Showing posts with label Poppy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poppy. Show all posts

Friday, 3 December 2021

This week's smiles ....week 450

 This is the 'It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas' post.  My Christmas cards are all made and now posted and everywhere is beginning to look festive so thos are the photos I'm sharing with you today...

Amy has always been the one of our three that has loved Christmas the most in our family and now she is spreading the love of it to her family too.  The Christmas trees [yes, more than one of course] are going up around their house and they love to make the most of all the Christmas events that they can.

Of course their two dogs like to join in and pose for their photos too....they are such lovely dogs and never like to miss out.

Of course, last year Covid got in the way but this year as always my little elves like to come to Nanny Annie's to decorate the tree and, as you can see Theo joined them this year.....Phoebe had decorated the top of the tree [because she's the tallest of course] and Theo is just putting the last few bits on here.

Phoebe, Lulu and Stephen have decided that this year [Like Nanny Annie of course] that they would use their sewing machine to make their Christmas cards....This really made me smile.

Finally but by no means least this is a gorgeous painting that Lulu did for her mummy and daddy to go in the unit where they work....isnt it lovely?

That's all from me for this week.  I hope at least something has made you smile and you will now share your own smiles by linking up below.


Annie x

Friday, 6 August 2021

This week's smiles...week 433

These weeks sure are whizzing by aren't they?  They say time flies when you're having fun don't they?  I have been really very busy with sewing and the bride, who's dress I did major alterations on her dress nearly a month ago, finally came on Wednesday for her final fitting.  Her dress looked amazing, I was really pleased with how the alterations turned out and the best bit was I was finally paid for all the work I'd done.....:-) :-)

I have a few smiles to share with you...

Amy's field has now been cut and baled and I really love this photo of  the 3 children and of course the two dogs....they are so very lucky to be growing up where they are.

They have a quad bike between them and have been enjoying timed races around the bales in the field.

Lulu had a sleep over at one of her friends this week....I love the teepees they slept in....and, looking at her smile, so did Lulu :-)

Shell's dog, Jet, is meeting a little holidaying friend....I'm not sure what she thinks of her but the twins have loved having their little visitor.

We have had two little [or not so little!] visitors in our garden this week too.  Milly found them so they had to be moved to keep them safe.  They are the caterpillars of the Elephant Hawk- moth and are huge....isn't nature amazing?

That's all from me for this week.  Please leave me a little message so I know you've called by and then link to your own smiles below.

Annie x

Friday, 2 July 2021

This week's smiles...week 428

 Here we are at yet another round up of my week's smiles.  You may have seen that little Theo fell awkwardly at Preschool last Friday and broke the two bones in his lower left arm.  [The photos are pretty graphic so don't scroll back to see if you're squeamish]  It was a traumatic weekend for all while he went to surgery on the Saturday to have it manipulated back into place but thankfully he's been a very brave little man through it all and, apart from the frustrations of not being able to use it and having to rest and not run around this week, he's doing very well thankfully.

He came to us for a few hours on Tuesday so his mummy could catch up on her jobs and some very well earned sleep.  We found lots of sitting down activities to do together and he was spoilt by being able to eat his dinner on the settee instead of up at the table like we normally do.  He's such an independent little man who likes to do everything himself so having to have a little help with the tasks that need two hands is the hardest part.

The garden is filled with so much colour this week that I've filled 2 collages to share with you....doesn't all that colour lift your spirit?

This photo really made me chuckle.  Amy's two dogs had been for their walk and had got wet so on return Amy had thrown towels over them both...of course they sat here waiting to have their photo taken before being dried....they are such gorgeous dogs.

That's my smiles for this week.  I hope you've all had a great week and will share your smiles with us by linking them up below.


Annie x

Friday, 13 November 2020

This week's smiles....week 396

The weeks are flying by aren't they?  It will be Christmas before we know it so I really must get my act into gear and make some Christmas cards some time soon.....need to find my Christmas mojo first though.  I have enjoyed making outfits for a little visitor I had this week can see the results in my Wednesday post if you want a chuckle....I'm completely mad but I love creating to make my Grandchildren smile.

I've a few more pics to share with you of the things that have made me smiles this week too...

