Here we are at another catch up of the smiles from the last week...and there's been many thankfully.
I shared a collage of all the lovely outfits Lexi wore at her dance competitions last weekend on my Wednesday post....I steamed them all for her so it was really lovely watching her put to good use....she is a beautiful little dancer now.
I'm hoping you can see this video of her dancing one of her dances. I'm loving watching her grow and develop ....she loves her dancing.
Here she is with her best buddy with the medal for the third place they were given :-)
I thought you'd like to see more of the Spring flowers in our garden now.
Of course there has to be a few funnies to share with you to raise a smile or two.
I hope you will leave me comment now before linking to your own smiles.
Hello all. We come here every Friday to catch up with the smiles we have had from the previous week and I hope you've had lots.
Lexi gives us lots to smile about at the mo...she entered dance competitions on line by recording her dances at home and sending the videos in. I saw her videos and wow what a lovely little dancer she is now. It's been so lovely watching her grow and develop. Here she is holding all the awards she got....3 firsts, a second and a very proud of you Lexi.
I steamed all her dance dresses on Wednesday ready for a weekend of more dance competitions...and we are going to watch some of them too....more smiles :-)
We had Louie all day and Theo before and after school on Tuesday this week. It's so special being able to spend quality time with them both.
They are here for tea on the days they come and both really love their food including lots of fruit and vegetables....they are a pleasure to cook for. In fact little Louie [not yet 2] kept saying...Nanny this is delicious :-)
Our garden is filled with Spring flowers now and this week I can now includ the first of our tulips coming out....there's loads more to come out yet too :-)
Of course before I finish I have to include a few funnies...I hope they make you smile.
Please leave me a comment and then link up to your own smiles at the bottom.
Here we are at another catch up of the smiles from the week....and I'm blessed to say there's been lots to smile about...
Last Friday we travelled to South Wales to spend the weekend in a lovely dog friendly cottage....that is apart from the stairs :-)
We live in a bungalow because I don't manage stairs well because of my arthritis....and we now know Milly isn't a fan either lol
I don't think either of us noticed that the cottage had stairs when we booked it was an upside down cottage with living room/kitchen upstairs and the bedrooms and bathrooms downstairs so it wasn't just a case of going down the stairs at bedtime.
Milly refused to go down the stairs and had to be carried and going up was a challenge too.
This was our bed....very pretty but I almost needed a step to get up into it .
The potty was in the sitting room was very tempting :-)
One of our trips out was to Cenarth was so lovely here. The water was really noisy and at the right time of the year Salmon jump up the falls to spawn.
We visited Llangrannog beach....such a lovely little beach to walk Milly.
The top left photo is where water was bubbling up through the a spring.
These were also taken at the same beach. There was a lovely little cafe and I really loved the mosiac in the top left pic.
Milly loves to people watch and I think she looks like King of the castle here.
All around our cottage were signs of beautiful.
It was also next to a small farm with 3 horses, 2 cows, 5 sheep, 3 pigs and several chickens....the owners were very welcoming and happily introduced us to all the animals.
Of course it wouldn't be Friday without a few funnies...I hope they raise a few smiles.
Please leave me a little comment so I know you've called in and, if you can, then link up to your own smiles below.
Hi all. It's been another week filled with smiles..... and some I can't share yet [sorry to tease] :-)
We had a really fun day yesterday with this gorgeous little man yesterday and his big brother before and after school. They have so much love for each other [sometimes too much :-) ] and it's so special to be part of their lives and know how much they love us too.
We have Spring bulbs bursting into bloom in every corner of our garden and that makes me smile....I hope they make you smile too.
Of course it wouldn't be a Friday without a few funnies. I hope they make you smile too and you will leave me a little message before linking up to your own smiles at the bottom.
Week 360? That's a lot of smiles isn't it? Thanks to all who join in every really do make the world a happier place.
I've had another happy week filled with smiles thankfully and have a few I can share with you...
Lulu is all packed up here ready to go on a skiing trip with her school....she left last Saturday and, from what I've heard, she's been having a wonderful time.
The twins have been taking it in turns to cook tea this week and love to send me pics of the progress....It all looks so yummy.
Last night we went to watch Sam in his school perfomance of was really brilliant. I always love to see young people putting their hearts into their acting/singing.
Our garden is full of promise of what's to come...there are bulbs shooting up everywhere. I love this time of year.
Of course I also have a few funnies so share with you.
Please leave me a little message so I know you've called in and, if you can, please link up to your smiles below.
Good morning all. I hope I find you all well and happy this Wednesday. I've had a couple of customers this week and have repaired the sleeve on a blouse and shortened a couple of pairs of jeans so far but have Memory bears on their way through the post :-)
This has given me a little time to be creative [if only I can get motivated lol].
I love making the Christmas wreath so much and it made me smile every time I walked past my sewing room door, where it was hanging, that I thought I'd have a go at making one covered with Spring flowers so I sorted through several Spring coloured fabrics and ironed stiff interfacing on the back of each to make the machine embroidery easier.
Spring is on it's way :-)
I've made a start with a couple of Daffodils and snowdrops so far and rather like how they are turning out so far....what do you think?
That's all from me for today. Please leave me a little message so I know you've called by and I will do my best to pay you a return visit as soon as I can.
