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Showing posts with label egypt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label egypt. Show all posts

Monday, June 18, 2012

Egyptian papyrus with Pharaonic drawings 2

Glossy square icon. Flag of Egypt
Ancient Egypt Papyrus with Pharaonic drawings 2  古埃及莎草纸法老绘图之二。
 Egypt Map
 The players.

Egyptian Papyri with Pharaonic drawings 1

Glossy square icon. Flag of Egypt
Ancient Egypt Papyrus with Pharaonic drawings 古埃及莎草纸法老绘图之一。
 SETI 1 between HORUS and OSIRIS.
 RA-HORAKHTY and HATHOR, Goffess of the West.
 Temple of SETI 1.
 Second Ramsis & His wife.
Thank you so much to Elsayed Kasem to these fabulous cards from Egypt!!

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Alexandria, capital city of Egypt

Glossy square icon. Flag of Egypt
 The Monument of the unknown Soldier.

 Katebay Castle.

beautiful Egyptian envelope.

beautiful Eghpt

Glossy square icon. Flag of Egypt
 Algiza- The Three Pyramids 

 The Egyptian Museum. 

beautiful Egyptian envelope.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Egypt historical monuments

Glossy square icon. Flag of Egypt
 Cairo the Citadel. 開羅大城堡區。

 Two beautiful Egyptian envelope, extra free gifts from Rana.

from Rana, Cairo Alexandria. 2&3/3

Egypt Map

Glossy square icon. Flag of Egypt

From Rana, Cairo Alexandria.1/3