Latest Art Commission

Here's the latest art commission that I just finished up today for petespan's Amherth project over on the Goblinoid Games Forums. I've got a few spell pictures in the works for Blair of Planet Algol's Jewel Throne Zine. I'll be working on those throughout the week. Should be fun!


  1. I love it! By far, pen and ink is my favorite medium, especially for gaming books. I think you did a great job on this illustration. Keep up the good work!

  2. Wow that's gorgeous! I love the thick black lines.

  3. Yeah, nice clean and high-contrast. I like the wood-block print feel as well.

  4. Look great! Where are they going, I wonder? The 'woodblock' look is great!

  5. I dig that woodcut aesthetic too. Nice piece for sure.

  6. Add me to the chorus. It's fantastic! Those motions and forces are wonderful and I can almost feel them.

  7. Thanks all. I've always really loved the medieval German woodcuts. The dramatic blacks, the crazy linework, it all just really blows me away. At some point I'd love to learn to do etchings. It's on my to do list for sure.

  8. Hey Johnathan, nice piece man. Dig that woodcut style.


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