Showing posts with label Judo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judo. Show all posts

Friday, January 22, 2021

Hey, Look... It's Another Sunshine Blogger Award! (Thanks, Cat)

It's taken me a couple of weeks to post about this, but... At the start of the month I was nominated for The Sunshine Blogger award by Cat over at The Strawberry Post after she was given the award herself by someone else - you can see her post for it here.  I can't tell you how many times I've been nominated for this award in the past - not without looking through my old blog posts to find out, which I'm not about to do, sorry and all that - but it's always an honour when someone thinks my blog and I deserve things like this.  So, thank you, Cat, for giving me that honour once again.




Naturally, there are rules that go along with accepting the award, so here are the rules:
• Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog
• Answer the 11 Questions sent by the person who nominated you.
• Nominate up to 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
• List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

 Well, I thanked the person who gave it to me - thanks again though, Cat.  I also displayed the award and listed the rules.  So, let's get to those questions, shall we?


1. Do you have any hobbies your blog followers don’t know about?

I'm not too sure.  I have some hobbies I don't mention too often on here, but I think long time followers do know about them.  For those who might be new here though, my hobbies and interests include, but may not be limited to: reading, writing, watching movies and TV shows, listening to music, doing crafts, cooking and baking, astronomy and space, astrology, science, animals and nature, history, doing brainteaser puzzles, and gaming.  Which I focus on depends on my mood at any given time.


2. What’s your favourite animal?

My absolute favourite animal in the world is a lion.


3. What is/are your favourite movies?

There are several movies I consider favourites.  However, my all time favourite movie is "Practical Magic" - it's been my favourite since I first saw it as a teenager after I was gifted a copy by an online friend.  Yes, I said online friend.  I'm old enough to remember when we didn't spend as much time online as we do now, but young enough that most teens were getting online for at least a short time each day by the time I was in my mid teens (though it was a new thing at the time, and internet connections were dial-up ones) so I made some friends online in my teens.  I've had friends online since I was almost sixteen.  I still talk to a couple of them actually - married one of my online friends, but that's another story - though I unfortunately lost touch with most of the online friends I made back then, including the one who gifted me my first copy of "Practical Magic" all those years ago.  I always think of my friend Melody when I watch the movie though - even though the copy I own these days didn't come from her.

4. What’s your creative outlet?

Mostly writing, especially poetry - yes, I write a whole lot more poems than I do stories, hence the several published poetry collections where the shortest has a good dozen poems in it.  If I'm not writing poetry, I'll be writing children's stories.  I also enjoy doing craft projects, but would pick writing as my favourite over those in a heartbeat, even though I do love doing craft projects too.


5. Do you enjoy any sports (watching or playing – assuming no pandemic/lockdowns exist)?

Playing... No.  I used to do Judo and horseriding - which I do sort of miss sometimes - and played netball at school (though I was on the team more because they needed me for the numbers than for any interest or talent on my part).  But that's it as far as playing anything vaguely sporty goes.


As for watching though: I sometimes watch football (soccer) and basketball, and do even have teams I support (Liverpool FC and the Toronto Raptors respectively).  I'm not one of those fans who feels the need to watch all my teams' games though, and don't check in on their progress constantly.  I just support them enough to sometimes wonder how those teams are doing, and will watch one of their games if I'm in the mood to and one of them is playing.


6. What would your dream job be?

I'm doing it.  I mean, when I was young I wanted to either be a vet, work in a nursery school, or become an author.  In an ideal world - and in my daydreams in my youth - I might have done one of the first two - either be a vet or work in a nursery school - while writing and publishing my work on my own time, all while raising a handful of children. However, reality and circumstances made that impossible for me personally, and I ended up going with just the author option.  Though I sometimes wonder what things might have been like if I had been a vet or worked in a nursery school, I'm happy with how things worked out.  After all, I struggle with my health and accepting my own limitations enough when I have a job as flexible as writing, so I think the stress of being a vet or working in a nursery school on top of that would have been too much, especially since I know I'd still have needed to write.  I have a tough enough time with practicing proper self care as it is, so hate to think how mbad I'd be at that if I was trying to manage a full time job on top of everything else.  Besides, writing was the ultimate dream anyhow.


  7. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

Right here.  I've lived in Wales, England, and Canada.  All three places have their pros and cons, and all three places I could be happy living in - at least, I know that's the case for the parts of those countries I've lived in.  But, if I'm totally honest, Wales is where my heart is.  I've always ended up coming back to Wales, and always considered it home - no matter how hard I tried not to think of it that way during the times I thought I wouldn't end up moving back here.  So, like I said, if I could live anywhere in the world, I'd want to live where I am right now: in Wales.


8. What type of music do you like to listen to?

It really depends on my mood.  My favourite is country, if I have to pick a favourite music genre.  However, I also enjoy pop, oldies, light rock, classical, jazz, new age, etc - basically, anything except RAP will at least be given a chance.  Which genre I listen to depends on my mood, the kind of atmosphere I want to create with the music, and sometimes also the preferences of whoever else is around (since some people aren't quite as open about enjoying a variety of music genres as I am).


