Showing posts with label Jane Austen cross stitch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jane Austen cross stitch. Show all posts

Friday, July 08, 2011

At Home with Jane Austen is finished!!

And here is a much better pic than yesterday- sorry about that!!  Please excutes the wrinkles- I would iron it but I know it will be folded up until I get my dad to make a frame for it. :) I used a lot of substitutions for this cause I didn't have a lot of the threads- here is what I used in case it can help you too!
CC Poblano Pepper- same ( I also used this to sub for another color and didn't realize til I was almost finished!)
CC Spinach- same
CC Plum Paisley- WDW Concord
CC Cashmere- Dinky Dyes Tea Tree
CC House Wine- SSS Mulberry Wine
CC Rosy Glow- SSS Bubblegum
CC Joshua Tree- GAST Chamomile
CC Old Oak Tree- same
CC Creeping Jenny- CC Poblano Pepper
CC Tartan Plaid- same
CC Really Teally- GAST Peacock
CC Little Pink Peony- Olde Willow Ballerina
CC Sassy Brass- same
I really enjoyed stitching this one, thank you Tanya for such a great design!!

I upgraded my phone the other day, as mentioned briefly in the previous post- I was taking a pic or two to see how it does- I took this one of a tree down the street cause it was just so pretty and bright!
and also of some fluffy clouds I saw this evening-
Sorry, it looks like I can't enlarge the pics from my phone!
Now I am trying to decide if I want to start another project or just work harder on the ones I've already started.. any thoughts?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Progress on At Home with Jane Austen

Here it is- I got quite a bit done this weekend.. I am a little upset because I realized right before I put it away for the night that I have to frog one of the windows and I'm not sure how much I'm going to have to rip out. :(
The other day when Hanna was making scones, she had the lemon that she used the zest from for the scones. She and David decided they wanted to eat it.  In the first picture of David, he is NOT intentionally making a inappropriate gesture- it's just the way he's holding the lemon! I debated about posting it but it's such a cute pic of him otherwise-

I think they were hamming it up just a bit- don't you?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I've been a bad blogger..

again!  I promised you progress on Jane and I forgot to post it.  I posted this pic on my photo-a-day blog too- but here it is..I finished the top and added house to the roof. :)  Sorry it took so long- I have been trying to get my house spiffed up for Mom and Dad; they will be here tomorrow! I am so excited! And to make it even more exciting- the library book sale starts tomorrow! :)

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

I can now show you..

the ornament I made for my friend for Christmas..well.. it was sent a bit later than that.. lol
The most progress I've been making on stitching is on a gift for my mom, so I can't show you yet.  And my other progress is slow going.. although I did give in and start something new- The Sampler Girl's "At Home with Jane Austen".  This picture's on my photo-a-day blog, but I'll put it here, just in case you don't check that one. :)
I know it's not much- but I was tired that night. lol
Well, just got the news- two-hour delay for school tomorrow! :) Wonder if they'll end up calling off school- I kind of want them to, but I kind of don't..
Gosh, I kept thinking of stuff to blog about when I couldn't get to a computer and now I can't remember what it was.. argh.. more later! lol

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Happy New Year!

Ok, so I am a couple weeks late.. sorry!  You know how it goes around the holidays..we had a very nice Christmas. Rob's mom came to visit from Christmas Day to New Year's Day, it was so much fun having her here! And we got a little spoiled, as she brought many baked goodies with her! I didn't get many good Christmas pics of the kids this year- Hanna was sitting beside me so it was kind of hard to get pics of her, but I did get this great one of David opening his Criss Angel magic kit- he wanted one sooooo bad(and so did Dad!)
and a picture of our tree of course-
One of the things I don't like about our pre-lit fiber optic tree is it just doesn't "glow" like a tree with traditional lights. It was prettier than this- the picture really doesn't do it justice.
Ah, here's one of Hanna- looks like she wanted her picture taken huh? hee hee..
And here is a pic of the kids and I with my mother-in-law- Rob doesn't like getting his picture taken.
And David took a ride back to the parking lot on the luggage cart-
Mom's plane left pretty early- we saw a nice sunrise on the way home!
On the stitching side of things- I have finished something this year, but I can't show you yet! It's a gift for a friend and I haven't sent it yet.  But here is something to hold you over in the meantime.  I have had this stitched for my MIL for a while, but finally made it into a flatfold so I could give it to her for Christmas. She always likes going to the ocean when she's here.  Thank you Vonna for your great tutorials!!
And lastly, I was reading Paulette at Plum Street Samplers blog today, and she is doing something and I have been thinking about doing it too.  It's a 365 day blog.  Basically you post a picture a day, I'm assuming one you have taken that day.  Since I love taking pictures I think I may give it a go, though by looking at hers I know already my picture-taking skills lack in comparison! I will post a link here when I get it set up.