We've had a lovely week this week and there's been many smiles.
On Friday night we went to Theatre Severn to see....
Shrek Junior...It was brilliant and there were so many very talented young people in it....we are so luck to have such a well used theatre in Shrewsbury.
Of course we had personal reasons for going too...
Lexi was performing in it [proud Nanny moments]. These are the 4 parts she played...she sang and danced and her confidence has really grown now....It's wonderful to watch.
It was our 41st Wedding Anniversary on 17th which would have been my Dad's 103rd birthday....such happy memories of our special day.
Our grandchildren asked why Grandad looked like Elton John :-)
I made my dress and it always makes me smile. It had a full length train and I felt like a queen in it.
The wedding cake makes us laugh because, if you noticed the wall heater behind us, the icing under the pillars started to give way and they had to be supported with cardboard before it toppled over.
My bouquet was made up with freesias and when it arrived from the florist several of the freesias were dead and had to be removed and other flowers moved into the spaces left.
So many happy, happy [and often funny] memories.
Of course I just have to share our garden flowers ....the tulips are simply stunning in the sunshine so hope you love my new header pic as much as I do.
I've just the one funny today...funny? yes but it has a serious message. We are trying to teach the children that it's not necessarily who they think on the internet.
I may struggle to leave messages this week but will do my best...more about that next week ;-)
Another week has passed and I have more smiles to share with you.
As promised on Wednesday here's a few photos of Louie's 1st birthday celebrations. There was an open day at their house last weekend for his family and friends to call in to see him and they then went away to spend a few special days in a caravan to celebrate as a family.
Gina made the amazing cake...Louie loves Ted the tractor and it was a big hit with all that saw it.
Our little garden is bursting out into colour everywhere we look and I love it.
I wouldn't be a Friday without a few funnies of course.
I hope you find something to make you smile and will leave me a little message before linking up to your own smiles at the bottom of the page.
What a difference a week makes :-) I feel like I have had a weight lifted off my shoulders and that I can now look to the future rather more positively [for anyone who didn't read my blog on Wednesday I have been coping with a health scare but all is well following the hospital visit last Friday thankfully]. :-)
I have been head down catching up with a huge work load following my break thanks to Covid but have done rather well and can now see the light at the end of the tunnel...that's certainly something to smile about :-)
We have had little Louie Wednesday and Thursday this week ...
Wednesday Louie was able to nap in his favourite place on his Grandad's knee but, as Grandad was delivering banners for Amy and Dave on Thursday, Louie had to make do with just me....and we had a really lovely day together. :-)
He's growing up far too quickly and has his first birthday coming very soon...where has that time gone??????
I walked around our garden yesterday snapping the beautiful Spring flowers to share with you....gotta make you smile eh?
The only other things I have to share with you today are a few Friday funnies...I hope something makes you smile and you will then share your smiles by linking up at the bottom of the page.
What a week it's been here at Sewing by Annie's. I've been playing catch up with work from having Covid last week and trust me I'm nowhere near on top of it all yet....there's no rush thankfully. I love being busy but I also do like to see the light at the end of my tunnel and it will be a while.
I was well and truly spoilt on Mothering Sunday with many cards, gifts and flowers and it was a weekend of celebrations for Lexi and her dancing group [Lexi is on the left at the back by their dance teacher]...
Here they are with their lovely dance teacher Katie. This is the junior group and on Saturday they came joint first and put through to the competion with all the winners of all ages on the Sunday where they were placed second.....I'm so very proud of them all.
The white dove that visited me last week brought his friend on Sunday so that really made me smile.
Milly never fails to make us smile. In the top pic she was ripping up a paper bag that was rolled up into a ball and thrown to her to play with by my hubby....he thought it was funny until she decided to rip it up into tiny little pieces.
In the bottom pic she was 'helping' the boss sort out the strawberry plants that had over wintered in the blue fact she was watching his every move in case there was a mouse in the box!!
Our garden now has beautiful Spring flowers opening out in every corner so I popped out and snapped a selection for you....I love Spring.
Finally it wouldn't be Friday without a few funnies. I hope you find something to make you smile and will then share your smiles by linking up below.
Hello all. It's Friday so, of course, it's time to look back at your week to find as many smiles as you can and to share them with your friends. It's been another busy week for me....and you know I'm happiest when I'm busy.
Last Friday night we went to watch Titanic The Musical at the theatre in Shrewsbury. It was put on by Wigle and they might be amateurs but it was brillant....there are so many talented singers around Shrewsbury....and it was made even more special for us because the twins were two of the children taking part. Lexi was a first class passenger and Sam was third class but thankfully they both managed to get on a life boat when the ship sank.
Well done have two very proud Grandparents :-)
Tuesday was a very special day for me. We had lunch with my best friend and her hubby...I have known Dawn since we were 4 years old....that makes it over 60 years!!
We started school together then went to the same grammer school and even started our nursing training I'm she knows me well and we both know secrets to never tell ;-)
Our garden is coming into life in every corner now so I walked round and snapped a few pics to share with you.....I love Spring and it really feels like it's just round the corner for us now.
Of course it wouldn't be Friday without a few funnies...and this week there is rather a lot but I decided we can never have too many and what one person finds funny another doesn't so I hope you can all find something to make you chuckle here.