We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

~ Walt Disney

Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

24 January 2013

The New Waterfront: Marina Bay and a Giveaway

The office gave a lunch a couple of days ago and the best part of it was really the view! We were on the 33rd level of the Marina Bay Finance Centre overseeing the 'new' waterfront that's known as Marina Bay.

A panoramic view of the Marina Bay waterfront, which used to be the sea!

If you are wondering about the 'strange' black edges, well, this image has been 'stitched together' using an app I downloaded on my mobile phone. Just trying it out anyway... The picture is really made up from 6 images. How clever?!

On a different note, La Chaumiere des Ours is having a giveaway. Do check out the sweetie Lizzy here.

01 December 2012

We have a Winner!

The winner for the MyMemories software is
Crazy Mom!
Congrats, Crazy Mom!
I'll be writing you shortly on how to claim your prize!

These were the participants in this giveaway.

04 November 2012

Picture Montage Using MyMemories Suite & A GIVEAWAY

I enjoy playing with materials and supplies, as I indulge in the variety of crafts you can find on this blog -- tatting, making teddy bears, ATCs, beading, ceramics and even quilting. One other thing that have caught my attention is scrapbooking. I love the idea of putting together favourite and memorable pictures, and decorating up the page! The only thing that stopped me from getting my hands on this activity was space! My library's exploding and there is no way I can contain more supplies either in my place.

Last week, I received a suggestion for me to try working with a digital scrapbooking software, MyMemories Suite v3. Now I can literally create my own scrapbook without any more physical clutter built up. How cool's that? The first thing that came to mind was to "show off" the recent gifts that my wonderful friends have sent -- a giveaway win, a present and an exchange.

To begin with, I was rather overwhelmed by all the backgrounds papers, embellishments, shapes and word art choices plus many other add-ons that come with the software. In addition, I could download some page designs, background papers, tags and embellishments for free! Spoilt for choices? DEFINITELY.

Thank you for these fabulous gifts! I love them and have started putting some items to use.
Most importantly, the program is really simple to use! I only need to choose the category I want, click on the favourite, and voila! Sizing and moving the bits of text, embellishments and evening changing colours or employing word art and shadows are really easy peasy.

How do you like my first attempt at the photo montage? I'm rather pleased with it myself. I will be using this to create more pages!

OK, that's not the only good thing.
The good news is: I have another MyMemories Suite software v3 to share with you, my awesome blogging friends! All you have to do is enter in this giveaway! Since it's the end of the 1st week of November, I shall keep this open till 30 November 2012. This will give everyone ample time to go have a look at the MyMemories website. All you have to do for a chance to win is comment once only on this blog. I'll have a random number generator draw the winner at the end of November.

A second good news is: For those of you who can't wait to get your hands on this software... Click on MyMemories Suite, add the software to your cart and put in this code (STMMMS53390). To avoid messy inputs, cut and paste this code directly into the given space. This will save you $10 on the price of the MyMemories Suite software v3 and a $10 coupon at the store ! I know you'll love it too.

Hope you are having a good weekend, and GOOD LUCK!

01 November 2011

And Another...

@Sue's blog.

Another Cute Teddy Giveaway

... at Janice's blog. Check out the cute Booh Bear!

27 October 2011

Meeting Bear Artists and A Giveaway

Last Sunday, I was at our local Teddy Bear Show at the Arts House. This event takes place yearly but on a rather small scale. I was lucky to meet a few bear artists whose names I've heard of for quite a while but only got to meet at this show! To name a few... Wayne Lim, Esther Lee and Audie (from the Netherlands). Do check out Wayne's blog. He has great pictures of the show. They are award-winning bear artists in their own right.

Oh, and Esther is having her first blog giveaway . Isn't Dusty a sweetie?

13 March 2010


Some tatting in the last 2 weeks... Heart's Desire by Susan Fuller, pictured below and test tatted one of Heather's pattern, Lady Pink. Not sure I can post it yet since she's preparing her new book so I'm going to wait. The second heart was way back when I first learned how to tat. Can't remember where I found this pattern. (Any body recalls?)

Heart's Desire was tatted in Flora #20 White and Coron #20 Pink. Sweet combination.
The second heart was in a DMC variegated red #20. 

Other than these, been so caught up at work and office moving coming up this week. AWFUL.

On another note, Aileen's (aka Wickedtats) celebrating her BD and she's having a speedy giveaway on her blog. She's so sweet to have such a lot of goodies for fellow crafters. Happy Birthday, Aileen!

02 March 2010


Some of my favourite things: teddy bears and shuttles. And the list goes on...

Ginger at Bearbits is having a Spring giveaway. It's a teddy bear named Blossom (pictured below). Ooh look at that face!

My Pop-A-Bobbin Tatting Shuttle made by 'im in the garage (Sally's DH) has arrived! Thank you, Jane, for sending it promptly. It's pretty. I can't wait to use it.

12 February 2010

An Awesome Giveaway

@kellymooreclark is giving away a bag! Check it out.

05 November 2009

Here it is... the Final One

Ok, I'm done with the little picture I wanted to send to my sister. I talked about only having one cup but this is the final version. It's probably a more balanced composition and the cup won't feel so lonely. LOL (Aiyah, but the colour is not turning out well... again.)

