Showing posts with label Coalition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coalition. Show all posts

17 July 2012

SF Technical - "Truck" Fast Build Entry

That was fast!

I had all day so I went cracking when this Guild build theme was announced.

I already had been planning to do this so I had most of the bits ready. In the morning I built the roll bars out of steel and copper wire, swapped the ridiculous toy wheels for airfix ones, and mounted the machine gun. Later in the day I painted the guy (a total conversion of a Ceasar figure with an S&S head) and made the stowage. Then I undercoated and painted. At about ten at night I finished the painting and then based it. I just finished the flag and did the pictures. Sadly my camera is messed up and I had to use my mom's iPhone. I think the photos are terrible.

Thanks for looking

Winttrix Out

26 June 2012

Iraq ??

Yes, something new once again. Let's hope this gets finished.

My finished group of US soldiers. Three fireteams, one .50 sniper team, a TOW HMMWV, and an ambulance have been finished. The Bradley has been show before. The figures are Ceasar and Revell. Elhiem figures will be used to round out a platoon.

Three conversions to work on until I make that Elhiem order. Two Ceasar figures modified into CCTs and one Airfix conversion for Saddam's Army. 

18 June 2012

Recon in Nkizuna

The Republic of Nkizuna is a mineral rich, impoverished Central African nation in the 21st century. The year is 2016 and the populations of the west are resource hungry in a world with increasingly depleted resources. What was originally a race between the west, Russia, and China to grab onto remaining sources degenerated into armed conflict.
American, German, and Dutch forces are holding a thin defensive line between a Russian expeditionary force and the Nkizunan chromium mines. Refugees fled days before. Today a small contingent of US SOF and Dutch Kommandotroepen hold a defensive position on the edge of an urban slum. It is up to them to blunt the forward motion of Russian mech units until heavier support can arrive. They have air assets in the form of an AH-64.
The Russian mission is to probe the NATO lines. This is a recce unit, and it cannot withstand continuous fire. 

The initial set up.

NATO lies in wait.

Russians enter the table.

Hold your fire!

50. cal sniper provides overwatch.

Russians move slowly and carefully up the road. 

The battle begins.

Apache called in!

BTR is heavily damaged

Smokescreens deployed, 1st squad moves up in force.

RPG takes out the G-wagen

BTR no. 1 killed by a lucky .50 to the fuel tanks

Apache death-cam

More destruction.

One small group is flattened by a NATO airstrike.

The Ruskies return the favor.

RPGster holding the fort

Russians exfiltrate.

In all a minor victory for the Russians. They sustained roughly 1/3 of their force KIA, with one BTR destroyed and one other with heavy damage. The Dutch Kommando are all KIA/WIA and the Americans have two snipers killed by Russian artillery. 

The Russian commander was disappointed by the heavy casualties, but the purpose of the mission was to test how effective NATO forces would be against the T-90!

Winttrix Out.

24 April 2012

Challenger 2

Here's my Dragon Chally 2. I left off the dozer blade but I might attach it later. The commander is a HaT head with an original body, sculpted by yours truly. This was one of the best kits I've ever built in my life; everything fit just right. Also, it has excellent rubber tracks which are very easy to attach and yet appear to be link tracks. 

To paint this behemoth, I just sprayed it od green, then washed all over with black. I also used some of my homemade chalk pigments on the tracks, wheels, mudguards, and ERA. 

In the first picture, you might notice some grafitti... er... historical appreciation painted by a crewmember.

Winttrix Out!

10 April 2012

French Army Test Figures

Here's some of the Caesar figures for the French Army. I was really disappointed with all of these, except maybe for the sniper, which is an excellent pose. I added optics with copper wire to all the FAMAS rifles but didn't bother doing the whole FELIN thing. The CE camo was fun to paint but hard to get the hang of. 

Thanks for looking!

Winttrix Out.

02 February 2012

Marder IFV

Here's my Revell Marder 1A2 I did last month (forgot to take pics) for my Bundeswehr forces. It's out of the box except fot the commander sticking out of the hatch, a conversion of a Revell figure. Paints are Vallejo as usual.

German Panzergrenadiers will follow! 

YPR765 Completed

I finished my painting for this early this morning. Thanks Shaun!!

Dutch SOF Mercedes

Here's my Dutch Army Mercedes guntruck, from S&S models. It's an excellent little kit, and it was fun to work with white metal for the first time. 

Here's my reference photo: