Peabody is the building, Jack is the dog, and I'm Dean J (she/her, btw).

There are years of posts here. The search box works well, but please consider the age of the posts when you find them. The college admission process changes every year!

References to emailing updates to your application are from the years when we didn't have the current applicant portal. Please follow the instructions in your portal to submit all updates.

Welcome to the blog and thanks for reading!

Showing posts with label NOVA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NOVA. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

UVA Admission Quotas for Northern Virginia

"Beyond our in-state to out-of-state ratio (2/3 of our students are Virginia residents), there are no restrictions, targets, or quotas regarding how many students we may take from a high school, town, county, or region."

I say this sentence during every information session, evening program, and high school visit. I've been at UVA for 11 years, so you can imagine how many times those words have come out of my mouth!

Rumors of regional quotas are pretty prevalent in my territory in Northern Virginia. My students in Fairfax, Arlington, and the continuous cities (cities are separate from counties in Virginia) are convinced that we have to balance out the class between the 95 counties and 38 independent cities in Virginia and that means it's easier to be admitted from the counties with smaller populations. Let's look at some of the most common things I hear and some data...

1. Only __ people are admitted from my high school each year.

Many conversations I see about admission quotas cite enrolled student numbers that have been confused with admission numbers. This is probably because many schools publish lists of college destinations for the graduating class and people count up the number of times a certain school is listed. What's missing is a discussion of yield. Yield is the percentage of admitted students who decide to matriculate at a school.

At UVA, we break down our admission and yield stats by residency. About 60% of the Virginians who get offers of admission wind up enrolling at UVA. When you see a certain number of seniors headed to Charlottesville, remember that there were probably some more who were offered the option, but turned it down to attend another school.

2. The students from my area are more qualified than students from other places.

The notion of "qualified" applicants is a little bit funny to me. Students have access to so much admission information between their counselors, data that we put out, and data that high schools collect that most of the people apply because they know they are qualified. 

In a selective admission process, academically qualified students get denied because the vast majority of the applicant pool is qualified. Those students aren't denied to make room for students who can't do the work. The applicant pool is full of people who are prepared and ready for UVA.

3. UVA doesn't like my school because last year's seniors didn't attend in high numbers.

This is a relatively new rumor and I hear it in different iterations. One student told me that someone  said that her brother turning down his offer from UVA and attending another school a few years ago was going to be held against her.

We don't hold grudges. Students say no to us every year. That's how this process works. Our feelings aren't hurt.

Okay, now let's look at some maps!

UVA Magazine published an awesome article about the Class of 2020 that includes a lot of admission data. My favorite part is the map area, where you can hover over a county (or state or country) and see how many students in the first-year class are from a particular area. If you hold the shift key and click on multiple areas, you can get a summary. 

Above, we saw that 3,720 students are in the Class of 2020. If I add up the counties/cities in Northern Virginia, I can see that 1,130 students are from the area. So, four counties and four cities are pretty well-represented in the class. So 2,590 students are from the other 91 counties and 34 cities that make up the Commonwealth.

Side note: Back in the day, I'd set aside a day or two for Loudoun County visits. These days, one of my colleagues covers Loudoun while I cover Fairfax, Arlington, and Alexandria. The number of Loudoun high schools has increased as the area has been developed!

You can see how the numbers increased in our student body on the map:

Keep in mind that when you see charts with admission data on them, you are seeing the results of an elaborate review process plotted using just a couple variables. Things like scattergrams don't tell you how we make decisions. 


 As always, I'm happy to chat with you via the comments!

Monday, October 07, 2013

On the Road in NOVA, Week 2

I'm back in northern Virginia for another week of school visits. If you're on the UVa mailing list and attend one of the schools on my itinerary, you already got an email about my visits. If you want to come see my presentation, you probably know how to sign up for it. At most schools, you have to log into Family Connections to get on the list with your Career Center Specialist.

Monday, October 7
Herndon High School
Potomac Falls High School
Academy of Science
Dominion High School

Tuesday, October 8
West Springfield High School
Hayfield Secondary School
Edison High School
R.E. Lee High School
George Marshall High School (evening program for Marshall families only)

Wednesday, October 9
Stone Bridge High School
Broad Run High School
Briar Woods High School
Park View High School

Thursday, October 10
Freedom High School
John Champe High School
Oakcrest School

Friday, October 11
Foxcroft School
Middleburg Academy
Wakefield School
Highland School

If you don't see your school on the list, you'll probably see me or another admission officer later in the month.

