Showing posts with label ranting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ranting. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

What other transportation do we have?

Mid of October, toll has gone up... What our lovely government said the increment is to encourage people to use public transport and ease the traffic jam. 

Now, public transport (train, bus and taxi) are going to increase... what would the government said this time? Let's use bicycle as we have build a nice bicycle track along the Klang River... LoL~ 

So now what would be our next alternate transportation for city of potholes? 
Could it be what you see in the picture...  

Why this could be an alternative transportation soon... cause in the country where you will find this type of transportation is that the other mean of public transport is NOT affordable...
Just guess how many people can fit into this small little car?

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hazy? Misty?... Are disaster and raining days coming?

How do you feel if you sit travel on the boat and you hardly can see where are you heading, no visibility like the picture...

Insecure due to cannot see things clearly in front?
Hopefully nothing bad will happen? 
Keep praying?
A lot of unknown... 

So this could describe what happen and how i felt after hearing the Budget 2016. What will be Malaysia future? How are we going to survive with the hazy government, spending like water yet telling everyone we have money constraint.... hardly can see plan to fix the Ringgit dropping... So what do you think? 

After the hazy day... once you can see, it might have been the raining and disaster days... So let's prepare ourselves and get ready for the disaster and raining day in ahead of us eh~ 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Expect the unexpected...

World changing faster and faster under this digital era... time will never wait for us to react.

For the past two months, things changes surrounding us and life will not be the same again. Just need to keep going and going like energizer rabbit~ Keep motivating ourselves to overcome the tough time.  We really don't know what will happen tomorrow.

Anyway, be strong and take good care of yourselves.

Stay tune with the India trip post eh~

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2nd last day of 2014...

Finally, the missing AirAsia #QZ8501 found. And confirmed the flight has dropped into the sea.

On the other hand, I'm waiting to board a flight to down south, Singapore. Couple of my friends were asking me am i afraid to travel with AA, I told them if time comes it comes... why so worry. After a few events of disasters happen in year 2014. It triggered me to settle all my unsettle stuff as soon as possible so that it will not burden my family members if anything happen to me when i travel.

As a project manager, I always do a thorough contingency plan for my project but when come to my personal matter, I didn't have any plan... Hmmm... so my 2015 resolution is to do a contingency plan on what if I caught in the aviation disaster or anything happen to me...

What should I do and what my family need to do to claim whatever belongs to them which left behind by me.

Okay, i better stop here and enjoy myself the last 2 days of 2014. For the family of the victim #QZ8501, please stay strong eh~

Let's pray together for #QZ8501... 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Penang Bridge International Marathon (PBIM) - Disappointed with Organizer

Previously... TZ and friend run on the bridge and gotten their medal. Rushing over to the bus stops to grab the shuttle back to Ferry terminal. But unfortunately, with the unorganized situation on the public transport (this is not day one issue in Malaysia when talk about Public Transport), most of the runners has stuck in the runner village. The bus was approaching and those aggressive runners have squeezed themselves to stay as close as the bus even though the bus is still moving...

Crowd out of control on bus - no one in charge
 Let's zoom in...

Aggressive crowd squeeze and touch the bus as bus still moving

It took TZ and friend to ask around and figure out how to know which bus going to where, guess what? by using the oldest method - ASK. yes can't you believe that an International even the bus that ferry people to three designated points has to ask the driver.... Reminds me of kids playing the game of asking...

"Driver Driver where is this bus going"
"Driver Driver where you want to take me to... "

After 1 hour of battle with the crowd and shouted with the driver, finally TZ and friend managed to hop into a bus which bring them to KOMTAR... And basically they need to be harsh and squeeze their way through. What a joke eh~

Squeeze into the bus
There are few improvement needed especially those safety issue with near missed
Participant Park their car anywhere
The organizer allowed the participant to park their car anywhere they liked that has slowed down the feeder bus to feed the participate in/out of the runner village. This has caused thousands participants not able to get to the runner village before flagged off.

Unorganized Feeder bus 
No one was assigned to orchestral the feeder bus even worst no signage on which bus went to which point. The participants have no choice but cloaked the road to ask the bus driver and some of them have no choice but pushed and squeezed into the crowd just to get into the bus. Luckily no one was under the wheel of the buses. (Extremely unsafe - BIG SAFETY ISSUE)

Timing Chip detector was not functioning
At the U-turn of 10km run, the timing chip detector was not functioning as expected due to too many participants. Not sure the detector has captured TZ's timing or not. YET to know. This has caused the runner stopped at the U-turn waiting to be detected.

