of the year to unpack than I thought it would (at least partially due to health issues getting in the way) but we did it, and things in boxes now are in them for storage because they need to be, not because we haven't unpacked them.  Something I haven't been able to say for about a decade.  LOL! And, as I said near the top of the post, we're glad we made the decision to return to Wales when we were forced to move the second time in 2020, since we're loving being back here.  Don't get me wrong, Hastings was great, but it's wonderful to be back home.


My other personal goal was to practice better self care.  It was the goal I wanted most to achieve, and yet the one I failed at most spectacularly.  I was doing great at first; the first couple of months of the year went wonderfully as regards self care.  I even had a self care plan, which I was doing a reasonably good job of following.  Then I shut my hand in a car door twice in as many months (breaking my middle finger the first time, and badly bruising my thumb the second time) and soon after doing that the first time had a bad reaction to the Covid jab that irritated existing health issues (which have stayed irritated) and brought others to light.  And after that I just haven't been able to get back on track with my self care.  I've had several hygge moments throughout the year, but my plan for better self care went out of the window, and somehow never found its way back in.





As for this year...


 Other than the Goodreads reading challenge – which I’m doing mainly because it would feel weird not to considering I’ve done so each year since I’ve been on there – which I’ve set to 52 books (a nice low goal to me) I’m not setting any goals for 2022.


Sure, there are some things I’d like to do this year.  But I feel like the right thing for me in 2022 is to enjoy the process of doing them rather than worrying about tracking them on a list, or the pressure of completing them on time to meet a deadline.  I think that's what I need this year: pleasure in the experiences rather than pressure.  Does that make sense? I hope it does.


Like I said, there are some things I'd like to do.  I'll also still be writing, blogging, getting involved with the ACB, crafting, etc – hopefully plenty of all those things.  And I’ll share any news on projects I’m working on, as well as random stuff from my daily life, throughout the year in blog posts as and when it’s appropriate.  But beyond that I have no plans or goals for 2022, so no goal list to share.


I’m looking forward to 2022 with a hopeful heart.  But what it will hold in store for me is anyone’s guess right now, and remains to be seen.  So, I’m just going to try and enjoy the ride as best as I can, and see where I end up by the time this year is over.  Hopefully I’ll have plenty of happy memories and hygge moments to look back on, which I can enjoy both at the end of this year and further in the future.


I don't usually pick a word for the year, but perhaps that should be my word for the year: Hygge.  Yes.  I need the cosy comfort of Hygge this year for sure, so I'm going to have Hygge be my word for 2022.




 How about you? Did you do anything fun - or at all - to ring in the new year? And how was your 2021? Did you have any resolutions or goals for it? If yes, how did you do with them? Also, do you have any goals or resolutions for 2022? Or maybe you pick a word for the year? Or, perhaps, you're just looking forward to the year with hope, and crossing your fingers it's a better one than the last couple have been? Whatever the case, I'd love to hear about it in the comments, whether directly on this blog post, or via whatever social media platform you're reading this through, or even via eMail, so please share.

Friday, September 17, 2021

#AmWriting + Cute #Dogs + Artemis The #Tortoise Turns 2 + #Mountain #Fog + #Crafting + #SelfCare With Happy Post

Thanks to some encouragement and accountability partnering from my friend and fellow author, Barb, I finally made some decent progress on writing.  I wrote a couple of new poems, but also managed to make some excellent progress on three of the stories I started but didn't really get anywhere with before world and life events got in my way, plust ended up starting another.  I'm hoping to be able to publish one of them before the end of this year, and the others early next year.  Yes, progress was that good.

In the meantime, though one of the poetry books I published earlier this year is now available in audio, audiobook production is still not complete on the other one.  I'm hopeful that will change soon.




When we first got Logan a little over two years ago, we were concerned that our hopes of him and Lilie becoming great friends weren't going to come to pass.  Especially in the first couple of months.  After a while though they did become very close, as photos like this one taken when they were cuddled up together at the foot of the bed on the evening of September 5th illustrate:

Aren't they cute?


It was Artemis' second hatchday on September 6th.  So, my little Hermann's Tortoise - who isn't quite so little any more, having easily doubled in size since we got her - is now two years old.

We always give the petkids something for their birthdays, but there's not much to buy a tortoise as a gift, so I treated her to some extra helpings of fruit.  My Mam even got in on it and contributed some melon.  So, Artemis got a special hatchday breakfast of lettuce, tortoise pellets, melon, apple, raspberry, and strawberry.  Here's a photo and video of her, taken right after we presented her with her breakfast:


We had woken on the morning of September 6th to find this:

No.  There's nothing wrong with the camera, or your monitor.  That really is a whole lot of fog.  A curtain of mist had all but concealed things in every direction, so that the whole of our area of the mountains was blanketed in it.  Mam could even see that there was a lot of mist in our direction from her place, and she lives just over five miles away.

It had cleared by lunch time, leaving a rather warm and sunny day.


I finished a crochet dishcloth I've been working on.  This is my first completely 100% solo crochet project, since my Mam had helped me get the only other one I've done started, but this time I didn't have help from her.  Here's a photo Kelly took for those who would like to see it:


I'm now working on finishing a half-knitted blanket I found among the craft stuff I got from Nan.



Remember the charity thing where I knitted squares to send to someone who was collecting them for a charity that turns them in to blankets for the homeless? The goal was to get 100 squares to send to the charity by the end of August.  Well, the final count is in, and it turns out between us we made loads more than that.  In fact, we weren't too far off tripling the goal.  The charity will be getting 271 squares.




I've got lots of happy post to enjoy these days.


Since it's my favourite way for some self care, I've been making a point to spend some time enjoying a book while working on a craft project, with a cup of herbal tea and a snack to hand, while enjoying a scented candle.  So, since I love getting subscription boxes - AKA happy post - I decided to make sure I was subscribed to some that would encourage me to keep doing it.

With that in mind, along with the Makerly Crafts and Cosy Craft Club craft kit subscription boxes I was already getting, I now also subscribe to the scented tealights subscription box from Sara-Jane Candles, as well as the Bird & Blend Co. tea tasting club subscription box, and The Vegan Kind lifestyle box.


I can't do any of the book subscription boxes, for obvious reasons, but I do have an Audible subscription, so technically I also have one for books, even if those get chosen by me and delivered to my Kindle, rather than chosen by the companies and delivered to my door.


Anyway, the arrival of my subscription boxes gives me plenty of happy post, and also acts as a reminder and excuse for some self care.  Plus, since Kelly has his game and magazine subscriptions, it's only fair I get some fun subscriptions each month too, right?

Friday, January 29, 2021

#Snow + A Happy #Westie Wiggle Dance + #Grogu+ A #Teapot + #Selfcare + Inheriting #Crafting Supplies

Look what we woke up to Sunday morning:



The dogs and I had to go out and play in it, of course...

Apparently my dogs love the snow as much as I do.  This is their first time seeing this much snow at once, and they were thrilled.  They were also as reluctant as me to stay indoors, and as eager as me to keep going out to play in it, which - since they were enthusiastic about the idea, and it gave me an excuse to do so - we did on and off most of the day.

To my delight - since yes, I was delighted, even after a day playing in it - it snowed more in the afternoon, after a bit of the earlier stuff had melted, and we'd trampled a lot of it.  So, since we caught it snowing this time (we'd been asleep when the earlier snow fell, so it was a nice surprise for me to wake up to) we got a bit of a video of the snow falling:



 Later that same day it snowed some more...

So, of course, I took the dogs out to play in it yet again...

(OK, so I took them so I could go out there again myself, but whatever... They still got to go outside again, which they were happy about).

I know this isn't much to some of you, and it will likely all be gone before this goes live, but... We got around five inches in total in our area that day, with a lot of it (what hadn’t melted or frozen overnight) still on the ground the next day, which is a big snowfall here in Wales.  It's rare to get more than an inch or so in one snowfall.  It's been a great Winter for snow this year, and Winter's not even over yet!


I’ve been mentioning Lilie’s happy wiggle dance since she was a tiny puppy, and trying to get a video of it for almost as long.  But, no matter how hard we tried, we just couldn’t get it on video, even though it’s her regular form of greeting.  Now though, with her almost four years old, I can finally show you it, since my Mam got a video for me when I took the dogs outside to greet her when she came to drop off a couple of things she’d picked up for me from Tescos that we didn’t get in our food box, and couldn’t get at the corner shop.  So, though I’m afraid you’ll have to put up with an excited Logan getting in the way from time to time (he was pleased to see Nana too) here, at long last, is a clip of Lilie doing her happy wiggle dance:



As you can see, my dogs love visitors – especially Lilie.  Even Logan is learning to be enthusiastic about people other than me and Kelly.  Just wait until we stop being in lockdown so Mam and Dad’s visits don’t have to be restricted to them only seeing us briefly for essential errands*.  Lilie’s going to be over-the-moon.  LOL!


*We could technically have one of them visit more.  However, to do that we’d have to prevent the other coming, and since both of them are doing different things to help us, we all agreed it made more sense for us to just restrict visits from both to short ones just while essential errands/tasks are dealt with, and keep other contact to phone calls.




Though we still have plenty of things we actually need to get to sort things in the new house, when we learned that Build-A-Bear did a Grogu (Baby Yoda) plushy, I really wanted one, so Kelly told me to get myself one, and count it as paying myself back some of the money I should have been having presents from anyhow (in other words, the money I’d gotten for my birthday and Christmas, which I’d been prioritizing paying for moving and household costs out of, and not spending on myself like I was meant to).  So, I got a Grogu plushy, and here he is:



He has a sound chip in each of his little paws.  One plays the “Mandelorian” theme tune, and the other plays the various cute little baby sounds you hear him making throughout the show.  I could have had him with just one or the other, or with neither, but I decided to splurge for the whole package.  I mean, if I was paying out for the plushy – which was the bigger part of the cost – I might as well just pay an extra few £s for the sounds too, right?




 I also brought myself a teapot.  It’s a little ceramic one that’s perfect for just a couple of cups of tea, so ideal for when it’s only me having some tea, which is the case more often than not even without lockdown making visitors few and far between.  Anyway, here’s my new teapot:



Though I’m told it’s not easy to tell from the photo, it’s actually purple.  Well, when I saw they had them in purple, I had to, didn’t I? I mean, purple has always been my favourite colour.


I had a teapot before – that one was purple too – which was bigger.  But it was a bit big for me to be using on my own, and I gave it to someone a few years back.  I’ve wanted to get a new one ever since, but wanted just a little one this time.  Well, now I have one, and even managed to make it a purple one again.




In the interests of practicing better self care, adding proper “me time” to my routine is something I’m working on making a priority this year.  I even have a plan.  In fact, I’ve got a list of some things I want to do every day, and a list for stuff I’d like to do at least once a week, which I’m setting days for. My plan is to do the daily things for at least a few minutes every day, and each of the weekly things for at least an hour each per week.


Every day I want to:

         Enjoy a quiet cup of tea while listening to some music





My weekly self care activities list though is:

         Have a bubble bath (scented candles optional)

         Have a movie/TV show night where I just curl up somewhere and watch a DVD or something on a streaming service

         Work on crafts (I even re-activated a craft box subscription service I used to get to encourage this... You may remember me mentioning the Makerly Crafts subscription box in the past?)


My tentative plan for the weekly thing is a bubble bath on Friday night, a Saturday movie night, and a Sunday afternoon crafting session.  That way I get the whole weekend to recharge.




I won’t be doing a review of this every month, but I figured I’d do a check-in this time, since I’m only now getting around to telling you about my plan.  So, how did the first month – well, about four weeks - of doing this go?


I’ve been managing to sit and relax while listening to music for at least a few minutes each day, even if sometimes it’s with a cold drink rather than a cup of tea.  The point is the quiet time just relaxing while listening to the music though, so I’m not complaining.  I've listened to a variety of music, including panpipes, country, 80s, 90s, and classical.  I tend to do this in the morning, when the dogs aren't quite ready to start racing around and cause chaos, Artemis hasn't yet crawled out of her bed, and Mollie is sleepily waiting to see what I'll be offering her for breakfast before she goes for her daytime sleep.  It's a nice relaxing way to start my day.


I’ve also generally managed to get at least a small amount of reading time in each day, even if some days it’s only been maybe 20 minutes or so.  And I managed to read five books in January, even with two of them being long-ish books, and mostly doing shorter reading sessions.


I’ve had less success with the meditation and writing.  I’ve done some writing since the start of the year, but not as much as I’d hoped, and definitely not every day.  We won’t talk about the meditation part.  Yes, I did that badly with it.  With the writing it was a conscious choice, since I chose to use my writing time to work on unpacking boxes, but the meditation thing just didn’t end up happening... I'll make it a habit again eventually.


Also, despite having resubscribed to the Makerly Crafts box again, and gotten my first kit since doing so (January’s kit was a Valentine's themed cardmaking kit, if you're wondering) I’ve not done anything worth mentioning in the way of crafting yet either, since that’s another time slot I gave up to unpacking boxes.  In this case it was essential I did so though, since I needed to unpack and organize the craft supplies I owned, as well as ones I inherited from my Nan (the one who died last August) – which my Dad has slowly been dropping off here for me whenever he’s been here to do an essential errand – as well as make a space to work, before any crafting could actually happen.


Plus, my relaxing bath nights have been a bit hit and miss, and the couple of baths I have had didn’t include scented candles, even if they were still relaxing.  Baths are on my self care list because I mostly just have a shower, but a nice relaxing bath is something I enjoy having sometimes.  However, it’s a bit more special if I don’t have one all the time anyhow, so I don’t mind if this one doesn’t happen every week.  I mean, I kind of would like it to happen every week, since it would be a nice way to kick off my weekend.  But I’d still call this one a success even if I only did it once a month.


