
Showing posts with label Natalie Whipple. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natalie Whipple. Show all posts

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Nothing to Fear

If you're feeling down in the dumps, like you're never going to write something good again...

If you're afraid that you're never going to get an agent/get published/finish your book/be the laughingstock of EVERYWHERE...

Or if you just need a pick me up, have I got the post for you: Give Me Your Best Fears. I Will PWN Them.

Yes, Natalie Whipple, a wonderful blogger and all around excellent human being, decided to open up her comments section for people to post their worst writing fears. She then goes on to talk people off the ledge, so to speak. What follows is an uplifting, heartwarming post about people confessing their fears and getting some solace. 

And if you think Natalie, agented but unpublished, has nothing to fear or only empty platitudes to offer, you haven't heard her horror story.

You know those stories that make their way around the writing convention. They are often told in the dark, with a flashlight held up to the person's face, "...and they were never published again."

You can read her horror story here, and thank the heavens this isn't you (or pray it won't be). 

So yeah...she knows fear. She knows fear well. But she is PWNing her fear, and you can too. 

Read the post and feel better. And then get back to writing. *takes her own advice*

How do you quell your writing fears? Chocolate? A sledgehammer?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday's Child is Full of Grace

It’s Tuesday, and I have decided that I am going to try to post about other media on Tuesdays. Kinda like a Shout Out day. I talk about poetry, or music, or other authors, or the bread mold I found inspiring…you get the idea. There are many, many influences that goes into a writer’s mind, and I thought Tuesdays would be a great day to talk about them. Because let’s be honest: no one really likes Tuesdays. Actually I don’t mind them, but I have a weird work schedule. I am off Sundays and Wednesdays. Most people, however, work Monday through Friday, so Tuesday doesn’t have the fresh start of a Monday, nor does it have the middle of the week buzz that Wednesday does, Thursday is beloved because it’s almost Friday, and everyone loves Friday, because, well, it’s Friday.

But I remember a time where Tuesday had some respect (actually I don’t, I am just using hyperbole). It’s named after the Norse god Thor, for crying out loud! Thor’s Day! Let’s take Thor’s day back…wait, crap. Thursday is Thor’s day isn’t it? Well, Tuesday was named after Tyr, also a Norse god. He was the god of single combat, heroic glory, and victory. He allowed the other gods to tie up Fenrir (a REALLY big wolf) by sticking his hand in Fenrir’s mouth. He subsequently lost his arm, but that did not stop him from being cool.

So, ahem. Anyway, a day for shout outs. Here goes mine:

Natalie Whipple: This writer chick is seriously sweet! I want to just squeeze her! She blogs about all kinds of stuff, from straight writing advice to really meaningful topics that plagues writers and most don’t want to talk about, like self-confidence, and comparing yourself to other people, and staying positive. She’s my daily pep talk. I absolutely cannot wait until she gets published. Also, I think she might be Wonder Woman. I’m just saying.

Nathan Bransford: He’s an agent that has demystified the query/agent process. He’s funny, and also gives updates in the publishing industry, and talks about mistakes writer can avoid. Basically, he helps you look smarter. Which is awesome. I am querying him first the second my book is ready. Hopefully he’ll think my book is brilliant, and sell it to a Big Publishing Company, and I can quiet my day job, and…there goes that fertile imagination again.

The Rejectionist: Hilarious, with a perchance for the royal we, this blogger is an assistant to an agent she refers to as “Steve”. She’s a slush pile warrior, with the battle scars to prove it. Also another way to get savvy to the whole publishing biz, and make yourself seem smarter, and doing that nasty thing we writers like to call “research”.

So. Go forth and check these people out. Your writing will thank you.

Anyone else have some great shout outs? Places with indispensable writing advice? People who are hilarious and great for a good laugh?