We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

~ Walt Disney

Showing posts with label award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label award. Show all posts

17 April 2009

Surprise: A Blog Award!

Ann Marie from Heart's Desire Jewelry surprised me with an award! In her message, she said I make her heart smile whenever she reads my blog. :) On her blog, she mentioned that she's following my 'multi-faceted creativity'. (Ann Marie, you make me blush...) Thank you! I'm honoured.

Not only did I get this award, I can pass it on. How cool!
There are rules to this award:

  1. The winner may put the logo on their blog.
  2. Put a link to the person who sent you the award.
  3. Nominate 10 blogs.
  4. Put a link to their blogs.
  5. Leave a message for your nominees.
And now, as the rule of the game stipulates... The following blogs put a smile on my face too (but I can only mention 10?), and in no particular order:
  1. Clyde The Mad Tatter - Clyde tats fabulous work (especially doilies) and needless to say, provides good eye candy.
  2. Yarnplayer - Marilee is very talented. I love her HDTs and patterns. And she's very friendly.
  3. Bella Sinclair Doodlespot - Bella illustrates SO WELL and she fascinates me with her drawings. The little children in her drawings are just SO CUTE!
  4. Lace-lovin' Librarian - Diane's blog is one of those which spurs me on; very down-to-earth.
  5. Tatting and not a lot else - Jane is a simply fantastic tatting designer! And she's so willing to share all the time. (Of course I understand she's not going to put this award up on her blog.)
  6. Tat's All She Wrote - Marty is a very prolific tatter. She's constantly sharing what she's tatted or come up with on her own.
  7. Tatting Tales ~ All Things Tatting (It's An Obsession) - Sherry does HDTs too and she's designed so many butterflies! She's multi-talented lady.
  8. TattingChic - TattingChic's blog is often complete with poems, songs and even little video clips, not to mention the photos that illustrates her tatting and other experiences. So interesting!
  9. Baggaley Bears - Vicki makes such adorable mini bears! I look forward to seeing more of the little darlings she creates.
  10. Jon's Pattern Pages - Jon is a very talented tatter too. Love her patterns.
Oh, is this all I can nominate? I've got more...

Have a good day!