Finish Line was a mess
Plenty of people standing at the finishing line to selfie, chit chatting, looking around for their friends. The participants were not able to run the last 100m to finish their run. There was no usher to control the crowd and the finishing line was not proper fenced to prevent those people whom already finished standing there to take pictures.

This is the worst marathon i haven't been, I thought WE RUN KL 2012 was bad but this is even worst, with lots of safety issues and lack of control on the crowd. Sigh~

Monday, October 20, 2014

Exam is coming to town

You better watch out, you better get prepared,
cause exam is coming to town.

Yup~ My MBA exam is coming to town. On the way from Australia... ;-) This semester examination schedule was a disaster. 2 exams are scheduled in a same day. 5.5 hours of exam in total~

Maybe because of my Project Manager - professional instinct, I have given the coordinate an heads-up that we have to plan the examination schedule upfront as the examination actually dropped on Diwali timeframe. Unfortunately no one bother to take into the consideration of this clash.

Few weeks back, the challenge has arose and for those whom celebrates Diwali found difficulty to have the exam especially Diwali eve. They started to panic and requested the coordinate to change the timing... too bad it's too late~

No more ranting and talking...

Let's get to work and prepare for EXAM eh~ 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Will Metropolitan Kuala Lumpur become city of NO WATER?

In this hot and dry season, what is the scarcity resources... Yes! it's water...

Picture adapted from signoftherose
Rain in a tropical country is a normal event but recently mother nature stop dropping the water and we have not getting any rain for the past few weeks. The water level in the reservoirs are dropping tremendously. I was worry about no water in City of Kuala Lumpur a.k.a city of potholes but today my worry came true... That's was NO WATER in my condo unit as i tried to wash my hand. Not a single drop of water...

Our lovely government has done a very BAD job in this disaster. They did not announce their plan earlier or should i say they don't have the plan upfront until the water level in the reservoirs drop to the danger level... Now, to conserve as much water as possible for future, they have no choice but stopped the supply of water immediately. Not sure who is the adviser, consulted our lovely government to stop when they think it's critical to stop. I bet many of us would have been shouted at the lovely government for not giving early notice for us to keep some water.

As my FB friend said, " This is another project of Barison National (BN)"  If you hope our lovely government will help us... "slow slow wait"
So, now what should we do?
  1. Pray for the mother nature to drop the rain again. 
  2. Learn the rain dance from the native to entertain the god and make them delight to give us some rain
  3. Shower in the gym... now need to know which outlet has water and which outlet got impacted. (Anyone can help?)
  4. Contact friend to look at whether can pop over to their house to do whatever needed.
Any of you have any better idea?

I got another name for our lovely city, Kuala Lumpur... City of NO WATER... muhahaha...    

Monday, September 9, 2013

Is Monday really BLUE?

I never think Monday is BLUE even though i went through the tough time. But today is Monday... I felt the BLUE~

Price on Good and Services Hike up 
After our lovely government announced 20 cents petrol price increase, all our goods and services also climbing up the ladder. And our saving is getting smaller and smaller... Sigh~
Is there a way to beat this to retain the saving?

Ringgit Devalued
The Ringgit is getting weaker and weaker day by day... meaning we are having pay cut compare to our fellow friends in Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia. It will come to a point an senior executive will earn less than a fresh graduate in Singapore. Sad case eh~
Any action plan to protect my salary being devalued?

Uncertainty on the current job
Change is constant no doubt but change is getting rapidly and things just get more and more unstable. So i think this is more stressful than having some issue in your job.
Maybe should think about switching to other country...

Investment for EPF individually got CUT again
The lovely government has revised their rules on the EPF individual investment via Unit Trust. This has brought down some full time Unit Trust agent's salary... overall we no longer able to get more fund for our individual investment. This will be just depends on our lovely government on how they wanna use the fund. Another Sad case~
We really have no other alternative but depends on the lovely government~ Big SIGH~

So, what should we do as a Malaysian?

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Standstill in Moving...

How do you feel if you are standing in the middle of all changing moment... imagine you are the one whom standstill in the middle while the rest of the surrounding is moving.

Do you feel lost and helpless?
Do you feel giddy and want to throw out?
Do you feel being pressure and kind of don't know what to do?
Do you feel happy that you could standstill while the rest of the surrounding are moving?

