Showing posts with label Mom Cave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mom Cave. Show all posts

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Your Thoughts Please

Believe it or not, this is a Mom Cave
Your thoughts please...

There's a cute play on words going around to describe a current decorating trend: Mom Cave.
Every woman (and man and child) needs their own space in the home. Some of us have artist studios, or craft rooms, or garden sheds. Some of us hide out in a bathroom. Maybe your bedroom is your private space, or a sun room is your sanctuary. Home offices are big these days too.

The blue morning room at Clarence House

In the old days, grand homes had "morning rooms", usually on the ground floor of the house, a room getting the best morning light. Ladies often received visitors and callers here in the morning hours.

The ladies are receiving visitors in the morning room at Clarence House

I call the place I have my morning coffee, and watch the news, and read the paper or blogs, my morning room. It is actually the living room that gets nice morning light. Alberto usually heads upstairs to his Man Cave, where he has his office, along with a sitting room with a TV and furniture to lounge on for naps and reading.

A modern version of a blue morning room aka Mom Cave

Everybody has a morning ritual, and a place to do it. Where do you take your coffee and prepare for the day? Where is your morning room?

A trendy Mom Cave

Where do you go to have a little alone time, have a glass of wine, and contemplate your bippy? And don't tell me it's in the laundry room doing laundry, because that doesn't count.

The bubble bath - a classic Mom Cave

Many love a bath, and can close the bathroom door and soak there alone in peace and quiet.

The girly office makes a nice Mom Cave

Others may have a little office space to pay bills, write email, read the blogs, and read books and magazines.

Homegoods has a whole bunch of stuff and advice as how to create a Mom Cave in your home HERE. What do think of it?