Showing posts with label moving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moving. Show all posts

Sunday, July 21, 2013

OK, have you all given up on me? I hope not. I do have a good reason.. as you know we were house hunting- well, we bought a house! We moved in late June- but it really took a month or so- our lease at our old place wasn't up until the end of this month- so we took our time- bring a car load or two over just about every day and unpacking it.. did a little painting but the house was pretty much move in ready. We are really blessed- the house is about 32 years old but has been completely redone- new siding, new roof, new windows, new heat/AC, new dishwasher, and it was just in our price range.  Sometimes I still can't believe it is really ours.

Things are finally getting back to 'normal'.. I didn't do much stitching at all while we were looking for a house or while we were moving, so I am really excited to have some time for that again, and I do plan to keep my blog up better.

There will be something stitch-related at the end(a little giveaway!) but before I go here are some photos from the new house- more or less.   We live out in the country now and the drive home from work is so beautiful- I drive past lots of farms and open land- it's so peaceful!

The sunset can be seen from my back yard, as well as the open sky and lots of cool clouds-

Ginger likes the backyard too- it's fenced and has lots of room for her to run. This was taken on a day when she had run about for a while and was ready to go in! Please excuse the poop scooper. :-O
We also had a baby bird drop in- Ginger was very kind to him- only sniffed him and didn't try to eat him or run him off.. we cared for him a bit and then he evidently was able to jump or fly away because we couldn't find him later that evening.
I have also started planting- these are my hydrangea on their better days- bugs or disease or both have started getting to them.. any tips? I am a bit new at this..

And here is a snap of Gin, pooped out with her Gumby-
I almost forgot! One of our last days at the old place I was walking Ginger and happened to see this little guy- thankfully he was still there after I got my phone.
Last but not least- the giveaway.  It is just a little one- I realized after winning this pattern in a giveaway myself that I already had it.  I thought I had given it away previously but I guess I never did.  So here it is-LK's Cross Stitcher in Residence.
I admit I am trying to get my blog back "out there" again- so if you share the giveaway on your blog you will get an extra entry! Please leave a comment on this post only if you want an entry, and let me know if you are posting on your blog. Thanks so much, and I really appreciate all of you who keep checking back with me after these lonnnnng breaks. ♥

Fallen by Linda Castillo

  It's been a while! I have a book review for you today.  Many thanks to Netgalley, the author, and publisher for allowing me to read an...