Sunday, December 28, 2008

Boxing Day Turkey

been looking forward to Christmas Turkey
since donkey years ago :D
dream finally came true this year
but only gotten a leg due to $ n tummies capacity constrain
was too busy to do research this round
so i did it 100% the ah yan's way to cook it
marinate it for 2 nites with:
pepper, salt, honey, rosemary & oregano
(it would be better with fresh herbs)
mummy it with plastic bags
(so tat the marinates can stay in contact with every inch of the meat)
put it in room tempreture at least 20 minutes before cooking
rub it with olive oil & chopped garlic
lay 2 pieces of foil underneath
spread some olive oil to them
spread cubed potato, carrot & yellow onion
before resting the turkey leg
wrap everything n send into 220'c preheat oven
bake for 1 hour
then open up the foil n bake for another half an hour
take care not to burn the meat until 'chao dah' oh...
my first experience with turkey leg :D
wah... not easy to serve lo...
cut cut cut... until my bread knife also come out in action snakie said lucky it's not over powdery
taste better than his previous
stuffed turkey experience in UK
aaah... ah yan's very very first turkey experience
when it comes to turkey...
it always reminds me of McDull's Christmas turkey
tat he n his mom eat for 1 whole year
well... my turkey leg...
last me for 3 meals =_="
a boxing day meal
to ganti back for the belated
*Snakie's Butday Meal
*Christmas Meal
we had Mutton Carbonara Angel Hair,
Sauteed Mushroom, Potato Mushroom Soup,
n Wee Wang Wang (100Plus + Vodca + Rum)
a smooth smooth year ahead!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Pancake Christmas Tree

had this crazy idea few weeks back:
ever think of making Christmas Tree with pancake?
yeah~ it's green tea P A N C A K E s
i tot this project would be very easy
can be done in minutes
ended up it took hours...
a lot of rejected shape some more
*sweat sweat sweat*
not many Christmas project this year
because lack of energy... *old liao*

Hainanese Chicken Rice

the first very very proper chicken rice i made
which taste exactly like those in chicken rice stall
for the chicken:
*boil for 20 minutes
*transfer to icy water n soak for 10 minutes
(me no chopper to chop chicken, so nvr chop lor)
*season with soy sauce & sesame oil
for the rice:
*fry chopped ginger, garlic, lemongrass & rice with butter
*add pandan leaves n water to cook
yay! successful!!!

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

the Steamy Authentic Home-Style

tonite we had a very Old Skool Dinner
a dish mom taught how to make long time agoSteamed Kai-Lan Stalk with Chinese Sausage*slice everything n steam for 8 minutes Steamed Minced Pork with Salted Fish
Rhizoma Pork Rib Soup 山药/淮山排骨汤 i believe a lot of people dunno wat is
Rhizoma 山药/淮山
it's often sold in dried version
@ all the Chinese Medicine Shop

i've been looking high n low for this fresh one
for a few months already

finally found it in SS13 Pasar Malam
it looks something like a burdock 牛蒡
but a lot thicker
i dun like the feeling of cleaning them
because it's slimy
no matter how many times washed
cut them into small cube
boil together with some pork rib
red dates n wolfberries
it taste so sweet!!!
worthed my effort of searching everywhere

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

BIG Treat for the BIG day

this is the MOST luxury meal i ever made
been planning in my head for weeks
but only confirmed the cooking a nite before
grabbed the ingredients in minutes
without having any chance to make comparison
nor to have second thought about the price
it's all because the BIG day
i made these
salmon steak platter with my dreamed salmon block *OuCh*
it took me some effort to look at the price tag after weighing
his favourite angel hair, button mushroom,
asparagus & mushroom soup
all these luxuries will only appear
one by one~ once in a while in our meal
but this time i make it all in a plate
planned to hav a candle light dinner
but privacy constrain
at very last minute
i kept my candle with super speed
was so urge to have real champaign this season
but after running everywhere for weeks to do survey
i gave up...
i still cannot afford a gulp
tat cost more than a hundred YET
i picked up the best sparkling juice on the shelf
hmmm... it has the same effect too
sparkling~ bubbling~ nice champaign colour

Mixed Berries Yogurt Cheese Cake

this is my 3rd attempt on making cheese cake
a lot of improvement but still not good enough
9 hearts for the 9 years of LoVes
can u feel my heart? can u feel my love?

一人一片~ 感情不散~
the cost of 1 small small slice like this already RM2
dear adik-adik sekalian~
dun simply simply play with cheesecake
i only make for super special occassion
will make another improved version shortly
then only i'll share the recipe here

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Bak Kut Teh, Yam Rice & A Piggie

ah yan misses Malacca's
Bak Kut Teh & Yam Rice bearly much
so she *roll up sleeve* to DIM (do it MYSELF)
not a very superb Bak Kut Teh
but definitely a full of heart version
can u see? u see? u see?
not-a-very-successful-Bak Kut Teh recipe:
*boil BKT herbs pack + soft rib (any meat)
+ Beancurd Knot + 1 biji of pounded garlic (with skin)
for few hours (i used slow cooker)
*add in Mushroom + Oyster Sauce + Soy Sauce
+ Black Sauce + Salt to taste
half an hour before makan

ah yan FIRST attempt - Yam Rice!!!
i give myself an A for this!!!
*yummy yummy*
ah yan's very yummy Yam Rice recipe:
*skinned Yam n cut into small cube
*deep fried Yam till the colour changed
& set aside
(so tat the shape can remain when cooking with rice)
*fried pounded dried shrimp + chinese sausage
+ soaked chinese mushroom + washed rice
*add in oyster sauce + dark sauce + salt
*transfer to rice cooker
n cook like normal rice till cooked
*serve with fried shallot oil & spring onion
this wholesome dinner had attracted
a Tham Chiak Piggie tat came from dunno where
snakie named it Sesat-Pig

the rice is so nice until Piggie's nose nose
stick on the bowl liao *yicks* finally found his way up there tonite we hav Bak Kut Teh, Yam Rice
& A Sesat Tham Chiak Piggie :) Hav A NiCe WeEkeNd~
i'm having weekend blue pulak...

Simple Home-Style

Stir-Fried Carrot + Cabage
Stir-Fried Pork Strip with Ginger & Spring Onionover nite - Old Cucumber Soup

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Century Tofu

Century Egg Tofu
a dish tat i wanted to try long time ago
the seasoning i used:
soy sauce + sesame oil + sugar + water
*thumbs up*
a lite dish with very high cholesterol

Monday, November 17, 2008

Tuttie Fruittie Breakie

been eating very heavily for the past few weeks
time to have a refreshing breakie
fresh apple & orange with chilling orange juice
a slice of hearty toast with strawberry jam
sweet treat for the tummy on a non-working Monday
mmm... 饱饱~*

Authentic Instant Noodle

home alone again
time to enjoy a weird bowl of instant noodle again
Curry Flavour Instant Noodle with Seaweed Sprout
Cocktail Sausages & Poached Egg look very oriental eh?