As you may or may not know, it was the Summer Solstice on Tuesday. So, for those who acknowledge or celebrate it: belated blessed solstice to you.
We're starting to get some hot weather. Well, hot to us. I know some people wouldn't consider it hot, but for someone like me who considers temperatures in the 60s F to be hot, and a country like the UK with air conditioning usually not an option, it is considered hot.
Anyway, it's been in the 70s F too often for my liking, and creeping up to the low 80s a few times too. I really hope we won't be in for too much of those kinds of temperatures this Summer. I don't like hot weather.
Although, I expect Artemis will be glad if we do get a lot of hot weather, since Mediterranean tortoises like Hermann's Tortoises like hot weather. Mind you, even Artemis can only deal with so much heat, so I expect even Artemis probably wouldn't want it to get too much above 80 F.
Lilie and Logan got groomed on Tuesday. Just in time for the worst of the hot weather.
We had a dog groomer come to the house to do them this time,
from a company called Dial A Dog. So far we're pleased with them. And we definitely love the fact the groomer comes to us, which is much easier.
Here are a couple of photos of my freshly groomed puppies.
The dogs are booked for another grooming session on September 29th at 10:00am.
I have a couple of completed craft projects to show you.
First of all, I finally finished the loom knitted gloves I was making. So, for those who can and want to see them, here’s a photo:
I also made this little pillow. It’s a lavender pillow, and I made it while teaching a class for the ACB Crafters on how to make one. Anyway, here’s a photo of that too:
I have some other projects on the go, but have been doing an awful lot of starting but not completing projects lately. I’ll show you things as and when I complete them – whenever that happens to be.
We’ve moved things around so my craft room is now also where my computer is. It makes it easier for me to access craft supplies when I’m on crafting calls, and at the same time puts me in a room where the dogs are less likely to bark at neighbours who are parking their cars outside our house when going to the local shop.
It meant a lot of moving about of things though, since the craft room was rather full. But we pulled all the books out of there to make space for my computer desk, and are in the process of sorting through the books and papers to see what needs to be kept and what doesn’t (which wasn’t actually done when I got the stuff from Dad when he was handing me Nan’s stuff). The books and papers we keep will go either in the bedroom with my Braille books and the audio books I’m holding on to (I’m getting rid of any I have digital copies of) or in Kelly’s office (formerly known as the computer room).
It was a lot of work, and we’re still not done sorting out the books and papers (which are currently being sorted on the floor in Kelly’s office, since there’s more space to do it in there) but we’ll be glad of it in the long run. Besides, sorting through the books and papers is a task we’ve been wanting to do, and this is one way to force ourselves to do it. And, at the same time, I get an office/craft room I can actually work in.
I’ve got some medical stuff going on during this next week. Today I’m going to get blood taken ready for my hematologist appointment next week, since apparently I need to get the blood taken the week before these days, and my appointment is July 1st. And on June 29th I have an appointment with my own dentist, which is the appointment I had originally that I decided to keep, but since the packing that was put on the tooth beside the one the emergency dentist had to pull has come out it’s just as well I did keep it.
Interesting timing, since we’re right in the middle of convention activities with the ACB. There’s some virtual only stuff going on right now, then a few days break, and then the hybrid convention during the first week or so of July. And, since I’m not in a position to attend in person, I’m one of the people who will be helping out with hosting the virtual aspects of it.
I’m also one of the winners of the International Voices Contest they were running, so got my registration for attending any of those virtual events I’m not hosting free (otherwise I’d have had to pay to be able to attend any virtual convention events I’m not hosting).
It's going to be a busy few weeks for the ACB Community.
I’ll tell you one thing: I won’t be able to complain of boredom. LOL!
Plus, because of the recently released charity anthology I was involved with, I had an author interview go live yesterday (June 23rd 2022). If you’d like to read my interview, go to
That basically covers what's been going on around here, so I'll let this do for today.
No matter what's going on in your life at the moment, I hope you're staying safe and well, and have plenty of things happening to stop you complaining of boredom too. Even better if they're things that make your heart happy.
Also, if it's hot with you too, I hope you're finding ways to keep cool.