Showing posts with label Porch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Porch. Show all posts

Thursday, June 3, 2010

You'll Love This Stuff


Here are a few things that have caught my eye, and I thought maybe you'd enjoy them too.

First up:

How an energetic, six-foot-five designer translated his love of 1960’s cinema, space travel and farmhouses into the design of his downtown loft.

Produced, designed, written, styled and directed by Brian Patrick Flynn with photography by Sarah Dorio

Go to Decor Demon HERE to read the entire article - it is well worth your time! I was lucky to meet Brian in Atlanta, and I hope he'll invite me over the next time I'm there.

Second, another man I adore, Michael Pelkey is in this month's issue of Southern Living.
His front porch in his Key West home is featured.

The photo is from the new book Perfect Porches where you can see more of Michael Pelkey's home, as well as many other gorgeous porches. Written by Paula Wallace, a co-founder of The Savannah College of Art and Design.

Last is this clipping of a fresh way to use a folding screen. The work of Huff-Dewberry is featured in this month's "Better Homes and Gardens decorating" magazine. You can see more of Huff-Dewberry HERE.

I love the little magazines BHG puts out. They are jammed packed with photos, like little decor books. Support hard copy magazines, and buy one today!

Have a great day!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Happy Hot Weekend!

It is so hot in New Orleans! Temperatures in the 90's, though the humidity is not quite as high as it is in August.

Going to try and take it easy, and sit on the porch this weekend.

All the plants are bursting with life! Just got to keep them watered, as no rain is in the forecast for at least a week.

We are so happy to be living on a street lined with majestic live oaks. Not only are they beautiful, they also keep us a bit cooler.

So you'll see us out in the yard doing a bit of gardening this weekend. Stop and have a cool drink with us.

Just look at the beautiful shape of this tree!

Cholo wants to play, and our yard is fenced in, and we welcome dogs who want to join him. So bring your pup by too for a romp and a refreshing bowl of cool water.

Don't you love these little tables made from artist palettes? Somehow with hanging a painting out on the porch, and having two of these cute little tables, steered our porch into a happenstance decor direction.

I bought this corny little sign when we first came to New Orleans as traveling tango teachers and tourists in 1999, never imagining I would use outside my own front door in New Orleans!

Ring the bell if you don't see us outside. We love company!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Art On The Porch

This past summer I got some cute ideas to inspire me to spiff up my front porch from Simply Seleta.

Porch time is back, so I cleaned mine up, and added a painting. The whole idea is the porch being an outdoor sitting room, a little open air parlor, so I use alot of things you see inside the house on the porch.

My porch - Come and sit awhile!

Don't worry about the art getting ruined! It's just a cheap little painting (that I love), and it's protected under the overhang. In fact I love the blue porch ceiling playing off the blue in the painting. The lamp has been outside all summer and winter, and it's doing just fine, so I reckon the painting will be okay too.

I just think it looks cute and quirky along with the outdoor rugs, the furniture all painted green, the miscellaneous cushions collected over the years, a real homey hodge podge if you will.

I feel so lucky to have a porch! A porch is the best way to stay connected to what's happening on your street.

When people see us on the porch, they say hello, and we always invite them to come and sit awhile, take a glass of water, or a cup of coffee, or a cold beer or a cocktail. Even if they don't have time for a porch visit, the hello how ya' doing, is a cheerful connection.

It doesn't matter if your porch is humble or grand, or by the sea or in the city. It's just great to have one!

Furnishings can be grand or simple, mismatched or decorator perfect. They all serve the same purpose - come and sit a spell!

And I love a porch all decked out for Memorial Day or the Fourth of July. Nothing says summer like the red, white, and blue!

Using things that we use indoors adds so much charm and fun. Chandeliers, lamps, ceiling fans, and furniture look so fresh on the porch. Of course I am not talking about the cast off old ratty couch you see on the porch of a frat house ha ha.

If you have alot of mismatched furniture, just paint it all one color. It really helps pull the look together quickly.

White wicker is the classic, and you can't go wrong with it.

I would love to do a post on your porch! Please e-mail me a photo, and tell me all about it.