Showing posts with label Finnish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Finnish. Show all posts

18 April 2012

Finnish Platoon Orbat

This info is taken from many sources and my not be entirely accurate; if you want to suggest a revision please do so. I hope it is useful.

Maavoimat Infantry Platoon

Platoon HQ
1x Luutnantti (Lieutenant) with Glock 17
1x Assistant Platoon Leader with Rk 62/95
1x Radioman 
1x Combat Medic
1x Sniper with Sako TRG

3x Squad
A squad in the Finnish Army is made up of three fire and maneuver teams, know as taistelupari, or ‘combat pair.’
A taistelupari is comprised of two soldiers. Per squad there will be one taistelupari known as the ‘tank busters.’ They are armed with the 66 KES 88, which is a Finnish version of the M72 LAW. These tank busters approach within 150 meters of the enemy vehicle and then open fire, usually from hastily dug positions. 

Taistelupari No. 1
1x Alikersantti (Corporal) with Rk 62/95 with HK69 grenade launcher attachment. 
1x Rifleman with Rk 62/95.

Taistelupari No. 2
1x Rifleman with Rk 62/95
1x Support Gunner with PKM

Taistelupari No. 3
2x Tank busters with Rk 62/95 and M72 LAW

4x Patria Pasi or Patria AMV in Jäger units
4x CV90 or BMP-2 in mechanized units

17 March 2012

Finnish ISAF Conversion

Here's a conversion for a Finnish Army infantryman in Afghanistan. I swapped the gun and helmet on a Caesar plastic American, shaved off the details, and added new details with milliput. Then I painted it with Vallejo. It was interesting to paint the arid M/05 camo.