Showing posts with label my thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my thoughts. Show all posts

Friday, March 27, 2015

Chaos in my soul

There's a famous quote by Nietzche saying, 
"You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star." 
I've read that quote for a lot of years and today it popped into my head. I have a lot of chaos right's more of my thoughts that don't seem to be landing anywhere and then I can't sleep so I thought maybe I should finally blog.
Over a year ago I was having a hard time getting pregnant, the feelings were intense and heartbreaking. Luckily something changed and right now I'm about to give birth to another baby girl. I'm blessed. I'm soooo beyond blessed. I get teary eyed just thinking about meeting another little soul any day and then I get more teary eyed thinking it's not going to be just Wren..then guilt hits, then worry, then the questioning, the feelings, then I start cleaning. 
I was telling Jason tonight that I love change but I'm afraid of it. I know things will be good it's just that first step, that first unknown and then that unknown becomes the new life and after awhile it's the norm. I want that norm right now. I've been offered another yoga job..with more responsibility and something that I've never dreamed I would get (more on this later..still working out the details and if I can even handle it) but still life keeps changing, growing, and I continue to be blessed.. but I just feel a little bit of a mess right now.
Tonight while I attempted to go to sleep. I laid next to Wren. She's a perfect little soul. When she's awake she's full of life. I've never met a 2 year old who has so much energy and so much heart like she does. My life is chaotic chasing after her, teaching yoga, trying to be a good mom, a good wife, being 9 months pregnant and being sane. 
Tonight while I was watching her sleep, I thought teaching yoga balances me, brings me back to me, while my family is my heart, they keep me grounded, they are my everything. Then that's the moment that quote popped into my head. I may have chaos and lack of sleep right now, but I'm blessed and through the stress, the unknown and change something amazing will happen. 
Maybe its actually being able to balance this new job with a toddler, baby and hubby, maybe it's the moment Wren will meet her baby sister, maybe it will be me stop questioning myself and being so afraid of change and the chaos. 
I just need to let things be and maybe try to go back to sleep. 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Simplicity meet Chaos

I just recently read this quote by Brene Brown saying, 
"To be authentic, we must cultivate the courage to be imperfect and vulnerable. We have to believe that we are fundamentally worthy of love and acceptance, just as we are. I've learned that there is no better way to invite more grace, gratitude, and joy in our lives than by mindfully practicing authenticity. Even when it's hard, and even when we're wrestling with the shame and fear of not being good enough, and especially when the joy is so intense that we're afraid to let ourselves feel it. It's these moments in life that demand we show up-that we let go of who we think we're supposed to be and embrace who we really are." 

These last few months I've not only been struggling with blogging (hence the absence) but with finding some balance. Balance with motherhood, cooking dinners, teaching yoga, getting out of my yoga clothes, being creative, being authentic. There are days where I want and I actually do cry and others where I'm completely content and beyond happy. These last couple of years my life have been full of blessings.. SO many blessing and it's been simple. The word simplicity comes to my mind often. I looked it up and found these words that define it ... clarity, clearness, understandability, straightforwardness, easiness, effortlessness. 

My life half of the time is exactly that, but then it's chaotic and stressful. The words that describe chaos are.. disorder, confusion, mayhem, mess, free-for-all, all hell broken loose. The other part of my life is a little messy and you know, it's okay. It's really okay. I think me writing this out is more therapeutic for me than anyone and reading that quote from Brene Brown over and over again, I realize more than ever that I'm okay with my life being a little simple with a mix of craziness. I'm imperfect and that's okay. I need to tell myself this over and over again.. and hopefully the simple and the chaotic days that I have, I'll show up, let go of the expectations, and hopefully embrace who I truly am.  

Sunday, September 22, 2013


It's the end of September and where did the summer go? I'm not sure if I'm ready for it to be over, but the colder air makes me excited for the leaves changing, warmer clothes, and holidays coming up. I haven't been blogging much either.. haven't been really motivated, maybe too tired and our days have been busy.. busy swimming, going on walks, hiking, going to California, Wyoming, working, spending time with family, but there are those days where it was too hot to go outside or we were just too lazy to do anything and we've enjoyed things to be more simple. 
Watching the lighting outside our window, going on night runs, spending time at home watching our toddler learn and explore. 
Wren's personality is coming out more and more each day and she cracks me up. The facial looks, the things she's trying to say, becoming more stubborn, more sweet, more dramatic... and I love it. She keeps me busy these days and I do have those moments. Those moments where I'm exhausted and lose patience.. mostly with myself because I expect that I should have it together, that I should get out of my yoga clothes, I should have dinner ready, etc. A lot of the times I say to myself practice what you preach.. in yoga I tell my students everyday to let go of the expectation that we have for ourselves and be a little more content. Most days I am okay with the mess, with the chaos, with me because I've got this little one making me live in the moment and I'm eating it up along with her.. but I find those moments where I feel like I could be a better mom, a better wife, do more, be more, etc. 
Every fall in my classes I focus on a fall detox which I mentioned here a few years ago, simple steps to get ourselves ready mentally and physically for the winter months. Reading up on the detox, I found this quote saying, "At the junction between the heat of summer and the cold of winter, you have a real opportunity to let go of bad habits and embrace healthier ones. Only then can you have space to establish the good habits you need to create the kind of health and vibrancy you want for your life." I love that quote and its such a good reminder for me, especially now when I want to be a positive person for Wren. We all have our moments and are hard on ourselves but it's a good reminder to start getting rid of the negativity and embrace being more positive.. being more content. 
It's a work in progress but until I've reached my goals.. I've got this pretty face and these blue eyes to keep me busy and to keep me smiling.
Happy September

Sunday, May 26, 2013


This week on instagram I posted this shot of me and my babes..we like to sing, we like to take pictures and stay in yoga clothes all day.
A year ago this week I was anxiously waiting for this little one to arrive...she would kick my belly so much telling me that she would be here soon. 
I was nervous, excited, uncomfortable and ready to hold this little one in my arms. 
You have no idea how much your life changes..changes for the better and I've realized in the last year how challenging, how rewarding, how life is so much better with this little one crawling around by my feet or tugging on my pants to pick her up.
I can't believe in a few days she will be 1. People aren't kidding when they say it goes by fast, but I must say I have captured every sound, every smell, every little thing she has done. This past week this little bird of mine said her first's "hi" in a very high pitch voice and she waves to herself... I am absolutely in love with her and how adorable that her first word is hi. I just can't wait to see what she'll do tomorrow. 

Happy Memorial Day... thinking of all those great ones that have been in my life.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Libester Award

Libester Award

My cousin Kerry nominated me for the libester award! (Go here for the cute header that I was having trouble with.) This is what its all about. Should be fun...thanks Ker 
1. post 11 things about yourself
2. answer the 11 questions created by the person who nominated you
3. create 11 questions of your own to ask the bloggers to nominate
4. choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate and link them on your blog post
5. bloggers must be notified of their award!
6. no tag backs!

                                                                    Eleven things about myself

1. I'm a sucker for sharpie pens and handwritten letters. If you write me a card, it will make my whole day..maybe week
2. Jason & I first held hands walking down a street in Paris and our first kiss was in Rome in our hostel (with 20 other sleeping people around us) 
3. I did a study abroad in Italy where I was suppose to learn how to speak Italian and learn how to cook, I came home with a good tan and a lot of pictures
4. I've been to 12 countries
5. The only person that likes my dancing is my 10 month baby girl
6. I love oreo's and milk 
7. When I first kissed Jason (see #2) he was 19 and I didn't realize it 
8. I married one of my best friends little brother 5 years after our first kiss
9. My favorite memory growing up was playing kick the can in my neighborhood
10. Was I the only one that loved high school?
11. I've been practicing yoga since I was 15 years old

Eleven Questions from Kerry

1. what is the scariest thing you have ever done in your life? In high school we would go to those haunted houses around Halloween..I hate those things. I usually end up on the floor being dragged by one of my friends (remember that Krista?)

