Peabody is the building, Jack is the dog, and I'm Dean J (she/her, btw).

There are years of posts here. The search box works well, but please consider the age of the posts when you find them. The college admission process changes every year!

References to emailing updates to your application are from the years when we didn't have the current applicant portal. Please follow the instructions in your portal to submit all updates.

Welcome to the blog and thanks for reading!

Showing posts with label Rodman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rodman. Show all posts

Friday, February 07, 2025

Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars, Round 1

The Office of Admission reviews all applicants to the College of Arts & Sciences and the School of Engineering for a potential invitation to three scholars programs: Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars

The first round of invitations will go to students who applied during the Early Decision and Early Action rounds. An email with invitations from this first round is going out between 5:00 and 5:30 PM today and a short note is being added to portals. 

The second round of invitations will include students from all three rounds and will be posted after the conclusion of the Regular Decision process. Echols has a third round that takes place after the first year. 

About 5% of students in the College of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering are invited to join these programs. You can read more about them on their websites. In addition to showing exceptional academic records, scholars show a love of learning and an extraordinary commitment to academic pursuits beyond the classroom. We see this in transcripts, recommendations, essays, and activities. The review for the scholars programs is not driven by GPAs or test scores. 

Congratulations to our first group of scholars for the Class of 2029!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Second Round Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars Notfication

The second round of invitations for three of UVA's scholars programs went out on Monday afternoon by email and a short note was added to portals. All applicants to the College of Arts & Sciences and the School of Engineering were reviewed for a potential invitation to three scholars programs: Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars

Echols and Rodman add a few members through a third round that takes place after the first semester (you can self-nominate for that round). 

About 5% of students in the College of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering are invited to join these programs. You can read more about them on their websites. In addition to showing exceptional academic records, scholars show a love of learning and an extraordinary commitment to academic pursuits beyond the classroom. We see this in transcripts, recommendations, essays, and activities. The review for the scholars programs is not driven by GPAs or test scores. 

Congratulations to all!

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars Notifications

The Office of Admission reviews all applicants to the College of Arts & Sciences and the School of Engineering for a potential invitation to three scholars programs: Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars

The first round of invitations will go to students who applied during the Early Decision and Early Action rounds. An email with invitations from this first round is going out at 5 PM today and a short note is being added to portals. 

The second round of invitations will include students from all three rounds and will be posted after the conclusion of the Regular Decision process. Echols and Rodman have a third round that takes place after the first semester (you can self-nominate for that round). 

About 5% of students in the College of Arts and Sciences and School of Engineering are invited to join these programs. You can read more about them on their websites. In addition to showing exceptional academic records, scholars show a love of learning and an extraordinary commitment to academic pursuits beyond the classroom. We see this in transcripts, recommendations, essays, and activities. The review for the scholars programs is not driven by GPAs or test scores. 

Congratulations to our first group of scholars for the Class of 2028!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars Update!

The Office of Admission reviews all applicants to the College of Arts & Sciences and the School of Engineering for a potential invitation to three scholars programs: Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars

The first round of invitations went out to students who applied during the Early Decision and Early Action rounds. An email with invitations from a second round went out last night at 5 PM and a short note has been added to portals. The second round of invitations included students from all three rounds. Echols and Rodman have a third round that takes place after the first semester (you can self-nominate for that round). 

 About 5% of students in the College and School of Engineering are invited to join these programs. You can read more about them on their websites. In addition to showing exceptional academic records, scholars show a love of learning and an extraordinary commitment to academic pursuits beyond the classroom. We see this in transcripts, recommendations, essays, and activities. The review for the scholars programs is not driven by GPAs or test scores. Congratulations to our first group of scholars for the Class of 2027!

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars Notifications

The Office of Admission reviews all applicants to the College of Arts & Sciences and the School of Engineering for a potential invitation to three scholars programs: Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars

The first round of invitations will go to students who applied during the Early Decision and Early Action rounds. An email with invitations from this first round is going out at 5 PM today and a short note is being added to portals as well. 

The second round of invitations will include students from all three rounds and will be posted at the conclusion of the Regular Decision process. Echols and Rodman have a third round that takes place after the first semester (you can self-nominate for that round). 

About 5% of students in the College and School of Engineering are invited to join these programs. You can read more about them on their websites. In addition to showing exceptional academic records, scholars show a love of learning and an extraordinary commitment to academic pursuits beyond the classroom. We see this in transcripts, recommendations, essays, and activities. The review for the scholars programs is not driven by GPAs or test scores. 

Congratulations to our first group of scholars for the Class of 2027!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

#UVA Scholars Programs Notifications, Round 2

We have completed the second round of review for the Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars programs and notifications are in portals. The students we've added in this second round should also have an email from the director of their program in their inboxes. We'll mail a hardcopy tomorrow.