Sam now has lessons on his electric guitar and his new drums.....I think he really looks the part.

I'm just glad I don't live next door. :-)

The twins helped their mum and dad make their Christmas cake this turned out well but was rather thirsty when cooked because I believe it's already drank a good amount from a bottle of brandy already :-)

Our latest little family member, Betsy, has settled in well and she follows her big sister everywhere. :-)

And finally I thought I would share a collage of the photos I took out in our garden yesterday.  There is still lots of gorgeous colours out there making us smile.

I hope you are all staying safe and well and coping with what ever stage of lockdown you're in right now.


Annie x

Friday, 14 August 2020

This week's smiles...week 384

 It's been a week of hot weather and several thunderstorms here this week but we've still had plenty to smile about.

We joined Mark, Gina and Theo and Gina's Mum, Dad and Brother at Barmouth for the day on Sunday.  We enjoyed a socially distanced BBQ lunch cooked by Mark [and I took the salad, coleslaw and fresh fruit salad].  We then enjoyed a couple hours down on a quiet beach just over the road from their campsite.  It was a perfect day and I even went in the sea...something I haven't done for years.





The twins have been baking, climbing at a local climbing centre in Shrewsbury [ yes that is Lexi sat at the very top in the one pic] and enjoying crafty time painting their own peg people.

Amy's three have also been enjoying crafty time, painting bird houses and bug hotels plus of course in this heat they have been enjoying their pool....bliss.

I'm sure, like me, that you will all be pleased to hear Poppy has been back to the vets to check her leg and she is doing very well on it.  She will be up and walking on it very soon.

Finally I saw this on Facebook and thought I'd make you giggle.  In this heat this really is just how I've been feeling.  I'm really hoping it drops a little cooler so I can cope with working very soon.

I hope you're all managing to stay cool.  Please leave me a little comment before you link to your own smiles below.


Annie x

Friday, 7 August 2020

This week's smiles...week 383

Well, thats another week passed and thankfully another week filled with smiles.  We had a weekend away in our motor home so I must apologise to the ones I couldn't leave a comment on...the internet was hit and miss and my ipad wasn't allowing me to leave messages.

Here's my round up of smiles for this week....

Lexi is so flexable as you know.  She is constantly showing us her latest dance moves and dropping into the splits.  She is aiming to touch the back of her head with her feet in this photo because when I was a child I used to be able to touch the back of my head with the flat of my's been a while!  As you can see she's very nearly there.  😍😍😍

While Lexi was at her dance workshop Sam had a 1:1 with his mum and he had a go at sewing a sock toy on her sewing machine...he loves to be creative.  😍😍😍

Phoebe is getting all she needs ready to start at her secondary school and very proudly showed me her new PINK calculater....she's very much a PINK girl'   😍😍😍

When checking on her list of what was needed her sister asked her if she needed the compass to find her way around the school. 😂😂😂

Amy's oldest dog Poppy has been being treated for a problem with her leg for a while now and had xrays taken which showed she had a problem with the cartilage in her one knee joint so this week she has had knee surgery done by a specialist from London.

Recovery has to be very controlled and will take months to heal properly but we are keeping everything crossed that it's successful for her...she's such a lovely dog.

Our garden continues to keep giving and this week we were able to pick the first peas and french beans and pull carrots for our tea.

And finally here's the round up of our latest garden blooms....they just keep on giving and making us smile.

That's all from me for this week so please leave me a little comment so I know you've called by and then link up to your own smiles below.
Annie x

Friday, 25 October 2019

This week's smiles.....week 343

Oh what a week it's been.  My birthday was on Wednesday and I'm still enjoying a week of celebrations.  

Tuesday morning was an early start for us with our little man coming for breakfast and, as always, it was filled with smiles including this one....

Guess what he had for lunch?.........yes tomato soup and he says it's his favourite.  I've never known a little boy to enjoy his meals so much....filled with every fruit and veg you can imagine :-)

Jo took me to the theatre on Tuesday night to see Cabaret and within 5 mins of sitting down there was a totally naked man walking across the stage....I did wonder what we had come to see but I have to say it was brilliant if rather dark by the end and nights out like together are something Jo and I decided that we need more of ....but naked men aren't compulsory Jo :-)

Wednesday was 'the day' and I was spoilt rotten.  My day ended with a meal out with my gorgeous hubby at Cote Brasserie.....just perfect.