9. If your life was made into a book, what would be the title?

 I'm not sure, but I'd be prepared to bet that anyone who picked it up without knowing the genre would automatically assume it was fiction, and insist nobody's life is really the way mine is/has so far been.


10. What food do you never get sick of eating?

There are two things: toast and chips (fries).  Not at the same time, of course.  But, if you're having trouble getting me to eat - not an issue that happens often, but it has happened - a nice bit of toast spread with vegan butter, or a nice plate of chips, will generally tempt me.  Both are also things I eat a lot, but never seem to get bored of, no matter how often I eat them.

11. If you could bring back something/someone that has gone (disappeared/lost/died) what would it be?

This is hard.  On the one hand I want to say Kero - my Westie boy, who died in August 2014.  He was a very special little dog, and I still miss him terribly; I still miss him so much it hurts.  What I wouldn't give for just one more day with him...On the other hand, last year we lost my Nan (Dad's Mother) who also died in the month of August, and I'd love to have her back too.  I'd hoped I'd make it for moving back to Wales in time to see her again, and I'm devistated that I didn't.  I wish I could have them both back.



I'm supposed to tag people and set questions of my own at this point.  However, most of the peple I'd like to give this to don't do awards., so I'm not bothering with the tagging part, and I can't think of better questions than Cat came up with, so I'm not going to give you new questions.  With that in mind: if you're a regular visitor to my blog, consider yourself tagged.  If you want to do this, use Cat's questions.  Yes, that's cheating.  No, I don't care what anyone thinks of that.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Vogue Parody: 73 Questions About Me

I found this in this post on The Strawberry Post. Of course, I had to play along. If you'd like to play along too, feel free to do so. Just let me know, so I can come check out your answers. For now though, here are mine:

73 Questions About Me

1. What’s your usual Starbucks order?

I haven't been to Starbucks in a very long time. Last time I went it was new here, and there weren't many options. I do remember though that I had a lovely hot chocolate and some delicious carrot cake. I'd have to pick something else now though, since those aren't vegan friendly. I know they have some Vegan options though, since I saw some people talking about it on a UK vegan group on Facebook. If nothing else, I know they have tea, and do almond milk, so I could have that. No idea when I'll go again though, since it's not really somewhere I go much, so it doesn't matter.

2. What does your workstation look like?

We have an office/computer room. It's not a big one, but it's big enough for the two of us.

I've got a little desk near a window that looks out over the ocean. On it is my computer, a couple of coasters for my drinks (one each for hot and cold drinks) and the camera. When I was still using a laptop, my red brailler was on it too, but that's somewhere else right now because of space. I also had a talking clock in the shape of an apple, but it broke, and I haven't gotten around to replacing it yet. I usually have the phones - my mobile phone, and the chordless home phone - on the desk beside me when I'm sat at it as well.

It's not a fancy desk, but there's a little drawer and a small two shelf cupboard in the desk, where I keep computer related stuff, such as spare cables, headphones, backup disks, etc. Also, under the desk is a basket, where Logan usually sleeps when I'm on the computer (if he's not curled up under my swivel chair).

Nearby is a single basic shelving unit with holiday decorations, the proofs of all my books, paperwork, and Harry Potter figurines and stuff on it. Plus a fan for warmer days, a bed for Lilie, more shelves with stuff of Kelly's on them, and Kelly's fan, swivel chair and computer desk.

3. Favourite food?

Depending on my mood, toast or chips (fries).

4. Favourite author?

There are too many to choose, and it changes depending on my mood, what I read recently, and so on.

5. What do you think of open relationships?

If everyone involved is happy to do that, that's up to them, and I'm fine with them doing it, as long as everyone involved knows it's what's happening, and is fine with it too. That kind of thing isn't for me though. Never has been, and never will be. I'm the exclusive relationships only type.

6. What is your favourite video game?

I'm currently addicted to a quiz game on my phone called, "Quizoid" - does that count?

7. Guilty pleasure treat?

Depending on my mood, doughnuts, fudge, or chocolate. This has not changed with me switching to a vegan diet. The only changes are that I no longer have to suffer stomach ache for enjoying a chocolate bar or some fudge, and in the case of the doughnuts it's easier to make my own than go buy some.

8. Favourite movie?

I have several favourites, but if I have to pick just one, it's Practical Magic. Though there are several others I adore too, like I said, such as the Harry Potter movies, The Craft, Frozen, Moana, etc.

9. Favourite book?

I've got loads of them! But, if I have to pick just one, it's "A Little Princess" by Frances Hogeson Burnett. But I have loads of favourites, as I said, which can change with my mood, and depending on what I recently read sometimes too, so could give you a long list, which will have likely changed a bit between when I'm writing this and when it goes live. I also always feel bad for those I don't pick, so tend to struggle to limit my choices.

10. Twitter or Instagram?

Twitter. It's the only one of the two I have. As someone who has to rely on text, it's also a bit easier for me to work with, though even with Twitter I experience the frustration of posts that aren't accessable because they're images only.

11. Desktop or laptop?

I use a desktop at the moment, but really wish I had a laptop instead. I used to have one, but I stepped on it one too many times, and it died. I want a new one.

