Showing posts with label kranji. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kranji. Show all posts

14 December 2009

Sketches of Kranji Industrial Park

These sketches are the results of last Saturday sketch walk with Drewscape, Seiji and Don Low. Katherine, Don's wife waited in the van and worked on her laptop while we were sketching.

First, the scrap yard - it is very surreal to see different parts of the car stacked on top of each other.

Next, one of the many forklifts next to a big pile of exhaust pipes.

This location with the huge concrete silos was an instant favourite.

Do you think these look like flamingos?

Results of SketchWalk on Dec 12

Here are my results for SketchWalk Dec 12, 2009. We all had fun, especially when Andrew would "sa" his van when he executed a corner. The back seat people would sway left and right like riding in a roller coaster. Thanks Drew for driving us around!!

The above 2 sketches was not done during but after the SketchWalk when Kat and myself were hanging out in Orchard. This was done in BurgerKing at WheelLock Place.

The following sketches were mostly done in Sungei Kadut Industrial areas.

Scrap metal yard.

Cement Factory.

Drew sketching.

Lunch!! What's left.

Kranji sketchwalk

Coffeeshop where we have fish head curry after the sketchwalk at kranji

Drewscape and Tia sketching

Don low and his funny hat;) sketching


Lotsa abandoned engines.. graveyard for them

Exhaust pipes which outlived their usefulness..

Frame of abandoned army vehicle from the license plate still attached to it

Long truck..

kranji factory sketchwalk

Tia, Don, Kat, Seiji and me explored the kranji factories. There were scrapped cars, engines, cranes and a road littered with splattered eggs fallen from a truck. Here are some sketches from this morning's sketchwalk. (ballpoint, ink and some photoshop colour adjustments)

12 December 2009

sketch walk at kranji industrial park

TIA joined Drewscape, Seiji and Don also of OIC members for a wonderful sketch walk this morning. We went to Kranji Industrial Park in Drewscape's van and we had one wonderful and fun roller coastal ride along the way when he made sudden right or left turn at almost every junctions. We also saw the most bizzard 'street art' on the tarmac road with fallen eggs in a triangular sunburst pattern.

We sketched at the scrap yard, concrete slabs production plant and another industrial plant with huge concrete silos structure. These sketchers are awesome and they are very, very good. They just could not stop sketching when we were having our yummy fish head curry lunch. They will post their sketches shortly. Here are some pictures of our adventure. I have yet to find time to scan my sketches.

091212_lunchsketch2 091212_getting ready
091212_on the trailer

091212_lunchsketch3 091212_sketching1
091212_eggs1 091212_eggs2