2. if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go & why? Back to Rome with that hubby of mine..maybe back to that hostel too. Rome has my heart
3. what is your favorite book/series? Harry Potter and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series
4. what is your go-to phrase that you say the most? I say, "I sometimes, always..." I don't know why and it doesn't make any sense
5. if you could only listen to one album/record/ or song for the rest of your life, what would it be? Counting Crows-August and Everything After or Pearl Jam-Ten...I'm still stuck in the early 90's
6. if you could do anything for a job, what would you choose? I'm doing instructor and being a mom
7. what is your favorite quote? Oh I have so many.. this one fits my life at the moment. "some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's going to happen next. delicious ambiguity..." gilda radner 
8. are you an extrovert or introvert? depends on the day, but I would say I'm a extrovert 
9. what is your favorite movie of all time & why? Amelie and Pride & Prejudice because I can never get sick of these goodies
10. if you could go to any concert, whether they are dead or alive, broken up or together, who would it be? I wish I could go back to Jason's (my husband) trucker band concert. Oh the stories that I have heard and wish I was apart of
11. where do you see yourself 5 years from now? maybe, hopefully being a mom of 2, still teaching yoga and loving life

Eleven Questions for You

1. What is one thing that you love about yourself?
2. If you could have lunch with anyone tomorrow, who would it be and why?
3. What is your favorite thing to cook or bake? (maybe give me a link to the recipe too!)
4. When you were a kid what did you want to be when you got older?
5. What is your favorite song to exercise too?
6. What is your favorite family tradition?
7. What is your favorite season and why?
8. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
9. What was your first memory of your husband?
10. What was your favorite memory growing up?
11. Who are the top 3 inspirational woman in your life?

Eleven Bloggers of my Choice (Have fun)
Some of these bloggers haven't blogged in's time to come out of retirement

1. Mom
2. Abby
3. Marta 
4. Krista
5. Ginnie
6. Taryn
7. Shanae
10. Melynn

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

8 months

I'm no expert of being a mom..I've actually thought that the moment she was born and ever since then almost 8 months ago I've been open to the thought that I'm learning each and every single day. 
This little girl of mine is my daughter (it's so cool to say that) where I have to help shape her life, how she views people, situations, herself. I want more than anything for my little Wren to have a good sense of who she is, to be confident, to have self love, to be strong, to have a good sense of humor and to love all those in her life. 
Right now that last comment is easy...Wren gets excited when I or Jason walks in the room. She doesn't care what I look like, if I've showered or not. She just smiles at me every morning when she wakes up, she smiles at me when I call her name or give her a kiss. She's a happy little girl and I hope every day she looks at life with fresh eyes like she has done for the past 8 months. 

For myself as a mom to this adorable little person..I did myself a favor and I put down the "how to books" and began listening to my heart. I know this little girl is growing up so fast..she's already crawling and getting teeth. So I've made it a goal to really enjoy her at this moment. I may rock her more than most, I may opt not to get ready and just lay in my bed with this babe, giving and getting kisses, listening to her little baby voice. I've always wanted to look back on these days with no regret and know that I've taken it all in. I'm just following my mother instincts.

As I was thinking about this post, I was rocking my little girl to sleep, holding her hand, kissing her cheeks. I looked over and saw this framed reminder of what my cousin Heidi wrote to me and gave me at my baby shower. I remember reading it for the first time and I bawled (most of it was the pregnant hormones that we are all blessed with) but it says it all and it's perfect and it still makes me cry...

"Motherhood is the best change your body will go through. 
When you're a mom, suddenly the world is hopeful, happy, an amazing place to raise your child. 
Memories are brighter, and every tiny second starts to count. 
You're measuring your baby in days, months, years. 
The mind of a mother is never her own. 
And now, as you have this tiny little girl in your arms you'll see that you are her life, her example, her nurturer..perfect or not. 
And the beauty is, she doesn't care. She just needs you. Your love is perfect for her. And it doesn't change, if she's a newborn, 7, 28, 50... 
You'll always be her mother. What an honor. What a privilege. It's pure joy. 
You'll learn more about you everyday and you're going to be awesome." 

(Heidi-you have always been so wise..thanks for making me cry every time I read this.)

So to one mom to the next..enjoy that little babe of yours, try not to put yourself down and enjoy all the little and big things because they just grow up way to fast..good thing I'll always be her mom and I'm so blessed that she's always going to be my daughter.

Happy (almost) 8 months little bird of mine

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Jason flying a jet somewhere from Utah to Boston
It's true the hubby works a lot and on days like the one above (see picture) it's probably worth it. But on Tuesday's and Thursday the boy and his little babe spend their mornings together while the gets to teach yoga which in itself is therapy for me. I had said in a previous post how much I love this..but since he works a lot I'm scared some of the days may be hard where he can't watch the babes and I'm gonna be shipping the babe out to my mom's or my sisters (super early in the morning) so we've actually been looking for a house out by them and it's been a frustrating process. It's even more frustrating when I am at home in my little apartment and see the clutter in my baby size kitchen with a table that barely fits, or how the swap cooler isn't making anything really cooler, the people above Wren's room always is playing music at 6 am. I guess I've been complaining about it and have been dreaming of the picture perfect home..but since that isn't happening quite yet I need to be content.

