Showing posts with label fish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fish. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


黄姜煎鱼 · 腐乳油麦 · 西洋菜汤
Turmeric Fried Fish, Stir-Fried Romaine Lettuce with Fermented Bean Curd, Watercress Soup

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Sep 2011 - Mar 2012 Updates

time flies...
it has been 6 months i abandoned this kitchen
here comes the updates of
what we've missed in this long long period of time:

the first proper dinner made in the past 6 months

Bubur Cha Cha with Taro Balls
after tasting lousy rm4.50 bubur cha cha
 fr 'Jonker Sweets' @ the Gardens Mall
i decided to make my own...
♪(´ε` )

home alone dinner:
Noodle in Lotus RoOt Peanut Chicken Supie

Ah Yan's signature -
LoVe Heart Scrambled Egg Sandwich breakie
 for my dear 阿仔 n myself on Kuli-Day 1

Frying Rice is the best way to clean up the fridge =)
tomato + yellow onion + egg
+ long due frozen rice + seasoning
= comfort lunch box

Sunday Cookery~♥
we called this Collagen Meal XP

SUNday Dinner + Monday Lunch Box~♥

the Lunch Box is back to work again ^^
easy easy roasted chicken

SUNday simple simple cookery~♥
Turmeric Fried Fish + Chinese Spinach + Old Cucumber Soup

Lunch Box with brown rice~♥
the cost is only less than rm2 =P

Deepavali Curry-Neh Chicken Platter =))

Happie Friday~♥

dinner made in 30 min

weeeeeeeeeeeeee~♥ it's SUNday again~!

SUNday breakfast platter
watever i can find from the fridge

a taste of SUNday fizz~♥
*smashed lemongrass
*lime juice
*100plus or 7up or just plain soda
*a pinch of salt*a dose of liqueur (vodka or rum)
- kiddies below 18 pls skip this
*squashed mint leaves - i left this out

dinner made with lousy mood...
tat's y it looked lousy too~

Mushroom Pan Mee
用浸泡香菇的水搓面粉和熬汤底~ 好香好香~好甜好甜~♥
not a very healthy meal >u<
-fridge clearing session-

……温馨的家常便饭 · 两菜一汤
just another simple simple meal

Baileys Cuppie~
(chocolate butter cake with baileys cream cheese frosting)

see~ everybody also mabuk loo...

Beautiful Breakfast~ Beautiful Day~♥
(Baileys Cup Cakes with Fresh Milk)

SUNday simple simple lunch
江鱼仔+大蒜熬的汤头~ 好甜!

wasn't quite in the Christmas mood this year~
anyway, our small small cozy dinner for the occasion~♥

turkey didn't visit us this year, however,
 we had Chicken Rice Platter with
 Lotus Root Peanut Chicken Feet soup
 dressed in 'Christmas Outfit' =)

Pork Chop Pasta Platter with
Fresh Button Mushroom & Clam Chowder~
mr Snakie helped to prepare most of the ingredients
*clap clap clap*~♥
love this pork chop so much!!!
marinated for 2 days 2 nites~

Home Alone Dinner at 9:30pm - Kimchi Curry Maggi Mee =P

i didn't snap any pic for my CNY meal
because it was a disaster =="
for leftover~ i made them into this CNY Lunch Box =P
therefore we still get to have a little memory of the dishes:
*Empire Chicken
*Stir-Fried Mix Vegie with Ginko n Pacific Clams
*Lap Cheong steamed Rice

made this comforting Chocolate Pudding
 for my beloved family members during CNY

Fried Dumpling in Mandarin Orange Sauce
this was a big project
participated in an CNY Lucky Dip event
@ Cari Chinese Forumn - Happy Kitchen

Ah Yan Wan Tan Meein ^^~♥
got the Duck Egg Noodle from Bukit Cina, Malacca~
it was awesome!

Noodle Bento with lovely salad,
Ramli beef patty n a sunshine in soy sauce~~~

Sweet & Sour Fish~♥
ran out of tomato, luckily i have canned pineapple for SOS~

simple yet comforting Friday breakie~♥

bento made out of 'nuthing'
the main dish was potato, sausagen onion in black sauce

so pathetic hor?
aaaah~ but it was still so appetizing though

Monday, September 12, 2011

星期天 · 晚餐


酱烤杏鲍菇 + 煎鸡柳 + 鱼柳 platter

在鱼身上划三刀 下锅前撒点盐 拍点粉
用小火两面煎熟 起锅前淋上甜酱油



Friday, August 05, 2011

Turmeric Grilled Fish

the easiest way to cook yummilicious fish
just coat with turmeric powder ^^

simple n healthy dinner

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Assam Cencaru

2nd day Buka Puasa meal =)

ah yan's signature assam fish ^^

Salam Ramadhan

our 1st day Buka Puasa feast @ Yan's Kitchen =P

Chicken Satay + Nasi Impit

i wanted some green plating
no banana leave~
so i used pandan leaves to make anyaman as lining =P

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Home-Cooked Comfort

ordered this dish in Purple Cane before
n it cost rm8 + 16% tax
we can easily make at home de mahhh...

ingredients sponsored by mama

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Pari fish in Assam sauce

bot a slice of Pari
it was suppose to play Ikan Bakar
since i still hav Banana Leaves
but snakie was sick...
cannot have spicy/ heaty dish
after some research...
it's best for masak asam pedas
but i dun hav lemongrass, tomato n ladiesfinger wor

so this is ah yan's version of Pari fish
*marinate fish cubes with salt+curry powder+cooking sherry
*heat up some oil, fry shreded ginger,
 chopped garlic, red onion until fragrant
*put in the fish cubes, cook few minutes on each side
*pour in asam juice n kaffir lime leaves
cover n cook for few minutes
*season with some sugar n soy sauce

jom makan!

this was my second time cooking Pari
n i'm so proud of myself
coz it taste great this time ^^
the first time was 4-5 years ago
when i just started playing in the kitchen
it was not a pleasant experience thou
snakie said it stink