I’ve had better luck with TV show/movie nights.  I watched more episodes of “The Simpsons” as well as a couple of movies.  The movies were the live action version of “Mulan” as well as “Soul” – both movies were on Disney+.  “Mulan” was really good – very different to the animated version I’m familiar with, but still good, even if I did enjoy the animated one more.  “Soul” was fantastic though... An absolutely wonderful movie with a lovely message.  I’d give “Mulan” four out of five stars, and “Soul” five out of five stars.


All in all, I don’t think the first month went too badly, especially since I was making unpacking and organizing stuff the main priority intentionally, and we actually have most of that done now, with mainly just stuff we need to buy extra shelves or other storage solutions for still in boxes at this point.  Although, more organization will need to happen with the craft supplies, especially with Dad still slowly dropping off more.  But at least I can now make use of the craft room and supplies when I want to, as well as claim back my writing time.




And there are so many supplies!


Nan was a big crafter, who dabbled in a lot of different crafts, and kept anything potentially useful for future craft projects, and I'm inheriting the lot, some of the tools for which she's had longer than I've been alive.  Dad’s dropped off a load, and there’s still loads at his place yet to come over here (since he has to do it in bits, since he can only drop stuff off when he’s coming this way for other reasons, because of needing to restrict his visits due to lockdown, plus there really is a LOT of stuff).


There are supplies for crafts I do a lot already, like sewing.  Supplies for crafts I’ve tried in the past and want to do more of, like quilling.  Supplies for crafts I haven’t done since I lost my sight, but would kind of like to try again to see if I can do them – despite my initial reaction on thinking about it being that it would be impossible – like cross stitching.  Supplies for things I’d like to get back in to that I haven’t done much of for a while, like cardmaking.  Supplies for things I’ve never learned to do, but wouldn’t mind learning, like crochet.  And supplies for things Nan was going to teach me, but we never got around to more than a first lesson I don’t remember very well, like tatting.  Let's just say my craft room will be very well stocked by the time it all makes it over here. Oh, I’m going to have so much crafty fun!

I just have to decide what to play with first...

Friday, January 15, 2021

Random Ramblings: January 15th 2021 (Featuring #Snow And #Dog Photos)


The photos at the top of this post were taken a couple of days after we moved here.  They're from December 9th 2020.  I'd hoped to make that new computer room window view part of a post about the new house by now, but I haven't had a chance to sort photos of indoors.  Admittedly that's partially - in fact, if I'm honest, mostly - because I'm reluctant to show you the chaos things are still in at this point.  I mean, it's not too bad.  But there's definitely still chaos.  We had some pieces of furniture given to us by my Dad and his next door neighbours, and between those things and what we already had the new house is coming together nicely, even if we still need a few things.  I just don't want to show you that there's still a bunch of stuff to sort out, and boxes in most rooms that need to be dealt with though.  Somehow telling you doesn't feel as bad.  Anyway, we're getting there; we did a lot in this past week.  When things are a bit more organized, I'll get you some indoor photos.  For now you'll have to wait, and can just have those photos of the view from the upstairs window.  But I'll catch you up on some day to day happenings today too.




There were some fireworks here at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve, but we didn't get photos or videos, since we couldn't see them from indoors, and Kelly was reluctant to go out in the ice and snow only to find they were over by the time he got out there.  We enjoyed listening to them though.  I do love fireworks, but do also have to admit I was glad it was just a few for midnight and not days of them going off all evening like we had where we used to live.  More fireworks might increase the chances of videos or photos, but less is better for the petkids and local wildlife.




2021 started with us spotting a robin hopping about in what remained of the snow in our yard.  We spotted it through the kitchen window.  We didn't get a photo though, because the camera was too far away.  But Kelly enjoyed watching it,, especially since it was, as I later learned, his first time seeing one that close up in real life (other close sightings he's had were via photos or videos).  I sure wish we'd gotten a photo, but at least I have the memory of Kelly's utter delight at the sight.


I know from growing up not too far from where we now live that it's not Unusual for wildlife to be spotted around here.  Well, there's loads of sheep too - I mean, it is Wales - but I mean things like birds, and common British wildlife like foxes, hedgehogs, etc.

For example, there's an owl nearby.  I've heard it most times when I've been awake nights since we got here, though we've seen no physical signs of it.  I'm not entirely sure if it lives close by or I just hear it as it passes between its hunting ground and wherever it roosts.  I've definitely heard it several times though.  At least, I think it's the same owl each time.