Today was actually a reminder on how much I love it here. Wren slept so much last night (only woke up once, where I woke up a dozen times to wonder why she wasn't awake yet). So maybe she likes the music, After my classes I met her and the hubby at the corner coffee place and ate a sandwich. Wren and I walked home after and it was already a perfect morning. I sometimes wish we were in a house on my street where our family lives close by, but that's not going to happen so the point of this post is a reminder for me to be more be content wherever I am because I really love living downtown and most important I love these mornings where it's simple and I'm with my little family.

Happy Tuesday

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Moccasin's and long showers

Last night I was complaining no venting to Jason about my little rut. As I was going to bed I started thinking about how I don't want to turn 30 or about the bills that we are paying. I thought about how my life is waking up early, working, then starting the process all over again the next day and wondering if any of my efforts made a difference. Let's just say it was all negative and so lame. It's funny what I teach in yoga to my students is exactly what I need to be doing in my own life. The theme of my classes was Santosa which means contentment. 

So today during my classes I felt better. I had a student come ask me if he can come to more of my classes because it made his day better, I went to the gym and kicked my own butt, I took a long shower after teaching and used my favorite shampoo which (last night Jason asked if this was the shampoo I used in Europe when we started dating..what a memory), I drank my favorite ice tea and read my book, and I also got these moccasin's in the mail today and have been wearing non-stop. So things are good and things are better. It's when you realize that a long shower and moccasins help you be more content and start enjoying the simpler things in life.

Happy Wednesday. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011


At the beginning of the week I sit down, get my yoga books, maybe eat some chick peas and read. I think about what we have done in our class the week before, what is more challenging, maybe a little different & more motivating. It's a never ending process in my life & I love those days where I feel like I'm doing something inspiring, but I do have those days where I just pray that they get something out of..well it's the end of the week & I just completed my 2 morning classes and have 2 more to go before I can sit back & relax. This week has been filled with yoga, rhubarb pie, rock climbing (which I fell into a river while catching Jason & I cried while laying on my back in freezing cold ice water), lunch with Marta, the bachelorette (bently that jerk), sleeping, & running. This weekend is going to be busy..dinner in the canyon, midnight movie, family in town, a wedding shower & maybe some climbing if we aren't close to a river.

Happy Thursday

Thursday, March 31, 2011

on my mind

Things on my mind this morning:

Letting things go that I can't control
blue sky behind rainy clouds
this article about being mindful in our days
flip flops and mindful walks
dreaming about my dream house..subway tile, porch swing, hardwood floors, etc
dreaming about that lemon tart from Tulie Bakery (thank you Ann)
wanting to make this recipe from Vegetarian Times
2 classes down 2 more to go
loving this
and loving this
this post from my aunt
sleeping in tomorrow
sun salutations

Happy Thursday

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Our baby tree is up, I'm getting down to the bottom of my check list and am excited for this holiday. I've been looking forward to upcoming events, happy that school is almost over, excited to know that sleep is going to be catching up with me, I've got things to study, cookies to bake and I'm happy. These last few months have been challenging, a little overwhelming but that's how we learn about ourselves and hopefully grow a little bit more...during this time you really count those blessings or people who pick you up.

Happy Wednesday

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Grateful, Thankful

Since it's that time of year where things get busy and hectic, I've also been thinking of all the things that I am grateful, thankful, and appreciative of...