I must confess that I've been rather naughty... getting myself hooked lately to games on FB. I repent. I killed 3 games yesterday. :p Will get back to tatting, and my teddy bears are waiting...

Hey what are these gorgeous pumpkin earrings doing? Well, Elizabeth @ Elizabeth's tatted lace is giving them away to celebrate her 100th sale on etsy. So cool!
And Heather's birthday is coming up. She's having a birthday giveaway @ The Tarnished Tatter. Pictured here is one of the shuttles she's made for the lucky winner.

Happy Birthday, Heather!

Great mid-week.

22 October 2009

Giveaways and interesting stuff

Hi there. How's your week been? Busy busy?!

Was blog-hopping and I saw this gadget that not only caught my eye but is certainly a brilliant idea—a retractable crochet hook pen, invented by none other than the Ladyshuttlemaker. So cool! I know I love to lose my crochet hooks and this bright cheery coloured thing is not likely to get lost. (Hint ;))

Many of you may already know... Ladyshuttlemaker is having her Mondo Monday giveaway! This week, it's going to be a bead spinner. How interesting! I've not seen a real one... Hope I'm the lucky winner.

Peach Street Primitives is also having a giveaway for the 100th follower. How unique! And that's not all, it's going to be one of Jamie's own creations for halloween. Wow! So fun!

06 October 2009

Goody Giveaway!

Michelle Allen @Michelle My Belle is having a giveaway of treasure boxes. How fun and lovely these boxes are! C'mon over...

02 October 2009


Oh, here's another October giveaway at Yesterday's Glitter by Kelly. Check out the cutsie little cubcake!

30 September 2009


Edward and Lilly are having a giveaway—cute brooches in 3 designs and 4 colours. Go try your luck!

Ann at Creative Antiques is also having a giveaway—halloween Candy! Leave a comment of your halloween experiences and you might get lucky. (Sadly I haven't celebrated halloween.)

22 September 2009

Aileen's Wicked tats: Hallowversary Mystery Giveaway

'Allo 'allo... another promising giveaway to take note of: Hallowversary Mystery Giveaway at Aileen Wicked Tats! The drawing will be on Halloween (but I haven't had a chance to celebrate this before, Hmm, sounds good!), 31 Oct, and she's going to blog about the prizes from now. Make sure you pop over to join in the fun. Woohoo, I can't wait!

17 September 2009

A Charming Video & Giveaway for a Great Cause

I was visiting my creative friends' blogs and came upon A Charming Exchange by Ruth Rae. She collaborated with Kelly Snelling in a book entitled 'A Charming Exchange' and many of her jewellery creations are featured. There will be an auction of the pieces in October (National Breast Cancer Awareness Month) for a very good cause. Please read the short writeup which I took from her blog for more information.

(I just want to note that Ruth's given permission to quote from the blog.)

I wish them all the best.

"Check out this video that Johanna shot of Kristen and I in Kristen's studio. The project we created was based on one of many amazing collaborations from A Charming Exchange written by myself and Kelly Snelling. Stay tuned for more information on the wonderful auction which will take place in October benefiting breast cancer.

The necklace created by myself and Kristen (seen in the above video) will be a special give away; to enter the give away post about the Charming Exchange Breast Cancer Auction on your blog making sure to add a link that takes readers to www.acharmingexchange.com. Leave your link in the comment section on A Charming Exchange and good luck. The drawing will take place on October 30th.
Thank you so much for your support and feel free to copy and paste this post directly to your blog."

16 August 2009

The Great Wunderkammer Giveaway!

"A collection of curiosities discovered in dark and wonderous corners of Etsy"--this is the tagline of the very interesting blog where TotusMel recommends all her fabulous finds--from the simple to the most exotic and gothic. I found so many items that I fancy and had to try my luck. And the prizes... check them out.

15 August 2009

Olive Grove Primitives Giveaway!

Hear ye, hear ye. Another giveaway at Olive Grove Primitives... a Victorian shoe pin cushion with 5 handmade french style tags. Nice. Do pop over to join in the fun.

Well, at my end, I have just returned from a short well-deserved break. Was in Seoul and Jeju island with my lit'l sis. Will report it in my next post. Watch out for it. Seeya.

04 August 2009

1st Blog Giveaway at Cath's Pennies Design

Hehe... here's yet another blog giveaway—at Cath's Pennies Design. How exciting?! It's her blog's first! Pop over, quick!

I know I haven't been blogging much lately. My apologies. Am quite buried under a mountain of projects, daylight is only a short glimpse during which I travel from home to the office. Next thing I know, it's supper time. No TV, tatting or Coke. Trying very hard to keep my eyelids from falling... Oops!

P.S. Has anyone on blogspot encountered a problem adding pictures to your post? I can't even see the functions now... Strange. Now that explains why I haven't got pictures for the last few posts.

02 August 2009

July Giveaways at Enchanted Oddities

Yep, you got it right... July giveaways! Another exciting event to look forward to. Take a peek. There are 2 giveaways in fact: #1 is a handpainted and beaded bag with surprise goodies inside and #2 is a handsewned Gingerbread doll. Hurry over.