There's at least one fox too.  In fact, possibly more than one.  I've heard at least one fox, and Logan and I startled a fox when we went for a potty run one night.  Although, I'm not sure if the fox or Logan was more startled by the close encounter.  Judging by how quick it ran off, I'd say the fox recovered quicker than Logan though, and the fox did at least know what a dog was before, so Logan was probably the more startled.  Either way, Logan was more vocal about how he felt about things once he did recover, though he thankfully didn't feel the need to make his feelings known for more than a few moments, and soon stopped barking.  Luckily chasing after the darting fox wasn't an option for him.  I assume the fox thought we'd gone indoors with Kelly and Lilie, so assumed the coast was clear, since they generally don't risk coming too close to houses with dogs when they think there's even a slight chance the dogs will be coming outside any time soon.


Anyway, we had snow flurries on and off for the first week of the new year, but nothing that came to much.  In fact, most of them were so brief it wasn't even worth grabbing the camera.  Rather exciting to a snow lover like me though, as I'm sure you can imagine.

There was another snowfall - on the evening of January 7th - that was worth grabbing the camera for though, so here are some photos Kelly took when the dogs and I were out checking it out:

As you probably figured by the tire tracks in one shot, the photos were taken when we were in the street out the front.  We had taken some when we were out the back (in the yard) too, but the lighting and snow falling on the camera lense combined meant they just ended up being blurry patches of white in the darkness, so I'm not bothering to share those ones with you.  Oh, and, in case you were wondering: Logan is there... You might be able to see that I have his lead in my hands as well as Lilie's lead.  But he kept going behind me, so you can't really see him.


In other news:there's a scheme set up nearby where you can get a box of food stuff the supermarkets will soon be unable to sell because of how close their sell-by dates are for just £1 (that's about $1.36 by today's conversion rates).  It's a good sized box, and the stuff is still good, though some of it you'll want to use or preserve/freeze pretty quickly if you don't want it to go to waste.  So we've been going with my Dad to get a box.  It's one per household, so he gets one and so do Kelly and I.

Though obviously it's various food items, the exact contents of the boxes are random, so sometimes Dad will have stuff he can't/won't use, and sometimes we will too, in which case we offer them to each other.  If there's something in them none of us can make use of, we'll pass them on to other people, like my Mam, my brother, Wayne, or a couple of particular friends of my Dad who are in a financial position where food donations are very much appreciated and needed.  Dad's next door neighbours (the same ones who gave us some furniture items) get a box too, and pass anything extra from their box on to Dad, who then considers it extra stuff to either add to his, offer to us, or donate to those friends of his, depending on what the items are.


Getting these food boxes has helped us keep our food shopping costs lower, which was very much appreciated with the move and the holidays happening right on top of each other.  Mind you, for us - and Dad too - reduced costs for essential expenses is always a good thing.  Plus, we're helping to reduce the amount of food supermarkets have to throw away, and most weeks have a little something to offer someone who really needs it.  So, everyone wins.



Mam and I made a bunch of pickles and chutneys with some of the stuff from the boxes.  We also made some vegan friendly orange marmalade when we got loads and loads and loads of oranges, which I was thrilled about, since it's difficult to get a good marmalade you can guarantee is vegan, and incredibly expensive when you do find one.  Considering it was our first attempt at making marmalade using arrowroot as the thickener, I think we did a fantastic job.  It's perhaps a little runnier than it should be, but it's thick enough to be spreadable, and it tastes great, so that's the main thing.



Yes, we're still in lockdown over here.  No, we're not seeing loads of people all the time.  Both my parents - and Dad's neighbours - only come to drop off or pick upthings, and nine times out of ten don't even come inside to do it (they only come in if they absolutely have to, and then only for as long as they need to in order to do what they came for).  And I haven't seen my brother since early December, when we were between lockdowns.  All contact Kelly and I are having with anyone besides each other is for essential tasks to be done, like Dad's neighbours providing us with something to sit on besides the floor in our new home, Dad taking Kelly to fetch those food boxes and staying long enough for us to go through our box and his own, Mam picking up the bits we're giving her from the boxes (Dad takes Wayne's to him, since he's his carer so has to see him anyhow) and that kind of thing.  Just thought I'd put that out there, before anyone accuses me of breaching Wales' current lockdown rules.




Since you can never have too many cute puppy photos, I'm going to end today's post with a couple of photos of Lilie and Logan, which were taken early hours of the morning on January 8th.  We grabbed the camera to get the shot of Logan, who considered me getting out of bed an invitation for him to climb in my warm spot and snuggle in, but grabbed a shot of Lilie (also on the bed) at the same time.