Amy and family bought me flowers and they are so gorgeous I just had to share them with you.

Amy also sent me this photo and it made me chuckle.  Their oldest dog Poppy just loves the sheep in their field and everywhere she goes the sheep follow....I'm not sure whether they think she is one of them.  :-)

Yesterday was eventful day, starting a 6 am when Shell woke us, by phone, not feeling well at all and she was feeling very faint, giddy headed and panicky.  She was alone in the house with the twins as her hubby was working away and thought she was going to pass out.  After ringing the emergency care number it was decided that, with her medical history after she had the twins, she should be seen at the hospital.  I took her in and Grandad stayed on school duties with the twins. Then followed several hours being passed from one medical professional to another and she had every test available.....I was very impressed on her treatment [and mine when I got the shakes having not eaten or taken my diabetic tablets with having such and early start!]  Thankfully by the end of it they decided it was very probably vertigo and she was discharged with meds into the care of her loving Mum and Dad.  She isn't allowed to work or drive until she's feeling better so she spent the day with us and the twins joined us after school....hence the photo of the two little monkeys playing with the play house.

I'm hoping that by this morning Shell is now feeling a lot better.  It's our son Mark's birthday today so we will be partying it tonight.....happy days.
Annie x

Friday, 8 March 2019

This week's smiles....week 311

I have just been looking back at some of my Smiley posts and was amazed that I first started writing them way back on 18th Jan 2013!! What a lot of happy posts eh?  Many more joined in back then and it was really lovely to see what was making everyone smile.  If you'd like to see what was making me smile back then here's a link.... My First Friday Smiles post.  It wont surprise you that my Grandchildren featured in that one because they never fail to make me smile....and this week is no exception.

Lots of you have come to see Theo in his Stick Man outfit....I'm sorry to say that it's just not going to happen....but I'm still laughing about it.  I only have the one photo of it and at this point it's not quite finished....

 ....the top has had slits cut in the bottoms of the sleeves and around the bottom of the top.  The headband has had black centres drawn in the eyes.
It fit and looked really lovely.... to us that is! Theo was fine until he saw himself wearing it in the mirror and he went into meltdown saying..."I'm not Stick Man I'm just Theo".  He insisted it was taken off and refused to wear it.
Gina was so sorry that I'd spent time making his outfit and ended up buying him some Peter rabbit pyjamas to wear instead.  She put the outfit in a bag to take to Nursery with him, just in case, and was greeted by two other mums at the Nursery door with outfits in bags too.  It must be something to do with the age of the beasts but it has certainly caused lots of giggles.  

Here's Amy's three dressed up.  Lulu and Steve were two little puppies from 101 Dalmatians and Phoebe is Hermione from the Harry Potter books.

You will all be used to Poppy Dog sitting in on their photos but it really make us smile to see little Molly has joined in too....she really has made herself at home now.

The twins school is celebrating World Book Day today so I don't have any pics of them as yet.

My other smiles this week are of these two.  They are getting used to each other now as you can see.  Poppy is such a placid tempered dog that when Molly wants to play and nips at her legs she just walks away and wont tell her off but when it comes to nap time they are happy to snuggle up together.

The bottom pic came with the slogan....a cuddle or strangle?  :-) :-)

That's all my smiles for this week so please leave me a comment and then share your smiles with us too by linking below.

Friday, 11 May 2018

This week's smiles...week 271

Sorry for being late this morning I'd obviously forgotten to click the publish button!!  Old age!!

I'm pleased to say life has been rather kinder on us this week and there's been lots to smile here's my smiles.....

This is possibly my biggest smile of the week for me.  Since we moved, nearly 4 years ago we have had no more than 1.9Mbps of Internet even though we are now living on the outskirts of the town.....even out in the little village where we moved from we had 19Mbps at least!!  We have kept asking when our BT box would be updated and eventually this Wednesday we have cable connection.  There had been a problem with updating the box we are attached to as it's on someone's property apparently.  As you can see we now have 36.8Mbps and whooooo it's made a huge difference.

