Hello. Please register to your left.
As you look at your schedule for April and decide whether you can fit in a visit to Days on the Lawn, I thought I'd tell you a little more about what happens that day.
Keep in mind that coming to Days on the Lawn is by no means required, but it can be helpful for students who haven't made their college choice yet.
We (the admission staff) will greet you on Central Grounds in the morning. After a quick hello from Dean Roberts, you'll hear from either President Teresa Sullivan or Executive Vice President Leonard Sandridge. A fourth year student will also offer some advice for incoming students. I have to admit that the student talk is usually my favorite part!
After this, you'll be off on the academic part of the day. Each school and college has an information session or faculty panel (some also offer a tour of their facilities). The students will break away to head to classes at some point. When you submit your registration for DOTL, you can go to a special page of classes that are available on your chosen day. The levels range from the lower level 1000 courses to more advanced 3000 level courses and there are courses open all over the academic map. When you show up at the registration table in the morning of your visit, you may have the option of picking a second class to attend, if spots are still open. Keep in mind that the options might be more limited.
Throughout the day, representatives from different offices will be available for questions. There's a resource fair in the South Meeting Room of Newcomb Hall (the student union) and the Financial Aid staff will have sessions on the hour (they are usually able to talk one-on-one with people, so feel free to bring some questions).
Different styles of residence halls will be open for tours as well. Last year, students were able to visit Brown College (a residential college), a traditional hall on McCormick Road, and a suite style hall on Alderman Road. These tours are a nice supplement to the pictures and floor plans of first year residence halls on the housing website.
The day ends with a student panel in Newcomb Hall. We usually have students from different graduation years and different academic programs on the panel, so a variety of student experiences are represented.
Any questions about Days on the Lawn?