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Taking A Look Back At 2020 And Ahead To 2021 - #AmReading + #AmWriting + #Blogging + Personal Goals

Life offers you so many doors, it is up to you which to open and which one to close.

It's been quite a year, hasn't it?


There have been serious storms, raging wildfires, not to mention a viral pandemic that's plunged the world in to chaos.  That's without counting the landlord saga, and my Nan and Aunty Joyce's deaths.  Honestly, the only good thing I can think of that happened this year was us getting our Hermann's Tortoise, Artemis, who joined our family back in January.  Well, and I guess the fact I've personally remained relatively healthy is a good thing too.  I wish I had Anne's optimism...



I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains.
~Anne Frank    

I don't know about you, but I'll be glad to see the back of 2020.  With that in mind, let's take a look at my goals.  Then we can get on with looking forward to 2021, and hoping it's better than 2020.  So...


You can read full details of my reading, blogging, and personal goals for last year in the version of this post from last year, and you can see the full details of my writing goals for 2020 in this post. But here's a summery of my goals for 2020, to save you having to go check out those posts (unless you want to go check them out).


My 2020 reading goal was to read 104 books. I also did this bookish resolutions tag where I mentioned some titles I wanted to read in 2020, which were as follows:

  • Darlene Foster's "Amanda Travels" books
  • "Laughter Lines: Life from the Tail End" and "Doggerel: Life with the Small Dog" by Sue Vincent
  • "The Time Machine" by H.G. Wells
  • Jean Adamson's "Topsy And Tim" series
  • "The Four Treasures of Eirean" by Ali Isaac
  • "Leith's Vegetarian Bible"
  • More books by Sally Cronin
  • "The Animals Of Farthing Wood" by Colin Dann
  • Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander" series
  • The rest of Eoin Colfer's "Artemis Fowl" series
  • The rest of Amber Fox's "Mae Martin Mysteries" series


“The love of books is a love which requires neither justification, apology, nor defense.”

~J.A. Langford



My blogging goal for 2020 was to blog five days a week (Monday through Friday).  With each day having a theme: motivational and inspirational quotes on Mondays, random stuff on Tuesdays, writing related things on Wednesdays, reviews on Thursdays, and pet posts on Fridays.



I had three writing goals for 2020:
  1. Finish writing two of the books I've started writing, and publish both of them in all formats I now offer.
  2. Write at least 30 new poems.
  3. Write a story that challenges me as an author somehow, and pulls me out of my writing comfort zone. Such as one in a genre I haven't explored much - or at all - before.
My personal goal for 2020 was to practice better self care.  A goal I've been working on for a few years with little to no success, and hoped to be more successful at in 2020.
 So, how did I do?
 I read the 104 books for my reading challenge, but it was a close one.  I almost didn't make it.  As for the books on my list: I read...

  • "Laughter Lines: Life from the Tail End" and "Doggerel: Life with the Small Dog" by Sue Vincent
  • Jean Adamson's "Topsy And Tim" series
  • "Leith's Vegetarian Bible"
  • More books by Sally Cronin (though not as many as I'd planned to)
  • "The Animals Of Farthing Wood" by Colin Dann (the first one anyhow, but that's all I had a copy of)
  • Diana Gabaldon's "Outlander" series
  • The rest of Eoin Colfer's "Artemis Fowl" series
So... Most of what I planned to, but not all of it.  Since it was only a  "Books I'd like to read in 2020," list though, I'm counting it as a success, since - as I said - I did read most of the ones on the list.

To see everything I read in 2020, and even get details of what my longest and shortest reads for the year were, check out my year in books on Goodreads (no, you don't have to be a member to take a look).