12. Best advice you’ve ever received?

About what? The thing is, I've been given a lot of advice, some good and some bad, about a lot of things.

The best advice I ever got about relationships is that, "If nobody in a relationship ever argues, someone is lying," which is comforting in those times between disagreements and making up. It was something someone told me soon after I started blogging, when I'd been married a few years, which they'd been told the day they got married.

The best advice I ever got about writing is that, "The first draft is always rubbish," and you should always "Write first, edit later," which are both good things to remember when I read through the first drafts of my story, and spot all kinds of typos, and worse issues, I wish didn't exist, and wonder if my writing is really any good.

13. What project are you working on right now?

I'm finishing up the final stages of a middle grade pirate themed adventure story I've been working on, slowly writing poems to put together another collection, finishing the painting on an ornamental alicorn, working on blog posts for the near future, answering some questions for an upcoming author interview, and still working on some training with Logan the Cavapoo. Um... I think that's everything.

14. Favorite color?

Purple. Closely followed by blue and red.

15. Did you get good grades in school?

Yes. My grades and schoolwork weren't anything to do with why I only have one GCSE. But that's something I don't want to go in to full details on. Short version: I loved schoolwork, but ended up being homeschooled, and only bothered to do my English GCSE. I also did other courses, but didn't bother with my other GCSEs. My grades were good though. I was good enough at maths, for example, that I used to do my older brother's homework.

The only subjects I didn't do well at were geography, R.E. (religious education) and P.E. (physical education). But I did just fine with everything else. I struggled with geography because I just don't get on well with maps, failed in R.E. because my teacher wanted us all to share her views and I didn't, and health issues and disability made P.E. difficult (despite the schools' best efforts at getting me involved with sports in some way).

16. Dream job?

An author who works with animals or young children. Since I spend my days mostly doing the author thing in between playing with the furkids - and doing chores, but we won't talk about that - I'm basically doing my dream job now. Although, I often wish I could get someone else to do the chores, so I could have a bit more time for the author and pet related stuff.

17. Play any sports?

Not at all now - unless fetch with the dogs counts - and only sort of in the past.

When I was still in primary school (elementary school) the school tried to have me playing rounders (it's kind of like baseball, for those not in the UK) but that didn't work too well for them. They also put me on the school netball team, but that was just to make up numbers, and they mostly just gave me a ball and sent me off to a clear area to play with it, since it was easier and safer. After an eventful race, where I was cheered despite coming last, for my sheer determination to complete it, I didn't even do sports day during most of my schooling, because everyone decided it was easier and safer for me to sit it out. That was fine by me, since they'd usually tell me to read or something while everyone was training for sports day, which I was happy to do.

I did do some horse riding and judo though., and actually loved doing those, plus got fully involved in them. The horse riding and judo weren't anything to do with school. I was just horse crazy, so wanted to do horse riding, and tried judo when I went to a VICTA (Visually Impaired Children Taking Action) session, and loved it, so wanted to do more.

But these days I don't do anything other than watch sports, and that I don't do much, even though I technically follow the Toronto Raptors basketball team, and Liverpool football (soccer) team.

18. Do you have a degree?

No. I've got an English GCSE, a FIT (Foundation in Information Technology) certificate, and a certificate that says I completed a Welsh language course I went on just to help my Mam with it (I already spoke Welsh). But no degrees.

19. Nationality?

British. Born and raised in Wales to English parents, now living in England with a Canadian husband. If you go back further, there's some Irish in there, and also some Scottish and French. Maybe some others too, from other parts of Europe, but I'm not sure beyond that. My Dad would know, since he's done a lot of family history research.

20. What is your favourite kind of blog post?

It depends what I've gone to the blog looking for. The thing is, I like a variety of blog posts. I love reading people's answers to things like this. I love getting glimpses in to the lives of the friends I follow via their general blog posts about their day to day life. I also love informative posts, recipe shares, etc. The main thing to me is that the posts need to be accessable to me, and written clearly enough for me to understand what's being said. Perhaps it would be easier to tell you what would make me unlikely to enjoy a blog post?

  • Infographics. I'm sure they're great... If you can see them. However, since I can't, it's really irritating when I see an interesting post title, click on it, and find I can't enjoy the post, because it's just a bunch of pictures without any descriptions.
  • Posts full of curse words. The odd one being slipped in when you're upset and angry about something... OK. Otherwise, I don't think they need to appear in a final version of a post. I can ignore them if they only appear from time to time, but those posts where it seems you're cursing every other word... No thanks!
  • An apparent lack of knowledge of how to string words together. I'm not asking you to be an expert in grammar, be perfect at spelling, etc. But if you're going to post in a particular language, please make sure you at least have a basic grasp of it, and are able to string words together in a way that makes it possible for people to understand what you're saying.

Other than those things, I enjoy most types of posts, though I do have posts I enjoy more than others, of course. Even my favourite blogs do posts I enjoy more some days than others... It's how it always goes.

21. What do you like to collect?

Books, DVDs, Harry Potter stuff, cuddly toys, gems and crystals, ideas for stories and poems, and happy memories.