Monday, September 23, 2013

On the Road in NOVA, Week 1

It's time for me to bounce between Charlottesville and Northern Virginia like a ping pong ball. I'll be in Fairfax for two weeks and Loudoun for one week over the next month. Two other admission officers will be spending time in NOVA and I think we'll have someone in every public high school in Fairfax, Arlington, and Loudoun (and many of the private schools).

Our databases emailed every student from the schools on my list who are also on the UVa mailing list. If you aren't on our mailing list and want to come to the visit at your school, I'm sure you know to register with your Career Center.

Here's where I'll be this week:

Monday, September 23rd
Flint Hill School
Pope Paul VI
Centreville High School

Tuesday, September 24th
Woodson High School
Oakton High School
Fairfax High School
James Madison High School

Wednesday, September 25th
Annandale High School
Lake Braddock High School
Robinson Secondary School
Falls Church High School (Senior Night)

Thursday, September 26th
Langley High School
McLean High School
JEB Stuart High School
Falls Church High School

Friday, September 27th
George Mason High School
Chantilly High School
Westfield High School

Friday, March 11, 2011

The dreaded overlap season

Oh no!  It's the dreaded overlap season!

We are now entering the overlap season.  This is when we are still working with the applications of the seniors who applied for Fall 2011 admission, but are also starting to talk to juniors who will be applying for Fall 2012 admission.  Our information sessions now have two groups of students with different sorts of anxiousness.  One group is just starting the college search and is eager to figure out what colleges should be on their list and the other is waiting for us to finish our review so they can move forward with their decision making process. 

The juniors want to know what courses will best prepare them for UVa.
                                     The seniors want to know when we'll be done with application review.
The juniors want to know what study abroad programs we offer.
                                     The seniors want to know when we'll be done with application review.
The juniors want to know how easy it is to double major.
                                     The seniors want to know when we'll be done with application review.
The juniors want to see the dining hall, classrooms, and residence halls.
                                     The seniors want to know when we'll be done with application review.

Next week, I'll be working on the seniors' applications on the road so I can attend some mini-fairs and college nights at a few high schools in Northern Virginia.  If you're a long time reader of the blog, you know that I love my NOVA trips.  I've never made one at this time of year, though.  It'll be interesting to work with the seniors (via their applications, of course) by day at my hotel while talking to the juniors at their high schools at night.

Seniors, what advice do you want me to give the juniors about the college search and the application process?  What do you wish someone had told you at this point last year?  Or, what advice were you given that you think was especially good when you were starting your search?

Monday, October 18, 2010

NOVA, part 2

Here we go again!  I went to the Fair Oaks Mall college fair last night to surprise one of our newer staff members who was working that fair.  It's generally a bit of a mad house and I figured she could use the help.  With 3 admission officers and 8 alumni volunteers, we were still swamped for most of the night!  The questions were mostly basic (SAT scores "cut offs", GPA averages, quotas, grading scale changes), but every now and then, someone had a good one.  They were juniors, though.  By next year, they'll have more on their minds.

There was one adorable 8th grader there.  I'm usually quick to send students so young off to have fun, but he was so serious and had such good questions that I couldn't resist talking to him about admission.  Something tells me he'll be just fine when it's his turn to apply.

In case you're curious, here's my schedule for the week:

Monday, October 18
9:30 AM Stone Bridge High School
12:00 PM Broad Run High School
1:30 PM Briar Woods High School
2:30 PM Academy of Science (informal visit)
3:15 PM Dominion High School

Tuesday, October 19
7:30 AM South Lakes High School
9:30 AM Westfield High School
11:00 AM Chantilly High School
1:00 PM Centreville High School

Wednesday, October 20
8:00 AM South County Secondary School
10:00 AM Mount Vernon High School
11:15 AM West Potomac High School
1:45 PM West Springfield High School
7:00 PM Paul VI College Night

Thursday, October 21
9:30 AM Loudoun County High School
11:30 AM Tuscarora High School
1:30 PM Heritage High School
3:15 PM Loudoun Valley High School
6:00 PM STEM Program at Battlefield High School (PDF of the invitation)

Friday, October 22
8:00 AM Falls Church High School
10:00 AM Robinson Secondary School
12:00 PM Langley High School

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Travel preparations

Today was a preparation day for my week in northern Virginia.  First, I made a trip to the Greek diner that reminds me of where I grew up.  I bet some of you can guess where I'm from knowing that information.