 Well, I did post all the days I planned to, and even several I didn't.  However, a lot of the time the theme for the day got thrown out of the window, and it was a heavy dose of quote posts that made it possible a lot of the time.  I'm still counting it as a success though, because I did post at least five days a week all year, which was an achievement in itself with how 2020 has been.
 I did half of the first of my writing goals, managed to more than complete the second, but failed to do the third at all.  I completed and published "Snowlilie's Brother" - which was made available in eBook and paperback in June, and audio in August - and wrote more than 30 poems.  So a 50% success rate for my writing goals.  Given the kind of year I had, and how hard I found it to write through it, I'm not complaining though.  I am, however, hoping for better luck in 2021... I even made a point of doing the profile updates I needed to do before this year ended, and setting up the series pages with KDP's new series manager thing before 2020 was over (despite having originally planned to worry about both those things after the new year) so there would be less to get in the way once January rolls around.
The year started off great.  After that... Well, things happened, and mostly I was just trying to deal with and process it all.  I tried to practice self care amid the chaos that was 2020.  I really did.  But with all the things going on this year I feel like I failed at self care again.  Although, I probably get points for actually trying.  I think any of us with self care as a goal for 2020 should get points for any attempts we made at self care this year.  So I'm calling this a partial success.  Or  perhaps, since I managed to remain reasonably sane, and keep my anxiety under control enough that I at least didn't end up in hospital, maybe I should let this count as a complete success? What do you think?
No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again. ~Buddha
As for my goals for 2021...
I'm sticking with a goal of reading 104 books in 2021.  That's two books a week.  I'm not bothering with any other reading goals for the coming year, or a want to read this year list.  I just want to read 104 books or more, regardless of which ones they happen to be.
I'm reducing my blogging schedule to be posting once a week.  I'll finish out this year with the 2020 plan by catching you up on some reviews tomorrow, but after that it will be a weekly post on Fridays.  It might be a PetKid Pals post.  It might be a random update from either me or one of the petkids.  It might be a tag or something I've decided to do.  Depending what I have that I want to share.  If I have a book related announcement, something time sensative I want posted on a spacific date and that day doesn't fall on a Friday, or something interesting enough happens that means I end up with several posts I want to do at any given time, I'll do some extra posts, but mostly it will just be the weekly post, either from me or from one of the petkids.  Sorry to those who like my posts the way I've been doing them the past couple of years, but the quotes and links posts are a lot of work to put together - especially with how I have to do things with the new blogger - and I'm finding I'm spending so much time and energy on putting together blog posts that I have none of either left for actual writing, or some of the other things I want to do off the computer.  So I'm cutting back on my number of posting days.  I hope you understand.
All human creativity issues from the urgency of longing.
~John O'Donohue

My writing goals for 2021 are to publish the poetry collection I've been working on, and finish writing - and then publish - at least one story.  I'd like to do more actual writing than that, even if I don't publish more than those two things, but I've decided to aim small, and just see how 2021 goes.
When I first started putting my goal list together, the only goal I could come up with for this one was, "We need to get moved."  Since we've now done that though, I'm changing it to unpacking and settling in to our new home.  My other personal goal is once again a reminder to myself to practice better self care, which at least I'm off to a good start with by keeping my goals for 2021 relatively small and simple.

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.
~Walt Disney
To sum up, my goals for 2021 are:
  1. Read at least 104 books.
  2. Blog once a week (on Fridays).
  3. Publish the poetry collection I've been working on.
  4. Finish writing, and then publish, a story.
  5. Finish unpacking, and settle in to our new home. 
  6. Practice better self care.
There's a limit to how many steps you'll be able to take today. Make sure they're all in the right direction.
~Jeff Sheehan

So, what about you? How was your 2020? Did the pandemic change a lot of things for you? If you had any goals or resolutions for the year, how did you do with them? Did the pandemic make a difference to your ability to keep them? Do you have any goals or resolutions for the coming year? Whatever the case, I'd love to know, so don't hesitate to share in the comments, or any other way you'd like to that I can be reached.


A goal should scare you a little & excite you A LOT.

 ~Joe Vitale



And, though we're finishing out 2020 and starting 2021 in lockdown, remember...


No matter what pain you’ve been through, tears will dry, broken hearts will heal, and somewhere a person who truly cares is waiting for you.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

A Load Of #Quotes - Words Of #Wisdom + #Inspiration And #Motivation

Despite the fact most people love them, I'm not planning to do the quote posts next year (though I haven't officially announced that yet) so thought I'd use today to share the batch of quotes I've gathered that didn't end up used in posts on my blog before.  At least, I'm pretty sure none of these ended up used.  Although, with how many quote posts I've done over the past couple of years it's tough to be 100% certain without looking each one up in my archives, and I'm not about to do that, so it is possible there are duplicates somewhere along the way.  Either way, here they are.





“The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another's, smile at someone and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises.”

~Leo Buscaglia




"Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open."

~Albus Dumbledore


"For most people, blaming others is a subconscious mechanism for avoiding accountability. In reality, the only thing in your way is YOU."

~Steve Maraboli

“The journey between what you once were and who you are now becoming is where the dance of Life really takes place.”

~Barbara De Angelis


“The great thing about getting older is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been.”

~Madeleine L'Engle


 "In difficult times carry something beautiful in your heart."
~Blaise Pascal

“All events are blessings given to us to learn from.”