22. Describe yourself in three words?

Creative, stubbourn, inquisitive.

23. If you were a rapper what would your stage name be?

Um... I have no idea. I'm not even going to attempt to come up with one.

24. Who was the last person you DM?

My friend, Barb, to make sure she saw an article about her favourite actor being in an upcoming movie. That was a few weeks ago... I don't use messenger much. I texted my Mam a day or so ago though.

25. What’s on top of your wish list right now?

Apart from the obvious things like world peace, which aren't under my control, but I still wish for them, on top of my wishlist right now is a new laptop. There are more important things to buy first, but it's what I wish I could have.

26. Sorting house?

Ravenclaw, according to the old Warner Bros Harry Potter website, and Pottermore. That's just fine by me, since it's the one I'd like to be in anyhow. Not that I have anything against the other houses.

27. How many tattoos do you have?

Two. One on my right upper arm of a Welsh dragon, which matches the one my brother, Carl, has in the same spot, and was done at the same time as he had his done. Another on my left upper arm, which is a heart, some blue flowers, and a bone with "Kero" written on it, for my West Highland White Terrier, Castellan Keroberous (more commonly just known as Kero).

28. What are you most grateful for this year?

That I finally won the battle with the gynecologists, got my hysterectomy, and my health is improving.

29. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you this month?

The month has only just started, and nothing has really had time to happen because of when I'm writing this. The best thing that happened to me last month though was finally getting that dentist appointment I've been waiting for since April out of the way. Yes, it took from the end of April until the middle of August for them to deal with it. Ridiculous, I know. I'm sure that knowledge is enough to tell you why I count it as a good enough thing to mention.

30. What’s the best thing that’s happened to you today?

Given the time this will be going live, about all that will have happened between me getting up and it going live is playing with the dogs and having breakfast. Those are great things though.

31. What’s the best thing ever?

That time in the evening between Lilie and Logan settling for the night, and me settling for sleep myself, when I'm curled up on the bed with the two of them, enjoying some reading time before going to sleep.

32. Favourite season?

There are things I love about them all. If I have to pick though, I choose Winter, because it's most likely not to be hot, and there's a good chance we'll get snow, which I love.

33. Favourite holiday?

I can't choose between Halloween and Christmas. On the one hand, Christmas, because I love the decorations, sweet mince pies, and the fact people make that extra effort to think about others. On the other hand, Halloween has trick-or-treaters in cute or spooky costumes, and pumpkin carving. So, both Halloween and Christmas get the top spot, and which I'd pick if you asked me to pick just one of them would depend on how I was feeling at the time. Today it's Halloween I'd pick, if you want to know.

34. What fictional character do you relate to most?

I have to pick two: Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter books. The bookaholic side of me relates to Hermione, with her love of books, and thirst for knowledge. But there are parts of me where I relate to Luna most, with her unique way of looking at the world, and inability to fully fit in.

35. Do you like surprises?

It depends on the kind of surprise. There are good and bad surprises.

36. What’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had?

That a lot of people are actually eager to read my books. I love writing them, and had hoped people would love reading them, but it was a nice surprise to learn they really do. At least, if the reviews I've had are anything to go by.

37. Which surprise made you cry?

The keeper for a day experience I was gifted a couple of years ago. It was an amazing experience.

38. What’s the best surprise you’ve given somebody else?

I'm not sure. I've surprised people with things that made them happy, but I'm not sure any one of them is better than the others. It might be to the person in question, but you'd have to ask them.

39. Do you like muffins?

Savoury or sweet? Well, either way, it depends on the type and flavour. As a general rule though, yes to both. Especially if you're offering either a toasted muffin with something spread on it, or a blueberry muffin. No chocolate ones though, please.

40. Do you cook often?

That's a difficult one to answer. On the one hand, yes, pretty much every day. On the other hand, since Kelly prefers to do the parts of cooking involving the oven, you might say I only do the prep work, and he's the one who does the cooking. He counts it as me doing it though, so I'm going to as well, which means I cook almost every day, and bake regularly too, especially since I became vegan. The only days I don't are the odd time when we either eat out or get take-away, if I have leftovers I can just heat up, or if my dinner that night doesn't involve any actual cooking.

41. What’s your favourite dessert?

Rhubarb crumble. Luckily it's something that was easy to veganize. Even more luckily, vegan custard and ice-cream exist.

42. Is there a dessert you don’t like?

Only really chocolate cake. Sorry, but I can't eat it. Not even if you make me a vegan friendly one. I explained why in a post a couple of weeks ago. Short answer: the thought of doing so makes me feel physically sick.

43. Cake or pie?

Depends on my mood, and what flavours you're offering. I like cakes, pies, tarts, and quiches, but which I'll want will depend what flavours you're offering, and which I fancy at the time.

44. What’s your least favourite food?

Celery. I'll only eat celery or lettuce if they've got something on them, but out of those two things, it's celery I'm most reluctant to eat, since at least lettuce isn't so bad with a nice dressing on it. Celery I only tolerate, and then only when I have to.