Now take some time to imagine the moment... You are in the middle of all the fast moving traffic... No one will bother you but just avoiding you... 
How do you feel?

Monday, September 2, 2013

RON95 increase 20cents in Malaysia

Our lovely Prime Minister has announced an increase of 20 cents/liter for Diesel and RON95 effective September 3rd 2013 00:00.

A lot of people just thinks that it's affordable as it's only increase 20 cents/ liter. Base on the past history whenever the petrol price jerk up... the repercussion is the rest of the goods and services will increase too. So if you think it's just a 20 cents up only? You are super wrong... wait and see more to come.

Look at how the 20 cents impact to THE RAKYAT immediately...

Most of the people trying to queue to fill up the petrol... but unfortunately there were small amount of people just filling up RM10. So how much can they save? Moreover, they have jammed up the whole place. Dear lovely PM, can you see how suffer some of the people whom felt the pinch even though it's only 20cents increase...

For my case, my tank was already below 1/2 tank and i have pumped RM40 to make it full. It cost around RM90 to get the whole tank filled if the tank is empty. So, estimated saving was around RM4. Not even a Char Keow Tiao in Kuala Lumpur. Sad case eh~

Thanks to those who voted the Rakyat Didahulukan and Janji Ditepati Party... Just to see when the Karma will strike... Good Luck~

Friday, July 26, 2013

Citibank VIP lane @ Cathay Cineleisure, e@Curve

I'm holding the Citibank Credit Card which claimed that you could bypass the queue and straight into their VIP priority lane. On July 6th 2013, around 6:04pm, I was approaching the counter and tried to buy the ticket. The ticket counter assistant asked me to queue up with rest of the people to get the ticket.

I was not very happy as i didn't get what Citibank has claimed to have the priority on getting the movie ticket. I asked the person... Guess what? the answer was "The Citibank VIP lane can only be used on FRIDAY" listen carefully ONLY FRIDAY... normal day you don't have such priority...

counter close for Citibank VIP lane

Has this VIP lane setup to serve its customer only on FRIDAY?

Saturday, July 13, 2013

McD Happy Meal + Minions : Keep Calm It's only a plastic toys...

Are you calm enough to talk about Minions?
Is it only a plastic toys? For kids maybe it's only a plastic toys but for the collectors and people whom try to make profit out of this event. This is NOT just a plastic toys. What do you think?

I know my friends have wake up early to have McD breakfast and at the same time follow friend to get the Minions. This is what he took the picture and posted in the facebook. Is it worth to day that?

6 sets of Happy Meal - pic adapted from my FB friend
Another friend of mine posted the picture of people using trolley to transport the happy meal because it's too many for them to carry. This is ridiculous as how the person can finish all those happy meal. How many happy meal can you eat?

Amazingly crazy - Photo adapted from FB sharing,

Now, what do you think about the person who has full trolley of Happy Meal, what are they going to do with the food and why they need to purchase so many set. According to a reader of my blog, his colleague has bought 40 sets of Happy Meal and plan to sell those free minions on e-Bay. My question now is how about the 40 sets of happy meal? Throw?

The McD minions has made a hooha which people queue up to get the happy meal. People just take the toy and throw away the Happy Meal. Some even proudly announce in FB that they will throw away the Happy Meal once they gotten the cute little minions. Is this right way to do?

No doubt McD has made its profit via the Happy Meal sales... but as this strong communities involvement company like McD. They has triggered and encouraged people to throw away a happy meal in exchange of a small little Minions. I'm very disappointed to see McD allows their customer to throwaway the food into the dustbin which the other side of the world, many people is struggling, starving and craving for a nice, warm and filling meal.

Whoever whom has thrown away the Happy Meal for the minions or other happy meal toys. Do reflect your action as Karma will horn and strike you one day.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Missing Rack in locker

Sometime i don't understand why people could afford RM200+ per month gym membership yet steal the clothing rack from the gym locker. Maybe this people like to steal or they have some stealing disease...

Did you see one of the rack is missing?
This is why the Fitness First Platinum club in Malaysia does not offer the gym workout pants and T-shirt, moreover we need to return our towel in the counter in exchange of our membership card. Guess what? Fitness First Platinum club in Singapore offers the workout pants and T-shirt... after the member finished using the attire, they just dropped it in the laundry bin on their way out from the locker room.