First of all I am grateful for my sister in-law Melanie who had her sweet baby boy on November 1. We all got introduced to my newest nephew Dylan Axel who's pretty adorable and am looking forward to getting to know the little man
I am grateful that Dylan's dad is feeling better
I am thankful for the husband who is so patient with me when I'm not my normal happy self
I am grateful that the husband makes me laugh, makes me breakfast burritos and is pretty cute
I appreciate all of my friends whom some are related to me and some feel related to me
I am grateful to be able to sleep in on this snowy morning and have the whole day not to do anything
I am happy to be surrounded by great people on a regular basis and am excited to see our out of towner families
It is going to be a great week

Happy Pre-Thanksgiving List

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January Days

I feel like I’m finally catching my breath, between teaching yoga classes and Jack Bauer, today I finally feel my feet on the ground. Usually the first couple of weeks back teaching takes me a little while. My body isn’t quite use to waking up in the wee hours and I feel my muscles are in shock of all the physical activity which has been lacking during the holiday season. Still, I can’t help but wonder if Renee is fit to return to field duty? But lucky for me I love my classes and have amazing students who are eager to learn and bring such a great vibe to class, which makes my job so much fun.

Having that energy in class motivates me to give it my all to the students and it’s no lie…I’m a little burned out, I have those raccoon eyes and having the January blues doesn’t really help too much…but I am now finally feeling a new sense of self. I feel eager to remain out of this slum that maybe most of us feel during these winter months. I feel my birthday coming around the corner, trip to California and Spring popping up pretty soon. I dream of a little color on my cheeks and flip-flops, going on hikes and swim parties. But until then, I’ll enjoy my warm towel on the radiator, my snow boots, picturing Jack’s face on Jason’s body and teaching my students something that brightens up my day.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Delicious and Nutritious

This picture is not fixed...that is a big grape that I gulped down today. I was wondering why my bill was so much when all I had was a bag of giant size grapes and a protein bar..pretty delicious and nutritious (as jake would say). This week has been packed full of teaching classes, 6 tomorrow and a workshop this weekend. Even though my body is a little sore and I'm a bit tired right now...I lalalove every little minute of it. Plus I have giant size grapes to boost my energy level right up.

Happy Wednesday from me to you.

Friday, October 16, 2009

sleeping in

Oh remember the days when you could really sleep in like really really sleep in. Im talking about rolling out of bed after noon and even then you could easily go back to sleep. I spoke to Marta the other day about how we would take naps all the time and that was our activity for the day. Oh how I miss those days. Since I work for the university I got Fall break off which I was planning to bring back the sleep in days. Kind of disappointed…my body now automatically wakes up at 5:59 one minute before my normal life alarm would go off. Sure I slept in maybe an extra hour or so this week but I guess those sleep in days are gone which is probably for the best. As Jason has said to me,“Lets not waste our day, lets go outside" So this weekend we are off to celebrate our first anniversary…going on a fall hike and maybe sleeping in. I'm pretty excited to get away.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Less is Better

In my yoga training last week our instructor had said many times “less is better” I’ve heard this many times before but for some reason it just clicked. One of the million reasons why I adore yoga so much is that it truly is a practice for everyone. As long as you know your limits, honor your body anyone can do it. A lot of times people turn away from yoga because like everyone we compare ourselves to others. We go into a class and think “wow look at so and so, I can’t do that.” What we need to remember is her body is completely different than mine so who cares what we look like. Our instructor also said in each position think about how it feels rather than how it looks. I love that so much.

Soaking up all the little great things that I learned last week, sharing the knowledge I have with my students made me realize not only less is better but how we all need to relax a little bit more in our daily life. We need to do less, we need to appreciate the little simple things that make our day.

We are all so rushed in our lives so lets take a moment and enjoy the little things that put a smile on our faces. For example…I love in the mornings when Jason has to leave before me, he saves half of his banana so I can cut it into my cheerios. I love when my nephew Jake sings Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in a scary deep voice, getting a cute Halloween package from Marta, Looking at pictures of Krista’s new baby girl, being in my clean apartment reading Pride & Prejudice or my Yoga Journal magazine, I love seeing my yoga students in the triangle position, I love when people smile back at me when I’m walking down the street, I love when people call me Whit. I love black sharpie pens and leather old books, I love the color green and bright sky blue, I love putting on my black booties that are a sleeping bag for my feet, I love going into my sister’s quilting room and picking out fabric, I love my colorful bowls, I love fresh raspberries with my vanilla yogurt, I love the little inside jokes that make me laugh…truly the smallest, baby size things really matter to truly brighten up the day and make you realize how great less is better.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


So this little guy came in the mail the other day. It’s a weird feeling, looking at a piece of paper proving that all of your hard work, years of stressing, crying, learning have finally been paid off. The sense of accomplishment is in this card stock paper. I thought to myself “what’s next?” I come home now from teaching my yoga classes and don’t have to rush to the computer to finish an assignment or never having that anxiety of failing a math test. It’s completely refreshing to know that I’ve completed college but again “what’s next?”