Besides those things, though I have foods I enjoy more than others, and ways I prefer things cooked or prepared, there's not really much I won't eat in the way of fruits, vegetables, grains, pulses, nuts, and seeds.

45. What’s your favourite condiment?

It used to be tomato ketchup, but I haven't had that in a while. These days it seems to be vegan mayo.

46. It’s 4 am on a random Saturday. What are you eating?

If I'm up, probably either toast, nuts, seeds, fruit (fresh or dried) or some kind of cake or biscuit.

47. If you could teach a college class what would it be called?

Interacting with blind people 101. I hope a lot of people would want to take the class, and would learn from it.

48. Best animated film?

There are too many to choose. Frozen, Moana, Bambi, The Lion King... All great movies, but not the only ones.

49. What has a guy done or said to impress you?

I'm not sure. Kelly must have done or said something though, otherwise I wouldn't have married him. *wink*

50. Best thing to do on a first date?

Dinner - whether a meal at a cafe or something, or a picnic somewhere - and a movie. Of course, it's best to find out the kinds of foods and movies the person likes before planning the date, otherwise it will turn in to a bad date quickly.

51. Worst thing to do on a first date?

Definitely do not talk about your ex, if you have one. Leave the ex related baggage for when you're more committed to one another. Better yet, move on, and don't talk about your ex at all, unless you have a very good reason to because of something that happened in your past.

53. Best comic book character?

Batman. He's the best comicbook character, and the best superhero.

54. Name three things which can always be found in your purse

It depends which kind of purse you mean. If you mean the British version, so what Americans call a wallet, money, bank card, and loyalty cards for some places we shop at regularly. If you mean the kind the Americans call a purse, which the British call a handbag, I don't carry one, but the backpack I use instead usually has my inhalers, my Kindle, and a bottle of water in it whenever I'm going anywhere.

55. Favourite drink?

Tea, of course. Doesn't matter if it's regular tea, or a fruity or herbal tea.

56. If you could play a historical character in a movie who would it be?

Nobody. They'd make me wear a dress during filming, and modern dresses are bad enough.

57. Kittens or puppies?

This is a tough one, since I love both, and think both are just as adorable as each other. But I think Lilie and Logan would be disappointed if I didn't pick puppies, so I'm going to go with puppies.

58. Favourite sushi roll?

I don’t eat it. Never have.

59. What lipstick do you use?

I don't use any. I might sometimes use a lip balm, but that's about it, and I haven't even done that in ages.

60. What foundation do you use?

I don't use any. I'm not big on make-up related stuff. I wasn't ever all that interested in any make-up besides nail polish, and am allergic to most of it anyhow, even the supposedly hypo-allergenic stuff.

61. Blow dry or air dry?

Air dry. I don't even own a hair dryer. I used to have a purple travel one, but didn't use it much, let someone borrow it, and never got it back. That's happened with a lot of things. It's why I don't let people borrow my stuff any more. One of these days I might get around to getting a new one. Maybe. Doubt I'll use it much if I do though.

62. Who is your fashion icon?

I don't know - or care - much about fashion.

63. Favourite Disney Character?

Wait, what? I have to pick just one? Nooo! Don't make me do it! How can I choose between Elsa and Olaf from Frozen, Simba from The Lion King, Dory from Finding Nemo and Finding Dory, Chip from Beauty And The Beast, Thumper from Bambi, and all my other favourites? The answer is, I can't!

64. What are you doing tomorrow?

Working on making progress with my writing project... I hope!

65. Movie you laughed the hardest through?

This is a tough one. Liar Liar, Mrs Doubtfire, and Daddy Daycare all made me laugh a lot. But how can you not laugh at anything involving Jim Carrey, Robin Williams, and Eddie Murphy?

66. Movie that made you cry?

Bolt. It gets me every time. Partially because it makes me think of Kero, but also because there's a part in it where it would be tough for anyone who loves animals not to cry. I've watched it loads of times, and never got through it without tears.

67. If you could sing a duet with anybody, who would you choose?

I suppose it depends on the kind of song. If we're talking something romantic, Ronan Keating for sure. If we're talking something where we're just singing together, "Just because," it would be either Ronan Keating again, or Dolly Parton. Or Tom Jones... I could do Cerys Matthews' part in "Baby It's Cold Outside" no problem.

68. If your life was a song what would the title be?

If I had to pick one that I know already exists, "Life Is A Rollercoaster" by Ronan Keating. If you want me to make one up, "Home Is A Hospital Bed" would fit, going by how much time I've spent in a hospital throughout most of my life. I'm hoping to change it to "Her Chance To Live Came At Last" though... It would be a much happier song.

69. What’s your favourite animal?

My absolute favourite is a lion. But I also love rats, horses, dogs, and other types of cats.

70. Favourite illustrator?

I don't really have one. Although, I used to love Quentin Blake's illustrations in my Roald Dahl books.

71. The person you want to have coffee with?

Nobody, because I don't like coffee. However, if you mean it in the, "Let's go out for coffee," sense, where it can mean any drink, I'd love to meet up with J K Rowling or Michelle Paver for a drink and a chat. J K Rowling, because Harry Potter. Michelle Paver, because she's been on some amazing trips while researching her books, and I'd love to hear about them.