There was one time in The Curve, i saw one aunty just holding the small towel and left the gym... hey come on aunty~ you have paid RM200+ for gym membership, don't tell me you could not even afford to purchase a towel from the shop. What a joke eh~

So what do you think?

Monday, July 1, 2013

Jonker Street Night Market

Week before I visited Malacca
First is Sultan Street in Kuala Lumpur... Now Jonker Street in Malacca. What next? Terengganu ChinaTown? or Johor Bahru oldest temple? Could you please respect the culture and heritage... This group of people whom made the decision can be categories as no culture, barbarian and uncivilized... Don't you know how to appreciate and respect the diversity.  

What is our lovely government thinking? Jonker walking street on Friday, Saturday are one of the main attraction for tourist from around the world to visit this walking street. It has brought a big profit to the state as it's one of the biggest walking street in Malaysia. Why killed it?

Lovely Malacca government gave a lame excuse of by shutting down the walking street it will help to ease the traffic... hey how much traffic can you ease the street is so narrow and can only let one car cross at one time. Moreover the government used how many millions to build the big highway and bridge to connect the  old town with the other side. So i suspect must be having some hidden agenda...

Anyway, it's sad to see this attractive street die down at night and what to do in Malacca at night for a weekend escape without the walking street... Sigh~

Last weekend @ Jonker Street - Business as usual

But there is no official statement saying the street will NOT re-open for traffic on Friday, Saturday. So what would be the fate of the Jonker Street Night Market. Yet to know...

Monday, June 24, 2013

Haze in Kuala Lumpur (June 24th 2013)

After Malaysian famous blackout magic to make something appear from nowhere... Now, there is another magic to make the world famous icon Petronas Twin Tower disappeared...

Now you see it, now you don't...

Sunday Morning (June 23rd 2013)
Monday Morning (June 24th 2013)

Our lovely government has declared no school day on Monday i.e. today. Why can't they just do something to stop the situation? Are they not capable?

Dear PM, this is what you can do?
  1. Declare all school close for a day
  2. Declare State of emergency for those place API higher than 500
  3. Do cloud seeding and hope for rain.
If this is what you can do, i think everyone in Malaysia would have the capability to become PM... maybe they could do better than this... Our lovely PM, can you represent the nation to solve the root cause not just provide us this lousy temporary solution? Super disappointed!!! Maybe this is the different between self appointed leader and highly elected leader from the nation.

Looking at Singapore our neighbor, their DOE minister went over to Jakarta to discuss on resolution... their PM talked in the national TV and discuss the plan to get this haze resolve... but our lovely country DOE and PM. No Sight!!!... just report out the API and advice the nation. Drink more water eh~, wear masks eh~, collect masks from hospital eh~, don't eat heaty food eh~  and don't exercise outdoor eh~ etc... 

How long do you think this solution can last? Please do something on the root cause not just temporary solutions... START the parliament session and discuss how to get the HAZE issue resolved LAH~

Thursday, June 13, 2013

TZ @ ambiguous period...

Reorganization, Restructuring, Re-mapping resources... are very common terminology in Multinational Companies. The more the workforce turns into global, the more political issues arose.  Due to the saving storm, most of the companies will keep restructuring and reorganizing until they reach the target or stay within the cost.

Guess what? I'm going to report to a different manager again after the restructuring of my team. Hurray~ This will be my 4th boss within 2.5 years with the company. Is it good or bad to me? Hmm... I think good is we get to have fresh start whenever there is a change but... Bad is obviously we need to re-adjust ourselves to new expectation from different boss. Style change again eh~. Sigh!

Anyway, whenever there is a restructuring/reorganizing... there will be an ambiguous period within the team. Lots of rumors are wondering around too. This colleague is going to resign, that colleague is looking for a better position outside the team (i.e. internal transfer). blah blah blah... So how true is that?

TZ is in the ambiguous period as he forced to leave the good manager whom he is reporting and could easily work well with . Now he has to start all over again to work out the expectation with the new boss... Good or bad?
when to say; where to start; what to expect; how to action; why?
LoL... this no longer on figuring where to visit shown in the picture above. It is the period on getting the 4W and 1H answered and plan out the right career path... :p

Friday, February 8, 2013

Question Question Question

Ladies and Gentlement,
Have you gotten the answer to all the Chinese New Years Questions?