About 5% of students in the College and School of Engineering are invited to join these programs. Echols and Rodman have a third round that takes place after the first semester (you can self-nominate for that round). You can read more about these programs on their websites.

Congratulations to our second group of scholars for the Class of 2026!

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

UVA Scholars Programs Notifications

The Office of Admission reviews all applicants to the College of Arts & Sciences and the School of Engineering for a potential invitation to three scholars programs: Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars. 

The first round of invitations has been posted to applicant portals. A second round of invitations will be posted at the conclusion of the Regular Decision process. Echols and Rodman have a third round that takes place after the first semester (you can self-nominate for that round). 

About 5% of students in the College and School of Engineering are invited to join these programs. You can read more about them on their websites.

Congratulations to our first group of scholars for the Class of 2026!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The #UVA Scholars Programs (Don't Call Them Honors Colleges!)

We are working on getting a first round of invitations to our scholars programs out by the end of the month. Those invitations will initially come by email and a hard copy of the invitation letter will follow. Another round of students will be invited to join those programs at the end of our reading season. I thought I'd cover three of the biggest questions/concerns about the scholars programs here and link to each so those interested can explore the opportunities they provide.

1. UVa does not have separate honors colleges.

A lot of state universities have honors colleges. These colleges often have separate curricula, faculty, and resources. We don't have have this at UVA. We have four scholars programs: Echols, Rodman, College Science Scholars, and the Miller Arts Scholars

2. The application to UVA is the application to Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars.

We keep the first three scholars programs in mind when reviewing every application. There is no special application or way to designate interest in those programs. All applicants are automatically considered for them. The best way to show that you're scholars material is to have a stellar academic record and show intellectual curiosity and a willingness to go above and beyond presented subject matter in school.

3. You can join all four programs after you arrive, too.

All four scholars programs accept students once they complete some work at UVA. There is information about how they add students on their websites. Keep in mind that no first year will be an arts scholar. Miller Arts Scholars requires certain UVA coursework for applicants

I'm happy to answer your questions about these programs in the comments.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars Update

I'm popping in very quickly with an update about scholars notifications. Letters inviting a small number of students into the Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars programs will be mailed tomorrow. There will be another round of invitations sent out at the end of the Regular Decision review. If you are not invited to join as an incoming student, you can self-nominate to join once you are here (see each program's website for specific information).

Every applicant to the College of Arts and Sciences was automatically considered for the Echols and College Science Scholars program and every applicant to the School of Engineering was considered for Rodman. 

There is a fourth scholars program, Miller Arts Scholars. You can apply to be an Arts Scholar in your second semester. The selected group usually consists of students studying studio art, music, drama, and dance.

Back to reading...

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars

Invitations into the Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars programs are going in the mail today! Scholars get some nice perks during their time at U.Va. and you can read about them on each program's website.

Every applicant to the College of Arts and Sciences was automatically considered for the Echols and College Science Scholars program and every applicant to the School of Engineering was considered for Rodman. We will do another round of invitations during the Regular Decision process.

If you are not invited to join as an incoming student, you can self-nominate to join one you are here (see each program's website for specific information).

There is a fourth scholars program, Miller Arts Scholars. You can apply to be an Arts Scholar in your second semester. The selected group usually consists of students studying studio art, music, drama, and dance.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholar Notifications

This evening, we'll be sending an email to all of the admitted Early Action students who are invited to join our three scholars programs that have first year students. Echols and College Science Scholars are in the College of Arts and Sciences. Rodman Scholars are in the School of Engineering. There are a few of you who are going to be invited into Echols and CSS, which means you will get two emails. If you applied to the College or School of Engineering, you were considered for these programs.

These are not honors colleges. A lot of state universities have honors programs which are often colleges within the universities that have separate curricula, faculty, and resources. We don't have any honors programs at UVa. The entire curriculum is challenging. We have scholars programs for students who are intensely interested in exploring the curriculum in a way that having area requirements (our term for core curriculum) wouldn't necessarily allow.

You can't appeal the fact that you weren't selected, but you can try again next year. Each program has a process for joining after you get to UVa. There will be around round of offers after the Regular Decision notification.

The emails should all land by 8 PM tonight. If you haven't already done so, put in your address book so our emails to go to your junk folder.

Scholar or not, CavDog wants to play with you on the Lawn.

If you've been admitted to UVa, we hope you are very proud of yourself. If you also get invited into a scholars program, consider it a cherry on top of the sundae! Congratulations to all!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Scholars Notification Update

I'm reusing images I used during EA because I think they are funny. 

I like art.

Echols/Rodman/College Science Scholars
Invitations to the Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars programs will in your email inbox by 6 PM. Keep in mind that these are comparatively small programs. Rodman and CSS are especially small.

