Showing posts with label Wembley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wembley. Show all posts

Friday, 13 April 2018

This week's smiles....week 267

Happy Friday everyone.  My week has been filled with lots of smiles and I really hope yours has too,  I like to look back at my week and find smiles that I can share with my friends hoping they will link up and do the same.  Everyone is welcome to join in so why not give it a go.

I love that poem....lets all get infecting the world with smiles.  Here's mine for this week....

Last Sunday my hubby and our son, Mark went to Wembley to watch our local team play footy.  They sent me this photo while they were there and I love to see them having quality time together.....needless to say their team lost so I'm sure it was a long journey home but no one can take away the lovely day they spent together.

Amy sent me this photo of Lulu showing their dog, Poppy videos of labrador puppies.  She's such a funny little girl and has had a really excited week as it was her 8th birthday.....she's so like her mummy when it comes to celebrating special days.....think she was counting down to it for weeks.  :-) :-)

Don't you just love it when little ones enjoy their food so much they wear it?  I've never seen any little one enjoy food like our little Theo does.  He tucks into everything and his favourites include broccoli, avocado and a plate full of different fruits....but as you can see he rather likes a bowl full of tomato soup too.
                  :-) :-) :-) :-)

Finally I popped out and snapped the latest blooms making a show in the garden for you one of the sunnier days this week.  The tulips have started to open up in the sun and the hyacinths are now in full bloom, looking and smelling amazing.....even though they have to be ine the furthest corner of the garden because their purfume triggers off my asthma.

Well folks those are my smiles for this week.  I've shown you mine so please show me yours.
Annie x