Then came a trip to the office with the rental car to pick up materials to take on the road with me.  I think NOVA will be a three box trip.  I actually hope I'll bring home some materials since so many of the students I'll meet will already know the basics.  This is why I love my NOVA trips so much.  Most students ask questions that are a little pretty sophisticated.

Peabody Hall was very quiet, but I ran into one colleague who just got home from a trip. 

Good-bye Peabody Hall.  Good-bye Alexander Calder statue. 

Next up came a marathon fetch session with CavDog, who was cooped up for a few days because of some rain.  He was a happy dog when we were outside, but as soon as we came in and I started packing my suitcase, he was sulking.  As I wrote before, CavDog isn't a big fan of travel season.

Now it's time to sign off and start the two hour drive to my temporary home for the next week.  In case you missed it, here's my schedule of visits for the week:

Monday, October 4
9:30 AM Freedom High School
11:00 AM Park View High School
12:45 PM Herndon High School
2:30 PM Potomac Falls High School

Tuesday, October 5
8:30 AM Wakefield High School
10:00 AM Stuart High School
1:00 PM Annandale High School
7:00 PM Lake Braddock High School

Wednesday, October 6
8:00 AM James Madison High School
9:30 AM Oakton High School
11:00 AM Fairfax High School
1:30 PM Marshall High School

Thursday, October 7
8:30 AM Langley High School
10:00 AM McLean High School
11:30 AM Yorktown High School
1:30 PM Washington-Lee High School

Friday, October 8
8:15 AM Hayfield Secondary School
9:30 AM Lee High School
11:00 AM Edison High School
12:45 PM WT Woodson High School

I'll be back in the area in two weeks for another five days of visits.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Upcoming visits in Northern Virginia

It's almost NOVA time! I'm on my way to Northern Virginia for two weeks of high school visits in October. I've heard that some schools send rookie admission officers to NOVA as an initiation because of the notorious traffic and the advanced questions that get asked there. I personally love my time in northern Virginia, probably because I grew up in an area just like it. I enjoy being asked questions about topics that are far more interesting than SAT scores and deadlines. Hearing the current rumors that are getting passed around is interesting, too.

I'm so excited that I was able to work visits to most of the public schools in Arlington, Fairfax, and Alexandria into my schedule. If I am not coming to your school, it is due to my own scheduling conflicts or a visit being made by another staff member or at another point in the season.

With the exception of the STEM program at Battlefield (link opens a PDF invitation) and the College Night program at Paul VI, these visits are for students who attend each of the schools below. If your school is on my schedule and you'd like to come see me, you already know the drill. Your Career Center Specialists have probably made you aware of the sign up procedure you need to follow to get a pass.

So, here is where I'm headed:

Monday, October 4
9:30 AM Freedom High School
11:00 AM Park View High School
12:45 PM Herndon High School
2:30 PM Potomac Falls High School

Tuesday, October 5
8:30 AM Wakefield High School
10:00 AM Stuart High School
1:00 PM Annandale High School
7:00 PM Lake Braddock High School

Wednesday, October 6
8:00 AM James Madison High School
9:30 AM Oakton High School
11:00 AM Fairfax High School
1:30 PM Marshall High School

Thursday, October 7
8:30 AM Langley High School
10:00 AM McLean High School
11:30 AM Yorktown High School
1:30 PM Washington-Lee High School

Friday, October 8
8:15 AM Hayfield Secondary School
9:30 AM Lee High School
11:00 AM Edison High School
12:45 PM WT Woodson High School

Monday, October 18
9:30 AM Stone Bridge High School
12:00 PM Broad Run High School
1:30 PM Briar Woods High School
2:30 PM Academy of Science
3:15 PM Dominion High School

Tuesday, October 19
7:30 AM South Lakes High School
9:30 AM Westfield High School
11:00 AM Chantilly High School
1:00 PM Centreville High School

Wednesday, October 20
8:00 AM South County Secondary School
10:00 AM Mount Vernon High School
11:15 AM West Potomac High School
1:45 PM West Springfield High School
7:00 PM Paul VI College Night

Thursday, October 21
9:30 AM Loudoun County High School
11:30 AM Tuscarora High School
1:30 PM Heritage High School
3:15 PM Loudoun Valley High School
6:00 PM STEM Program at Battlefield High School (PDF of the invitation)

Friday, October 22
8:00 AM Falls Church High School
10:00 AM Robinson Secondary School

Please feel free to suggest options for a good, quick lunch if you're from a school I'll be hitting just before or just after lunch. Panera gets a little old after a while. :)

FYI, another admission officer will be at TC Williams for a fair on Tuesday, October 19 (7-9 PM) and I'll be at Woodgrove High School for College Night on Tuesday, November 16.

