We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

~ Walt Disney

Showing posts with label Flora thread. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flora thread. Show all posts

11 March 2014

Motif from a Japanese Tatting Book

Was again looking to tat a motif, and spotted this lovely motif in a Japanese title A New Approach to Tatting by Yusai Shokoin. Very sweet, and I added some seed beads for the fun of it. Not that fun adding beads, actually, because I find that if my concentration slipped even just for a bit, I missed putting in the required bead or two! ")

Tatted in Flora #20 Light Blue

14 February 2014

Love To My Valentines

A quick post to wish everyone in Tatland and all my other craft friends...
Heart of England by Rosemarie Peel, tatted in Flora #20 Variegated Red

16 January 2013

TIAS 2013

I'm in the 2013 TIAS organised by Jane Eborall. A quick glimpse of my progress so far...
The variegated thread is Flora #20 colour # 35.

Day 1

Day 2
You can find how every one of her participants are doing here, plus what they think the end product might be!