72. What country would you like to visit?

Egypt, to see the pyramids. Also, France, because I want to go to Paris and see the sights there, as well as go to Disneyland.

73. Best way to decompress?

A nice long bubble bath, and then curl up with a book, a warm drink, and the dogs.

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

The 90s Tag

This is another one I got from Cat over at The Strawberry Post. You can find her post for it here. As with all the other tags I've done in the past, feel free to join in if you want, but let me know if you do, so I can read your answers.

This one is a 90s tag.

1. Favourite Disney film?

These days it's a tie between Frozen and Moana. But from about that time it would have to be Bambi. My brother and I could literally quote the movie from start to finish. We haven't done it in years, but probably could still do so if we tried. I also loved Lady And The Tramp, Fox And The Hound, The Little Mermaid, and Beauty And The Beast. Still do, actually.

2. Favourite music artist?

My favourite band in the 90s was Boyzone. My favourite solo artist was Jason Donovan, since Ronan Keating wasn't doing anything solo at that point, and he's my absolute favourite. There were very few others I even took enough notice of to recognize them, though I listened to a lot of music, since my Mam had it on a lot. I just never really started paying attention to bands and artists properly until we were heading out of the 90s, and one of the support assistants (teaching assistants) I had started making a concious effort to broaden my musical horizons.

3. Favourite sweets?

Back then it was the pick'n'mix Woolworths used to do. It was like you get in the old sweet shops, where you have scoops of sweets, and the weight of what you have in your bag when you're done scooping sweets decides the price. Getting a bag of that when I went in to town with my Mam on shopping day was one of the biggest highlights of my week. Since Woolworths closed, I haven't been able to have them. Wouldn't eat most of them these days anyhow, but still.

4. Favourite game (board game / school game)?

I didn't join in much with games at school. I joined in better with my Girl Guides group, though most of what we did was crafts, learning survival skills, or learning life skills, rather than actual games (we played some games just for fun, but mostly the games were to teach us the skills in a fun way). Mostly I prefered jigsaw puzzles, or to be quietly colouring, reading, or writing. That or playing tetris, watching TV, or playing on one or the other of my games machines. I also did ballet at one point, as well as Judo and horse riding, and enjoyed those a lot.

5. Favorite McDonald’s ‘Happy Meal’ Toy?

The only thing I loved about McDonalds was the chips (fries) and the toys. They do great milkshakes too. But I did get happy meals for the toys... Didn't know until years later you could just buy the toys separately. Anyway, I had some great toys, but I think my favourite was a plastic kazoo I got one time when I had McDonalds during a trip to London to see my Grandad. Couldn't play it, but I could make noise with it, so thought it was great. I was about six or seven at the time, so this was only just in to the 90s.

6. Favorite Book?

I was already loving any book I could get my hands on by the 90s. As it happened though, it was the early 90s when I first read A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett, which I maintain to this day is my favourite book.

7. Favorite Clothing Store?

I hated clothes shopping then, and still do. So I didn't have a favourite. Clothing stores were just annoying places I had to put up with going to from time to time as far as I was concerned. Nothing's changed there.

8. Favorite TV Show?

I had two favourite TV shows, which I used to watch before school. Mrs. Pepperpot and Lampchops Play Along. I know at least one of those isn't actually from the 90s - Lampchop was definitely on reruns, and I can't remember about Mrs. Pepperpot (and don't feel like looking it up) - but I still loved them. My Mam used Lambchop and Mrs. Pepperpot to get me to get ready for school quickly. It's not that I didn't want to go to school, but that I was slow getting moving in the morning. So she bribed me with telling me I could watch those if I got ready quickly enough.

9. What Show Would You Watch After School?

I always watched Blue Peter, Art Attack, and a few others. I actually tried out several of the craft projects from Blue Peter and Art Attack, and used to get the Art Attack magazine... My Dad used to buy it for me when they went shopping every week. Plus, I entered something on Blue Peter where they wanted suggestions for things to put in a time capsule, and I suggested a brailler, because technology was starting to take the place of the old braille machines (I only learned later just how much that was true) and sent in a drawing I'd done of my own red brailler. They liked my suggestion, and I got a Blue Peter badge. I still have the brailler the drawing was based on, but the badge unfortunately got lost over the years. Such a shame... It would have been cool to still have that.

10. What was Your Favorite 90s Game Show?

I didn't really watch them much at that time. Though I'd sometimes watch Countdown with my Nan (Dad's Mother), and Catchphrase with my Mam, so I guess that would make those my favourites.

11. Did You Own A Virtual Pet?

Yes. It was one of the few trends I really wanted to be a part of. So when my Mam found one with a bigger and clearer to see screen, I was thrilled. Even got Micky old enough that I could say he "died" of old age a couple of times. Every single incarnation of my little virtual dog was called Micky. I have no idea why. I'm also not entirely sure why I never then ended up using it for a real pet, since I obviously liked the name a lot. It's not like I haven't had enough of them to have the opportunity to use it. Maybe I just haven't found the right real life Micky yet? Or maybe Micky will forever just be my virtual pet's name? Only time will tell...

12. Favorite Video Game And System To Play On?

You might be surprised to learn this, given that I had sight problems growing up. But I did have sight until my early 20s, and have had several games machines and computers over the years. I had an Atari I used to love playing space invaders on, which my Dad had given my older brother, and he passed on to me when he got his first Nintendo. I also later had both a Playstation and a Nintendo. My favourite was Mario on the Nintendo. I can't remember if Spyro was out in the late 90s or early 2000s, but that was my favourite Playstation game, along with a Casper game we had, Crash Bandicoot, a Rugrats game I had for it, and Bust-A-Move. I also used to love playing tetris on my PC, or on my Dad's gameboy. Plus, Mam would let me play Sonic The Hedgehog on her SEGA sometimes. I know that's more than one system, but I played on them all a lot... Especially the Nintendo and Playstation.

If I had to pick a favourite system though, I actually prefered the Nintendo system. I never upgraded my Playstation, but I did upgrade my Nintendo to first the SNES, and then the GameCube. I also had a Game Boy Advanced, and a Game Boy SP. Once the Pokemon games came out, those were the main things I played. Those and a Tetris Advanced game Kelly got me during the time we lived in Canada (though that happened in 2003). I was rather adicted to tetris, and would play that for hours. Managed to complete the game once too.

13. Weirdest Fashion Trend?

I've never paid attention to fashion. Not back in the 90s, and not now.

14. Favorite Toy?

My absolute favourite toy ever was the doll I got for my second Christmas. His name was Jo-Jo, and I still have him (though he spent some time in the attic). For those who might be new here, you can read about him in this post.

Also, Puppy In My Pocket and Kitty In My Pocket were favourites of mine. Since they were just little animal figurines, you're probably not surprised to hear that. I loved playing with Lego too.

15. Favorite Nickelodeon Show?

Rugrats. Still love that show, and don't care who knows it.

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

#WriterWednesday - May 8th 2019 + 3 #FREE #eBooks

Don't forget: I'm giving away free copies of two of my books via Smashwords, to celebrate the anniversary of publishing my first book on April 22nd 2012, as well as the anniversary of publishing my first blog post on May 3rd 2006. My anniversary giveaway is still running right now, so you can still grab free copies of two of my books. Use coupon code BJ97F, until May 10th 2019. This offer is exclusive to Smashwords. Oh, and... Yes. It is the same coupon code for both books. So, grab your copy of "Puppy Poems And Rodent Rhymes" here, and grab your copy of "Where's Noodles?" here. But you don't have much time left to do it in, so hurry!

You can also click here to get a free copy of "Frank The Friendly Ogre" using coupon code JV68T on Smashwords until June 1st 2019. This book was set to always be listed as free, but I recently decided to only offer my books for free during giveaways and promotions where I conciously decided to offer a freeby, so changed the list price to $0.99 (it will be changing on other retailers soon, if it hasn't already). However, I wanted to give you a final chance to get the book for free before the price change fully happens. So, you have until June 1st 2019 to grab it while it's still completely free.

Now, let's see what links I have for you this week, shall we?

First, every story begins with a blank page. Don't fear it, embrace it, because a writer's greatest barrier to success isn't what you think it is. Sure, you might fail. But you might succeed, so don't let the fear hold you back!

Speaking of fear: here's a post that talks about the hardest part about writing things that scare us, which you might like to read.

Always remember: you're allowed to have fun!

Are you a planner? Do you hate when plans change? Then this post for the writer who doesn't like it when plans change is for you!

Also, bear in mind that you don't have to write all of it, all at once, and whatever you write, you're going to make it. I believe in you!

Next, here's a post about the perpetual WIP, which you might want to read if you're planning to write an online serial, either for a blog, or for another platform.

Regardless of what you write, if you're anything like me, you'll need some tips for writing action scenes. So, check these out, and see if they help you make your action scene more exciting. Oh, and... If your action scene involves judo, or some other form of martial art - which it quite possibly will if fighting is involved - you might like to take a look at this writers' guide to martial arts, for some extra advice on writing it.

Regardless of what kind of action your plot involves, does your story take place in a fictional setting, which you need to name? Then check out these tips to creating fictional location names.

No matter where your story takes place, here's more on that hero's journey monomyth thingie, to help you through the middle of your story. WARNING: that last post contains spoilers for Harry Potter, The Lord Of The Rings, and a few other things.

By the way, are you an author who uses social media? Are you feeling so bogged down with all the trolls and trash on there that you're considering quitting it? First, check out these tips for using social media and avoiding the 'cesspools'.

Last, but certainly not least, it's important to take care of both your mental and physical health, so here are some health tips for writers, and here's a post about different types of meditation you might like to consider trying.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

#WriterWednesday - January 16th 2019

Are you planning to self-publish a book in 2019? If yes, you might be interested in reading this series of posts by a fellow self-published author. She starts you off with the basics, and then tells you a bit more about guidelines for if you decide to publish with KDP, as well as the basics for if you want to publish with Smashwords. She also talks a little about marketing.