Friday, August 27, 2010

In a NOVA state of mind

Travel season is around the corner and I'm in the middle of planning my favorite trip of all.

I Love Northern Virginia

I grew up in an area very much like NOVA, so going there always makes me feel like I'm home. Our dean grew up there, so I'm not the only one in our office who likes visiting.

In past years, I've spent a week trying to get to as many schools in Fairfax, Loudoun, Alexandria, and Arlington as possible. I'm never able to get to them all. This year, I get to spend two working weeks (ten days) in the region. I decided to try to visit every public high school in the area and as many privates as I can fit in. I'm not sure I can do it even if every single school is able to fit me into their schedule, but I'm going to try!

So, if you live in northern Virginia, keep an eye on the blog in the coming weeks. I'll be posting my travel schedule when I get my itinerary worked out (most schools, from what I understand, are back in session next week and I'll start making appointments then). I can't wait to meet some of you on the road!

CavDog using a dog water fountain in Old Town Alexandria

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Another week on the road

My favorite trip of the year is around the corner. I'm headed to northern Virginia.

I've heard that some schools send rookie admission officers to NOVA as an initiation because of the notorious traffic and the advanced questions that get asked "up there". I personally love my time in northern Virginia. I enjoy being asked questions about topics that are far more interesting than SAT scores and deadlines. Hearing the current rumors that are getting passed around is interesting, too.

I'm going to post my schedule. Please understand that this year is a bit of a logistical challenge. Two of us used to split northern Virginia and each spend a week visiting schools. This year, I am trying to cover the entire region in one week. There is no way I can get to even half of the schools in Loudoun, Fairfax, Arlington, and the cities. The schools I'm visiting are just the ones I was able to fit into my schedule. I wish I could get to every school.

These appointments are for students who attend each of the schools below. Follow the procedure established by your Career Center if I'm visiting your school to make sure you have permission to attend.

Monday, October 26
8:30 AM Washington-Lee High School
10:05 AM Wakefield High School
1:30 PM Edison High School

Tuesday, October 27
7:25 AM WT Woodson High School
8:54 AM Fairfax High School
11:00 AM Robinson Secondary
12:45 PM Lake Braddock High School

Wednesday, October 28
9:00 AM South Lakes High School
11:00 AM Langley High School
12:00 PM Yorktown High School
1:15 PM McLean High School
7:00 PM STEM Program @ Langley High School

Thursday, October 29
8:45 AM Herndon High School
10:30 AM Park View High School
12:30 PM Briar Woods High School
2:15 PM Potomac Falls High School
3:15 PM Dominion High School

Friday, October 30
9:30 AM Freedom High School
11:00 AM Loudoun County High School
12:00 PM Heritage High School
3:15 PM Loudoun Valley High School

Unfortunately, the timing of my trip means I'm missing a huge tradition here on Grounds: the trick-or-treat on The Lawn. Each year, residents living on The Lawn host a trick-or-treat event for area children. CavDog turned into CavBee when he was still a puppy to take part in the festivities. Last year, he dressed up as a lion to prowl The Lawn for kissable children (a favorite past time of his). He has a costume lined up, too.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Getting ready to hit the road

I'm getting a late start with the travel season this year. We're cutting back on travel (again) and my trips will be limited. I'll be spending a week in northern Virginia and one week in New England with my friends from Hopkins and Northwestern. I'd like to do a STEM Program (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) in northern Virginia, but changes in policies up there have stymied our plans a little bit.

Next week, I'll post my specific travel plans. For now, check out the "UVa Visits You" page on our website. We have most of our evening programs scheduled and ready for RSVPs.

By the way, please RSVP for evening programs if a registration form is provided (we ask you to RSVP for our group programs, the ones we do with other schools). We report headcounts to the venues where the events take place and rooms are often set up to accommodate those numbers. Last year, it seemed that many people showed up without RSVPing, which overwhelmed meeting spaces and left many people without a place to sit during our presentations. Even if you only realize a day before the event that you can attend, you should fill out the RSVP form if there is one.