Friday, December 29, 2023

The #Dogs Get Their Wish From #SantaPaws

Hi everyone.  This is Logan the Cavapoo.


Me and Lilie got the thing we wanted most from Santa Paws: Mummy stayed home.


We also got a cuddly pheasant toy each and a pack of chewie bones to share.


There aren’t any photos though, because we were super excited, bouncing everywhere, and didn’t feel like posing for photos, so Mummy said to just leave it and let us have what Santa Paws left for us, since we were much too excited to co-operate with photo time.


It was a great Christmas.  Not just because we got a new toy and treats.  But because Mummy was there to share it with us, which is better than all the toys and treats in the whole world put together.


And, yes, she’s still home with us now.  Where she belongs!


Lots of licks,


Friday, December 22, 2023

Of Birthday Flowers, Christmas Trees, And Dried Lavender

I never got around to sharing my birthday photos.  So, here are the flowers I got:


The yellow ones in the bunch are from Kelly, and the pink ones are from a friend named Dara.


And here are my birthday cards:




We went minimalistic with decorations this year, but one thing we did get was a real tree.  We don’t usually, but I love the idea of real trees, so  Dara helped Kelly to arrange it for me as a special treat.  And here it is:


One photo shows it during daylight, the other after sunset.


Also, here are the Christmas cards we’ve received so far:




When Dara went to pick up the tree, they were handing out dried lavender, so she grabbed me some…


My living room smells like a cross between a lavender field and a Christmas tree farm, and I love it!

Friday, December 15, 2023

The #Dogs Letters To #SantaPaws 2023

Dear Santa Paws,

Mummy and Daddy say you are coming soon. I’ve been a very good girl, so I’m sure you will be bringing me something nice. remember to bring something for my brothers too. Yes, even the tortoise.

The thing me and Logan want most though is for Mummy to stay home with us and Daddy. She keeps going to the people vet, and we don’t like it. Please make her stay home with us where she belongs.

Lots of licks,


Friday, December 08, 2023

Bad Blogger, Medical Mutterings, And An Apology

I’m a bad blogger.  Not only have I neglected your blogs, but my own too.


In my defence, I was in hospital for a lot of the past few weeks, and – while home now – am running on minimal spoons all the time these days.


Anyway, I wanted to stop by and say, “Hi,” and let you all know I’m still alive.  Still hanging in there, and doing about as well as I can be under the circumstances.