Oh, and here's another author's step-by-step guide to publishing a book on KDP.

Of course, before you worry about publishing, you have to write that book, which is sometimes difficult to find time to do. Take it from someone who happens to be struggling with that exact issue at the moment (which I've talked about before, so I won't go in to details of again). If that's the case for you too, check out this advice on how to write when you're busy and stressed, and everything is chaos, because there's always something in your way. Remember: if whatever writing schedule you set doesn't work, just admit you failed - then start over.

Don't forget you need to take care of your physical health while writing. Especially if you're a full time writer, or someone else who spends a lot of time sitting down (whether because of writing or not). So, here are some ways to keep yourself moving throughout the day.

Now let's talk about the actual writing of your story. In fact, let's discuss the writing of scenes. Or, perhaps, I'll just let you read this post containing questions to consider when writing a scene. Yes, that will be easier.

By the way, if what you're writing is the kind of story where your character needs to find various items to complete their quest, you might want to read these tips to working with a collecting quest story.

Do you write poetry? Or, perhaps, you'd like to? Then check out this list of poetic forms.

Thinking of writing a series? Jemima Pett shares the things she learned while writing hers, which you can use as tips for writing your own.

Whatever you write, don't forget to back up your writing!

Oh, and here's a writers' guide to boats and ships, and a writers' guide to martial arts, which are part of the writers' guide series and may be of use to you. Or, if they aren't, some of the other posts in the series might be.

Finally, always remember: just start the thing - even if you're not sure you'll keep doing it.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

50 things I've done

Kati did a "100 things" game on her blog a few days back. I wanted to play too, but after reading the list I realised I'd end up saying "no" to most of them. So I've turned it in to a "50 things I've done" game instead. I used the things I would have said "yes" to from the list to start me off, and just added more things I've done to it in place of the things I haven't done.

1. Started my own blog (in case you didn't notice, lol)
2. Been camping (LOADS of times)
3. Played in a band (I played recorder and cornet in bands when I was a kid... I wasn't all that good though... Plus, my brother, a couple of friends and I had a band where I was a back-up singer)
4. Had a pillow fight (who hasn't?)
5. Held a lamb (I've bottle fed one too)
6. Seen a total eclipse of the Sun
7. Watched a sunrise or sunset
8. Taught myself a new language (it's just a shame that most words didn't stick)
9. Gone rock climbing (and absailing)
10. Sung karaoke
11. Walked on a beach by moonlight
12. Been transported in an ambulance (way too many times, thanks)
13. Played in the mud (who hasn't?)
14. Taken a martial arts class (it was Judo)
15. Saved a favourite childhood toy (well, sort of... He's safely in the attic at my parents' place)
16. Seen the changing of the guards in London
17. Had my picture in the newspaper
18. Had chicken pocks
19. Met someone famous (a couple of people, actually... But I was too young to remember properly)
20. Owned a cell phone (owned several at different times)
21. Been stung by a bee (and by a wasp)
22. Read an entire book in one day (on more than one occasion)
23. Picked blackberries
24. Got a tattoo that carries more meaning to my life than simply "it's cool." (this applies to both my tattoos)
25. Visited Cyprus (twice, in fact)
26. Recited poetry in front of a crowd (on at least three occasions)
27. Ridden a horse (I have a 3rd place rosette from the only compatition I ever entered)
28. Ridden an elephant
29. Ridden a camel
30. Gone barefoot in the snow
31. Made a daisy chain
32. Milked a cow
33. Bottle fed a goat
34. Visited Canada (and lived there for a few months)
35. Grown a plant or flower from a seed
36. Helped out at a retirement home (did this a few times while in Girl Guides)
37. Learned first aid (was taught by a member of The Red Cross while in Girl Guides)
38. Baked "cookies" for charity (for Childline, to be exact)
39. Stayed up all night to raise money for charity (we did a couple of sponsored stay awakes when I was in Girl Guides, and I went to all the ones they did while I was still in Guides)
40. Used chopsticks (I can use them, but not very well)
41. Gone swimming in a thunder storm (in an outside pool)
42. Been fishing (but we never ate the fish... They had to put it back, because I got too upset when I realised we were intending eating the fish we caught that day. We ended up having from the chippy instead)
43. Been on TV (OK, it was just clips of me wandering about when they were filming the opening of the place I did my classes at - and I was at the opening - but I was still on the TV)
44. Played on a local sports team (only the school's netball team, but still...)
45. Learned to dance (I did some ballet when I was younger... Probably couldn't do even half of it now though)
46. Built a computer from scratch (OK, I just helped my Dad, but he says I built it too, so I'm putting this one down on my list... So there!
47. Been to France via the channel tunnel (only to the duty free shops not far from where you get off the train, but I've still been... On at least two or three occasions)
48. Had some of my work published (I've had a couple of poems published through "The International Library Of Poetry"... One day I'm hoping to have my work published properly though)
49. Listened to a real harpest play (it's a very soothing experience, which I highly recommend)
50. Knitted a blanket from scratch (I've knitted a few baby blankets, and knitted squares to make a couple of those patchwork knitted blankets as well)

So... What have you done?