For Single,
1. Do you have a girlfriends / boyfriends already?
2. When are you getting marry?
3. This year last Angpau already hor
4. I have a friend daughter / son is very nice... want me to introduce or not
5. this is the email, you go contact la
6. During social event, you got pull to introduce to the lady or guy... all aunties talk talk and talk

For marry and no children,
1. When are you going to have children?
2. You must get at least one next year, no need to give angpau only. Can take also...
3. You parent is looking forward for grandchildren, when ler?

So are you ready for those questions from tomorrow onwards...

adapted from

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Reflecting... Repackage... Relaunch...

I was chatting in FB with a friend of mine whom i haven't been meeting him quite sometime due to my busy traveling schedule.

Friend : ooo Birthday Boy!!
Me : Not yet...
Friend : How old will u be ar?
Me : 3x
Friend : wait a minute. U r almost the same age as me?

blah blah blah... 

Friend : becoming age conscious are you?
Me : Nope
Friend : Age gracefully. Be thankful u live so long.

Then he started to tell me one incident which his friend die in a sudden cause heart attack. "So don't be negative be happy"

Think about it, i just have a few more hours to finish what i suppose to finish with my age now. I will carry a new age number few hours from now. Guess what? I will have a new launch of myself in a new packaging... A new me to move forward to achieve more and to be loved more.

People might see me whom have a successful career, a stable income, a going to "hot body", a good and enjoyable life. But deep inside me i feel like i have nothing. Maybe i have set myself too high expectation/goal.

First and foremost, i have to let go some of the burdens which hinder me to move forward, something which is deep inside me for so long... a less confident of me since i left a great company on 2008. I have went through up and down, experienced standing on the top of my life as well as down to the valley... but i still searching back the ME which would be able to self motivate and of cause pulled myself back up again. Today i don't see that ME again for past few years. It has to be put to STOP.

Let me use this few remaining hours to figure out how i should go...

Monday, January 21, 2013


Is TRUST very important in our day to day life?
Do you TRUST him? Do you TRUST her? Do you TRUST... ? do you... 

I'm always telling all the people I knew proudly on how i handle TRUST. I might be a few of the people whom grant the full TRUST to my fellow NEW friends and colleagues/bosses without asking them to earn the TRUST from me. But of cause, they have to make sure they know how to maintain the TRUST well... The moment i lose the TRUST on the person, it will be the end of the relationship or it might have given another chance to build back but it definitely takes a longer time to heal...

There was an incident that i abandoned the friendship because of the person bleach the TRUST... the person thought that TRUST is so easy to get from me. So, the person did not value the TRUST. I was a bit sad but for me once the TRUST broken, depends whether i wanted to make the effort to amend the broken TRUST by giving the other party another chance or just left it and walked away.

So do you like to have the granted TRUST or earned TRUST? Which is your preference?

Hey, i got this nice statement from the internet which i think it's a good things to remember when we talked about TRUST...

Do you agree?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

You think too much

Few more days, there will be another digit increase in my AGE... sad right? Every year during this period i will look back of how things going for me for the past one year in term of my personal life and career... I think year 2012 was not a good year for me. I didn't see much progress, moreover i think it's backward... Sigh~ 

Frankly speaking i might have lost in the middle of somewhere where no one could be able to lend a hand... maybe you could lend a hand by offering / introduce a job for me at the job market i wanted to...Anywhere, this is the first month of year 2013 and i'm a bit of struggling on putting myself together to decide how i would proceed with my career and personal life. 

I was hoping to jump into another job market which bring me higher income but with so many attempts i was a bit disappointed. But no matter how, I still keep on trying and trying and trying ... like the Energizer Rabbit... Maybe it's the rabbit that has gave me the power to continue on searching... :p
No an easy search as it has to align with my career... you know i'm no longer young :p

Sometime i think i just take things too seriously which stress myself out and others people surrounding me. I handled so many tough situation years over years in the corporate world, i could manage them well and get those resolved within the budget and time. Got lots of recognition from my fellow colleagues and bosses. Now if you talk about the situation outside the office... This is a tough challenge. For those work related stuff... i could just make the decision without looking at the feeling side. But when come to stuff outside work... this is where the feeling chip in. This is where my challenge is... the more i have invested the feeling, the tougher i could handle the situation well. Maybe it's me... I THINK TOO MUCH, am I?

Anyway, i'm trying to learn to balance it but i still need a lot of support from people surrounding me to help me to get there.