
Showing posts with the label Adventurer Conqueror King

Adventurer Conqueror King Release in PDF

I'm pretty thrilled to have been able to in a very small part, contribute to Autarch's Adventurer Conqueror King (latest info here ).  I know there have been various attempts at Domain play for old school versions of D&D.  ACK covers this stuff exceptionally well.  In my current group, the gang is still only 1st level, but I'm encouraging them to think in terms of where they want to go with their character concepts.  ACK fits that bill nicely.  I was fortunate enough to be at the Old School Renaissance Booth at Gen Con this past summer and met Tavis and Ryan.  I picked up a prerelease softcover version of the rules and have been pretty excited about trying out some of the concepts.  I think that there is a lot to like here.  Especially for those folks playing older versions of D&D (or retroclone flavor of D&D), this makes a good companion work to expand the high level domain play.  If that sounds like it's your bag,...

A Shout out to a fellow artist

A little while back I completed my work for Autarch's Adventurer Conqueror King . I'm really excited about this project. Today, I just happened to stumble upon Ryan Browning's Etsy shop where he is selling his ACK art. Ryan's stuff rocks and I'm humbled to be able to have contributed a few pieces of art to this project. I highly encourage you all to go take a peek at his stuff, it is well worth it. As for me, I'm thinking about picking up a piece or two so you better go before I decide to spend some money ;). Having met Ryan and Tavis Allison in person at GEN CON this summer, I can tell you that they are great guys and it was fun to work with them. Do yourself another favor and go to the Autarch site and preorder a copy of ACK.

Slowly Getting back into the groove

Whew, I'm back home and just now starting to recover from jetlag. It is awesome to be home, even if my day job has been positively brutal. However, slaying mosnters on the drawing board is helping some with that ;). I've been working on some pieces for the upcoming relase of Adventurer Conqueror King . It was awesome to meet the team at Gen Con and be part of that whole excitement. It was also awesome to get a copy of the Limited Edition Gen Con release. Reading through it is amazing and I'm incredibly excited to get to participate. Tavis has a really good post on what Adventurer Conqueror King is all about on his blog . I'm hoping to get my first batch of illustrations to them over the next few days. I absolutely love the idea that it is not straight up medieval but falls more into Dark Age era stuff which is what I tend to prefer anyway. This will be one to keep an eye on. Oh yeah, I also need to get back to work on Maedsid. I've got some ideas that ...