Monday, September 27, 2010

A finish and some giveaways!! Because I now have 101 followers! :)

Well, I finished "Jane Austen on the Weather" today- I took the majority advice and used a darker color.. however I didn't use the same color as the lettering, I went a shade darker.   I think the year was just too light without something to define it.  Excuse the wrinkles!  If anyone is interested- the colors I used were Gentle Art Forest Glade, Gentle Art Hyacinth(thanks again Babs!), WDW Concord, and WDW Lilac. It was stitched on 32 ct HCG Textiles (or is it MCG?That one they sell at Michael's. lol)

Now for the giveaways!! I am so excited that I have 101 followers that I thought I would give a little back. :) I wish it could be more.  Instead of giving the three charts away as a group, I thought that I'd do three separate giveaways. Please leave a comment on this post only- let me know which charts you'd like to be entered for, and your email if it's not in your blog profile.  If you post about the giveaway on your blog let me know that in your comment also and I will throw in an extra entry for the chart(s) you want! Thanks!

Jane Austen on the Weather by the Sampler Girl

Autumn Acorn by Twisted Threads

Little Christmas by Bent Creek

I'll draw a winner on Saturday Oct. 2nd. :) 

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Need opinions please..

Ok, as some of you saw in a previous post- I am stitching "Jane Austen on the Weather" and changed the colors a bit.  I am almost finished-but the color I chose for the block surrounding the year doesn't look right(it was gray.)  So I stitched the year, but should I add the box around it in a different color, (suggestions please :) ) or leave it be? This is what it looks like right now.
Sorry for the crappy pic! Thanks for your opinions. :)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

another completion

Here is a Sampler Girl freebie finally framed- I can't believe I stitched it in 2008! I thought it was last year.  Granted I did wait a while to get the frame from my dad, but I must have put off framing it longer than I thought. Anyway- here 'tis-
I was going to frame Bent Creek's "Blackbird House" yesterday- got it out and contemplated removing the button before I ironed it- but didn't- there was some really bad creases in it and I was having a hard time getting them out so I kind of forgot about the button, and when I flipped it over the little blackbird was all broken.  So now I have to wait to frame it - will have to order another button.   I really need to start rolling my projects up instead of folding them- the creases are so hard to get out after so long a time. That or I need to start finishing all my projects into whatever I plan to do with them, right after I finish stitching them.

Well I was sitting in the Sonic drive-thru the other morning (I love their jr. breakfast burritos and they are only 1.00!) and while I was waiting at the speaker I saw this- I hope you can make out the moth/butterfly- not sure which it was-I think a dark colored butterfly-

It's on the yellow flower in the front. I was so glad I had my camera with me, even if it didn't turn out that great!  The kids and I also saw some deer not far from our house the other day- and got pretty close- but as soon as I got the camera they ran and I just got a couple of blobs. Oh well.
And last but not least- a sign of fall-even though it continues to be in the 90's (ugh) here-

Sunday, September 05, 2010

This n' That

Hello everyone- I have been remiss in posting again and I apologize. In my defense I did try to post from my cell phone the other day but it wouldn't go thru. I used to be able to post from my phone with no problem, now all of a sudden it isn't working. 
I don't believe I've posted my progress on "Jane Austen on the Weather" ever- I picked this because it's been sooooo hot this summer, and ironically I may not even finish it before the cooler weather hits. But I am sure here in NC it will be hot next summer too. I changed the colors on this one-sorry it's a bit blurry- I took it with my phone at work. lol

I sent the kids of to school the past couple of weeks-David started kindergarten(sniff sniff) this past Monday and Hanna started on the 25th.  And I always take pics of the first day of school so here they are-

I also framed LK's "Count Your Blessings" and gave it to my friend Holly. This is the frame I originally used for my flip-its but I will just have Dad make me another one. :)

I have currently put my other projects on hold to work on something for someone- can't post pictures cause she might see it. :) but I will once it is given.
I am also going to be listing a ton of old stitching mags and leaflets on ebay in the next day or so. I started today but didn't get very far- I have listed a few Cross Country Stitching magazines from earlier in the decade. I plan on doing the rest tomorrow, before ebay's 'free listing' promo is done. lol My ebay ID is hannasmom1198- I may have a link in my sidebar- I don't remember!
Well that's about it here- please don't give up on me, I will really make an effort to post more often. Thanks for reading!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Completion #2

Today I framed "In The Kitchen With Jane Austen" (by the Sampler Girl). Another frame by my dad- :). Can you tell he sent me a bunch of frames at Christmastime? LOL Will show some progress on "Mr. Snow Tired" tomorrow, though so far he is mostly stomach and feet. hee hee..
Welcome to my new followers! Great to have you here!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Fallen by Linda Castillo

  It's been a while! I have a book review for you today.  Many thanks to Netgalley, the author, and publisher for allowing me to read an...