If you are not invited into the programs now, you can apply to join them during your first year at UVa.

Arts Scholars
Faculty members will name a few (I think 3-5 was the last number I saw) Arts Scholars per department. Notification for that will come in a week or two. I'll have an update on that soon. Check out the Arts Scholars page for more information.

Don't know what those are? Click the links to learn more about each program.

 Art is tasty.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Scholars Update!

I like art.

Forgive the late post! We have jumped into the regular decision review and I'm traveling for evening programs this week.  I have an update about scholars programs, but the statistics post might not come until tomorrow.

Echols/Rodman/College Science Scholars
Invitations to the Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars programs were mailed today. We will follow up with emails on Wednesday.  Keep in mind that these are comparatively small programs.  Rodman and CSS are especially small.

If you are not invited into the programs now, you can apply to join them during your first year at UVa.

Arts Scholars
Faculty members will name 3-5 Arts Scholars per department at the end of the regular decision process. Invitations should go out shortly after we post admission decisions.  Check out the Arts Scholars page for more information.

Don't know what those are? Click the links to learn more about each program.

 Art is tasty.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Scholars Notifications Released

Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars invitations were emailed last night. The email came from

For more information about these programs, click the links above. Also remember that if you are not invited into Echols or Rodman, you can apply to join them in your first semester.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Early Action Echols, Rodman, & College Science Scholars Invitations Coming on SUNDAY

Looks like the folks involved in the reviews for the scholars programs aren't going to be done today.  They just told me that they will be emailing invitations on Sunday evening.

The Arts Scholars are not finalized until the end of the Regular Decision process.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Unexpected update: Echols and Rodman emails coming this afternoon!

Here's an unexpected surprise!  The Echols and Rodman Scholars decisions are ready, so we're going to email those tonight instead of tomorrow.  They will be sent by 6 PM.

The College Science Scholars will get emails on Monday.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars notification

Spring has arrived! My favorite tree is in bloom.

The news keeps rolling in!  I have an update from the scholars programs for you today.

Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars invitations are set to be mailed early next week. Knowing that some of those invited will want to plan to attend Scholar's Day on the Lawn on Saturday, April 9th, we're going to email all scholars by Saturday afternoon so you have an early heads up. 

The email will come from or Each group is going out separately, so it's possible that a handful of you could get two emails if you happen to be invited into both Echols and College Science Scholars (this is not the norm, but it's possible).

For more information about these programs, click the links at the beginning of this entry. If you are not invited into Echols or Rodman at this time, you can apply to the programs during your second semester.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars update

Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars invitations are set to be mailed early next week. Knowing that some will want to plan to attend Scholar's Day on the Lawn on Saturday, April 10th, we're going to email abbreviated versions of the invitations letters.

About two hours after decisions are released, we'll start emailing the notifications. It's going to take a while, so bear with us. Each group is going out separately, so it's possible that a handful of you could get two emails if you happen to be invited into both Echols and College Science Scholars (not the norm, but it's possible).

The email will come from or You might want to add those to your email address book to lessen the chances of the emails going into your spam filter.

Decisions will not be given out over the phone. Remember, the official invitation is coming by mail. We are emailing a short note just to give those invited into the programs a heads up.

For more information about these programs, click the links at the beginning of this entry. Also remember that if you are not invited into Echols or Rodman, you can apply to join them in your first semester.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Scholar notifications update!

CavDog strikes a scholarly pose

It's a big news day here!

The notification plan for the three scholars groups (Echols, Rodman, and College Science Scholars) has come together. Our office will email notifications to those three groups on Friday night (I will give you a specific time later this week). Formal letters will be sent in the mail, but we want to get the information to you as soon as possible so you can plan a visit, if needed.

Of the five Days on The Lawn open houses, one is dedicated to those invited to the three scholars programs. Scholars Day, as we call it, will be Saturday, April 10th. Information about DOTL will be in your offer packets.

Remember, if you don't get into Echols or Rodman at this point, you can apply to join during your first semester. CSS doesn't have that option.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Rodman & College Science Scholars update!

I've been away from my desk most of the day, so I'm sorry for the very late update. The Rodman Scholars Program has begun to email students and the College Science Scholars letters will go into the mail on Monday.

Please understand that I don't know the method Rodman is using to email students. I don't know if they are sending batches of emails or contacting students one-by-one. I don't know the time they started or when they they will be done. As always, I will post updates as I get them.

Notification for these programs is sent early to allow students a little extra time to make travel plans to visit us for the Scholars Day on Saturday, April 4th. April is a difficult time to plan programs because of religious holidays (and we can't avoid every holy day, but we try to), so April 4th we deemed the best day for Scholars Day. We hope you'll be able to make it!