~Elisabeth Kübler-Ross


"Look up at the stars & not down at your feet. Make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. However difficult life
may seem, there's always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give up."
~Stephen Hawking

“When the sun has set, no candle can replace it.”

~George R.R. Martin


“Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one's own sunshine.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson


“Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder.”

~E.B. White


“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.”

~Anne Frank


“Beauty is not in the face; Beauty is a light in the heart.”

~Kahlil Gibran


“The quieter you become. The more you can hear.”

~Ram Dass


“Gratitude is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind.”

~Lionel Hampton


“Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.”

~Marcus Aurelius


“Life is a learning experience only if you learn.”

~Yogi Berra


“Forgive yourself each night and start every morning with a plan to do better. Don't carry around any burden or pain. Let it all go.”

~Author unknown


“Taking good care of YOU means the people in your life will receive the best of you rather than what is left of you.”

~Lorraine Cohen


"An act of love that fails is just as much a part of the divine life as an act of love that succeeds, for love is measured by its own fullness, not by its reception."
~Harold Loukes

“Acknowledge, accept, and honor that you deserve your own deepest compassion and love.”

~Nanette Mathews


“I love myself for I am a beloved child of the universe and the universe lovingly takes care of me now.”

~Louise Hay


“When you're different, sometimes you don't see the millions of people who accept you for what you are. All you notice is the person who doesn't.”

~Jodi Picoult


“Beware of Destination Addiction - a preoccupation with the idea that happiness is in the next place, the next job and with the next partner. Until you give up the idea that happiness is somewhere else, it will never be where you are.”

~Robert Holden, Ph.D.


“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.”

~Dalai Lama


“Desire is half of life, indifference is half of death.”

~Kahlil Gibran


“Push yourself to the edge of your limits. That's how they expand.”

~Robin Sharma


“Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and regular top up's.”

~Peter J. Davies


“Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. Work hard, and never give up on your dreams, even when nobody else believes they can come true but you.”

~Phillip Sweet


“The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it.”

~John Ruskin


“Don't be afraid to lose people. Be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone around you.”



“Love is the only flower that grows and blossoms without the aid of the seasons.”

~K Gibran


“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams.”

~Oprah Winfrey


“Sadness flies away on the wings of time.”

~Jean de la Fontaine


“The turtle makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.”

~James Bryant Conant


“You can ignore reality, but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”

~Ayn Rand


“Each contact with a human being is so rare, so precious, one should preserve it.”

~Anais Nin


“Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind.”

~Eric Hoffer


“The greatest good we can do for others is not to share our riches with them but to reveal theirs to them.”

~Zig Ziglar


“The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the ordinary.”

~Christina Baldwin


“Sometimes it's the toughest moments that you learn the most about yourself, and the more you know yourself, the less you are willing to give away.”

~Jennifer Love Hewitt


“To a great mind, nothing is little.”

~Sherlock Holmes


“Keep your hands open, and all the sands of the desert can pass through them. Close them, and all you can feel is a bit of grit.”

~Taisen Deshimaru


“Don't envy what people have, emulate what they did to have it.”

~Tim Fargo


“Forgiveness is giving up all hope of having had a better past.”

~Anne Lamott


“How immensely important to us are those things in our life that are stable and unchanging. So much of our world is in motion. How welcome are the bits that stand still.”

~C.R. Milne


“Solitude shared with animals has a special quality and rarely turns into loneliness.”

~May Sarton


"Though we may come from different places and speak in different tongues, our hearts beat as one."

~Albus Dumbledore


"Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings and emotions."
~Will Smith

"Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing."
~Barry Finlay

“If light is in your heart, you will find your way home.”



“Don't let one cloud obliterate the whole sky.”

~Anais Nin


“People change so that you can learn to let go, ...good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”

~Marilyn Monroe 


"I am especially glad of the divine gift of laughter; it has made the world human and loveable, despite all its pain and wrong."
~W.E.B. Du Bois


"Always tell the truth, do no harm to others, and don't think you are the most important being on earth."
~Harper Lee


“Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.”



    "Don't wait for a light to appear at the end of the tunnel, stride down there and light the bloody thing yourself."
~Sara Henderson

"The world is a great ocean, upon which we encounter more tempestuous storms than calms."
~Edgar Allan Poe


“How we care for ourselves gives our brain messages that shape our self-worth so we must care for ourselves in every way, every day.”

~Sam Owen


 "Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs."
~Charlotte Bronte



“Don't isolate.

"No one wants to talk to me and I don't want to talk to anyone" is a lie and you know it.

Reach out to people you care about, even if it's hard. Even if it's just to say "hey, thinking of you."

You are wanted.

You matter.”

~Meg Dowell