Milly had her hair cut last week and you can now see her stripes again....she's like a little tiger now and she's so much happier in the sunny weather we've been having.

 The local farmer who put sheep in Amy's field has now moved them round to their other field and as you can see Poppy is enjoying watching them munch the new long grass.....they have been escaping in several places so Amy has been playing shepherd and rounding them up a few times.....I'm sorry to say Poppy isn't much of a sheep dog!

The grandchildren have been making the best of the sunshine, as you can see, and the twins joined Theo for fun and games in his paddling pool at the weekend.   :-) :-)

Amy's three have also been having fun in their paddling pool too.  I'm not sure whether the two girls were copying Poppy dog or whether she was copying them sunbathe / dry off.    :-) :-)

Finally I'm sharing the riot of colour that are all around our garden now.  I try to snap them when they are in bloom because so many of them this year seem to be dropping their blooms quickly and aren't lasting long.  Aren't they beautiful?

Now please leave me a little comment and then share your own smiles by linking them up below and thanks for calling in and joining in the fun.
Annie x

Friday, 13 April 2018

This week's smiles....week 267

Happy Friday everyone.  My week has been filled with lots of smiles and I really hope yours has too,  I like to look back at my week and find smiles that I can share with my friends hoping they will link up and do the same.  Everyone is welcome to join in so why not give it a go.

I love that poem....lets all get infecting the world with smiles.  Here's mine for this week....

Last Sunday my hubby and our son, Mark went to Wembley to watch our local team play footy.  They sent me this photo while they were there and I love to see them having quality time together.....needless to say their team lost so I'm sure it was a long journey home but no one can take away the lovely day they spent together.

Amy sent me this photo of Lulu showing their dog, Poppy videos of labrador puppies.  She's such a funny little girl and has had a really excited week as it was her 8th birthday.....she's so like her mummy when it comes to celebrating special days.....think she was counting down to it for weeks.  :-) :-)

Don't you just love it when little ones enjoy their food so much they wear it?  I've never seen any little one enjoy food like our little Theo does.  He tucks into everything and his favourites include broccoli, avocado and a plate full of different fruits....but as you can see he rather likes a bowl full of tomato soup too.
                  :-) :-) :-) :-)

Finally I popped out and snapped the latest blooms making a show in the garden for you one of the sunnier days this week.  The tulips have started to open up in the sun and the hyacinths are now in full bloom, looking and smelling amazing.....even though they have to be ine the furthest corner of the garden because their purfume triggers off my asthma.

Well folks those are my smiles for this week.  I've shown you mine so please show me yours.
Annie x

Friday, 6 April 2018

This week's smiles....week 266

Another week has passed and although there have been a few worrying times I've lots to smile about so here goes....

We had a family gathering last weekend and these four were happy to pose for Nanny Annie to snap a photo....they are all growing up so quickly and you wouldn't think butter would melt in their mouths would you?

They had a whale of a time playing together....just look at all the toys but I'm pleased to say they are well trained kids and they put them all away before they left to go home.

Shell, Brent and the twinnies are away having a skiing holiday.....that is between one after the other of them going down with a nasty sickness bug and then to top it all little Sam fell from a button ski lift and had to be stretchered off the slopes with a suspected broken leg......thankfully x rays proved his leg wasn't broken but it's badly battered and bruised .....I think they will all be glad to get back home now.

Where our daughter Amy lives they have 4 acres of fields either side of them and one of the local farmers has put a few sheep and lambs in the one field.  The children are really enjoying 'living on a real farm now Nanny' as they tell me and I'm really enjoying getting the photos of the little Spring lambs each day.  The farmer was more than happy for the children and their Labrador to go for walks in the field but it you check out the photos you will see what their dog, Poppy thought of the lambs....she's not very brave when confronted by a lamb wanting to play with her as you can see.....I guess the lamb just thought she was a funny looking sheep being the same colour.

That's all my smiles for today.  Please leave me a little hello message to let me you you've called in and if at all possible then link up to your own smiles for the week.
Annie x