I have had a love affair with Mario Buatta since the 1980's HERE

His use of color and fabrics and furniture and the way he layers it all has always charmed and excites me. Some call his style English Country, but to me it's quintessential New York Style.

This month Architectural Digest (November 2009) features this Manhattan apartment recently done up by Mario.

All the touchstones are here: chintz, color, patterned Stark carpets, beautiful objects masterfully layered to create a home that feels comfortable and interesting.

It's the end of a crazy full moon weekend. The Cereus plant in my garden bloomed over a dozen times this Summer, and it produce six huge peony like blossoms right on time during the full moon lit night. We had a wonderful art show and party for Jack Mayberry this past Saturday. And then the ceiling came down (AGAIN!) in the store - the tenant's apartment above the store had a hot water tank fail big time. So we are reapiting and cleaning up, and the shop was closed on Monday and Tuesday.
But we're back today. More personal posts to come later this week.

From Architectural Digest:
I think color is so important, especially in New York,” says designer Mario Buatta, gesturing toward the living room, which happens to be the precise apple green of his socks. “To come in from streets full of stone and cement to a drab apartment is just depressing.”
Drab and depressing are the last words anyone would use to describe this airy 7,000-square-foot penthouse, which Buatta designed for an investor and his wife who are passionate collectors of modern and contemporary art and photography. Everywhere you look, light and color give the visitor the effervescent rush of a glass of champagne.