We all have things that we are looking or working towards…graduating from college, having a baby, planning a wedding, birthdays, holidays, jobs, trips, and when those things pass we look for something else to anticipate. So when Jason overheard me talking on the phone saying, “I’m just in a little rut right now, I don’t know what to do with myself.” He said, “Whitney, you just graduated from college and are teaching more yoga classes, let’s try to be happy and content with what you have right now?” He couldn’t have said it more perfectly. Even though looking towards an event is always fun and worth wild why do we always need something to look forward to? After a couple of days of sitting on this thought, I took out my sketch books, fabric to stitch, Felicity dvd’s, and a few books that I’ve been wanting to read and finally became content with myself.

So I gave my diploma one more look and tucked in between books on my shelf, having a sense of accomplishment and appreciation for what I’ve learned over the past few years and realized that it is okay to not anticipate anything quite yet…just to simply enjoy things that I actually love to do and haven’t done in quite awhile.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Embrace More

As I said before in my previous post I spoke to Dorothy last night about how we are so hard on ourselves. She wishes she wasn’t so tall while I am hoping to be a little bit taller. We want ourselves to be what we aren’t which we need to embrace what we have and who we are. I know that I have said many times how I wish my hair was long and thick, that I was a little bit skinnier, had smaller boobs, wish I was creative like so and so or gorgeous like that girl. And you know the truth is…I’m never going to have long, thick hair and I’ll always be short. The thing is we…are so different from the next person on the street so why don’t we embrace it?

As I’m starting a new semester teaching my yoga classes I want my students to never get discouraged with themselves. I have said over and over again that no two bodies are the same, everybody is going to look and they are going to feel these positions differently from their neighbor. I emphasize that our yoga practice is for us and us only.

I believe that we need to appreciate ourselves just a little bit more everyday, to stop comparing ourselves to other people in our yoga classes, in our work and in our everyday life. I want all of us, me included to recognize that we are different from everyone and let’s give a little hip hip hooray for our uniqueness. Let’s give a little cheer for being who we are and how different we are from one another. Let’s simply embrace ourselves just a little bit more.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

sweaty day

I didn't think my Saturday morning could be so sweaty when I accomplished nothing. I signed up for a 2 hour pilates workshop up at the U, knew that the Salt Lake Marathon was in town and decided to take trax....getting up early running to catch my train, I finally approach my stop and saw a sign that said "due to the marathon, catch University train at the library" What??!!! That would be another sweaty mile so after running down, I ran back home still sweaty, got in my car drove to the U and found out that our class was locked out of the building. After all that hard work of getting to a place where I was allowed to sweat and work was a bust we had to reschedule. I walked back to my car with my head down until I realized that this day was no bust at all..but little twin Marta was running the 5K and meet up with the cousin's for a quick breakfast. I guess things happen for a reason and I'm happy to spend my sweaty morning with the running gals and husbands. Way to go Mart, Heed and Anna!!!!!! You sweated you guts out for a good reason and am happy to spend the celebration over pancakes and a lot of water.

Hope you all enjoy a sunny day!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Following Krista's lead here are my 4 senses that I love including 1 in each that I dislike. Enjoy and play along

1. fresh cut grass
2. the smell of my crock pot dinner cooking from down the hall
3. honeysuckle & lilac in my mom's yard
4. mulled cider candle
5. burnt food
1. warm towel that's been on our radiator
2. Jasy's arm around me in the morning
3. black fine point sharpie pen in my hand creating a simple written note
4. warm water running as I'm doing the dishes
5. scrubbing our kitchen floor
1. Jason laughing
2. baby Jake talking; Taylor, Jack, Hogan, Luke laughing
3. favorite song playing anywhere unexpected
4. phone ringing
5. snowplow's early in the morning
1. fresh squeezed orange juice
2. Baja Cantina's chicken chimichanga with a dr pepper
3. homemade raspberry jam
4. oreos & milk
5. apples in those plastic bags you get in kids meals, they taste like the plastic bag
1. Jason coming home from work
2. a favorite painting in person
3. pretty sunset from my kitchen window
4. view from accomplishing a long hike
5. graffiti