Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WIP. Show all posts

26 June 2012

Iraq ??

Yes, something new once again. Let's hope this gets finished.

My finished group of US soldiers. Three fireteams, one .50 sniper team, a TOW HMMWV, and an ambulance have been finished. The Bradley has been show before. The figures are Ceasar and Revell. Elhiem figures will be used to round out a platoon.

Three conversions to work on until I make that Elhiem order. Two Ceasar figures modified into CCTs and one Airfix conversion for Saddam's Army. 

10 April 2012

French Army Test Figures

Here's some of the Caesar figures for the French Army. I was really disappointed with all of these, except maybe for the sniper, which is an excellent pose. I added optics with copper wire to all the FAMAS rifles but didn't bother doing the whole FELIN thing. The CE camo was fun to paint but hard to get the hang of. 

Thanks for looking!

Winttrix Out.

01 February 2012


Here's the first update on the YPR 765 I bought from S&S Models. I sculpted some stowage with milliput and placed it around the vehicle. Then I added a few details like the shovel and camo tape on one side made out of tissue paper. Then I did the nets used to protect one of the most vulnerable part of the vehicle from one lucky RPG shot. 

I'll paint it tomorrow and post pics sometime after.